Bright Era

Chapter 2229: Oh! Dear! ! ! (1)

In the realm of God, the Azer Protoss has become a mess.

The **** of dawn roared like a thunder at the exit of God’s Domain, and the thunder condensed in white light roared towards the thin green light curtain in front of the exit. Accompanied by the terrifying explosion, all those who dared to approach The main god-level gods were blown up by the aftermath to vomit blood, and only a few high-ranking main god-level figures of the gods could stand firm in such a violent attack.

Lu Sijia, the goddess of the moon, did not have the qualifications to stand firm in this violent impact. She bent down and stood behind Mu Wei, looking at the green light curtain outside the exit of God's Domain with the same annoyance, her eyes flashing The fierce light of danger.

Mu Wei was wearing her own main god-level armor, and a pale gold buckler was suspended in front of her. The aftermath of the dawn of the **** of dawn blasted off by the **** of dawn burst on the buckler and shattered, even a bit of her hair. Unable to move. The God of Retribution was standing tens of meters away, looking at the exit of God's Domain with the same face, stomping his feet fiercely from time to time.

The Lair of the Azer Protoss, the greatest support for all gods to come to this world, the mighty battle fortress of God's Domain was actually blocked by people! Numerous Azhul protoss were sealed in the realm of God and they were unable to enter or leave. This was simply a heavy slap after another, which made all the faces of Azhul gods suffer fierce pain!

Not to mention the weird breath coming from within the natural barrier, the elves are holding some powerful sacrificial ceremony!

On the territory of the Azhul Protoss, the Elves blocked the exit of the Azhul Protoss’ lair, and held a sacrifice ceremony for the Elves!

This is a provocation, this is a naked provocation!

If no one knows about this, it's fine. But there was also a special envoy from the Tianmiao—a powerful **** who was 100 meters tall, and whose whole body was made of gold. This is the great elder of the Tianmiao Golden Body Giant Spirit Clan, a strong man with a mid-level main god-level combat effectiveness. He followed Zitel to the gods and finalized the final battle plan against the Milu gods with the gods. !

A few days after Nang Tuo came to God’s Realm, he was discussing with the gods of Azer on how the two sides could jointly destroy the Miras Sect. The door of the sudden God’s realm was sealed off, and I felt the dawn of face damage. The God of God launched an attack on that layer of natural barrier like a madman, but even though he used the strength of suckling, this layer of natural barrier remained motionless.

"Are the elves doing the trick?" Sitting on the ground, the tall Nang Tuo whispered in a weird tone: "Could it be that you can't even break through this layer of natural barriers? In this case, if the elves help many arms. Secret Demons, then how do we attack them?"

The crazy **** of dawn stopped the movement of his hands. He turned around and looked at him with a cold eye, seeing that he was much bigger than himself, and he glanced at a finger as big as his own body, and said coldly: "Could it be that You didn't sense the original aura contained in this natural barrier?"

After a soft cough, Nao Tuo sighed softly: "Original breath? What do those elves want to do?"

The **** of dawn snorted coldly. He didn't even bother to look at Nang Tuo, but led a group of his subordinates, rushing to the distant void temple at the fastest speed. Mu Wei and the God of Retribution glanced at each other, and hurriedly rushed to the Void Temple with his large group of subordinates. The strange-looking Nang Tuo smiled ‘hehe’, and he slowly stood up and followed behind with strides.

In the Void Temple, the body was just a hazy phantom, as if the Void God, who would melt in the void at any time, jumped uprightly and greeted all the females of the Elf race loudly. The body of the eye of the void was suspended in front of him, and the dark golden light turned into countless extremely thin light knives slashing madly towards the void. In the past, if the Void Eye had activated all its power, the Void God could easily teleport a million miles away through the Void Eye, and he could easily move from God's Domain to the depths of the Eastern Ocean in one step.

But today, no matter how hard the Void Eye works, there are faint green lights in the air from time to time. The natural barrier isolates the power of the Void Eye, and even the Void God who has mastered the laws of space cannot break through the space to allow himself to descend on the Western Continent. When the **** of dawn and his party walked into the temple of the void, the **** of the void was spitting out unbearable foul language like a hooligan!

