Bright Era

Chapter 350: Listen to the first

Today's fifth and sixth are delivered!

The ninth place of the monthly pass is reached! So Dutou and trustworthy sent six more!

Can eighth place? Achieve ten more!

If it can’t be done today, there will be no ten more promises tomorrow!


In the heart of the coalition forces, a tiger man who was two meters away was holding a stone spear, and Zhengxiong was exasperating and exhaling.

Everyone's attention was on the five rock titans and the city wall, but this tiger man seemed to be a little fidgety, his head swayed and looked around, not knowing what he was looking at. That is, he looked left and right, just in time to see a big bottle falling over his head.

"What the hell?" The tiger man raised his spear and gave the medicine bottle fiercely.

The thin medicine bottle burst open, and a large amount of juice poured down, splashing the tiger man's head all over his face. Then the sap quickly vaporized and turned into white steam, spreading around. This tiger man is like a large high-pressure boiler, blowing hot air around.

"What the **** is this?" The tiger murmured to himself with a black eyes, and then fell to the ground.

Dozens of companions around him looked at the tiger man with white air in surprise. Several orcs leaned forward to help him up, and then they bent over, their heads sank, and they fell down like this, making them groggy. Fell asleep. The white mist quickly spread to the surroundings, covering most of the cave in the blink of an eye. A group of orc warriors fell to the ground in darkness, and dull snoring sounds were heard everywhere.

The three of Zari, who were yelling in front, realized that something was wrong, and they turned their heads in a panic and looked at their brigade. Soldiers in the early 2000s, at least one thousand six hundred and seven hundred fell to the ground now, and the white air was spreading to them quickly. Except for dozens of shadow demons who were unharmed in the white air, everyone who was enveloped by the white air fell asleep.

"What's the matter?" Tiger Butterfly howled hoarsely. What she brought was the good hands of the chaos under her command. The chaos occupies the chaos cave, which is a place where the fist speaks with strength. Tiger Butterfly can also be regarded as the overlord in Chaos Cave, but if she lacks these subordinates who dare to fight and kill, her fate after returning to Chaos Cave will definitely be miserable-there are at least a dozen chaotic leaders, and they have all been clear. Xiang Hudie expressed the same attitude as Fat Bear, and sooner or later they would crush Tiger Butterfly alive.

Zari also watched the white spirits approaching with a cold body. The sheep head demons were greedy, cruel and treacherous, but to be honest, their IQs were not very high among the demons. Shadow demons and other demons were much higher than his IQ. Up. The limited brain capacity made him unable to figure out what happened in front of him. He just looked at it blankly, unable to respond correctly for a long time.

The Shadow Demon You Yao was also shivering. This white gas seemed to have no harm to his people, but the other fighters were all his team that had worked hard for more than a century. It is really not an easy task to raise hundreds of high-ranking and heavenly knights.

If the entire army were annihilated here today, his more than a hundred years of exhaustion would be in vain.

The ghost's body suddenly solidified and turned into a tall and thin handsome man. He howled hoarsely: "Everyone, retreat, get out of that **** white gas! What the **** is this? Spouted from the underground abyss. Poison gas? But there is no such thing in the abyss, at least I have never seen it!"

If the shadow demons remain in the shadow form, they are extremely difficult to be attacked. They are basically immune to physical damage and most magical damage, and the shadow demons move fast in the shadow form, and ordinary people can't catch them at all. But if they condense into a human form, then their physical state also changes quickly, which can be exploited.

At the sound of ‘oo’, Lin Qi grabbed a head-sized stone and threw it at the ghost.

With a ‘boom’, the ghost quickly turned his head, and hit his left shoulder with a stone, his shoulder collapsed quickly, obviously his injuries were serious. That's all, the fat bear on the head of the city roared, and the leader of the hunting team's long-range team, Tiger Howard, threw seven javelins in a row, and shot them with a stone javelin with a light purple vigor and halo, covering the ghost. The location where the other person is.

Zari and Tiger Butterfly fled in embarrassment, and You Yao was attacked by Lin Qi by a stone, and his reaction speed was much slower. Before he turned into a black shadow again, a javelin had accurately hit his waist and abdomen. You Ying let out a miserable howl, and her body suddenly exploded and turned into countless butterfly-shaped shadows that quickly scattered around.

Howling's javelin inflicted great damage on the ghost, he could no longer maintain his human form, so he could only escape quickly.

As soon as the ghost was gone, Zari and Hudie dared to stay, they issued retreat orders one after another, leading people to escape in embarrassment. However, White Qi had already swallowed their entire army. Except for a handful of confidants and five Rock Titans that were about to approach the wall, the entire army of about two thousand soldiers was annihilated and all was swallowed by White Qi.

