Bright Era

Chapter 356: Saints in the prison

As soon as he walked out of the cave where he and the tiger and butterfly had fun, Arda's body changed strangely.

His white and smooth skin gradually darkened, and finally turned into a deep black like the curtain of night. The black skin turned into a smooth chitin carapace, which wriggled around him into a set of gorgeous and evil armor. An inch thick armor grows directly from Alda's body. Not only is its defense power amazing, but because of its connection with flesh and blood, the armor fits perfectly with his body and will not affect his activities in the slightest.

The black carapace spread all the way to Arda's face, wrapping his entire head.

Soon Alda became a high-level demon moon demon in the demonized battle mode. The moon demon on weekdays is the same as Arda just now, with huge bends and one or two or three pairs of meat wings, but once demonized during battle, it will become this kind of human being. Similar, purely demonized appearance.

With a deep and cold snort, the powerful magic wave spread to the surroundings, and dozens of elite warriors in stone armor outside the cave fell to the ground on one knee in fear. There is a round of cyan crescent moon magic pattern flickering in the center of these battle eyebrows, they are all controlled by Arda's soul, and life and death are completely controlled by him.

Hundreds of little evil demons and cavemen who were working naked and working in the distance fell to their knees in horror and pressed their foreheads to the ground. They didn't dare to look up at Arda, even a secret glance could bring them annihilation.

Arda glanced at the soldiers who fell on one knee and snorted coldly, "Get up all!"

The cyan magic lines on the brows of those soldiers flickered, and then they stood up. Arda glanced at these soldiers in a little bewilderment, and murmured, "Moon Demon, Moon Demon, but where does the word'moon' start? Father said that there is no celestial body called the moon in the ground world. So, what is the origin of this blue moon magic pattern?"

Looking at his subordinates in a puzzled manner, Alda shook his head, and a gust of wind swelled from the huge fleshy wings behind him, supporting his body to turn into a black afterimage and flew to the height of the cave. Arda flew extremely fast, flew to the highest point of the cave about 800 meters above the ground in the blink of an eye, and then walked forward along a narrow crack in the rock.

At the end of the crevice that is several miles long, there is a small stone cave. A golden handle seems to be made of gold, but when you look closely, it is purely a long sword condensed by supernatural power inserted in the front of the cave, emitting a faint halo. The whole cave was enveloped.

Arda ignored the long sword and swaggered through the light curtain. The cave immediately became bright. It can be seen that there are large divine patterns inlaid with magic gems on the upper, lower, left, and right stone walls of the cave. The combination of these divine patterns becomes an indestructible cage.

Because of Arda's entry, certain restrictions in the cage were triggered, and an invisible pressure spread out. Alda didn't feel the pressure at all, but the old man in black in the cage trembled and snorted softly.

In the center of the stone cave is a golden beam of light, which is submerged into the ground and ceiling of the cave. I don't know how long this beam of light extends. From the beam of light, three chains of the thickness of small fingers penetrated the shoulders of the old man in black and the spine of the lower back. Almost all the three chains have grown into one body with the old man’s body. When the **** pattern is on, the old man’s body trembles, and you can see that his shoulders and lumbar spine are dyed lightly by the golden light from the chains. Golden, and a large amount of light flow in his body is quickly drawn by the chain.

With long black hair draped behind him, his long, white face was not bloody, there was a thumb-sized red mole on the eyebrows, and every hair on his body was full of evil. The old man in black put down a thin roll in his hand. The thin leather scroll looked at Alda with squinting eyes: "Son, what are you doing here? Every time you come, I have to suffer a lot. Who do you provoke?"

Alda didn't say a word, he walked to a small teleportation circle in the corner of the cave, and then gave the gold-made magic circle base. The teleportation array trembled, accompanied by a deep hum, a bottle of fine wine and a large piece of fragrant black pepper steak, a white bread with raisins and a blue cheese appeared out of nowhere from the teleportation array .

"I know, those **** sticks always give you delicious and delicious drinks!"

Arda winked at the old man mischievously, then took the delicacies and walked to the stone table beside the old man to sit down, rubbing his hands seriously, and asked the old man seriously: "Aren't you hungry? What about your rations today?"

The old man stretched out his hands helplessly: "Well, Arda, my child, eat, eat!"

