Bright Era

Chapter 2217: Failed offense (4)

Ai Mo's little face was tense. She looked at the two good friends she had met during this period and complained in anger: "The hypocrisy of the elves is disgusting. The gods have ordered a ceasefire, but They actually launched an attack on the Longshan Empire!"

Esther smiled coldly and ruthlessly: "Don't pay attention to the spirits of the elves, we are not their opponents. As long as these are cleaned up, I am not afraid that they will not come out!"

A light green whirlpool appeared quietly in the high sky, and the souls of the killed rangers and wild tree spirits flew high in the sky, and were about to be sucked away by the light green whirlpool. But Etrice stretched out two snow-white and tender little hands expressionlessly, her palms emitted a faint black halo, and a dark black hole-like vortex suddenly appeared in front of her.

Thousands of powerful souls were forcibly taken away by Etreis. She poured all these souls into a transparent black crystal ball, and then a slight smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Wait, let's go to the pig farm to find Many, many little suckling pigs, put them all into their bodies! Those little suckling pigs will become very smart and very fun!"

A flash of excitement flashed in the eyes of Estre and Aimo, and the two equally cruel young girls looked at the crystal ball in Etress's hand with great enthusiasm.

The shouts of killing rose to the sky. Although the rangers and wild tree spirits suffered a lot of casualties, these rangers and wild tree spirits were still not afraid of sacrifice and launched a desperate impact on the Longshan Emperor. The guards guarding the four gates of the Longshan Imperial Capital were completely killed, and the two-sword rangers and Falcon Rangers who rushed the fastest had rushed into the long gate corridors of the Longshan Imperial Capital with cheers.

Killing sounds came from the houses near the four gates of the Longshan Imperial Capital at the same time. With the sound of the battle cry of "Long live the Caesar Empire", large groups of regular soldiers in heavy armor poured out from these houses like a tide. I don't know when these guys used any means to sneak into the Longshan Imperial Capital. Anyway, in the direction of the four city gates, at least 40,000 regular heavy-armored infantry rushed out of the residence at the same time.

The armors of these heavily armored infantry are all the same style of the former Caesar Empire Royal Forbidden Army, and the banners they use are also the royal banners of the Caesar Empire that have been destroyed. These tall, more than 50% of the soldiers obviously have elite fighters of the highland barbarian ancestry. Together with the quick-acting rangers, they madly rushed towards the Longshan Palace along the street behind the city gate.

In front of these heavy-armored infantrymen were thousands of men wearing various ancient armors, urging a strong vigour halo all over their bodies, and each move and every style carried a strong atmosphere of the ancient aristocracy. These people are only fifteen or sixteen years old, and the older ones are gray-haired and look at least a hundred years old. With fanatical expressions, all of them chanted the slogan of not hesitating to die for the Caesar Empire, and drove straight into the Longshan Empire like a mad beast group.

In the Longshan Imperial Capital, at the top of a tower hundreds of meters high, Enzo in a formal dress was holding a glass of wine and reluctantly drank the wine. He patted his forehead vigorously and complained loudly: "The remnants of the Caesar Empire? How come there are so many people? So many nobles, so many soldiers, four and a half divisions of the regular army! Why did they come to the Longshan Empire? Trouble?"

Longcheng, who was also wearing a gorgeous dress, sat on a large chair by the side and hummed nonchalantly, "Isn’t it just a mere 40,000 people? This is your site. Can you do them all?" That's it? I said it was strange, how come those Caesar remnants in the Great Yan Dynasty have been so honest recently, and their feelings have come here?"

Enzo looked at Dragon City unceremoniously: "I'm very surprised by the Great Yan Dynasty's ability to control its own military and civilians!"

Yan Chi, who was standing next to Dragon City, blushed. She gritted her teeth and said one by one: "It's time to clean up. Although the offensive of the Blood Qin Empire did not stop, it did not stop. It can’t be an excuse for their malfeasance! These guys left the Great Yan Dynasty and infiltrated the Longshan Imperial Capital. The intelligence department of the Great Yan Dynasty’s military department didn’t even get back any news. They damned!"

Long Cheng hurriedly got up, he smiled and leaned close to Yan Chimei, looked at her affectionately, and gently touched her pretty face: "My dear, don't get angry, this kid Lin Qi is a rich man. , It’s no big deal for him to break his fortune! Isn’t it just some of the remnants of the Caesar Empire? Just kill it all!"

Enzo coughed heavily. He glanced in the direction of the palace, then clapped his hands gently: "Hey, hello, hello, showing off in front of a group of bachelors, this is inhumane. These guys, you are the ones who shot , Or are we going to solve it? A good New Year's banquet can't be delayed by these guys!"

Longcheng waved his hand, and laughed nonchalantly: "Of course you are the one who solves your site!"

