Bright Era

Chapter 310: Hunting team

Standing next to Lin Qi, bending over and looking down at him was a strong man who was about the same height as Lin Qi, but had a waist circumference at least three times that of Lin Qi. Compared with him, Lin Qi's already a little bloated figure was like a bean sprout next to a potato.

This big man is obese, extremely obese, with a bare head, like a mirror that reflects the shadow of a person. His clothes are gorgeous, a scarlet gown made of velvet. Such a big fat man, wearing a scarlet suit, looked very happy.

But Lin Qi doesn't think this guy is very gratifying, because this guy's left hand is impressively carrying five shiny space rings!

Space ring, this is a rare magical tool that can only be made by an archmage who is proficient in space spells, plus a clever master forging and rune engraving masters. Because these magical artifacts are too rare, unless someone with extremely powerful strength, it is impossible to have a spatial ring, let alone wear them grandiosely on their fingers.

For example, Lin Qi wears three spatial artifacts on his feet, and still uses secret methods to fuse them with flesh and blood, only revealing a tiny trace under the skin. Lin Qi also used ordinary people’s blind corners of thinking. Because spatial artifacts are extremely precious, everyone will treat them carefully, either wearing them on their fingers or hanging them as pendants on their chests. Who will step on them? Smelly feet?

So the space ring on Lin Qi's finger was found by Law, but the three space artifacts on his feet were not found for this reason. In the entire Western Continent, there is probably only Lin Qi this freak who wears precious spatial artifacts on his feet!

Really strong people would not use such methods to hide space magical weapons; while people who are too weak and small, they simply cannot get space magical weapons. So Lin Qi's behavior is unique to the entire Western Continent, and no one can copy his behavior anymore!

But this fat man, he wore five space rings grandiosely on his left hand, and he did not hide the magical fluctuations of these space rings at all. Even if Lin Qi was broken by the prisoner of punishment, he could still feel these rings. Emitting fluctuations.

Judging from Lin Qi’s experience, he had just been thrown into this black abyss, and even his underwear and socks were stripped clean, but this big man could keep the five space rings in his hand, and even get it. With such a fitting velvet dress, it can be seen how powerful and powerful he is. At least in this black abyss, no one can steal this outfit from him, just know how powerful he is.

With a dry laugh, Lin Qi nodded hard to the big man: "Hello!"

The big man squatted down, he pressed his hand on Lin Qi's body, and raised his brows high: "Is it abolished?"

Lin Qi gave a dry laugh and shook his head bitterly.

The man nodded, and pointed his thumb to his nose: "I am a fat bear, everyone here calls me that. I can help you heal your bones and muscles, but I can't help you with your meridians. . It’s just that as long as your bones and muscles are restored, you can at least display part of your previous strength. I think your physical strength is still very good, right?"

Lin Qi nodded, saying nothing at this time: "Yes, when my body is intact, I can lift several thousand catties."

The fat bear patted his belly with satisfaction: "That's not bad. Although there is no vindictiveness, but you have a good body, you can live very well here! That's it, I will heal your physical injury. , And then you are my person and you are working for me. This transaction is fair and reasonable. What do you think?"

Lin Qi was silent for a while, he looked at Fat Bear and asked, "What am I going to do?"

Fat Xiong chuckles, he patted his chest hard and laughed: "Here, what can you do with strength? Of course it is to beat people! Someone wants to grab my site, you beat people for me; I grab someone's site , You help me beat people; I am interested in something, you help me **** it; others see my thing, you can't let them grab it. It's simple, isn't it?"

Lin Qi rolled his eyes: "Thug?"

The Fat Bear provoked a thumbs up and exclaimed: "Smart! I like to talk to smart people! You will be my Fat Bear's thug!"

He sighed heavily, and the Fat Bear laughed: "Brother, it is not easy to live a good life in Heiyuan. You have to have a bunch of brothers to help you, don't you? I already know about you, look at you It’s hard for a person to live here alone during the past two days!"

Lin Qi was silent for a while, then he raised his hand and patted the fat bear's big hands, which are no different from the real bear paws.

Fat Xiong grinned, then he picked up Lin Qi and strode to the depths of the market. By Fat Xiong's side, he quickly followed a dozen sturdy and fierce big men. Wherever this group of people passed, the pedestrians in the market dodge one after another, and no one dared to stop them.

On the contrary, in some houses on the side of the road, from time to time, there are various kinds of creatures with bad looks. They saw the fat bears and others who swaggered through the market, and they showed fierce faces. There were even a few tauren spitting on the ground. To show his disdain for Fat Bear.

