Bright Era

Chapter 2230: Oh! Dear! ! ! (2)

But what caused the Void God to vomit blood happened, and the God of Retribution and Lu Sijia also offered the same reward! In other words, as long as there is a lucky **** of the Axul protoss and picks up the head of an elven god, he can choose one of the four gods at will and inherit the priesthood of one of the upper gods!

"Crazy, crazy!" The corner of the soul **** Thord's mouth twitched as he looked at the four main gods who made this decision, and shook his head incredibly. This group of lunatics, do they dare to grant the priesthood of the main **** level so easily? Lord God, in the Azhul Protoss, the existence of the Lord God level is a true nobleman. According to the strict laws of the Azhul Protoss, even if the Lord God is killed in battle, their priesthood inheritance must be inherited by the direct descendants of the Lord God, and must be Carefully select the most outstanding direct bloodline to inherit.

Grant the inheritance of the main **** level to the ordinary gods of the Axul protoss who have only made a small amount of trivial credit? This is almost equivalent to the emperor of the secular world, marrying his favorite princess to a farmer! This is simply unreasonable and shouldn't happen!

"You, are you sure you want to issue such an oracle?" The Void God's face twitched and looked at the four main gods.

Mu Wei slapped the eyes of the void, and the magical space artifact shook violently. She yelled impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense, find a way to pass the oracle to all the clansmen of the Azerite tribe outside the oracle! You can't descend onto the secular world yourself, don't tell us, you even have an oracle Can't be passed out!"

Nang Tuo sat at the gate of the Void Temple and shook his head speechlessly. This kind of thing makes Nang Tuo feel incredible. Grant the priesthood of the main **** level to those low-level gods? It's crazy! This kind of thing, no **** race can tolerate this kind of thing happening, is there still no respect? Are the strict class divisions of the major Protoss all false?

But suddenly Nang Tuo's heart twitched, and he almost didn't jump up-damn Azur protoss, if they really unscrupulously passed on the priesthood of the main **** level to those humble lower level gods, wouldn't it mean that they Is it possible to have a large number of main god-level existences at any time? Even if these lucky people who have integrated the priesthood can't really display the fighting power of the main **** level in a short time, they will grow up sooner or later!

"It's too shameless! It's too shameless for you to do this!" Nang Tuo's face was gloomy, and he felt that this kind of thing must be mentioned to Nightmare--perhaps, the negotiation conditions between the Tianmiao and the Azhul Protoss In, to join this paragraph. Nang Tuo has also left behind blood descendants in the secular world. Several of them are exceptionally outstanding. Perhaps, he can extract the main god-level priests of the golden body giant spirits in the gods’ domain inheritance temple, and bestow them on himself. God descendants?

Just as the Axul Protoss in God's Domain was engaged in fighting because the Queen of Green Moon blocked their access, Lin Qi was staring at the Primal Armament that was darkened by a mouthful of hell's plasma.

That poor guy, he attached his soul to the source weapon, and then he forcibly transformed his divine body into a pure source force and incorporated it into his soul. Relying on the source weapon's protection, he used the power of the world tree to break through. Open the void comes. But the hell's filthy and evil blood is sprayed on, and the consequences can be serious.

It's like a pond with clear spring water, but a vicious guy dumped all the filth that had been stored in three or five hundred huts for thousands of years. The original clear, sweet and delicious spring water suddenly became The smell was so suffocating that even the pond itself was contaminated. Lin Qi could clearly perceive that the evil power of **** was invading that powerful soul, and that hapless elven god, his soul was uttering a miserable cry.

The erosive power of the evil power of **** is extremely astonishing, and the little bit of the core source power that **** has just recovered in this mouthful of blood. Hell, as the existence of the most original negative energy collection since countless tribulations, the birth of countless new universes, his core source power is extremely evil, extremely filthy, and extremely dirty. In short, this is the darkest existence between heaven and earth. .

This set of gorgeous original weapons was infested almost instantaneously, the golden-green armor turned jet black, and a desperate cold and evil force continued to spread from the armor. The original law of this armor itself Being completely distorted, no longer the glory and sacredness of the moment.

As for the soul of the elven **** entrusted in this set of armor, Lin Qi really didn't know how he felt now. Think about it, countless evil thoughts flooded into his soul madly, all kinds of brutal, cruel, evil, and twisted weird thoughts were infecting his intelligence, and a flood of negative waves impacted him. His soul wants to transform him into an evil being.

