Bright Era

Chapter 348: siege

Everyone is awesome!

But can it be more powerful?

This is today's third and fourth shift!

Dutou really wants to burst ten more!

How many tickets are there before?

If everyone can burst up, I can burst out!


Surprisingly, the young man actually kept a space bracelet, and the capacity seems to be very large. Because Lin Qi saw that the old man even the workbench he used to use--that is, the huge stone table and a few stone benches were stuffed into the bracelet.

The green old man and Yun didn’t have much to clean up. After cleaning up all the bits and pieces of the cave, a group of people walked outside. The green old man’s finger flicked and the runes on the cave wall suddenly burned. stand up. About a foot thick of the rock was burned into magma flowing down, and the entire cave suddenly became completely unrecognizable. It looked like a broken tile kiln.

Lin Qi couldn't help but feel terrified when he saw this scene. There was no sound when these magic circles were burning. He didn't even feel any high temperature when he was close at hand, but the stones were burned into red magma. It can be seen how unpredictable these magic circles are, and it is hard to imagine how lethal power the magic circles arranged by the young man are once launched with full force.

No wonder he can keep the next bracelet! Lin Qi quickly glanced at the old man's wrist.

The old man twitched his mouth and smiled. He nodded to Lin Qi: "When we were sent in ten years ago, I fought against the king of the black abyss. He corroded my internal organs with dark power, causing My lifespan has been shortened a lot. But he was also affected by me... Anyway, he doesn't feel good! If he really died, I wouldn't be surprised if he was said to have something to do with me."

Lin Qi looked at the old man in amazement. The king of the black abyss is a wizard of the holy realm. He can fight against him regardless of victory or defeat. He can also keep his belongings from being redistributed by the bosses of the black abyss. The cultivation of the Holy Land.

"How did you get caught in? To deal with a little noble disciplinary knight, can you catch a holy realm mage?" Lin Qi asked the old man in surprise. He really couldn't figure out why the young man would have fallen to this point if he had such a strong strength.

He just said that he was hit by the fish pond while staying in the manor of a little nobleman. But to arrest a little nobleman, well, even if it is to arrest an earl with real power, the punishment knight can dispatch 1,000 people at a time is the limit. Among them, it is very good to have a disciplinary knight with great power. There are only a thousand people, and even Aunt Lily's crushing attack cannot be held. The young man is a holy realm!

With a helpless sigh, the green old man hadn't spoken yet, and the cloud on the side had already stammered.

"Grandpa was arrested by them to save me. I..."

The young man interrupted Yun's words, and he said solemnly: "Yun is talented and intelligent, but he is so smart. He was able to communicate with people just six months after he was born, and he learned how to use three different races when he reached his first birthday. Language, which also includes the most complex and ever-changing Abyssal Demon language."

Lin Qi quietly listened to the old man's speech, turning his head to look at the cloud standing aside from time to time. This little guy is a freak at all!

He was able to communicate with people in six months, and learned three foreign languages ​​when he was one year old. Yun is talented and intelligent, and his IQ is about ten times that of ordinary people. The problem is that Yun's talent has been developed too early. If he has such a talent in adulthood, his body can withstand the intense consumption of his brain.

But young Yun, his too smart brain consumed too much nutrients, and his fragile body simply couldn't bear such a huge consumption. So he was weak and sick since he was a child, and had to take a lot of decoctions made from rare medicinal materials to supplement his lost vitality.

The young man is a very smart doctor—not a pharmacist, but a doctor!

When Yun was a little more than two years old, the medicines collected by the family could no longer meet Yun's consumption. The young man took Yun to Dun Erke and ordered the rare medicines of the three big ships from the Black Tiger family. Sanchuan's medicine and proper food can allow Yun to live safely to adulthood.

But the night they stayed at the little nobleman's manor, when the Knights of Retribution rushed into the manor to arrest and kill, Yun suddenly became ill, and the young man was making soup for Yun. The family guard next to the young man was loyal to prevent the disciplinary knights from invading the two men's homes, and cleanly beheaded more than a dozen disciplinary knights, and even the leader of the disciplinary knights had their arms cut off.

What's terrible is that the five archbishops of the church sent by the Temple of Dawn to visit the major dioceses rest in the nearest city. Thousands of guards accompanied by the five temple bishops, including the most elite Knights of the Night in the Temple of Dawn.

I heard that someone in a small heresy manor actually resisted and killed the disciplinary knight. The five archbishops of the temple-one of them was a bright archmage who was cultivated in the holy realm. They brought the guarding knights with them at the fastest speed. Rushed to the scene.

