Bright Era

Chapter 367: Sudden change

After subduing Altut and Arda and his son, the chaotic cave is under the control of the hunting team.

Chaos Cave has thousands of heretics thrown into it, there are tens of thousands of descendants left by those heretics, and hundreds of thousands of slaves such as petty demons and cavemen. It seems to be a medium-sized city. Altut is the uncrowned king of this city, and everyone's life and death are in his hands.

Although there are twenty-nine people in Chaos Cave who are imprisoned in the prison like Altut, these people are either restrained by exercises, or restrained by Altut, or have a weird temperament. The Chaos Caverns are all made by Altut alone.

After arbitrarily obliterating tens of thousands of petty monsters and cavemen, and purifying and absorbing their souls, Altut restored his heyday strength. The Chaos Cave has become a strong rear base for the hunting team. Under Lin Qi's instruction, Fat Bear selected several middle-level personnel from the hunting team and took a group of people to Chaos Cave to receive all the power. Since then, Chaos Cave and the hunting team's city have become one.

The small lake where the young man and Yun lived, has become the best water source for the hunting team.

It used to be because the cave where the small lake was located was the boundary between the Black Abyss Market and the Chaos Cave. No one dared to develop the resources of that cave with great fanfare. Now both places are under the control of the hunting team. Under Lin Qi's plan and the design of the old man, a simple canal was dug out, and a large amount of clear water continuously poured into the hunting team's premises along with the canal.

With sufficient water sources, the hunting team does not need to go to the remote hunting grassland to transport water. All members of the hunting team live a luxurious life where they can enjoy a hot bath every day. In a place like Heiyuan Divine Prison, being able to soak in a hot bath every day is simply an emperor-level enjoyment.

Lin Qi collected more than 3,000 soldiers from the Chaos Cavern into the hunting team. These fighters are all unruly and unruly chaotic. Lin Qi keeps doing nothing, all forcing them to subdue the hooked, corrupt heart, and take their lives in his own hands.

As a result, Lin Qi has more than 5,000 powerful fighters in his hands. Among them, there are more than 200 celestial strength fighters, mages, and magic weapons, and more than 5,000 status fighters. Only a few of them are extremely powerful. But the stupid brain is just the vindictive cultivation base of the person. But these guys with poor brains are inherently extremely tyrannical in their flesh, and their combat effectiveness is as good as a handsome bear, and they can even fight against ordinary celestial fighters.

If it’s on the ground, it’s not enough for Lin Qi’s sub-power to open up an empire, and it’s not enough to build a powerful kingdom, but to annex a small duchy with a population of millions and dominate one territory. To be a blessing to be a landlord is definitely more than enough.

At least in terms of Lin Qi's current strength, the apparent strength of the Black Tiger family is far inferior to Lin Qi.

Assuming that Lin Qi can restore Altut's body to freedom and can bring him back to the ground, then with Altut's identity and strength, if he can gather a group of remnants of the soul gods, Lin Qi wants to build a A powerful kingdom is also possible.

Of course, to build a kingdom on the basis of the soul **** religion, God knows how corrupt and degenerate this kingdom will be. That is something that the devil does not know.

In any case, the hunting team’s strength has been greatly enhanced. Lin Qi has added more than 5,000 strong fighters to the coolie team’s roster. They are busy hunting on the grasslands every day, plus the little monsters and the chaotic caves. A large number of mushrooms and other underground crops planted by the cavemen, the heads of hunting teams such as Lin Qi and Fat Bear have become parasites!

They ate and slept and ate every day, and when they woke up bored, they would supervise the coolie warriors hunting, and don’t live too freely.

In just two months, the fat bear owner has successfully evolved from a round ball to a rugby-of course, a horizontal rugby. He successfully allowed his waistline to exceed his height, which led to He can't even complete certain personal hygiene issues on his own. He can only breed a few young and beautiful black fairies, and triumphantly let them take care of him all day.

The soaring strength of the hunting team shocked the surrounding forces, and no one dared to come to the hunting team to make money. Lin Qi and the others had a very leisurely life.

Now Lin Qi’s schedule is like this every day. Because of his soul’s soaring origin, his energy is horribly energetic. He doesn’t need to sleep at all every day. When practicing fighting qi, he casually restores the consumed spirit. .

