Bright Era

Chapter 2218: All come to blend in (1)

In the main hall of the Longshan Imperial Palace, Lin Qi and Lin Kaixuan were holding their heads up, looking at the rapidly flashing images in a light curtain with a radius of tens of meters. When Lin Qi saw that a certain cardinal killed Francis Chenxi cleanly, he exclaimed dryly: "Wow, I'm in trouble! A Holy Crown Pope is here. Is my turf killed?"

Lin Kaixuan burst into laughter with pride. He looked at Lin Qi with cold eyes and sternly scolded, "You are in big trouble!"

With the roar of Lin Kaixuan, among the thousands of entourages brought by the Holy Crown Pope Francis Dawn, those clerics with high authority in the church are dressed in red, black, white, and gold robes. They lifted up their sleeves, tore off the sleeves and hem of the swollen robes, and drew out all kinds of swords, like a group of crazy pirates rushing to the noble and gentlemen in all directions.

Thousands of sacred and solemn clergymen turned into fierce thugs in an instant. The impact of this scene is too strong. The surrounding noble gentlemen and wealthy ladies screamed in horror at the same time. Countless noble nobles who were originally graceful and noble fled in all directions. These nobles came to Longshan Palace to participate in the New Year's banquet. They did not carry weapons with them!

Except for a very small number of people, such as the head of the special envoy from the Great Yan Dynasty, the respectable prince carried a ceremonial sword with him, and the others didn't even have a small knife in their hands. In the face of these clergy who are holding various magic weapons and exuding crazy killing intent, only those with broken heads will wait in place to die.

"After these clergy kill enough nobles, they will kill themselves in place!" Lin Kaixuan looked at Lin Qi and laughed: "Their deaths, and the deaths of these nobles, will be counted on your head! You! I can’t sit on the throne anymore, so just hand it over to me!"

With a loud bang, Xuan Lan carried a huge stick and blasted a metal undead creature with a fierce blow. Xuanlan's power was so great that the metal undead was smashed by his stick. But this metal undead struggled on the ground for a while, and then slowly got up. There was a low roar in his chest, and he rushed towards Xuanlan again.

Xuanlan shook his head and complained. He turned around and murmured to Lin Qi: "These guys are not tasty, and they are not easy to deal with! Hey, Lin Qi, think of a way! I don't want to fight a bunch of inedible metal bumps! Me! There is no motivation to fight at all!"

Lin Kaixuan proudly brags to Lin Qi about his various schemes, and suddenly his triumphant laughter was interrupted by Xuanlan's complaints. Lin Kaixuan roared angrily: "Take this **** giant Get rid of him and him! You trash, what are you still hesitating?"

Among the strong orcs who have been transformed, someone suddenly drew a powerful magical crossbow. Accompanied by the piercing sound, the special magic armor-piercing crossbow shot at Xuanlan's body. Xuanlan's thick skin was splashed with large patches of sparks. After these magical armor-piercing crossbows tore Xuanlan's oily skin, they twisted and fell to the ground.

Xuanlan's attention was immediately attracted by these guys who dared to shoot him with crossbow arrows. He roared and waved the big stick, and rushed to the enemy in front of him viciously. He squinted his eyes and looked at the orc warriors maliciously. The hearts and bones of these guys can't be digested, but their flesh and blood are still a bit tasteful!

For a giant who has lived on the flesh of various intelligent creatures in the Black Abyss God Prison since he was a child, he can't be too demanding of Xuanlan. It is enough to be able to transform his endless appetite and monstrous anger into terrifying combat power.

Lin Qi glanced at the dazzling dark blue, then smiled and shook his head to Lin Kaixuan: "It seems that it's not that simple to buckle me! Well, the clergy of the church mission, of course, I The people in, don’t search them, they are the only ones who can bring weapons into my palace! I’m just curious, how did you control them?”

Lin Kaixuan smiled triumphantly, he deliberately made an inscrutable expression, obviously he didn't want Lin Qi to get the answer easily. But soon, Lin Kaixuan’s smile stiffened on his face. He looked at the scene in the light curtain angrily, snarled in anger, jumped up subconsciously, and stamped his feet on the ground fiercely, sending out a low voice. Bang Bang' loud noise.

In the light curtain, many nobles attending the Longshan Empire’s New Year’s court banquet suddenly stopped running hurriedly, because the black beard had already taken off his upper body clothes, revealing his sturdy upper body covered with black hair, and his right hand held a large handle. Axe, holding a machete in his left hand, like a crazy tiger, led a group of dignitaries of the Longshan Empire towards the clergymen who suddenly attacked him.