In a short sentence of more than a dozen words, there are four or five words that belong to that kind of vocabulary that serious people cannot bear. The Void God is also considered to be a relatively important main god-level figure in the Azerite clan. Aside from the four gods of the dawn, Mu Wei, the **** of punishment, and Lu Sijia, his ranking is definitely in the top five of all gods. Of the list. But he can swear such ugly words, which shows how angry he has been.

"Those **** pointed ears, I..." Seeing the **** of dawn and the others walk in, the **** of the void suddenly shouted, and a series of words closely related to gender and certain special organs spurted out, void The face of the **** was distorted, and he was stumbling on the spot convulsively, cursing loudly like a madman.

Mu Wei and Lu Sijia snorted deeply. This guy scolded too badly. He didn't even think about the presence of many goddesses. He tore his cheeks and splashed them in disregard of manners and decency. But this situation is understandable, the natural barrier has banned the law of the void, and the **** of the void is most proud of his supernatural powers of space!

The elven gods blocked the gates of God’s Domain, only slapped Azer’s face, but as far as the Void God is concerned, those elven gods are equivalent to tearing off the face of the Void God. He stepped on 10,000 feet, then threw his face into the pit.

"What kind of power did they use? The spatial fluctuations are completely blocked!" Angrily, the Void God grabbed the sleeve of the Dawn God and screamed, "What power did they use? My natal artifact, Void Eye, unexpectedly Even what is happening in the secular world can't be seen clearly. A life energy cuts off my observation. How did they do it?"

The God of Dawn looked at the God of Void violently, he exhaled heavily, and then shouted coldly: "You can't descend into the world of the world?"

A cloud of dark light flashed from the eyes of the Void God, and his voice was like an active volcano covered by thick ice and snow, full of violent anger that might erupt at any time. He looked at the **** of dawn with cold eyes, and said word by word: "If I am willing to blow up the Void Eye, no one can block my path! I can go wherever I want!"

The **** of dawn coughed heavily, and the faces of the other gods were also a little weird. Self-destructive eye of the void? This is really a **** of a ghost. If you lose the Eye of the Void, your Void God’s power is at least half attenuated, and the Azer Protoss has also lost the best weapon to monitor the entire Western Continent. Even if the Void God himself is willing to do so, Other gods are not happy either.

"Stop talking nonsense!" The **** of dawn interrupted the roar of the **** of void: "If we can't come, can we pass on our will? To all the gods who are active outside the realm, as long as they can kill any one I am willing to open up the space for the inheritance of the Light God System and grant them a priesthood of the Lord God level!"

Mu Wei's eyes flashed, and she immediately added: "If the gods of our God of War system have made such a contribution, I can be the master, open up the inheritance space of several war leaders, and give him the inheritance of the higher master **** level. !"

Mu Wei proudly glanced at the **** of dawn, and the sudden situation at the moment had really lost the face of the Azhul protoss. No matter which deity of the gods can kill an elven god, it can greatly restore the damaged glory of the Axor gods. In other words, if the gods of the God of War can kill an elven god, but the gods of other gods cannot, then the power and prestige of the God of War within the Azer gods will be rapidly increased, and many neutrals The gods of the gods will lean towards the gods of war!

Therefore, the **** of dawn said ‘generously’ that he would bestow meritorious deities with a god-level god, while Mu Wei decisively offered a reward for the ‘higher god-level priest’! Mu Wei's glance at the God of Dawn was a show off and a demonstration. It was more of a ridicule-the stingy God of Dawn. You are really not a man. You are so stingy. What qualifications do you have? A representative of the Azer Protoss?

The **** of dawn squeezed his fists hard, and he looked at the **** of the void: "The Light God Element also rewards meritocracy with the priesthood of the upper main **** level! Tell all the gods of the Azhul Protoss that this is their status. The best opportunity for power, power and glory!"

The Void God took a deep breath, and he looked at the God of Dawn in shock! The inheritance of the priesthood of the upper Lord God level? Damn, you are too generous, too generous! It is possible to obtain a high-level main god-level priest out of thin air. What do the clansmen of the Azhul **** clan who have worked so hard for countless years and whose strength is far from the main god-level?

Not to mention the ordinary people, the Void God himself was so jealous that his eyes were red. In the air, he obtained the inheritance of the priesthood of the upper main **** level, and after the divine power instilled in the gods, that lucky person can at least obtain the power of the lower main **** level! What is a step to the sky? This is one step to the sky! The heart of the Void God is a little unbalanced, and the God of Dawn and Mu Wei are too generous!

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