Bright Era

Chapter 2186: The eternal ‘observer’? (4)

With a bitter smile, Dark Blood turned his head to look at Lin Qi with difficulty: "Soglaa, I admit your identity! We also know that you are a profit-seeking villain! If we allow you to take away everything here Things, if you help us find someone, can you help us eliminate this **** metal puppet?"

Lin Qi's eyes flickered, he glanced at Dark Blood coldly, and said calmly, "I don't trust you!"

Dark Blood quickly said: "We can swear the soul oath! We are not the thousand-eyed mirage of the phoenix goddess. Our Darkblood clan takes the soul oath very seriously, because once we violate the oath, we will immediately The soul disintegrated and the body collapsed."

With a ‘call’, the metal puppet gave Dark Blood a punch like lightning. Dark Blood focused all his attention on this weird metal puppet. His figure flickered, and he quickly avoided the metal puppet’s attack, and then took a deep breath: "We only need to take one person away. , Aren’t you satisfied? Sogla, if you know the existence of our dark blood clan, you should know how much we pay attention to soul vows!"

The five Darkblood clansmen were forced into embarrassment by the metal puppet, and they screamed and fled under the attack of the metal puppet. Lin Qi looked at the five Netherblood clansmen who were jumping and sprinting, and couldn't help but sneered-if Dark Blood and the others jointly attacked Lin Qi, even Lin Qi would feel a headache, at least he didn't kill them very well. The guy's method, the chance of that long needle attacking twice has been used by Lin Qi.

But by nature, one thing restrains one thing, and this metal puppet's Wanxie Blood Flame, which is not a substantial threat to Lin Qi, can actually force Dark Blood to flee everywhere in such embarrassment! Lin Qi couldn't help but feel happy as he looked at Dark Blood and others yelling and running around.

"I can help you, but who are you?" After a moment of indulgence, Lin Qi waved his hands, and a fist print was ejected from his hand. The pale yellow fist imprints of pure earth elements slammed heavily on the metal puppet, smashing him abruptly hundreds of meters away, and it took him to get up from the ground embarrassedly for a while.

Dark Blood glanced at Lin Qi, and he said solemnly: "We are observers of the'hermit alliance', eternal observers. Our task is to observe every move of human beings and use our own power to guide someone. These forces are launching a war of revenge against mankind!"

"The Hermit League?" Lin Qi smirked: "This name sounds good? Is it true?"

Lin Qi blasted out with another fist mark, and before the metal puppet's punch hit Dark Blood, he deflected the metal puppet's arm. Dark blood escaped dangerously and dangerously from the heavy fist of the metal puppet. One of his embarrassed flashes moved out of ten miles, and then he casually made a soul oath: "No, no, no, at the beginning of the establishment, we were originally I want to be called the Avengers! But the name of this alliance is too specific. We are afraid of being noticed by humans, so we changed our name to the Hermit League!"

He took a deep breath, waved his hand to the metal puppet and slashed a blood knife that had no substantive offensive significance. Dark Blood dodged a few steps behind Lin Qi: "The only purpose of our existence is that we will never be discovered by outsiders. Traces of existence. Even if we occasionally show up, we will never reveal our origins. We are hidden in the dark, carefully peeking at all available opportunities..."

Lin Qi turned his head and glanced at Dark Blood: "Huh? Never reveal your origins?"

Dark Blood laughed'Hey', he stared at Lin Qi deeply, and said in a low voice: "In extremely rare cases, we will reveal our identity and expose the traces of our existence. But those who know our existence , Or become our companions, for example, Yaoguang Tianmai has become our peripheral members, and some others have been cleaned out."

The five Darkblood clansmen all hid behind Lin Qi, and the metal puppet roared towards Lin Qi. Lin Qi impatiently threw out a few high-level god-level skeleton soldiers made of god's spirit bones, making them fight head-on with this metal puppet without any intelligence. More than a dozen inhuman beings stood in place and bombarded each other crazily, and the dull loud noise shook the secret library faintly.

Turning to look at the dumbfounded Dark Blood and others, Lin Qi smiled strangely: "I am Soglaa, so of course I must have something at the bottom of the box. Just a few high-level god-level skeleton soldiers. And their spiritual intelligence is very weak, just like a five or six-year-old child, it is not worth all the fuss."

Dark Blood spread his hands, and he looked at Lin Qi feverishly: "Perhaps, you would like to be one of us? We are not only the members of the Dark Blood clan, but there are many other extraordinary races! Say, you should know the silicon crystal tribe that was born when the universe was born?"

With a mysterious look, he walked in front of Lin Qi, his blood pressure was low, and he said word by word: "The silicon crystal tribe with monotonous power attributes and unconcealable defects in their bodies are far inferior to the legendary sky. The Crystal Clan! The Celestial Crystal Clan that can perfectly control the power of the crystal and possesses the strongest defense power is also our companion, how about?"