Nodded, Enzo raised his right hand, then clenched his fist and waved down. Loud and loud sounded from all directions at the same time, exuding a powerful and powerful dragon horn horn. The sound of dull footsteps came from all around. Standing on the tower, you can see that the civilians in the streets and alleys of Longshan Imperial Capital disappeared without a trace. There are magic arrays on every street and every alley. The flames flickered rapidly.

The brigade brigade is dressed in sophisticated magic armor-not'cheap' rune armor, but authentic magic armor, armed with magic weapons, and the dragon mountain empire's regular army, which is at least below the heavenly level, looks like black. The tide rushed out, whizzing and never knew where, and counterattacked in the direction of the four gates along the spacious street.

Suddenly rushed down from the clouds in the high altitude, nearly ten thousand two-footed flying dragons with a head and body length of five or six meters. Each two-footed flying dragon has two sets of saddles on its back. A holy flame magician wearing a scarlet flame robe.

Below is the Longshan Emperor Capital, so these amazingly lethal magicians did not take action-if they shot at the same time, nearly ten thousand holy flame magicians would be enough to blow the entire Longshan Emperor into a sinkhole in an instant.

Those who shot were half-elf flying dragon archers with far-reaching elven blood. They were hundreds of meters above the ground, holding a longbow and howling and pouring waves of arrows down. As long as they hover above the enemy's head, they don't need too much aiming. As long as they throw the arrow down, they will definitely be able to hit an enemy!

The Caesar Empire army, shouting the battle cry and rushing forward, received a devastating blow. Although their armor was excellent, they were all ordinary steel plate armor, facing the armor-piercing arrows shot from high altitude. They didn't even have a chance to resist, and they fell to the ground with howling miserably under countless arrows.

They are loyal to the Caesar Empire. After the Great Yan Dynasty replaced the Caesar Empire for a few years, they followed their loyal noble chiefs and infiltrated the Longshan Imperial Capital regardless of danger, striving to break the Longshan Palace with one blow, and make a lifeless feat! According to what their allegiance officers promised them-once they succeed, with the help of the elves and some great men, they will rebuild the Caesar Empire!

They will be the heroes of the Caesar Empire, their names will be inscribed in the history books of the Caesar Empire, they will become heroes, and they will all have the title of nobility! They will even get rewards from the gods-of course, the noble lords did not tell them that the gods who rewarded them could not be the gods of the Azer clan they believed in, but the gods of the elves clan.

But now, these brave, loyal, and fearless fighters are on the way to charge!

Even if the arrows fell like raindrops, none of these warriors shouting the battle cry and charging forward surrendered. They launched a charge to Longshan Palace. They did not stop, they stepped on the blood shed from their companions. Moving forward step by step, eventually he fell under the arrow. Starting from the four city gates, along the street leading to the Longshan Palace, the Caesar warriors in heavy armor fell in a pool of blood, and their bodies stretched for several miles.

But they are still a long and unreachable distance from the gate of Longshan Palace!

In the process of their charge, those flying dragon archers kept shouting to make them surrender, but none of the soldiers of the Caesar Empire put down their weapons. They charged forward step by step, struggling forward step by step, and then fell silently to the ground in the arrow. When the last soldier of the Caesar Empire fell on the street, he struggled to raise his head and looked in front of him.

In front of him, is the most elite imperial army of the Longshan Empire, which has tightly sealed off all the streets.

Nearly ten thousand dragons slowly pressed down from the air, and the dragon's power, which is not too strong, suppressed the nobles who yelled and rushed forward and stopped one by one tremblingly. More small magic frisbees slipped from the air, and on each magic frisbee stood three or five magicians of various departments.

The elite Longshan Forbidden Army blocked the streets in all directions, with countless flying dragon knights and magicians above their heads. The nobles of the Caesar Empire looked up in horror, and some of them had missed their weapons and dropped their weapons on the ground.

Facing such a lineup, only the rangers are still rushing forward yelling. But before the charging ranger took a few steps, he heard an order, and the dense continuous crossbow roared out from the darkened Longshan imperial army. These rangers relied on their agility to avoid a few arrows. But soon they fell to the ground in the endless arrows.

"Consider surrendering!" Enzo's lazy voice came from all directions: "You will receive treatment equivalent to your status. Well, actually, seeing those Caesar warriors who died and refused to surrender, I would like to order Kill all of you! You wouldn't want to give me this chance, would you?"

Among the thousands of former nobles of the Caesar Empire, 70% of the nobles put down their weapons and fell to the ground on one knee.

The remaining 30% of the nobles raised their weapons and roared towards the Dragon Mountain Forbidden Army in front of them. They were greeted by shiny spears and crossbow arrows, and another merciless killing was staged, and blood dripped all over the ground.

An alarm bell of ‘dong’ came abruptly, and an earth-shattering exclamation came from the direction of Longshan Palace.

"The Pope was assassinated, my God, the Pope was killed by an assassin!"

"Help! Help! Help!"

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