The Fat Bear stood on the head of the city, staring blankly at the white gas that appeared suddenly, and scratching his head in a daze.

"What a big battle, why did it all run away at once? There are still two thousand people left here. Go to two people to see what's going on."

Before Fat Xiong sent someone to jump off the city wall to see what happened, Lin Qi already took the young man and Yun strode under the city wall. Lin Qi accidentally touched a faint white air, and as a result, the blade of grass in his mouth immediately released an extremely cold stream of cold air around his body, quickly dispelling the white air with a faint tingling aura.

Lin Qi stood under the city wall and waved his hand upwards: "Boss, I'm back! This old man is the doctor I invited to help the hunting team. In the future, if my brothers are injured, they can ask him for help. It is a jar made by the young man. Potion, let all these enemies go!"

Fat Xiong's eyes stared out instantly, and then his small eyes became bright and bright.

One pot of potion can hold more than two thousand warriors, so is it possible to hold two thousand monsters? Every time the hunting team goes out to hunt for the beasts, there will be a different number of soldiers injured and killed. If the hunting team can use the potions prepared by the young man, wouldn't it be developed?

With more meat supply, more soldiers can be raised! Keep more fighters, you can catch more monsters! This is snowballing. The snowballs get bigger and bigger, and the hunting team's life will get better and better! If the hunting team can have a thousand savvy fighters like Guwei, would he still be afraid of others to swallow his possessions?

The fat bear jumped off the wall with a bang, and rushed to the young man with great enthusiasm and diligence. He stretched out his hands and hugged the young man in his arms: "Old man? You are a noble man. Physician? Great, our hunting team just lacks a doctor! Hahaha, Lin Qi, you have done a great job, this time it’s good to reward you with a six-legged head! You still want meat to live, see for yourself Let's do it! Hexapod is quite tamed, but a good mount!"

The green old man quietly broke away from Fat Xiong's arms. He is an old man. Why can't I see Fat Xiong's little abacus? But that's okay, Fat Bear has something for himself, so his life in the hunting team will be very comfortable. The old man smiled slightly, he looked at Yun, and then gently rubbed the short hair on his head.

Before he died, he had to plan for Yun Duo's future. If there is an opportunity to leave from here, then Yun can't live forever here. But if Yun is really trapped here for the rest of his life, then the young man must plan for him.

The city gate opened suddenly, and the hunting team soldiers rushed out like wolves.

The green old man took out a pot of medicine and smashed it into the white air-shrouded area. The faint green mist quickly neutralized the white air. Soon the white air diffused in the air disappeared, and the two thousand men on the ground were still arrogant. Lying on the ground.

Looking at these two thousand prisoners, Fat Bear sighed happily, scratching his head in annoyance.

Captives, they are generally used as slaves in the Black Abyss God Prison. But here are two thousand powerful warriors, basically all of the strength above the rank of knights, a small part of them are heavenly knights, and even some powerful races are of the magical and martial type. Such as those demons, sheep head demons, unicorn demons, blood demons, night demons, etc., they are basically the masters of powerful martial arts and a few hands of racial magic.

There are too many of them. The hunting team does not have so many soldiers. It is impossible for the two thousand prisoners to be converted into slaves.

"What should these people do?" The fat bear blinked his small eyes, and bowed to the old man almost flatteringly. "You see, two thousand people, all of them are good guys who can beat and carry. Tsk, kill. What a pity, if you let it go like this, Zari and the others will come to make trouble!"

Lin Qi coughed from the side, and he said solemnly: "Boss, these people are not the same as us. With the current strength of the hunting team, it is impossible to swallow them. Unless Zari, You Yao and Hu Die and the others are dead, so we can use our profit to lure them into the hunting team. But now that the three leaders are still there, we can't subdue these people."

After squinting his eyes, Lin Qi said calmly: "I can't conquer it. If I let it go, it will be a sea of ​​flames. It's better to kill them all!"

Fat Bear said with a bitter face, he looked at the old man with eyes blankly.

The young man glanced at Lin Qi approvingly, and he admired: "The little guy is good, put it in... You are a good man to lead the war."

With a proud smile, the green old man said calmly: "But if it is two thousand or two million prisoners, if you kill them, you will kill them, but there is really no need to kill two thousand prisoners. Let them be obedient in the future. The thing is, the boss of Fat Bear just keeps them, and I will make them more obedient than the gelded piglets."

Lin Qi suddenly felt cold in his hips, and he remembered what the young man had just said. He asked cautiously: "What do you always plan to do?"

The young man pursed his mouth and laughed weirdly: "Man, isn't it just that you have that thing that makes you particularly impulsive to fight? Turn them all into castrates, add a little secret medicine to ensure that they all become docile , The obedient little piglet!"

All the men present clamped their legs at the same time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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