Bright Era

Chapter 309: Black Abyss Market

Hei Yuan was very quiet, very quiet, at least the area where Lin Qi was located was very quiet.

It's like a cemetery in the middle of the night, without the slightest movement. The surroundings were full of dense darkness, and the few faint light spots in the sky couldn't illuminate the place at all. The greatest effect of those light sources was nothing more than to make people change from not being able to see five fingers with their hands to barely seeing them.

There are still a lot of torches in the second-tier Black Abyss God Prison, but there is not even a torch here.

It's just that a lot of mushrooms and moss grow on those dark stone pillars that don't know how high they are. Among them, there is a beautiful white mushroom with a beautiful umbrella that emits a faint fluorescence like a firefly. This mushroom is the size of a fist, and the light it emits can illuminate a range of about two feet in radius. And they all grow together in clusters. When Lin Qi walked around a stone pillar, at least a hundred meters of this kind of mushroom grew on the back of the stone pillar, and the light emitted was quite impressive.

Those moss gave off the faint light of greenery, and the white light and green light merged into one, illuminating the surrounding green oil, making people feel cold.

There was a sizzle, and Lin Qi suddenly saw a small gray-white snake about two feet long swimming past the mushroom group. The snake's body is translucent, and you can see its bones and simple internal organs. It does not have eyes. There are only two red spots on the parts that should be eyes. The snake swam slowly, and then disappeared into the darkness.

After the snake swam past, a few fist-sized snails got out of nowhere. The carapace was translucent, and the flesh showed a faint blue-white color. The extremely crystal-clear and lovely snails lay on the mushrooms and ate their mouthfuls. Gradually, a faint silver light appeared in the bodies of these snails. Like the snake, their bodies were also translucent. The mushrooms that were eaten were still glowing, so even their bodies appeared. luster.

"It seems good!" Lin Qi's saliva flowed, and he quickly remembered the roasted snake segments, stewed snake soup, and fried snails that he had eaten while hunting in the mountains with Blackbeard. It seems that as long as you are willing to do something, it is not a problem to fill your stomach here. For the time being, you don't need to use the food you reserve.

Lin Qi frowned and took a bite after weighing the salty bread in his hands. A strange smell rushed into Lin Qi's mouth, salty, bitter, and astringent, dry like sand, with an indescribable sour and musty smell. Lin Qi opened his mouth and spit out the bread, raising his hand to throw it out, but after thinking about it, he grabbed the bread in his hand again.

This bread is difficult for him to utter, but it should be a good thing in this Black Abyss God Prison! Keep it, it might still be useful.

Squinting at the surrounding terrain, Lin Qi slowly walked in the direction pointed by Xuanlan.

The lowest level of Heiyuan Divine Prison is an underground cave that is unknown how big it is. The red light in the distance should be the light emitted by the underground lava lake, which seems to be at least a hundred miles away from Lin Qi. Like the second layer of Black Abyss, there are a large number of stone pillars supporting the upper rock formation. But these stone pillars should be natural, because there is no magic circle reinforcement on them.

If a magic circle is arranged, these mushrooms and moss will not grow. Lin Qi nodded secretly. The church should have used this naturally formed cave as a prison. It's just that since the church dared to use this as a cage, they must have explored the cave inside and out, and there shouldn't be any mistakes left for Lin Qi to use.

There is a solid black rock underneath. Lin Qi rubbed the rock blocks with the sole of his feet. The ground is hard and icy. With the cold light from the mushrooms, you can see that these rocks emit a chilly gloom. Metal composition.

Lin Qi shook his head, and it seemed that digging a tunnel to escape would not work. This kind of rock rich in metal minerals is so hard that even the strength of heaven cannot easily dig them. And here deep underground, God knows what the **** is in the rock above? If a lava layer was dug up, it would really be the end, and there would be no chance of escape.

"Walk one step at a time!" Lin Qi frowned, "First find a place to live, and then see how the food here is solved. Those **** clubs only bring these old men to eat, those sheep's heads. How did the devil solve this problem?"

Lin Qi couldn't help feeling depressed when he thought of the fact that his boots, socks, and underwear were all stripped of by the goat-headed demons. At the time, the old man in red robe only destroyed Lin Qi's cultivation base, but did not search Lin Qi's body. Those fanatics also took off Lin Qi's magic soft armor when they got to the ground. Besides, they didn't search Lin Qi for anything else.

Instead, when he got here, Lin Qi was ransacked by the sheep-head devil and the gang.

Listening to the sheep's head devil, it seems that there are some unspoken rules for the guardian cultists and the prisoners here?