"This, in the end, what is it!" The powerful elf soul howled miserably, green light bursting out in the original weapon, and every green light spurted out, it could rush the black energy that was constantly invading. Step back a short distance. But as soon as each group of green light spurted out, it suddenly turned into pitch black, and then quickly turned into sticky snake-like black air, which was tightly wrapped around the soul.

With soaring anger, the shadow of the leaf in front of Lin Kaixuan's chest flashed rapidly, and then a green light rushed out, and the Empress Green Moon screamed hysterically, rushing out of the light and shadow like a lunatic woman . This is a clone of the Empress Green Moon, but unlike the ordinary projection clone, the body of this clone is condensed, and it is no different from the divine body of an ordinary elf god.

Moreover, she constantly exudes terrifying soul fluctuations, at least 30% of the soul of the Empress Green Moon is entrusted to this clone. Compared with the ordinary avatar's projection that only puts a trace of the power of the soul, this avatar can almost be regarded as the Empress of Green Moon coming.

To Lin Qi’s horror, this avatar was also wearing a set of brilliant armor that looked like countless pieces of silver-white petals pieced together. She held a small diamond shield in her left hand and a delicate silver-green crystal in her right hand. The staff, the violent aura emanating from the whole body is suffocating! Lin Qi instantly judged that the clone that had descended at least possessed the terrifying power of the pinnacle of the middle main god.

Once such a clone, which is almost the same as the main body, is killed, it will also deal an extremely heavy blow to the Empress Green Moon. Such a'true clone', even the peak-level main god, can differentiate at most three or five. Each loss is like being cut off an arm or thigh. Even the main **** can hardly bear such damage. .

"My love, what did they do to you?" The Empress Green Moon just rushed out of the leaves, and let out a hysterical cry. The staff in her hand gently waved around, and suddenly waves of pure divine power rushed around like a tsunami.

Xuanlan, Mr. Mo, and those elemental giants vomited blood at the same time, they were rolled up like fallen leaves in the wind, and they were heavily thrown away. Lin Qi could hear the cracking of bones from inside Mr. Mo and Xuanlan. The damage caused by Empress Green Moon's blow was extremely terrifying, causing Lin Qi's heart to stop beating.

"Retreat, hurry up!" Lin Qi's clone screamed. His clone has extremely limited power. It is very easy to deal with a Lin Kaixuan, but facing the Green Moon Empress who will spare no effort, Lin Qi's This clone was almost shattered by her with one blow. Therefore, Lin Qi screamed, and the clone suddenly exploded, turning into countless gray sources of power into the magic circle of the hall.

With a loud ‘buzz’, Mr. Mo, Xuanlan and others quickly appeared one after another small teleportation magic circle, and they were all sent out of the hall by Lin Qi for the first time. The energy that Lin Qi’s clone exploded had increased the divine power barrier of the entire hall to an extremely terrifying level. The hall was completely isolated from the outside world, and even the Empress Green Moon could not perceive this. What happened in the hall over a period of time.

Lin Qi's deity shook his body and appeared directly in the hall. Wearing a black robe, a cloud with a solemn expression appeared behind Lin Qi silently. She glanced at the mad tiger Empress Green Moon, and suddenly there were countless strange magic circles and magic patterns flashing in her eyes. . Waves of strange power rushed out, instantly tied to the golden thread of fate around the Empress Green Moon.

Yun Tiansheng's Ten Thousand Curse Eyes were activated, and she incorporated all of her power into this hit. In the dark, an invisible knife cut an understatement. The Empress Green Moon’s monstrous arrogance suddenly stagnated, her luck stagnated, as if a burning flame was poured into a cylinder of cold water, her luck turned sharply and fell into The lowest ebb of fate.

The Eye of the Mantra had no actual attack power, but Yun's attack effect was so powerful that Lin Qi felt chills.

The Empress Green Moon issued that blow, smashed Lin Qi's clone, severely wounded Mr. Mo, Xuanlan and others and drove them out of the hall, she immediately rushed towards the original armed forces in the air. As soon as her body flew less than three meters high, Lin Qi's deity and Yun teleported into the hall. Yun launched an attack on the Empress Green Moon for the first time, and then an almost absurd scene appeared!

The Empress Green Moon, who was entangled in the wind and flew up lightly, flew about three meters high, and suddenly she sneezed heavily. The hall master god-level existence sneezed, which was ridiculous enough, and when she sneezed out, the staff in her hand was like an oiled loach, and fell out of her hand.

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