Bright Era

Chapter 347: Unlucky grandparents

Lin Qi fell to the ground, the old man stood up, walked to the black smoke-spitting Bilibili, and stomped the little devil's forehead expressionlessly. This power was just right, and it wouldn't hurt the little devil, but it was enough to make him unable to wake up in an hour.

"Sir!" Yun looked at the old man. "Mr.", this title is not like the title a grandson should have to grandpa.

The old man frowned and squatted beside Lin Qi, gently stroking Lin Qi's arm joints and muscles with his fingers. Then he stood up and nodded in satisfaction: "My judgment is correct. Although Lin Qi's talent is much better than ordinary people, he is considered a genius. But his current qualifications can no longer be described as genius, he is completely a freak. ."

Looking admiringly at Lin Qi who was asleep, the old man pursed his lips and laughed.

"Yun, my body, I know it. In this ghost place, I don’t worry about you living here alone. You are too young to understand many things, and although you have great potential, you are now The strength of the development is not enough."

"Make a good time with Lin Qi. When I am here, I will try my best to make this crude guy look a little more personal. If I'm gone, he will be your best guard and partner. Your strength is Shortcomings, no matter how strong your mental power is, you will face all kinds of dangers in the godly prison carefully set up by the church. Lin Qi will be a good guardian. His disposition and methods are very suitable for this Live in a ghost place."

Yun Anyan lowered his head, and there was a faint flash of water in his eyes.

The old man took a look at Yun and walked to him and touched his short hair lightly: "Well, I won’t have an accident in at least a few years. Maybe, if, I mean if we shouldn’t die, we will still There is a chance to leave here. As long as I can leave here, I can still live."

Yun raised his head and looked at the old man firmly: "Then we will definitely leave here. As long as I can..."

The old man patted Yun's head lightly, and then shook his head severely.

"No, don't say the word'as long as'. This kind of vocabulary is too dangerous for speculation. We can't speculate. We can only walk steadily step by step. Cloud, I can die, but you can't give a little bit. Danger."

Reaching out and picking up the little stone jar containing wine, the old man squinted at the little residual wine in the jar and suddenly smiled and shook his head.

"Just this kid, he still studied with the master of the gods for three years? Should I praise him for his honesty, or should I say that he is stupid like a donkey? A drink provided by a stranger, and it is still here. A stranger in a ghost place can't figure out the details of the other party, so he dare to drink the wine I gave him?"

Yun also pursed his mouth and laughed: "But, sir, if we weren't lucky enough to get the broken scroll in that little nobleman's house, you wouldn't be able to prepare this kind of "dream potion", and neither would we. Learned this secret technique that suits me best!"

The old man chuckled. He nodded and said in a low voice: "Yes, the magical medicine and several other secret medicines. This is the only secret technique that can make the population speak truth in the ancient times. If you can go back, this will give What benefits the lord brings."

Then, the old man's face quickly became difficult to look.

"But Yun, you must remember that this kind of potion must not be leaked at all. Even if you use it, you must use the potion to erase all the memory of the opponent, or simply kill the mouth. This potion is too valuable, but because of this, Its allure is too great."

Yun's face turned pale, he nodded seriously, and exhaled heavily. Then he looked at the old man helplessly: "I know, this kind of potion and other supporting secret medicines, I will only give it to the family to use, I will not risk myself."

The old man stayed for a while, then suddenly laughed.

He chuckled and nodded, then squinted at Lin Qi: "Don't worry about it anymore, Yun, if you have this kid in the future, you don't have to risk going to the market to sell clothes and boots to exchange food. This kid is now Reds of the hunting team, how about we move to live in the hunting team?"

Yun looked at the old man in surprise: "Move to the hunting team?"

After lowering his head and thinking for a while, the old man laughed: "Go to the hunting team. The magician who pretended to be a ghost is dead...or in fact he is not dead. I have followed him secretly for ten years. In fact, he may still be alive, but he no longer controls. The Black Abyss Market. Then the chaos in the Chaos Cavern will come, and with the ambitions of those people in the market, this place is no longer suitable for living."

With a light sigh, the old man stretched out his hands helplessly: "Originally, this is the boundary between the Black Abyss Market and the Chaos Cavern. Although we live here will be harassed a bit, no major changes will happen. But now it is in chaos. There are signs that we have to make long-term plans."

