Bright Era

Chapter 2223: Breaking the air (1)

"Across the endless starry sky, straight to the other side of time and space. Adhering to the most original force of nature in the universe, the mother of our race, descends on your will, descends on your strength, and gives us blessings and disasters to the enemy. "

The Empress Luyue knelt on the ground in fear, and prayed in a low voice toward the faint green light rushing into the sky. After a complicated prayer was over, she raised her left hand and cut her blood with her right nail. A wisp of golden-green blood came out suddenly, in the air under the control of her huge spiritual power. Condensed into a complex and exquisite sacred heraldry.

The other elves and gods, like the Queen of Green Moon, gave their blood one after another, condensed into complex **** patterns, and then dozens of sacred crests gleamed with a faint green light and merged into one on the altar A fist the size of a strange three-dimensional rune circle carved from emeralds. Waves of condensed and pure spirit blood spread, and the green light shot from the altar suddenly spread.

With this altar as the center, the big trees, flowers and plants, and all the plants within a radius of tens of thousands of miles swayed at the same time, and a little green light like a firefly rushed into the sky, and the huge natural force flooded the sky. At this moment, even the passage between God's Domain and the outside space was forcibly closed by the powerful natural force, the Azer gods in the God's Domain could not come out, and the outside church could not enter.

And all the animals, including the most insignificant mole ants, the earthworms, mole crickets and other insects hiding deep in the ground, they all twisted their bodies happily. Driven by the force of nature, driven by the natural will, they also gave out their insignificant soul fire. Although the soul fire of these insects is extremely weak, but the soul fire of countless insects, countless beasts, and beasts are mixed together, and their soul power has far exceeded the existence of a divine master class.

"Come on, my love!" Empress Luyue squinted and laughed: "Wake up, wake up from sleep, and come to this world with the power of Mother of Origin, and be with me forever!"

After a slight pause, the Empress Green Moon gritted her teeth and murmured: "But damn, you must be careful about your actions, and don't let those old things discover your actions! The benefits here, can't be allowed Those old immortals took over."

There was a lot of green light rippling on the altar, and many sacred auras of the elves, such as magic aura, life aura, nature heart aura, etc., spread out. A strange and huge breath of life spread from the altar. The flowers and trees in the mountain forest where the Queen of Green Moon and the others are located are growing wildly like crazy. Under the stimulation of the light green'harvest halo', those are the most inconspicuous. All of the clover suddenly grew to a height of several meters, and the leaves became no different from umbrellas.

Inside the Longshan Palace, Lin Qi, who was standing on the main gate of the city wall, suddenly opened his eyes. He looked at the mountain forest a hundred miles away, and his expression became extremely strange. Above that mountain forest, you can see the dark golden Void Eye exuding a dazzling glare, waves of powerful Void power turned into invisible swords are madly tearing the surrounding space. But the natural barrier blocked the surrounding space, and the power of the Void Eye couldn't shake the natural barrier over the mountain forest at all.

Lin Qi even saw the crazy figure of the Void God at the core of the Void Eye. One can imagine how angry the Void God and the other Azer gods are now. Someone invaded their territory, and used such a powerful forbidden curse barrier to seal the void, and even the power of the Void God coming through the Void Eye was sealed.

This was undoubtedly a door-to-door slap, and a heavy slap made all the gods of Azer black!

Lin Qi raised his right fist and pointed forward forcefully. His will spread to all directions like a violent wind. In the blink of an eye, Lin Qi's will spread to all the towns and villages of the entire Longshan Empire, and all his subordinates urgently mobilized in his imperial territory. Tens of thousands of God-level beings rushed to the Longshan Imperial Capital as quickly as possible, while other cities and villages were in a state of battle.

Obviously, the gods of the elves have moved their hands and feet, but what do these elves with long ears want to do? Lin Qi was curious to feel the stronger and stronger force of nature around him! Driven by a strange force approaching the origin of the universe, the natural world of the entire western continent was in a commotion. The natural forces of heaven and earth were controlled by a huge will. These forces were full of malice to the Longshan imperial capital and Lin Qi. .

"If it is not wrong, it should be the origin of the elves in this universe age, which is the origin of the so-called elven mother tree, the world tree. It is not the division of the world tree, but the power of the world tree!" The osmanthus tree waved Holding the rhizome, he smiled coldly: "Well, here I have a message from the hibiscus tree. He once had the opportunity to swallow the origin of this world tree. But the elves gave three thousand outstanding figures to a certain imperial lord. Maiden, so the world tree is preserved!"

