Bright Era

Chapter 2226: Breaking the air (3)

Empress Green Moon, who had injected all her strength into the altar, snorted, and her body was covered with a faint layer of ice flakes. The other elven gods shook their bodies. As the energy source for the altar, they did not have much power to protect themselves. Their bodies were invaded by the terrible cold, and their limbs were frostbited. Several beautiful elven goddesses were embarrassed. 'S mouth spouted a blood clot that was frozen into frost.

"Damn, you have offended me!" The Empress Green Moon roared hysterically: "Slow down the speed of coming, and use part of the power to protect the altar! Damn things, wait for him to come, you humble existences will Know, what is the anger of the elves!"

With a sound of'buzz', a green circular barrier covered the entire mountain forest, and huge natural forces filled it. This green barrier concentrated the power of all animals and plants in a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and gathered tens of thousands of miles. The power of all natural elements in it possesses incredible defensive power. Este banged down again, but the deep blue heart was bounced high by the green enchantment, Este's body shook, and a mouthful of blood spurted far away.

"Well, it's interesting!" Lin Qi looked at the green barrier, reached out and called a nearby subordinate over: "Go to send a letter to the church, and say that the elves raid the Longshan Empire, poor Francis. His Majesty Chen Xi was attacked and died. May the gods bless his soul!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi dismissed the messenger, and then irresponsibly ordered to the subordinates who were hiding in the shadows in the distance: "Make all the guests unconscious and wait until the banquet officially begins before waking them up. Um, tampering with their memories means that they are all drunk. By the way, let them testify that it was the assassin of the elves who killed Francis Chenxi!"

While Lin Qi’s deity was busy sweeping his tail outside, his clone stood in the hall and stomped Lin Kaixuan’s chest fiercely: "Well, control your soul? This is a good idea, okay. , Now you are a standard little white face, and a little white face of the elves! Well, maybe, you will really be useful?"

Lin Qi looked at Lin Kaixuan ill-intentionally, and for a while, many words such as'beautiful man's trick','seduce a goddess', and'in exchange for benefits' kept popping out of his mind. Thinking about it, Lin Qi suddenly laughed weirdly: "But, you are completely like the elves now, but how much do you master the swordsmanship and archery of the elves? Do you want to use your own fighting skills? Ha, Runaway elves? Thug-style elves? Maybe some people will like this special taste!"

Lin Kaixuan's body trembled for a while, the green flame on the surface of his body had dissipated, but a soft green halo gently wrapped his body. The barrier formed by this layer of natural power protected his body. Lin Qi’s foot didn’t make him feel any pain, but Lin Qi’s words made him feel bad. Shaking under control.

Looking at Lin Qi tremblingly, Lin Kaixuan stammered: "You, don't be too much! Lin Qi, we, we are a family after all!"

The end of Lin Qi's scepter was directly inserted into Lin Kaixuan's mouth. His violent attack directly shattered the natural barrier on Lin Kaixuan's body. Lin Qi's hand twisted, and the extremely hard crutches suddenly shattered Lin Kaixuan's big teeth, almost twisting his tongue into twists. Staring at Lin Kaixuan angrily, Lin Qi said with a gloomy expression: "Too much? You are qualified to say this to me!"

Thinking of Lin Kaixuan provoking himself in front of so many guests, thinking of the trouble he caused him, thinking of him peeking at his foundation and his own woman, Lin Qi would like to kill him directly! But it was not the time yet. Lin Qi smiled weirdly. He heard the sound of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and the poinciana, the two sacred trees with strange powers, and proposed a strange plan.

After dropping the scepter, Lin Qi stretched out his hands. In Lin Kaixuan's eyes like a ghost, green rhizomes stretched out from the five fingers of Lin Qi's left hand, and five crimson rhizomes appeared on the five fingers of his right hand. Came out. The ten rhizomes slowly grew longer and thicker, and then slowly pierced towards Lin Kaixuan's body.

Lin Qi in the hall is just a projection clone of Lin Qi, but there is a strange spatial connection between the clone and the body. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree and the poinciana can easily release part of their body through the spatial connection between the body and the clone.

"You, do you want to kill me?" Lin Kaixuan looked at Lin Qi in despair. When he saw ten inhuman rhizomes protruding from Lin Qi's fingertips, he knew that Lin Qi had a murderous intention. If it was Lin Kaixuan himself, he had exposed his hole cards, then he would definitely be mentally prepared for murder.

"What do you mean?" Lin Qi looked at Lin Kaixuan with a smile. From his weird smile, Lin Kaixuan couldn't see anything useful.

