Bright Era

Chapter 2222: All come to blend in (4)

Lin Kaixuan laughed triumphantly, he spat at Lin Qi disdainfully. He has activated the power he obtained from the bloodline, and he obtained a strange object from a certain archaic relic, which has also been activated by him. Strange power filled his body, and every black hair of his was full of endless power, and an invisible barrier enveloped his body.

He once tried a trick with an ancestor-level figure in his family, and that ancestor could not break Lin Kaixuan's defense with the full blow of a middle-grade artifact. Lin Kaixuan looked at Lin Qi confidently, and commented on Lin Qi's ordinary blow that was plain and without any flame effect. It is impossible for such an attack to cause any harm to Lin Kaixuan!

With a loud noise, the extremely heavy and extremely hard scepter slammed on Lin Kaixuan's tiger palm. The incredible force of terror whizzed in, and the strange power in Lin Kaixuan was shattered by a single blow. He looked at Lin Qi in amazement. The black hair and thick skin on his palm shattered, and his muscles burst into a mass of flesh. The sauce spurted out all around, and the dark golden translucent bones shattered every inch with the harsh explosion sound.

With one blow, Lin Kaixuan's tiger palm was hit hard, and Lin Qi flew up and kicked Lin Kaixuan's abdomen, kicking him hundreds of meters away. Lin Kaixuan opened his mouth in horror and spit out a ball of hot plasma, then fell heavily to the ground without moving for a while.

"My things are mine! No one can **** it away, and no one can look at it!" Lin Qi dropped his scepter and walked towards Lin Kaixuan step by step. When he walked past the transformed orc warriors, he could smash the heads of these orc warriors with a single blow, and with every punch he could easily kill an orc warrior with the strength of the gods. This killing efficiency Lin Kaixuan stared blankly.

A huge metal undead creature raised its big hand and slapped Lin Qi fiercely. Lin Qi snorted coldly. He just raised his head and glared at the metal undead. Two blue-white flames sprayed out of his eyes. The metal undead snorted, and the huge body suddenly melted into a flash of light. The molten iron fell on the ground with a piercing roar, breaking down into countless beating silver beads like mercury rolling all over the floor.

The orc mages of the fox race raised their staffs, chanting in a mess of spells and launched a vicious curse on Lin Qi. But all the curses that had just approached Lin Qi's body were shattered by a strong and heavy force. Those orc mages were horribly backlashed and their heads burst suddenly. For a time, more than a hundred orc mages burst open at the same time. There was a **** wind in the hall, and there was an indescribable strange beauty in the cruelty.

Like the **** of death wielding a sickle, where Lin Qi passed was a storm of death. Whether it was an orc warrior or a metal undead, or even those orc wizards, whoever was touched by Lin Qi’s fist and his gaze, He has taken away precious lives.

Lin Kaixuan looked at Lin Qi tremblingly. Just now, Lin Qi’s stick and foot were like two sharp blades, cutting two small gaps in Lin Kaixuan’s “proud” pig urine bubble. His full stomach of courage and enthusiasm suddenly dissipated cleanly, leaving only the fear and shrinking that a dude in his bones should have.

Putting aside the powerful aura that hung over him, when he realized that he was not strong enough to rely on, Lin Kaixuan suddenly shrank like a bloodshot thing on a man's body was scalded by boiling water. It's the size of a soybean!

The ambition of the Longshan Empire, the greed of Lin Qi's women, and all the plans for his glorious future, all came to nothing with Lin Qi's stick and kick. Lin Kaixuan seemed to be a naked girl who was watched by more than a dozen sturdy men. She was frightened and desperate with her limbs and scrambled backwards. "No, no, what do you want to do! Lin Qi! Killing a tribe is a felony, a felony!"

With a weird laugh, Lin Qi stomped Lin Kaixuan's chest severely. Shaking his head helplessly, Lin Qi turned his head and glanced at Mr. Mo: "I can't kill a tribe with the same surname as me in front of so many guests? It's too cruel, and it doesn't look very good to the shining image of the empire Okay, right?"

Mr. Mo shrugged his shoulders and smiled disapprovingly: "Actually, with the power you have now, even if you crush him in front of people from all over the continent, everyone will applaud and cheer for your wiseness and wisdom! And this poor arrogant who doesn't know the heights of the sky... Well, with your brilliance and greatness, he may leave a mark in mainland history in the future, and there will be a record mentioning him."

