Bright Era

Chapter 366: Add another arm

After leaving the prison, Lin Qi, Fat Xiong and his entourage quickly returned to the hunting team. Lin Qi ordered Ardati to slip into the cave where he lived, and then took out the token representing the identity of Pope Altut from the world ring.

Holding the token of the Pope of Soul God, Lin Qi sat in front of Arda.

Alda, with a blue nose and swollen face, was firmly **** and curled up in front of Lin Qi like a caterpillar. Seeing Lin Qi, Arda smiled in a panic, then he looked at Lin Qi carefully, and suddenly asked in a low voice: "My father? Is that you? This kid should have become your puppet? Release me quickly, my bones are almost broken!"

Lin Qi was stunned, then a burst of nameless anger rushed up.

Feeling this guy is playing this wishful thinking? He deliberately cooperated with Lin Qi's intimidation to get Lin Qi to send him to the door. With his understanding of Altut, Lin Qi would be swallowed by Altut's soul and become Altut's puppet when he met. If this is the case, he can get out easily? Maybe even a comeback on the spot, turning the hunting team into its own territory!

With a weird laugh, Lin Qi raised the token of the soul gods in his hand.

This is a black skeleton the size of a fist, carved from an unknown black crystal. The hollow skull is full of green fluorescence, and the two deep eye sockets of the skull are red light like beans, exuding a chilling evil spirit.

Lin Qi shook the token lightly, and Alda nodded with excitement, almost spitting out saliva.

"Father, it's really you, oh, why don't you let me go? Also, when they brought me over just now, I saw a few young women in the holes on both sides who were born very well, and they were all A very rare race. I even saw two butterfly fairies. My father quickly ordered them to send those two butterfly fairies. I can also be happy!"

Lin Qi didn't say a word, but looked at Arda very interestingly. This guy was a father, and Lin Qi felt that it was very good.

Seeing that Lin Qi hadn't said a word for a long time, Alda rolled his eyes helplessly: "Well, father, the old rules, the two butterfly fairies, you one and me. You choose first, and I will choose the remaining one. But you can be merciful, these butterfly fairies can't stand your toss, if they die, it's a waste!"

Squinting, Lin Qi nodded slowly. It seemed that Alda and his father weren't a good thing, for they had ruthlessly deprived Altutt of all his personal property, Lin Qi's last trace of guilt disappeared without a trace. This is a pair of **** father and son, watching Alda speak, you know what their personality is like in daily life.

With a light cough, Lin Qi stuffed the token back into the World Ring.

Arda frowned, and he looked at Lin Qi puzzled: "Father, what happened to you today? Why do I always find it a bit strange?"

Lin Qi raised his right fist and shook it lightly, then slammed his fist against Alda's left eye socket. Arda let out a miserable howl, and before he could figure out what had happened, Lin Qi punched his right eye socket again.

"Beep Beep!" Lin Qi yelled.

Bilibili, who was hiding in the cave stealing the dried meat, rushed out quickly, slipped in front of Lin Qi like a blue smoke, and knelt down at Lin Qi's feet respectfully: "Honorable and terrifying master. , Your most loyal Bilibili is waiting for all your orders!"

"Fight!" Lin Qi pointed at Alda, who was lying on the ground immobile: "Fight so that his father doesn't even know him! You don't kill him!"

Bilibili was stunned. He raised his fists and looked at his thin and shriveled fists. Then he stood up and gave a strong whistle. The dull hooves sounded, and the four-headed abyss centaur strode in.

Bilibili held his head up and pointed slowly to the pale-faced Alda: "The great and terrifying master said, hit this kid, hit him hard, as long as you don't kill him, you can toss him anyway!"

Before the words were over, a centaur raised its front hoof, and kicked Alda's **** fiercely. Arda let out a miserable howl, and everyone heard the groan of his pelvic bone crushing. He looked at Lin Qi in horror, and howled with exhaustion: "You are not your father, you, you, how could you not be controlled by your father?"

A centaur grabbed Alda. He held Alda's relatively slender arms with both hands and straightened Alda's body forcefully, suspending him in mid-air into a cross. The other three centaurs stood in front of Arda in a fan shape, they clenched their fists, and then violently beat Arda indiscriminately.

Six big fists, three times bigger than Alda’s head, pouring madly like a storm, Alda’s body made a dull bang, and his body was like a miserable flower in a storm. Little Lihua swayed like crazy, blood was constantly spraying out of his mouth, ears, and nostrils.

