Bright Era

Chapter 2225: Breaking the air (2)

"This kind of power seems to be turning him into a... an elf!" Osmanthus tree judged this strange change with his professional eyes: "The body and soul, as well as the energy in the body, are all there. Make an essential change! Transform his body and soul into the body of a male elf! And this guy named Lin Kaixuan, his physical strength has approached the existence of the main **** level, so this transformation will eventually transform him For a high-level god... No, the main god-level spirit!"

Lin Qi nodded slowly, a very interesting transformation. There is no doubt that Lin Kaixuan has obtained enough adventures during the experience. His physical strength has approached that of a lower god, and his own power has reached the pinnacle level of a higher god. In terms of his age, he is really a genius-level figure, sisters Lin Bule and Lin Lele Compared with him, it is far behind.

Therefore, Lin Kaixuan became the best raw material. With the help of the strange energy contained in the unknown glass of juice he drank as the seed, the elves didn’t know how to use it to draw their mother of origin. With the help of that power, Lin Kaixuan's body and soul were greatly transformed. Natural forces are constantly entering Lin Kaixuan's body, this kind of bizarre transformation is strengthening Lin Kaixuan, making him stronger and stronger.

In just a few breaths, Lin Kaixuan's aura has reached the level of a mid-level master god, that is, a two-star general. If we continue to strengthen, how strong will he become when this transformation is over? But Lin Kaixuan at that time would definitely not be Lin Kaixuan now.

Mr. Mo was already kneeling next to Lin Kaixuan, and took out a whole set of strange knives, small hooks, small saws and other dissecting tools, as well as a large number of beakers, test tubes, and small water tank-sized crystal containers and other experimental equipment. The preparations for gestures started to Lin Kaixuan. With a frantic smile on his face, Mr. Mo looked at Lin Kaixuan with a smile and nodded: "How do you feel? Except for the pain, do you have other strange feelings?"

"Look, your Adam's apple is shrinking. Of course, we all know that the men of the elves have very small Adam's apples, or simply do not have Adam's apples like female elves! Your skin becomes smoother and smoother, and the chin The pores are also shrinking! Well, by the way, your body hair is falling off, um, except for the head, the other areas of your body that are full of hair are now smooth!"

"Look, see, your bones are being strengthened, your bones have become almost crystal material, there is no doubt that this structure can give your bones greater strength and flexibility. But your bones have become Very slender! For example, your original thigh bone has a thick bowl, which can ensure you have strong explosive power and support! But now, your thigh bone diameter has been reduced by nearly half!"

"Your shoulder width is compressing, and the thickness of your chest cavity is shrinking, and your pelvis is compressing inward. Well, to be precise, your body is gradually becoming very slender, tall, and delicate! The body shape is very in line with the aesthetics of the elves, but... this is not the physique that a human hero should have!"

Lin Qi gently kicked Lin Kaixuan's lower body, and said with a weird expression: "Although it is a bit unkind to say such things at this time, after all, you are my cousin. But I must remind you, uh, The volume of this part of yours has also become more compact!"

Mr. Mo raised his head and grinned at Lin Qi. At this moment, Mr. Mo's whole body was filled with a strange enthusiasm. He said in a weird tone: "The females of the elves have a smaller body structure. For example, their pelvis is much narrower than that of human females. Therefore, the males of the elves have a corresponding physiological structure than humans. Other races should be more refined!"

"Very exquisite!" Lin Qi looked at Lin Kaixuan who was about to cry, and nodded in admiration, "both the length and the diameter have been reduced by about twice, very exquisite! And like emeralds, it is green and translucent. Yes, um, exquisite!"

"Help me!" Lin Kaixuan wailed hoarse again, but his voice changed. . . Originally, his voice was very strong and powerful, full of manly masculinity. But now Lin Kaixuan's voice has become very soft and elegant. It can even be said that when Lin Qi listened to Lin Kaixuan's screams, he seemed to hear the singing of the bird of paradise!

What a beautiful voice, with such a golden voice, he can definitely go to any royal theater in the Western Continent to serve as the chief bel canto! Among the elves, such a voice can only be made by a stunningly beautiful man, but Lin Kaixuan cannot afford such a voice!