Lin Qi kept admonishing here that this is a **** of a place, all people and things are full of evil spirits, and he must be careful. I can't help but Lin Qi is not careful, think about who are the people imprisoned in Hei Yuan Shen Prison? Only a heresy who is deemed by the church to be a heinous sin, but will be reluctant to kill for a while, will be sent to the Black Abyss God Prison. Which one is easy to provoke?

As for the ordinary heretics, the civilians and the little nobles who have been found guilty, they have long been sent to the torture rack, and it is not their turn to be sent here. Lin Qi told himself that no one here is not good, and he must act cautiously.

Xuan Lan was right. After walking not far, a huge hole appeared in the stone wall between the two huge stone pillars. Obviously the people here are taking care of it very carefully. The white fluorescent mushrooms are planted near the entrance of the cave. The white light illuminates the space of more than ten meters near the entrance of the cave. Such a bright light suddenly appeared in this dark and lacquered place. Lin Qi immediately felt a sense of safety and peace of mind.

But as soon as Lin Qi walked to the entrance of the cave, two blood goblins with reddish skin suddenly popped out of the dark holes on both sides of the entrance. They held two crude metal spears and aimed them at Lin Qi's chest.

"You're the hapless newcomer? You are not welcome here! Even if there is a big guy like Xuanlan, it's not easy to talk! You go, this is not the place you should come, this is the place for masters to meditate. , Depending on your young and strong appearance, go to the Black Abyss Market to find life!"

Blood goblins are the most brutal and easy to kill in the goblin clan, and they also have the highest percentage of heretics. Just like the humans on the Western Continent, it’s good to have two or three heretics out of 10,000 people, but blood goblins are often the whole tribe declared heretics by the church, and then the whole clan is either killed or arrested by the church. It is the most common thing to encounter a blood goblin in the Heiyuan Hell.

These two blood goblins are only as high as Lin Qi's waist at most, but the spears in their hands are genuine metal spears. Although they look rough, they are sharp enough. Moreover, these two blood goblins still exude a guilty aura, at least they are also high-ranking strengths, with Lin Qi's current broken body, it is impossible to be their opponent.

Looking coldly at the two blood goblins who could have been kicked to death in the past, Lin Qi exhaled heavily. He looked at the entrance of the cave, turned and left. But just after a few steps, Lin Qi turned back.

The two blood goblins immediately approached Lin Qi with grinning teeth, and a grudge halo appeared on the spears. Lin Qi hurriedly raised the salted bread in his hand: "I didn't mean anything. I just saw that all the'masters' seemed to have clothes on their bodies. I would like to use this piece of bread for a piece of clothing, okay?"

The two blood goblins glanced at each other, and the goblin on the left immediately jumped into the hole.

Not long after, the goblin rushed back and threw a loose robe and a pair of trousers to Lin Qi. These clothes are woven with plant fibers. Although the craftsmanship is very crude, it is enough to cover shame, and it looks much better than the big leaf on Lin Qi.

Lin Qi threw the salty bread to the two blood goblins, and then quickly put on this shaggy shirt with a little pierced body.

Nodded friendly to the two blood goblins, Lin Qi turned and walked toward the Black Abyss Market pointed by Xuanlan. Not long after he walked out, Lin Qi heard the triumphant whispers of the two blood goblins behind: "The rookie rookie is a rookie. This piece of bread can change at least five or six sets of clothes like that, but one set sent him away! Hey, when would it be nice to have a few more such stupid newcomers?"

Lin Qi staggered and almost fell to the ground. He turned his head and looked sadly. The two blood goblins who were whispering to each other immediately closed their mouths seriously. They raised their spears and gestured to Lin Qi in awe.

Shaking his head, Lin Qi strode towards the Black Abyss Market. Isn't it just a piece of salty bread that he doesn't bother to eat? He is not rare about this. According to what these two blood goblins said, a salty bread can be exchanged for five or six sets of such clothing. It seems that in this Black Abyss God Prison, food should be hard currency?

Lin Qi's confidence became extremely abundant, he thought of an anklet and two spatial rings on his feet, and walked forward in a good mood.

After walking for about half an hour, a cool breeze suddenly blew in front, and there was a boiling voice.

Lin Qi stepped forward a few steps, and suddenly a huge flat land appeared in front of him. On it, neatly planned streets and markets were neatly planned, and scattered torches lit up the surroundings. Here is the Black Abyss Market.

From a distance, the streets here are crowded with people. As Lin Qi can see, there are at least a thousand strange creatures of different races on the street close to him. There are demons, orcs, dwarves, goblins, fairies, elves, and naturally humans.

Lin Qi took a breath and strode into the market.


Today’s six chapters are updated. I went to eat first, and continue to code after the meal!

Chapter Six, 19,000 words should be?

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