Lin Qi's heart trembled, and he stared at Dark Blood. The Sky Crystals were also their gang members? In the Hermit League, Lin Qi was suddenly interested in this strange organization. But Lin Qi had no interest in joining this weird organization. Who knows the structure and personnel of this organization? Lin Qi didn't want to crash into it, but encountered a group of old monsters who hadn't died for ten thousand years. That was really self-inflicted.

This is different from the church and the governing society. Whether it is the church or the governing society, Lin Qi knows that they are a little bit virtual and real, knowing that there will be no too much danger in joining them. But this Hermit Alliance, the Celestial Crystals and the Dark Blood have all emerged, who knows what weird and messy Primordial aliens will emerge? Lin Qi knew that in those ancient civilizations that were annihilated by humans, there were many powerful races, and their strength was extremely terrifying.

Even some of the terrifying races that dominate most of the powers of the laws in a certain universe, their descendants will be able to have the power of the peak of the royal king level as soon as they are born! This kind of race has almost exclusively enjoyed all the resources of the entire universe, and the human beings who have passed through the great destruction of the universe and came to the new universe have also paid an extremely huge price in order to annihilate such a race!

At least Lin Qi learned from Hell that he once personally participated in 17 colonial wars against such a powerful indigenous population. With the power that he possessed during the peak period of hell, all the powers of the Emperor of the Underworld had the opportunity to fall, and the great figures of the Emperor of the humanity also lost hundreds of people, which completely flattened those extremely powerful populations!

If there is such a terrifying ethnic descendant in the Hermit Alliance, not many, as long as one, as long as one can eat the present Lin Qi. Regardless of Lin Qi's various calculations and all kinds of tricks, facing the weakest and the peak of the Royal King class, people can kill Lin Qi in one breath. Who cares about your calculations and tricks?

With a dry laugh, Lin Qi licked his lips: "Your strength is very powerful?"

Dark Blood stared at Lin Qi firmly and nodded very surely: "Extremely powerful, Lord Sogla! We are a powerful, concerted, and united alliance. The meaning of our existence is to witness human beings with our own eyes. Extinction! To be honest, this terrible race of mankind is the cancer of the entire universe. We must eradicate them, completely eradicate them!"

Taking a deep breath, Dark Blood raised a finger: "But it is undeniable that mankind is too terrible, too powerful, and the development potential that mankind has is simply desperate! So the Hermit League, we Just hiding in the dark, we quietly observe the actions of human beings and pay attention to the actions of these weak populations who call themselves gods. We quietly'observe everything', so we are all eternal observers. We seldom personally observe everything. Take action because we cherish our lives so much."

I cherish my life very much. In other words, it is timid and afraid of death. Lin Qi laughed'hehe', and nodded towards the dark blood with a grin: "I understand! I will consider your invitation carefully! Of course, I don't have any good feelings for humans, but I want us. ...Join you! We need more!"

Dark Blood keenly noticed the word ‘us’ that Lin Qi called. Reminiscent of the aura of a large number of undead gods he felt on the northern mountaintop, Dark Blood suddenly smiled with satisfaction: "Of course, we will pay enough to satisfy you! Dear Mr. Sogla, please trust us. Strength, I believe in our sincerity. For us, all existences that are enemies of mankind are our friends."

After a slight pause, Dark Blood nodded to Lin Qi earnestly: "But only the most elite small group of people can become our companions!"

Lin Qi sneered and grinned, "Is the Yaoguang goddess an elite?"

Dark Blood's face changed for a while, and he was silent for a long time before he smiled bitterly: "Of course, this is just a small accident. But there are many things, you know, not completely according to our ideas. achieve."

Lin Qi squinted at the dark blood with a bitter expression, and said in a gloomy tone: "I killed your two clansmen and two... the beasts for you to drive away!"

Dark Blood stretched out his hands helplessly: "They are dead, aren't they? We pay attention to practical interests. We feel heartache for the lost people, but we are happy for the newly joined'strong and powerful' partners! The only condition is that in the future you can show support for certain decisions of our Dark Blood clan!"

Lin Qi opened his eyes curiously: "Well, you are not monolithic?"

Dark Blood smiled awkwardly. He was about to speak when a loud noise suddenly came from there. A skeleton soldier made from the bones of the gods of the multi-armed Secret Demon family has already ripped off the metal puppet's breastplate with a punch. A faint crystal-like substance is wrapped all over its body, and its petite and exquisite skin is pale green. The skinny figure just like a goblin flew out of the breastplate heavily.

Dark Blood's body shook suddenly, and he hissed and screamed: "Master Arushman, ah, the great Master Arushman! Master Sogla, must save Master Arushman, what he means to us It is so important!"

Lin Qi's eyebrows are very important? That is, the price is very high?

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