Don’t look at the fat bear’s body being so fat, he walked lightly and fast, Lin Qi was thrown on his shoulders, his shoulders were also thick with flesh, Lin Qi lay on him It's not uncomfortable on the shoulders, as if lying on a sofa.

Lin Qi can just see his left hand that is constantly shaking, and the five spatial rings are shining brightly, which is so noticeable.

Fat Xiong didn't look at Lin Qi, but he seemed to know what Lin Qi was looking at. He smiled triumphantly: "This is the reward I got for my credit when the King was still alive. Hey, When the'king' is still there, the **** sticks on it still follow the rules. Newcomers like you will still let them bring down their belongings. These space rings naturally fall into our hands. The'king' will be distributed according to the amount of credit."

He sighed heavily, and Fat Xiong shook his head and said, "But the'king' is no longer there. The rules of the black abyss, hehe! Unless someone can achieve the strength that the'king' once possessed, there will be no good days in the future. ...I heard that one of your magic soft armor was picked up on it?"

Lin Qi also sighed, helplessly spread his hands.

Fat Xiong also sighed. He shook his head gloomily, and muttered in a low voice, "The rules are broken, and this black abyss can be difficult. However, this ghost place has rules and no rules, but it is actually bad. Nowhere to go."

Carrying Lin Qi and walking forward for a long time, a dozen huge stone pillars gathered in front of him. Surrounding these stone pillars, huge stones were used to form a circular city wall. The city wall that is about ten meters high looks very deterrent. In this dark underground, I don't know how much labor this city wall consumes.

On the dozens of stone pillars surrounded by walls, Lin Qi saw dozens of bird's nest-like things hanging on the pillars. Someone poked their heads out of the bird’s nest, and they found the fat bear’s huge body far away. They made a sharp whistle, and then a large stone gate in the city wall opened suddenly. The centaur came out quickly.

Orcs, barbarians, dwarves, goblins, goblins, and even a few half-blood demons. There are people of any race in this team. There are even more than a dozen people, even Lin Qi can’t figure out what race they are. . These people are all dressed in fish scales made of polished stones and connected in series, and they look decent and have the flavor of an elite army.

These people greeted the Fat Bear, and banged their right hands on their chests and saluted the Fat Bear: "The boss is back!"

The fat bear picked up Lin Qi and shook: "Hey, I'm back! I got a little guy back! Where is the rock lizard that I caught yesterday? Let the bleeding soak up the little guy and wait for him. After the body is recuperated, I can go hunting with you."

A tauren about three meters tall took Lin Qi, and Fat Xiong patted his forehead heavily: "Confused, little guy, what's your name?"

Lin Qi reported his name, Fat Xiong nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Lin Qi, you go and soak first. The blood effect of the rock lizard is very strong, but it is also very painful. Anyway, wait for your injury. Let's talk about it!"

He touched his belly vigorously, and the Fat Bear grinned and said: "I am the leader of the Black Abyss Hunting Team, and I basically provide the meat at this level of the Dark Abyss God Prison! There are many things, in the future. I know, hey, anyway, we are going to stay here for the rest of our lives, and our children and grandchildren have to stay. Sooner or later you will know many things!"

The tauren nodded to Fat Xiong, and then took Lin Qi into the city gate.

Under the dozens of tall stone pillars, dozens of simple stone buildings were built. In some stone buildings, screams were heard from time to time. There was an unpleasant smell in the air, which was like a **** smell, but with an indescribable sour smell.

Lin Qi was taken into a stone building by a tauren. Here, a huge lizard was tied with some strange rope, but it was more than 20 meters long, and it was densely covered with rocks in color. Foot crawling creature.

More than a dozen burly men stood by with sharp knives in their hands, gesticulating and pointing at the big guy, seeming to figure out where to cut the knife.

The tauren violently threw Lin Qi into a deep pit excavated on the ground, and he cried out with an urn: "The boss said, let this little guy soak the blood. Hurry up and take out this big guy's demon. Nuclear, you can change a few barrels of good wine to relieve your hunger!"

Lin Qi almost fainted when he was thrown into the pit. Before he sat up straight in the pit, he heard a miserable howl, and a hot blood spurted down and quickly filled the pit. Lin Qi's whole body was soaked in this hot blood. With a twitch of his body, he felt countless small knives pierced into his body, causing him to hiss in pain. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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