Bright Era

Chapter 349: The doctor is also terrible

"Hehehe, funny kids, it's a gorgeous battle!"

Regarding Lin Qi's inability to protect himself and the cloud, the green old man didn't seem to be worried, but stood in the shadow of a stone pillar, laughing and commenting on the formation of the Zari coalition.

With a strength of a little over two thousand, this was considered very powerful in the Black Abyss God Prison and could deter any tyrannical forces. You know, the standing army in the Black Abyss Bazaar, the standing army governed by Longren Guyuan, which is dedicated to dealing with chaos, only has a thousand people!

And Zari, You Yao, Tiger Butterfly, or the coalition forces organized by other forces actually have two thousand troops, which is really shocking. Two thousand people stood there in a line, and the cave in front of the hunting team town was almost full, basically reaching the point of impenetrable water.

Moreover, the quality of these two thousand warriors is also very high. There is no sufficient low-level combat power. All of them are the main battle races such as the lion, tiger, tauren, bear, leopard, and werewolf among the orcs; except In addition, there is also a group of nearly a hundred barbarian Viking warriors with various patterns on their faces; the group of elves, gray elves, blood goblins and other ferocious and evil species are not a minority; sheep head demons, blood demons, shadow demons and other demons Also lined up in a neat square team.

What's more noticeable is that there is a group of dirty dwarves holding big hammers. These dwarves have dark skin, but their beards and hair are weird black and red. They are close relatives of the ground dwarves, who betrayed the faith and went to the abyss of **** black dwarves. In addition to their subtle and evil forging skills, these guys are also famous for their brutality and violence.

Of course, the most eye-catching is the five rock Titans standing at the back of the team, about five meters tall.

The skin of these rock titans is bluish-black, and the whole body is very strong muscles. Although compared with their ancestors, the giants 100 meters tall, these Titans are much smaller in size, but in front of other species, the Rock Titans are still powerful warriors.

A Titan is enough to deal with twenty foreign warriors whose fighting Qi cultivation base is equivalent to his own, because their physical strength is too strong. Even an adult Titan, even if he doesn't have a bit of grudge, he can easily contend with the Heavenly Knight. Unless he is armed with a good magic weapon, even a Celestial Knight cannot effectively break through the powerful and amazing body of the Rock Titan.

The green old man smiled lowly: "Yes, a good army, although it is a mob, it still reminds me of..."

Lin Qi looked at the young man curiously: "What do you think of? Have you ever led the battle?"

The young man flattened his mouth. He glared at Lin Qi and muttered in a low voice: "I am not a barbarian who can only slash at people. I am a doctor, I am a doctor, and I am a wise guide. A wise man in the direction of others, unless necessary, I will not conflict with others!"

Lin Qi pointed to a few Zari who were yelling, lowered his voice and said helplessly: "If the hunting team is beaten down, I will definitely be chased by them. Zali remembers the appearance of Yun, you will not be peaceful. Day. So, old man, can your wisdom guide us forward?"

Zari’s hoarse screams came from a distance, and she jumped and cursed Fat Bear frantically, surrounded by more than a dozen guards. The five rock titans in the back slowly walked forward under the orders of Tiger Butterfly and slowly approached the city wall. Every time they took a step forward, some stone debris was adsorbed on them underground, and soon a layer of half-foot-thick rock armor was cast on them.

Unlike the popular armors made of stone pieces polished in series in the Heiyuan God Prison, the armor on the Rock Titans is a mixture of the essence of the earth and their own magic, and is strong enough to compare with armor forged from 100-refined steel. In the Heiyuan God Prison, where there is a lack of good weapons, the armor made by these rock titans with their talent instinct is the best defensive armor.

Fat Xiong's expression became extremely serious. He stood up and looked at Zari and his party under the city and yelled: "You are wholeheartedly trying to annex my hunting team, right? Lin Qi, it's just an excuse you made, isn't it? Tell me frankly!"

Hudie smiled softly. She twisted her slender waist and said delicately, "Isn't that? Hunting team, this is the team that knows the habits of Warcraft best in Heiyuan Hell. And the hunting team only needs to Organize well, and you can pull out hundreds of fighters who dare to kill and fight, who of us is not greedy?"

Fat Xiong drew out his long sword and smiled cruelly at Hudie: "Then, you better be able to break through the city wall this time and kill me and my children. Otherwise, Hudie, I will not Mind if you and I give birth to a mixed child!"

Hehe weird laughed a few times, and the fat bear patted his **** belly hard: "I'm thinking, I'm pressing on you, can I break your bones directly? Haha, but I will be very gentle, we Although the ogres are ugly to eat, they are still very gentle with their own women. The hybrid of ogres and tiger goblins, I wonder if they can have a strong body like me!"