A muffled sound of ‘hum’ came, and a circle of green light ejected from the phantom shadow of the leaf in Lin Kaixuan’s heart. The entire hall was shrouded by a circular divine formation, and the green divine light filled with huge life breath shone on everyone. But this green layer of divine light with infinite vitality brought Lin Qi and the others a threat of death, a heavy pressure like a mountain.

The green light shone on Lin Qi's avatar, and the avatar's skin seemed to be soaked in strong acid, and gradually a white smoke appeared. Lin Qi frowned. This energy full of life, but with infinite malice and desire to kill, is this the power of the elves in this universe world?

What hides behind the vitality is the killing power comparable to demons and evil spirits. The origin of these elves is really hypocritical.

"My love, I have already felt your breath! I have prepared everything for you! You are about to come, come, come, come to this world, and share it with me!" The Empress Green Moon said From the leaves, a deep and melodious voice filled with sacred aura was like heaven, and the whole hall was infected with an extremely sacred and majestic atmosphere.

The rhizomes from the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and phoenix tree were deeply submerged in Lin Kaixuan's body, and a trace of green halo was madly extracted by them. These forces are not ordinary forces of nature, but the forces of origin drawn by the Empress of Green Moon across the boundless and distant starry sky with the help of the leaves of the World Tree.

If Lin Qi absorbs these original powers, he may not be able to integrate these powers, but will cause a lot of burden on his body. After all, Lin Qi's current strength is too weak and his class is too low to digest such power. But for the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and the poinciana, this is a real big tonic! Their main body template is the original thing that is no different from the world wood. It is a sacred tree that has inherited the power of the original source from a certain tree before the tribulation.

Therefore, the energy of the world tree is really a suitable tonic for osmanthus and poinciana. A trace of pure origin power was shared by them, and Lin Qi could clearly feel the scent of the osmanthus tree and the poinciana tree is gradually increasing, especially the poinciana tree, which had been weakened to the extreme, at this moment, it seemed to have eaten excited-excited- He shook his head and cheered.

If the world tree body of the elves is here, the sweet-scented osmanthus and poinciana trees that have been hit hard will not be able to get any benefits from him. But now it has crossed the infinite void, and the Empress Green Moon has attracted the original power of the World Tree. It is like digging a small gap in the endless sea, and flowing out a tiny stream. This A little bit of power can easily be plundered and swallowed by osmanthus and poinciana trees.

The green divine formation covering the entire hall suddenly dimmed, many divine writings were suddenly blurred, and the huge divine formation almost collapsed. The phantom of the leaves on Lin Kaixuan’s chest immediately heard the Empress Green Moon’s roar: “Damn it, how could this be? My love, don’t hesitate, just extract the core source of the World Tree, even if the sleeping one is awakened. He doesn't care, as long as you can come here, it doesn't matter if you destroy him!"

The Green Moon Queen’s voice was filled with bitterness and cruelty: “Anyway, as long as we can obtain the supreme power and the supreme power, the life and death of the Mother of Origin... doesn’t matter! With us, the elves are also. No need for him!"

At this moment, the voice of **** suddenly sounded: "I found the answer. No wonder these elves use the body of this unlucky ghost to make such a super long-distance arrival! The bloodline activated by this guy is the "Void Shadow Tiger" This kind of blood can naturally penetrate the void, possess the power to travel through the void, and the law of the void is their natural instinct!"

With a cold snort, the sweet-scented osmanthus tree said faintly: "I still felt the shadow of the blood of the elves in his body! He is not a pure human, he is a hybrid born of humans and elves! A half-elf of mixed blood, plus Void Shadow Tiger’s bloodline, he is indeed the best candidate to come...Well, I suddenly remembered the'Shadow Tiger Colonial Legion' back then, but it was a colonial legion composed entirely of fighters who activated the Void Shadow Tiger bloodline. It’s a pity that the entire army was wiped out in the First Battle of the Dark River Region of the Great Triangle."

The evil voice of **** filled Lin Qi's mind: "It was only after that battle that the biggest weakness in the blood of the Void Shadow Tiger was discovered. The simplest attack of the time and space anchor type can easily defeat their body. Therefore, there has never been a colonial army of such an extreme composition since then! And the shadow tiger bloodline has also been included in the blacklist that is not suitable for the main combat force."

Heavenly Mountain sighed with an extremely nostalgic emotion: "So, in this era, it is really, very rare to be able to see the human descendants who have activated the blood of the Void Shadow Tiger! No wonder when he was transformed just now, I I found his image very familiar; no wonder his body has such a strong defense force!"

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