The young man and the guards who accompanied Yun were beheaded. The soup that the young man was making was smashed. Yun's brain quickly absorbed the body's nutrients, and he was going to die. The young man was helpless, so he could only input his own essence into Yun's body to supplement his body loss, and at the same time, he had to be careful to keep Yun's life under the siege of the five church archbishops.

At that time, the fragile and fragile cloud just two years old would die even if it oscillated slightly. The hand-bound young man waited for the bright master of the holy realm to use a holy artifact in the Temple of Dawn, and finally had no choice but to choose surrender!

If the young man is alone, he has the confidence to escape easily. But in the face of the sacred weapon's attack, although the old man was confident that he would not suffer much damage, Yun couldn't bear even the slightest aftermath of the sacred weapon.

So the two were captured alive and thrown to the Black Abyss God Prison! This was because the young man and the old man Yun were old and young. After investigation, the church found that they did have nothing to do with the heretical little nobleman, so they threw them in. Otherwise, because the young man accused the four archbishops of the church severely in the fight, he and Yun had long been sent to the fire.

Lin Qi looked at the old man blankly.

What is sturdy, this is sturdy. Five archbishops of the temple and thousands of elite knights besieged him. This shriveled old man was able to severely damage the four temples. This fighting power was truly astonishing. Lin Qi couldn't help but shook his head and grinned again and again, and then he suddenly laughed happily: "So, I can walk sideways in the Black Abyss God Prison in the future?"

The old man shook his head and wiped out Lin Qi's pride.

"If I didn't do anything with the King of the Black Abyss, and didn't get seriously injured by him, I would let you do whatever you want here."

With a wry smile, the green old man murmured: "But now, I still want to live a few more years to take care of Yun. I won't take care of it indiscriminately. Besides, do you think that a holy realm can behave in Black Abyss God Prison? The king of the black abyss, his control is only a site near the exit of the black abyss like the black abyss market, chaotic caves, abyss ink sea, lava jungle, **** labyrinth, these four places are messy, but the people inside are not Weak."

Lin Qi looked at the young man in astonishment.

The old man patted Lin Qi's shoulder lightly, and muttered in a low voice: "This ghost place, I can feel it, has some very ancient aura. Have you seen that idiot Xuanlan? There is a frost giant here, Then why can't there be such varieties as Thunder Giant and Lava Giant? Black Abyss God Hell, this is a God Hell built from the dark period."

With a cold snort, the green old man turned his head in disdain: "Just now the so-called king of the black abyss left behind a few thugs fighting each other, this kind of kid's tricks, people simply don't bother to pay attention to it. Just like me , Unless they offend me, what do I care about them?"

Lin Qi was stunned to hear, what chaotic caves, abyssal ink sea, lava jungle, **** labyrinth, are these things in the Dark Abyss God Prison? How big is this Black Abyss God Prison? Think about it, if heretics have been imprisoned here since the dark period, then it is really hard to say how many powerful and ancient existences are hidden here.

Perhaps the old ladies like Afan Lin that Lin Qi saw were just the most miserable group of unlucky people. But someone should mix well, just like the king of the abyss, is he the only lucky person? Isn't Lin Qi a lucky guy?

Bilibili sneezed and woke up from Lin Qi's shoulder.

He stared blankly, staring at Lin Qi in a daze and cried out: "Master, great and terrifying master, I feel my head was kicked by a centaur hoof! Why is my forehead swollen Have a big bump?"

Lin Qi casually threw Bilibili on the ground and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

The group of people had already walked out of the cave leading to the small lake, and then walked a certain distance forward, where the hunting team was located.

But far away, I saw the hunting team's city with bright lights, dozens of huge braziers placed outside the city, and nearly two thousand people gathered together to surround the city. Zari, You Yao, and the tiger fairy Tiger Butterfly that Lin Qi knew were standing side by side in front of the brigade, shouting angrily to the fat bear on the city's head.

"Fat Xiong, your person is Lin Qi, he injured Zali and broke the rules of the market for tax collection!"

"He also killed our people, killed a dozen of our heavenly soldiers! Fat bear, what do you say?"

"You must be responsible for the atrocities committed by your people, Lin Qi killed our people, he killed so many!"

The fat bear squatted on the head of the city, grabbing a big bone and gnawing to his heart. When Zari and his party got tired of scolding, he spit out bones and sneered again and again: "Then, can anyone tell me why Lin Qi wants to hurt Zali and kill so many of you? Lin Qi is Crazy or stupid, will he provoke your dozen or so celestial soldiers stupidly alone?"

Zari jumped up angrily, and he screamed: "Anyway, you have to be responsible, Fat Bear, give you one last chance, this is your last chance, otherwise our tripartite coalition forces will let you Know what regret is!"

Lin Qi took a deep breath, and he looked at the young man helplessly.

"It looks like I can't protect you on the hunting team!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest power.)

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