These high-ranking officials of the Longshan Empire, they are tall and mighty, and their faces are sturdy and rugged, and their faces are indescribable. Many of them seem to be placed on a cutting board. The method of filling dumplings was like slashing dozens of knives at random, and their faces were full of hideous and ugly scars. The twisted scars were like centipedes on their faces.

These noble lords who at least have the title of earl in the Longshan Empire, they swear swear words one by one. Their speech is so wonderful, the most indecent market words from all continents spout out of their mouths like a tide. Warmly greeted the mothers and daughters of those clergy and all the female relatives, waved various hideous weapons and rushed towards them.

Blood and stumps and broken arms flew high, those powerful clergymen, those clergymen who were the strongest and even reached the pinnacle of the demigod, they could not even issue a forbidden spell, even a powerful sword aura. The attack failed to be triggered, and he was knocked to the ground by the black beard and a group of old men from the Black Tiger family like cutting melons and vegetables.

The thing that made the nobles attending the palace banquet numb their hands and feet, and their scalp chills is that when the black beards chop over a clergyman, a group of young men in court guard costumes will rush in and slap the clergy all over. Clean!

In the presence of these nobles, those high-ranking cardinals, church bishops, cardinals, archbishops of the red crown, and other important figures, were stripped clean one by one, revealing their white and tender beauty. Not even a **** with acne. Those delicate daughters and wealthy ladies screamed pretending to be surprised. Some people covered their faces pretendingly, but unabashedly stared their eyes from their fingers to admire the holiness of these noble **** servants. body of!

This is the carcass of a great archbishop-level figure, a rare and precious thing on weekdays! This great scene performed in the Longshan Palace today literally satisfies the curiosity of almost half of the nobles and wealthy ladies of the entire Western Continent-it turns out that these noble and great divine archbishops stripped naked. That's what it looks like! Even their bloated figure looks inferior to those ordinary and strong aristocratic youths!

It turns out that these sacred archbishops, they usually look so solemn, noble, and not tolerant of profanity, it is only because they wear robes! After taking off their robes and dragging their bodies in the mess and mud, they looked so haggard and pitiful, and they looked like that. . . Cheap and worthless!

A dead archbishop and a dead beggar are essentially the same, they are nothing more than a bunch of rotten meat waiting to be worried. A few aristocratic poets who were obviously drinking too much, and a little unconscious, suddenly looked up to the sky and sighed while holding their wine glasses. One of them was a middle-aged man who had the rank of Marquis and was well-known in the mainland literary circle. He was a cardinal red. The **** of the Archbishop Yishenguan as a symbol, chanted a sonnet praising the goddess of love!

Blackbeard rushed into the poor clergy queue with a group of black tiger thugs who were almost about to be alcohol poisoned. These old thugs who have been rampant on the sea and land for half their lives have inherited the weakest of the middle peak priests. After the powerful force, they are like a group of demons who have broken into the flock,'Jie Jie' smiled and smashed violence and blood.

They did not use too exaggerated magical attacks, and even a trace of divine power fluctuations did not appear in them. They simply relied on their inhuman strength and speed to slash and kill these clergymen who were suddenly troubled. With every knife and every axe, a noble bishop-level figure will be cut off along with their weapons.

As all clergymen often prayed: "In the face of the anger of the gods, all resistance is fragile!"

In a sense, Blackbeard led a group of gods of the Azar protoss, using the most brutal means to slaughter a group of devout followers of the Azar protoss! This is the punishment of the gods on the believers, which is completely in line with certain doctrines of the church-fallen clergy will be punished by the gods, their blood and flesh will become the sacrifices of the gods, and their souls will please the gods to calm down The wrath of the gods!

This is God's punishment, this is God's punishment, poor church clergy, they don't even know what the attackers are!

The sky-shaking dragon's roar came from high above. On the towering dragon towers in the Longshan Palace, with a few heads crossed, they looked at the outstanding noble ladies among the guests in a fascinating manner, wondering whether The god-level dragon, who was about to transform into human bodies, had a'pure flesh' relationship with them, uttered a loud dragon roar. Yaxing was interrupted to admire the beauty of beauty. These dragons over 500 meters in length suddenly stood up. They opened their huge dragon wings and displayed their huge bodies unscrupulously.

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