Hudie charmingly hooked his finger to Fat Xiong: "I'm here, if you want to press me, you can come out! Hehe, I'll lie here waiting for you, come on!"

Speaking of passionate words, Tiger Butterfly really lay on the ground, posing a very attractive posture. She stretched out her dexterous tongue and licked her lips, and smiled charmingly: "Fat Bear, if you are willing to hand over the hunting team to me intact, I will be willing to let you press me!"

Fat Bear’s uncle Hagulu squeezed out from the crowd. He stood beside Tiger Butterfly, and beckoned to Fat Bear with a big laugh: "Fat Bear, my dear nephew, Tiger Butterfly is very strong, you If you hand over the hunting team, I can let you suppress her for a few days!"

Fat Bear's face twitched, and he raised his sword. A large number of hunting team fighters gradually stood up on the city wall, and the five rock Titans were less than 100 meters away from the city wall.

Lin Qi looked at the young man: "Your wisdom, hurry up and guide us! If the hunting team is destroyed, we really have no hope! They have two thousand people, and you expect me to be able Will you keep the cloud under the chase of people?"

The old man sighed softly. He looked at Lin Qi and nodded slowly: "I am a doctor!"

Lin Qi looked at the young man in surprise: "What do you mean? Is there any difference between a doctor and a pharmacist?"

The young man nodded earnestly: "Of course there is a difference. Pharmacists will always try to prepare all kinds of new medicines, and even they do not hesitate to use the most evil and most dangerous methods to prepare medicines. But doctors, we just use the safest methods. , The most appropriate and mature pharmaceutical formula to treat patients."

Carefully took out a human head-sized medicine bottle from the bracelet, and the green old man said lightly: "So, although the doctor can prepare medicines, we will not prepare medicines indiscriminately. But as long as we can prepare medicines, we will It must be the one with the most stable nature and the most powerful. At this point, those pharmacists are not as good as ours. Their medicine may be amazing, but it will always be unstable and may make people get great Good, it may also make people die instantly."

Lin Qi remembered Master Kecha’s Dragon Power Potion. He nodded seriously, then pointed to the potion bottle in the hands of the young man and asked: "Then, what do you make of this stable and powerful potion? use?"

The young man shrugged his shoulders: "Have you heard of castrations?"

When he said this, the old man Qing's face was very secretive.

Lin Qi lowered his voice: "You mean the eunuch? I have seen it before! But it seems that only those empires in the East can use this thing!"

The young man pursed his mouth and laughed in a low voice: "Well, castrations are actually very useful. In our house, there are some castrations. You know, castrations just have to get that cut. . But a slight bump in that place is painful, let alone a knife?"

Lin Qi looked at the potion bottle with a strange expression: "So, what is the potion in it?"

The young man straightened his chest triumphantly: "The castrates I handle are 8,000 if they don't have ten thousand. I'm a good hand for eunuchs. This potion is the'Mashensan' that I love those little guys and prepared for them. '. Just a small drop of mist can make people sleepy for half a month!"

There was a strange red luster on the shriveled face of the green old man, as if he had regained his youth for a while.

"In a coma for half a month, their most painful period of time has passed, and the wound has grown almost. Hey, since the old man made up Ma Shen San, those little guys are blessed, and none of them died after the knife. It’s lost. It’s like before, if you castrate a hundred, you will always die thirty or forty. The old man is numb, but he has immense merit!"

Lin Qi and Bilibili's mouth twitched and twitched, looking at the young man in shock.

This guy actually still has such a craft? Bilibili tightened his thigh tightly. He swore with his soul that he would never offend this terrible old man who claims to be a doctor! Doctor, isn't this to cure diseases and save people? Why is there such a terrible sideline?

"So, how do you use your potion?" Lin Qi carefully took the potion bottle.

The old man took out four black leaves of grass from the bracelet, and he took one by himself, and then gave one of them to Lin Qi.

"Throw it out and leave it in the place with the most people, a little farther away from the city wall. There is no wind here, and the medicine will not drift away after vaporizing... If you are lucky, they will all fall down, right?" The green old man gestured unsurely. : "This medicine was formulated ten years ago. Although it has been so long, I distilled it out using wine-making methods. The medicine will only get stronger!"

Lin Qi blinked, then forcefully threw the medicine bottle toward the core area where the coalition soldiers were densest.

Lin Qi's strength was so great that he threw a medicine bottle weighing more than ten kilograms out of it for more than two hundred meters. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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