Lin Qi sat on the chair, looking coldly at Arda, who was gradually losing his human form.

After a full quarter of an hour, when Alda was about to be killed, Lin Qi waved his hand: "Let him go!"

The three centaurs closed their fists and retreated, all of them with simple smiles. These days, although Lin Qi raised them with good food and drink, these abyssal centaurs are all ferocious and tyrannical races. They are sexually happy and bloody. Fight. Today, Alda has such a living target to let them vent their full energy, which is really a kind of happiness for them.

Alda, whose bones were being smashed, was thrown heavily on the ground, Bilibili leaned close to him, swiftly reached out and pressed his collapsed heart, and hurriedly turned back to Lin Qi and smiled: "Noble and terrifying. Master, this guy is still alive, but maybe he will die soon!"

Lin Qi chuckled, he took a bottle of red blood from the ring and poured it into Alda's wide open mouth.

Arda swallowed the bottle of monster blood cleanly, his tattered body quickly healed, and his bones were quickly pieced together in the crisp sound of ‘kaka’. A faint gloom enveloped his body, and Alda's body soon recovered as before, but his breath was a little weak.

Bilibili looked enviously and jealously at the rapidly recovering Alda, this is the racial power possessed by the true pure-blood high-level demons. Even if it is severely injured, as long as they are not killed on the spot, as long as they are given enough energy to replenish them, these high-level demons can quickly recover from their injuries. You can imagine how precious this near-immortality ability is in battle.

But when tortured, this ability is too sad!

It is said that the church court likes high-level demons the most, because the powerful vitality of these demons allows them to try more weird new inventions of torture, and they are the best experimental subjects.

Lin Qi waited until Alda was almost recovered before he waved his hand gently: "Go on, fight!"

The four centaur excitedly stepped forward, licking their hoofs and trampled on Arda frantically. Their strength is extremely powerful, each time they can crush a large piece of Alda's bones. The four centaur and eight big hooves all stomped on, Arda screamed again, and his body was crushed to pieces in the blink of an eye. Except for his head, he remained intact, and even the meat and wings on his back were crushed.

Lin Qi gave a soft drink, made the Centaur back a few steps, and then poured a bottle of Warcraft blood into Arda's mouth.

Recover, beaten, then recover again, beaten again.

After this torture lasted twenty times, Arda had been beaten to a nervous breakdown. He looked at Lin Qi in horror, weeping and knelt on the ground: "Stop hitting, no matter what you say, I will listen to you! Aow, stop hitting, I shouldn't let you go to my father. , I shouldn't have planned to design you!"

Lin Qi looked at Alda coldly, and said slowly: "You are wrong!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I was really wrong!" Alda cried and threw himself in front of Lin Qi, hugging Lin Qi's legs with both hands: "I was wrong, I really am... go to hell!"

Rao Shi's boundless pain caused his spirit to collapse, and Arda still broke out with the fierceness and cruelty that belonged to the Moon Demon Royal Family. He opened his mouth and bit at Lin Qi's neck. His two hands turned into sharp claws. One hand grabbed Lin Qi's heart and the other hand grabbed Lin Qi's liver. All three were fatal.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, he suddenly opened his mouth, and a dragon chant came out of his mouth.

The thick dragon breath swept out, rushing Arda more than ten meters away. Arda's body was burnt to black, if Lin Qi hadn't controlled the intensity of the dragon's breath, Arda's muscles would have been burned into coke. In such a case, Arda was also fatally hit and fell heavily to the ground unable to move.

Looking at Arda coldly, Lin Qi suddenly smiled: "It's not bad, it's not soft, but the experience is a bit short. You are a hybrid of humans and Moon Demon, descendants of the Moon Demon Royal Family? This proves that your potential is still good. Your father has been loyal to me, handed over your soul to me, and I can let you get everything you want!"

Arda gasped violently, and after a long time, he straightened up in embarrassment.

"what can you give me?"

A shadow flashed across Lin Qi's eyebrows, which was the imprint of Altut's soul, which meant that Lin Qi had controlled his soul.

"What I can give you is what your father can't give! I can give you hope, I can give you hope to leave here!"

Arda looked at Lin Qi incredulously, he was silent for a long time, and finally struggled to show a twisted phantom from his eyebrows.

Lin Qi nodded and smiled satisfied.

When he was demonized, Arda, who had the superior strength of the heavens, had another powerful thug by Lin Qi. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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