Ji Lingling shuddered, and Lin Qi subconsciously took two steps backwards: "Save you? I don't even know what happened to you, how can I save you? And, you seem to be against my Longshan Empire and my subordinates. Conspiring against my woman, why should I save you?"

With ten percent malice, Lin Qi tilted his head and looked at Lin Kaixuan, who was desperate and horrified, and suddenly laughed out loud: "Look at your face, are you scared? Desperate? You know What is this called? This is retribution! You peep at what I have, but your body and soul are all looked upon by others, and your body and soul will become other people’s objects. This is retribution!"

"If you don't save me, think about it, that **** elf who came here with the help of my body and soul, what will he do to you?" Lin Kaixuan gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Qi, word by word coldly Said: "Save me, I swear I will never embarrass you again, and I will persuade my father and two younger sisters to never embarrass you again!"

"You swear!" Lin Qi tilted his head and looked at Lin Kaixuan, "I can't trust your oath!"

"I can open my soul and let you control my soul!" Lin Kaixuan looked at Lin Qi bachelorfully: "Trust me, I am not a useless waste, I can..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Kaixuan's body suddenly tightened, and then a large amount of viscous syrup leaked out of his body. His body shrank rapidly. From a burly young man who was nearly two meters tall with a big waist and a big waist, his The body quickly turned into a slender, tall, and exquisite body with soft and graceful muscle lines, fully in line with the elves' aesthetic viewpoint.

This body lacks that kind of masculine beauty, and it feels between male and female, full of an uncomfortable neutral beauty. Moreover, Lin Kaixuan was originally a big bald head, but now he has splendid long golden hair, and that long hair that shines like a waterfall with golden and sunny colors can at least be dragged to his heel.

Mr. Mo raised a scalpel: "Can I cut off some parts on him for research? This is the body of a real elven god! Such research samples are very rare. I don’t lack demons and evil. There are research materials on ghosts and dragons, but elves and gods, this will be my first research sample!"

Lin Kaixuan's body tightened, the green flames on his body gradually restrained, and his transparent body returned to normal, revealing his skin that was white and smooth like suet. Lin Qi covered his eyes with his hands. He felt that his vision was tarnished. Except that his chest was relatively flat, Lin Kaixuan’s body looked like a beautiful woman with a beautiful face, but the line under his crotch A mass of things highlights his gender, which makes Lin Qi feel extremely uncomfortable!

"My avatar, my sight is tarnished and raped!" Lin Qi, standing on the wall at the front gate of the palace, made the exact same action as his projection avatar. He grinned and clicked his mouth, angrily looking towards the mountain forest where Empress Green Moon and others erected the altar. He sneered, then raised his hand and sent a signal to Este in the sky.

The entire sky was dark, and twilight enveloped the entire continent. Following Lin Qi's gesture, Este sitting on the magic frisbee tapped his finger, and the deep blue heart floating above her head suddenly ejected a silver-blue glare. The gust of wind came, and the swan feathers and heavy snow drifted down along with ice crystals like diamond dust, and the temperature within a hundred miles of it plummeted. Accompanied by the terrible blast, many boulders on the ground were frozen and cracked, and some hills and small hills were frozen with countless cracks.

"Deep Blue Love!" Este snorted coldly and indifferently. She injected all the cold divine power in her body into Deep Blue's heart, and a small silver-blue sun radiating cold light suddenly appeared in the sky. , Deep Blue Heart brought a cold light straight down to the forest where the Queen of Green Moon and other elf gods were.

Like a falling star, this artifact inherited from the Primordial Dark Blue Demon was filled with endless chills and whizzed down. The Queen of Green Moon and other elves and gods who were performing the ceremony raised their heads at the same time, and screamed in surprise and anger: "Stupid existence, you dare to destroy the origin of the holy and noble elves, you, you are provoking the entire elves!"

The Deep Blue Heart ignored the curses and complaints of the Empress Green Moon and their complaints. The dazzling silver-blue light fell and heard a series of terrifying explosions. Icebergs roared from the ground with countless swords. The same sharp ice edge tore the surrounding trees and shattered the surrounding mountains, turning this mountain forest with a radius of tens of miles into a piece of ice magic.

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