Arda took a gluttonous mouthful, then pounced on the food in front of him like a hungry wolf. He drank two catties of wine clean in one sip, then opened his mouth wide and swallowed a large steak weighing a catty and a half into his belly in three mouthfuls. Then he wiped out the blue cheese and white bread three or two times. Finally, he grabbed the remaining raisin on the plate, hesitated for a moment, and stuffed the raisin into the old man's mouth.

Joyfully chewing the raisins that Aldace gave him, the old man suddenly sighed quietly.

"Poor Arda, if this is on the ground world, if my soul cult has not been attacked by the church because of the traitor’s betrayal, if I am not imprisoned here by the Caesar Empire and the church because of the traitor’s betrayal, what about you? May be greedy for such a trivial thing?"

Gently stroking Alda's corner, the old man squinted his eyes, a fierce green light flashed in his eyes.

"Don't give me a chance to leave here. I will make the gods and the traitors pay the price. Arda, Arda, my child, what are you doing here? I said that every time you enter the prison , The strength that I have accumulated with great difficulty will be extracted a large part, and you should not come in often."

Arda licked the fragrant black pepper juice Yu Li at the corner of his mouth, squinted and said, "The king of the black abyss, you know!"

The old man smiled, and he shook his head disdainfully: "That self-proclaimed King of Black Abyss, self-righteous little guy? Does he dare to come to Chaos Cave to make trouble for you? Then bring him here and I will let him know, a The little poor worm who has just stepped into the realm of saints, facing the existence of a sage like me, he is just a poor worm that can be choked to death at will!"

Arda spread his hands out: "No, father, that guy is dead!"

The old man's hands trembled, and he almost threw out the scroll on his hand.

He stared at Arda angrily, frowning a little bit incomprehensibly: "Dead? Impossible. Although he has just stepped into the Holy Land, he has a lifespan of at least a thousand years. This guy is still young, how could he die? ?"

Arda shrugged his shoulders: "Who knows? Maybe a woman killed him alive? Anyway, I was almost assaulted by tiger butterflies in the past two months..."

The old man stared at Arda sternly, his eyes stabbing Arda with pain. Alda was so frightened that he closed his mouth, not daring to tell the old man about his and Hudie’s absurd life for these two months. He gently rubbed his sore waist, and said with a dry smile: "Anyway, he is dead, so the Black Abyss Market is in chaos. Doesn't that guy have five big bosses? Now they are upside down!"

After staring at Arda for a long time, the old man said quietly, "Of course. That unknown little mage, who claims to be the king of the black abyss, has set some messy rules for the black abyss...if. It's not that we who are truly heretics are imprisoned in the prison, he has been crushed to pieces long ago."

With a disdainful snorted, the old man shook his head and said, "Stupid thing, I really don't know what he wants to do. Does it make sense to dominate the Dark Abyss God Prison? Those weak and incompetent guys are raised like captive animals. Therefore, the real powerhouse will be imprisoned in the real Dark Abyss God Prison like us. He does not work hard to accumulate strength and fight to break through the restrictions and escape here. What does he want to do?"

After a few sneers, the old man glanced at Arda sideways: "So, what do you want that tiger butterfly, that tiger fairy?"

Arda looked at the old man in surprise: "Do you know she is a tiger fairy?"

The old man snorted coldly, and a thin flash of fire flashed across his fingertips. Arda suddenly yelled, jumping up embarrassedly by the thunder, convulsing all over the hole. For a while.

After giving Alda a little bitterness, the old man sneered: "If I didn't even know what woman was lying on my son's bed, then I should have died long ago. Come on, all the elite subordinates have been captured. Woman, do you want to use your power to capture the Black Abyss Market?"

Arda looked at the old man with a bitter face and nodded again and again: "I once promised that as long as the woman I'm fond of stays with me for a month, I will promise all their reasonable requests!"

The old man was silent for a while, and a black and green mist gradually rose from his body.

After a long time, he nodded slowly: "Let those little demons and cavemen go to pioneer, these things reproduce extremely fast, no matter how many deaths and injuries I don’t feel heartache. My strength can’t leave the prison for ten miles. So... you have to pay attention to your own safety. If the Black Abyss Market is captured, let Tiger Butterfly be a puppet, the actual control must be in your hands."

Squinting his slender eyes, the old man said indifferently: "The king of the black abyss is dead? Is he really dead?"

With a sneer, the old man shook his head slightly: "I don't believe it... The Black Abyss Market is where the core of the Black Abyss Suppression Divine Formation is located. You control it. If someone fights with you, you will return to observe the situation. "

"I still don't believe that he is really dead!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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