Lin Kaixuan did not hear what Lin Qi and Mr. Mo were saying. He just looked at Lin Qi pitifully, and beads of cold sweat the size of soybean grains were constantly oozing from his body. His clothes were quickly wetted with sweat, and the messy clothes were dead. Close to his body. He lay on the ground trembling, and muttered in a low voice: "Cousin Lin Qi, I just made a joke with you! Look, I'm just performing a small show for your New Year's banquet! Look, How is my performance? Everyone on the entire continent knows the strength of the Longshan Empire!"

Lin Qi lowered his head and looked at Lin Kaixuan coldly, thinking about what to do with this guy!

Perhaps it would be better to use him as a witness and throw it out as a gift to your ancestor? The Domination Club entangled Lin Qi like an undead cockroach. Lin Qi was already tired of these careerists who didn't know the sky and earth and dreamed of dominating the world. Those ancestors shouldn't always watch the excitement on the sidelines. They should also use their hands to clean up a few unscrupulous children and grandchildren.

Just when Lin Kaixuan was stepped on the ground by Lin Qi and moaned and begged, in the mountains and forests more than a hundred miles away in the Longshan Emperor's capital, a group of gorgeously dressed and calmly dressed elves and men sneered at the same time. A faint green light flickered among them, and in this green light there was a vague light and shadow flashing, and the scene in Lin Qi's hall was barely displayed in this light group.

There is no doubt that among this group of elves, there is a tyrannical existence that has reached the level of the main god, otherwise the light mirror they released will not be able to see what is happening in the hall through the aurora enchantment outside Lin Qi's hall.

Dozens of soft tree vines were woven into a large comfortable chair. The Queen of Green Moon leaned back lazily on this large chair, and looked at a respectful silver-haired elven old man next to him: "The blood of descendants is defiled, the family Nandagrael Silverlight, whose power was stolen, how do you want to retaliate against these humans who dare to defile your sacred blood?"

A fierce and cruel light flashed in the elf's eyes. He respectfully bowed to Empress Green Moon, and laughed in a low tone: "Great God, please satisfy your humble believer's insignificant wish! Let him Use the cruelest method to die, and by the way destroy this heretic kingdom, and let those stupid beings know that the sacredness and dignity of the elves cannot be defiled."

The Empress Green Moon smiled with satisfaction, and gently waved to the male and female elves standing around the light group.

"Well, noble elven gods, we must do something."

"Unprecedented crimes shocked me-these **** humans, they activated the evil forces hidden in their bloodlines, they turned into elves, they seduce the poor women of the silver light family, who have their dirty blood Heirs are flooded with the power seat of the sacred Silverlight Family. A sacred, great, and ancient moon-elf royal family is actually under the control of those humble humans."

"This is our shame, this is the shame of all elves! As members of the oldest elves born in the universe, we must do something! This is not only to punish those brave humans, but also to punish certain Existence shows our strength and declares our attitude! Therefore, it is necessary to destroy the Longshan Imperial Capital, one of the important strongholds of the Azer Protoss."

Flip the palm of her hand, Empress Green Moon took out a delicate golden green leaf from her sleeve. She stood up slowly and took a majestic look at the elves and gods: "In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to use a sacred leaf of the mother tree."

All the elven gods glanced at each other, and a elven goddess smiled and bowed to the goddess Green Moon: "Your will is the destiny of me. Everything is as you said, everything is as you wish. It’s just that we are curious, what is coming soon, is..."

The Empress Luyue squinted her eyes and smiled charmingly: "Well, of course you know, it can only be him."

The elves and gods moved quickly, and soon an exquisite altar was set up. They offered some symbolic sacrifices to this altar, and then surrounded the altar, continuously instilling their divine powers. . The Empress Luyue placed the golden-green leaf in the middle of the leaf with a serious face, and then sneered looking at the direction of Longshan Imperial Capital.

"Is the goddess of war Mu Wei a god? So what? In the face of the glory of the elves, your only destiny is to fall."

After a few sneers, Empress Green Moon glanced towards the southeast: "Dirty and stupid, greedy and tyrannical multi-armed Secret Demon clan, Alsino, don’t forget your promise. You foolish and dirty The creatures, although your existence is a kind of pollution to this world, before we wipe out the Azerite Protoss, you can't just be destroyed so easily."

The golden-green leaves suddenly melted into a fist-sized group of glowing lights, and the divine power instilled by dozens of elves and gods in the altar combined with the halo. A very thin dim green light rushed into the sky, and the sky above the Longshan Empire suddenly became dark, as if it had entered the night from dusk.

Lin Kaixuan, who was stepped on by Lin Qi, suddenly stiffened, and a faint green light flashed across his chest.

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