Bright Era

Chapter 355: Three Seas Achievement

In the dark cave, Lin Qi took a bottle of Titan potion, and then grabbed a few boiled animal legs and gnawed them clean. The medicine entered the abdomen and turned into a violent heat flow that swept through the body, and the food in his stomach was quickly consumed. The huge blood in Lin Qi's blood sea was quickly evaporated into **** steam by the heat flow. A **** whirlwind swept through the body and was quickly swallowed by muscles and bones.

The huge blood accumulated in the blood sea these days was swallowed cleanly, and Lin Qi's body was weak.

After the Titan Juli Potion swallowed more than 90% of the blood in Lin Qi's body, he began to frantically transform Lin Qi's body. His muscles began to gradually collapse. The muscles that were originally as strong as a hill gradually dried up, just like an ordinary steel ingot was madly beaten by a 10,000-ton heavy hammer. All the impurities were cleared away, and the gaps in the muscle fibers became more severe. The smaller it comes, the greater the density of the muscles.

In the end, Lin Qi was skinny and skinny, but his skin was full of bright metallic light. He raised his hand and patted his chest lightly, producing a crisp roar like gold and iron hitting.

"Good thing, good medicine!" Lin Qi gritted his teeth and endured the pain caused by the collapse of the muscles, then gritted his teeth, raised his fist and slammed it on the dantian. Xuan Hu Jin, who had returned to his position, collapsed with Lin Qi's heavy blow and turned into countless violent air currents circulating wildly around the Dantian.

He quickly grabbed a few animal legs and swallowed them cleanly, Lin Qi's skin gradually swelled. The muscles under the skin have an unbearable tingling sensation, as if countless small bugs are drilling rapidly under the skin.

According to the introduction of Titan Juli's potion in the Chuang Shenlu, Lin Qi knew that the potion's power was spawning new muscle fibers.

Although I don't know what muscle fibers are, according to the introduction on the Creation Record, muscle fibers are a component of all biological muscles. The greater the number of muscle fibers, the heavier and stronger the muscles, and greater strength can be exploded.

The physical strength of barbarians and orcs is stronger than that of humans, because they have more muscle fibers. Some powerful orc populations have more muscle fibers than humans. The Titan Juli Potion is to allow the user to get out of the human yoke and have more and stronger muscle fibers, fundamentally allowing the user to have a huge power comparable to the Titan.

Feeling the sensation of increasing swelling in the muscles, Lin Qi giggled, and quickly clicked 36 times with both hands near the lower abdomen.

With the dantian as the core, Lin Qi violently cut off the qi veins and meridians near Lin Qi's lower abdomen. The fighting air flow formed by the cracking of Xuanhu Jin hits the broken meridians and qi veins, and can only head back to the dantian. Crazy surging.

Lin Qi sat in the cave, quietly tempering his dantian with the secret method of expanding Qi Hai. The violent fighting air rushed through the small and small acupoints near the dantian again and again, inspiring a certain natural strangeness in these acupoints. power. The sea of ​​blood was rolling, the huge essence and blood continued to regenerate, and the energetic blood poured into the dantian, nourishing the dantian and acupoints that were constantly impacted by the fighting airflow.

According to the notes of the Three Seas and Seven Wheels, the so-called sea of ​​qi, blood, and spirit are the mysterious acupuncture points inherent in human beings. They are hidden in the human body, but they are not obvious. Only people with great perseverance and great perseverance can awaken these acupuncture points by tempering their bodies with the most cruel methods.

According to the young man’s speculation, in the Primordial Era, before being extremely remote, humans should have been born to open the three seas. At that time, humans should be born with tremendous power. But later for unknown reasons, human beings gradually weakened, and Sanhai gradually became a hidden orifice in the body. The Three Seas and Seven Chakras are the magic techniques that break through the three seas and re-energize the full potential of mankind.

Sitting cross-legged in the cave, Lin Qi worked hard to refine his dantian using his exercises. Fifteen days passed quickly.

Within fifteen days, the young man kept sending the cooked beast meat into the cave. Once Lin Qi opened his eyes, he swallowed a lot of beast meat to supplement his energy and blood consumption. The Titan Juli Potion was also crazily enhancing Lin Qi's power, his dantian and acupuncture points became more tenacious and powerful, gradually being tempered into a dense and vast space.

Finally on this day, a strange roar came from Lin Qi's dantian, and a white expanse of vigor took shape, and plunged into a certain vast space. The capacity of the dantian is limited, but this strange sea of ​​Qi is several times larger than the dantian, enough to accommodate more powerful and purer power. Moreover, no matter how open the pubic area, there is always a limit, but the sea of ​​Qi can increase infinitely.

The qi veins and acupoints that were forcibly disconnected by Lin Qi gradually penetrated, and two whistling and howling white qi gushed out of the sea of ​​qi, circling rapidly in the dantian for ninety-nine and eighty-one weeks, and then followed the sea of ​​qi and blood. The successive ups and downs rushed into the sea of ​​blood.