Pinching his fingers to calculate for a while, the old man nodded earnestly: "Yes, it's the hunting team. Fat Bear is a bit clever and clever, but besides his brain is not very useful, there won't be too many people like this. The ghostly mind, the hybrid offspring of the ogre, it is more difficult to be careful with his IQ."

"The most beautiful thing is that all the leaders of the hunting team are orcs. Although these orcs are a bit savage and stupid, the savagery represents straightforwardness, and the stupidity represents good use. Lin Qi is now the red man of the hunting team. With my help, it is not difficult for him to become the leader of the hunting team. If this is the case, we do not need to use our own strength to survive here well."

Looking at Yun with a smile, the old man sighed softly: "That said, if I die here, then Yun, the hunting team will be a good place for you to stay. It's rare that Lin Qi, a stupid boy, bumped himself up. It's our fate!"

While speaking, Lin Qi rubbed his temple and got up from the ground. His head was so swollen and painful, it was as uncomfortable as if someone drunk and slapped a brick on the back of the head. He heard the old man's last words and couldn't help but hum: "Fate? What fate? What happened to me? I remember, I drank wine and was talking to you, and then I don't remember?"

The old man laughed lightly, and he gently placed the wine jar on the table: "The wine I brewed is very strong, and the medicinal materials in it are too much, so you are drunk. But this is also a good thing. Getting drunk in exchange for vindictiveness gets two consecutive ranks, kid, you make a lot of money!"

Lin Qi laughed weirdly, he swayed in the chair, gasping for breath.

"Yeah, it's a lot of money! By the way, I don't know how to call you. Is there any more this wine?" When Lin Qi spoke, he subconsciously licked his lips. This wine is so powerful, Lin Qi Qi wished that the old man was injured and had more than one hundred cans, so that his vindictiveness could be quickly improved.

The old man squinted his eyes and smiled: "You can call me the young man, the name is just a code, you call me the young man. As for this wine, if you can provide the raw materials, it will not be troublesome to brew. In fact, the blood of the rock lizard is more difficult to get, and the rest are very common medicinal materials."

Lin Qi happily clapped his hands and slapped his chest vigorously: "In this case, I will use meat to change the bar for you. I will provide all the ingredients, and you can just brew the wine and give it to me."

With a faint smile, the old man nodded slightly. He squinted at Lin Qi and slowly said, "That's a good thing. But Lin Qi, it's rare for us to be in the Dark Abyss God Prison. I met, and I have also dealt with your Black Tiger family, everyone is considered to be friends. I am old and weak, Yun is young and sick, I think..."

Lin Qi raised his head fiercely, and he clapped his chest hard and smiled: "What else is there to say? As far as your craftsmanship in making wine, clothes and boots, why don't you move to where I live now? Living with Shuai Xiong and his mother, the place is spacious and not too many of you two. After all, everyone is of... Oriental descent, my father said, he said..."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi was recalling what Blackbeard had said to him back then. The young man had already slapped his palms and laughed hard.

"Oh, that would be great. Lin Qi, I take back what I said about you. You kid, in fact, is still a very righteous young Toshihiko. If this is the case, let's start, Yun, take everything Come on, let's go back to where he lives with Lin Qi!"

Yun looked at Old Man Qing, then at Lin Qi, then turned around and went into the cave to clean up.

Lin Qi gave Bilibili a leg severely, and found that he could not wake him up, so he could only shake his head helplessly, and then asked the old man: "However, I still find it strange, what is going on with you and your grandson? Was caught in?"

The old man smiled bitterly, sat back in his seat, and sighed quietly.

It’s also very simple to say. The young man took Yun, who was only two years old, to Dunerke to buy a large amount of rare medicinal materials from the Black Tiger family. After smoothly handing over the payment with Blackbeard, the young man and Yun returned with their family guards. Family residence. They missed the hotel halfway, and could only stay in a little nobleman’s manor.

As a result, this little nobleman secretly raised a few exotic beauties, and somehow he was approached by the punishment knights.

The disciplinary knights acted domineering, the green old man and Yun's guards "missed" and killed several disciplinary knights, and then things became uncontrollable. Although the family guard was cleanly killed by the disciplinary knight who came after hearing the news, the two were also suspected of being ‘involved in a foreign race’ and were unceremoniously thrown into the Dark Abyss God Prison by the church.

"No disaster!" The young man looked at Lin Qi with a bitter expression.

"Your grandfather and grandson are really unlucky!" Lin Qi also spread his hands helplessly, but he always felt that what the old guy said was a bit untrue! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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