There was also a grunt of dissatisfaction from the Flamboyant Tree: "I also received this message. Not only the hibiscus tree, but Jianmu almost swallowed him! In fact, these original things should be possessed by us according to the law. The metaworld units swallowed up, but some Royal Emperor, they violated the law, they sheltered the elves!"

Hell sneered gloomily: "The current situation is the evil consequences of their violation of the law. The original thing of a universe age, this elven mother tree, the so-called world tree has not been destroyed, so these elves will get a source Supplemented by their powerful combat power. And with the power of this tree of origin, they seem to want to do something strange!"

In the main hall of Longshan Palace, Lin Kaixuan's body was entangled by a clear light green flame. His body trembled violently, he let out a miserable howl, and looked at Lin Qi in a panic. Under the burning of the green flame, his body was like a ball of worthless sandstone, which was smelted into a ball of green glaze after wonderful changes. His body gradually became transparent. In the end, all his muscles, The bones, meridians and internal organs have become clearly visible, and these body tissues have become a beautiful green transparent texture.

Lin Qi's projection clone embraced his chest with both hands, coldly watching Lin Kaixuan with a faint green phantom flickering in his heart, and smiled slowly: "You seem to be fooled by some creatures with long ears! Um! , Have you been to the land of the elves recently?"

Lin Kaixuan howled sternly, his body twitched violently, but he didn't even have the power to struggle. He endured the intense pain in his body and soul, and screamed hoarsely: "Yes, I, I, I started, I started a few clansmen in the elven clan, and let them dispatch the ranger. Attack you with the army of wild tree spirits! But, but..."

Mr. Mo walked slowly to Lin Kaixuan's side. He frowned as he watched as Lin Kaixuan was surrounded by green firelight, his whole body turned into a green transparent texture like an emerald carved Lin Kaixuan, and said coldly: "You are on their side, yes Didn't you take something strange?"

Lin Kaixuan's body suddenly stiffened. He widened his eyes and thought for a while, then roared in anger, "Damn things, those **** things, do they dare to betray me? They dare to betray their home? Are they not afraid of being destroyed? I, I, I took it, a weird piece of juice made from weird leaves! They said, that glass of juice can keep me and keep me young forever!"

"Leaves!" Lin Qi grabbed the scepter and pressed Lin Kaixuan's heart fiercely. A palm-sized golden-green leaf phantom is emitting a faint halo, and there are extremely fine light filaments spreading from the leaf phantom, forming an extremely complex pattern composition on the surface of Lin Kaixuan's body Magic circle.

Gradually, more and more spatial fluctuations and natural aura spread from Lin Kaixuan's heart, and both Lin Qi and Mo were forced to step back several steps. This spatial fluctuation and natural aura is not very strong, but it is extremely tenacious, just like more and more cotton **** appearing in a room, even if it is a powerful history, it will eventually be affected by that softness. The cotton is forced to keep retreating.

"Help me!" Lin Kaixuan reacted quickly, and he could feel that some bad changes were taking place in his body. His power, he has cultivated hard since he was a child, the power of the mid-level **** obtained with the power of the Phoenix tree, and he has explored several ancient relics, and obtained the benefits of great adventures from them. The tyrannical power that these benefits transform are all Being swallowed and transformed by a terrible force.

He felt that he had become a fertile land. The light and shadow of that golden-green leaf was like the seed of a cannibal vine, which was taking roots and sprouting on his fertile land, constantly devouring his flesh and blood. All his energy and energy are transformed into another kind of power, and his body structure is transformed into a structure of power.

Even he could feel that his soul was being invaded by a strange force. The soul barrier set up by the three elders of the Sha Family, Yin Family, and Li Family on his soul cannot withstand this weak but tenacious force, just like a huge rock can never suppress a tiny grass bud. , This trace of power constantly penetrated into his soul, and gradually transformed his soul that made him terrified!

Originally, Lin Kaixuan’s soul was filled with a powerful, arrogant, and arrogant aura of strength, but under the erosion of that tenacious weak force, his soul aura gradually became vigorous, and gradually became brilliant and magnificent. The brilliance is radiant, like a little sun gradually forming in his mind! This kind of soul fluctuation is the unique soul breath of the elves!

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