The blood qi in the sea of ​​blood sank, and the qi in the sea of ​​qi rose vigorously, as if the clouds carrying positive and negative charges in the void collided, immediately bursting out a strange purple light. The faint glow followed Lin Qi's internal organs as if rising, breaking through dozens of key orifice points near the throat and spine, and rushing straight into the center of his eyebrows.

A small red spar emerged from the center of his eyebrows, and Lin Qi's mental power suddenly expanded a hundredfold. He precisely controlled the purple glow to hover around the center of his eyebrows, carefully opening up the tiny veins at the center of his eyebrows.

The huge blood energy flowed into the center of the eyebrows following the opened up qi and blood veins, and nourished the small qi and blood veins in the center of the eyebrows to become stronger and tough, and then this blood energy slowly poured into the brain following the guidance of the purple light.

Looking inwardly, Lin Qi saw a huge ball of light appeared in front of him, and this was his brain.

Countless extremely dense light streams intertwined with each other, and a little bit of strange light flickered rapidly. The strange orifices of all sizes were closed and silted, and it seemed as if they had blocked the abandoned sewers for countless years. Lin Qi didn't stop doing two things, and he didn't hesitate to this point. The purple glow led a huge qi, blood and essence into his brain, gradually sweeping away the blocked acupuncture points one by one.

The first acupuncture point was cautiously rushed away, and blood poured into this acupuncture point, and it was about to nourish it twice as much. Then, as if it should have been this way, this acupuncture point actively released a force of absorption to swallow a stream of qi and blood, and then turned into a purple streamer, followed by the small light around it, washed away to the nearby acupuncture points. .

There is no need for Lin Qi to bother himself. The acupuncture points are washed away one by one. As long as he continues to provide Qi and blood, his brain will actively complete all the work. All this is like an extremely sophisticated machine that has been stagnant for countless years due to lack of energy. Lin Qi enters blood gas from the channel opened between the eyebrows. This quiet machine receives powerful energy and immediately starts automatic detection, automatic maintenance, and automatic refresh. , And then started automatic operation.

Apart from instinctively devouring large amounts of meat, Lin Qi did not pay attention to the passing of outside time at all.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed, and Lin Qi's head suddenly sprayed out countless streams of light. These extremely thin rays of light escaped into the misty void after shooting for more than a foot, as if drawing some mysterious and mysterious power from the air.

Lin Qi's body suddenly shook, and the cold sticky jade liquid continuously washed down from a certain orifice point in the middle of his head. The jade liquid washed his brain nine times, and then rushed into his in turn. The sea of ​​blood was washed nine times, followed by his sea of ​​qi washed nine times, and finally the acupuncture points, meridians, blood vessels, internal organs, etc. all over his body. His whole body was covered with this fragrant and fragrant Xuanmiao Jade Liquid. Washed up cleanly.

There is a big light emitting in front of him. Although it is a dark cave with no light source, Lin Qi can clearly see everything in the grotto, even a fine sand on the ground 20 meters away. Chu. He even immediately found the origin of this sand from the knowledge of ore identification taught by Qing Lao-the debris of volcanic sedimentary rock, which contains 30% iron, 20% crystal, and several other metal components.

At that moment, Lin Qi even mistakenly thought that he was a god, reaching the level of omniscience and omnipotence.

Some innate imprisonment in his body has broken through. No matter which part of his body is pure, whether it is essence, blood or spirit, it is as clear as crystal, without the slightest impurity, without the slightest obstacle, he suddenly has absolute Confidence, he possessed something that he was born to stand on top of everything and control everything. . .

It's not ambition, it's not ambition, but the kind of inheritance that was born to be like this.

"Even the gods, they should kneel in front of me! Just this part of the Black Abyss Hell, want to trap me?" Lin Qi smiled lowly, and then the white light from his head gradually dissipated. The great light in front of me gradually dimmed. He didn't panic at all, because he knew that his strength was too low. When he had absolute power, he could enter this realm again, and then get a certain kind of inheritance that should belong to him.

A huge and incomparable space with no edges appeared in the center of his eyebrows, and a faint purple air floated in this space. These purple airs were Lin Qi's mental power. And this space is Lin Qi's successful Linghai!

Three Seas Achievement, the huge divine essence stored in Lin Qi's eyebrows, heart mouth, and dantian suddenly poured out at the same time, flowing out without reservation.

Countless complicated divine texts flashed in front of Lin Qi's eyes. This is about the comprehension of fire, this is about the law of fire, this is all the knowledge inherited by the blood of the Temple of Flame from their blood of gods!

Lin Qi's body turned into a ball of fire, a ball of transparent fire, countless invisible fire attribute energy rushed towards Lin Qi, Lin Qi's sea of ​​qi was roaring like a volcanic eruption, and his anger was rapidly growing. Upgrade, improve quickly.

The flesh was constantly absorbing the essence of divine nature, and Lin Qi ran Xuanhu Jin again, and a white halo flashed across his body.

Followed by red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue!

Finally, with a low whistling, a three-meter-long lilac tiger suddenly formed behind Lin Qi! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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