Eight hours to practice fighting spirit, eight hours to study with the young man, four hours to refine his body, and then four hours of personal and private time-he was secretly studying all kinds of incredible knowledge of medicine in the Chuang Shenlu.

This is the most diligent period of Lin Qi's life. He has been studying frantically and exercising frantically day and night. With his hard work, his vindictiveness is faintly breaking through to the high level of the heavens, and his magical power is also rapidly increasing. . Because of the insights into the laws of fire contained in the two divine natures, Lin Qi's fire magic and dark magic magic powers are increasing day by day, and his magic power has also broken through to the status level.

A hundred times the strength of the soul of an ordinary person, this makes Lin Qi completely a copy machine. As long as the young man has said what he has said, he will not forget it. Not only that, but he can draw inferences from it and draw more mysteries from the insights. . Lin Qi is like a dry ocean, constantly drawing water from the vast ocean of knowledge of the young man.

The young man was also amazed at the speed of Lin Qi's learning, and he was also enthusiastic about what he learned--except for some things that were restricted to family bans that were really impossible to teach, he taught all the other knowledge.

It must be said that the young man is an extremely good teacher. He can always organize seemingly complex knowledge in an orderly manner, and then teach it to Lin Qi in the most efficient way. In just two years, Lin Qi learned the knowledge that ordinary scholars on the mainland would take hundreds of years to learn.

After all, because of Altut's ‘generosity’, Lin Qi has a soul that is a hundred times stronger than an ordinary person, and his learning efficiency and memory efficiency are really terrifying. The temperament of Lin Qi is changing significantly every day. He has gradually been carved from a rough mullah granite into a beautiful jade that exudes brilliance.

Two years, two full years, twenty-four months have passed.

Lin Qi hasn't stopped sleeping, exercising, cultivating, and studying frantically all day. When a loud noise from the direction of the Abyss Mohai shook the entire Black Abyss, he had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Steady like a mountain, alive like the wind, subtle like a forest, and moving like a fire. Every move is like a real aristocratic family, but in the blink of an eye, he can change his temperament and temperament. At the first moment, he still smiles lightly, and the next moment he violently kills. Lin Qi's whole person has been reborn, becoming completely different from the previous Lin Qi.

Even the young man can't see exactly what kind of person Lin Qi is now!

As for Lin Qi’s personal strength, his fighting spirit has been cultivated to a high level in the heavens, and he has also obtained all the cultivation methods of the Three Seas and Seven Wheels from the young man, but because his sea of ​​air, blood, and spirit are not enough. With a strong relationship, he listened to the opinions of the young man, did not forcefully practice the follow-up method, but waited for his foundation to become more stable before practicing.

And his magic. . . According to the young man, this is simply a miracle. The green old man never thought that Lin Qi was a magical genius, but, because of Altut's ‘generosity’, he possessed a soul that was a hundred times stronger than an ordinary person, and Lin Qi’s mental power was messed up. He is not an elegant mage, he can't control his magic well, but he is definitely the most violent mage in the world!

A small fireball that Lin Qi casually ignited was likely to pour out half of his body's magic power, and ordinary small fireballs would be transformed into high-level magic such as ‘Hell-ruptured lava fireball’. This is a powerful, violent, high-ranking mid-level archmage who cannot precisely control his own kill output and is prone to suicidal attacks!

Yes, now Lin Qi, his magic power has reached the level of mid-level heaven!

It is Lin Qi who has become so powerful. On this day, when he let four centaurs pick up big sticks made of pure steel and beat his body to harden his flesh, a terrifying loud noise shook the entire black abyss. The God Prison trembled.

Then the violent magic hurricane swept through the countless large and small caves of the Black Abyss God Prison, and everyone heard the cry of the soul contained in the magic hurricane.

Lin Qi and all other powerhouses above the heavenly rank felt that a powerful existence that was earth-shattering was dead. His lifespan is exhausted, or he completely despaired to end his life, no matter what the reason, a top powerful existence died!

The loud noise came from the abyss Mohai, which was a huge and dangerous abyss huge lake, and there was also the place where the entire Black Abyss God Prison was the most sparsely populated.

When Lin Qi felt the soul cry from the magic hurricane, he immediately drank the Centaur back, greeted him with a beep, and quickly walked towards the Black Abyss Market with a group of people. He had a faint intuition that something happened, maybe this was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

When he was leaving the house, the young man stopped Lin Qi and handed him a few bottles of life-saving medicine.

Lin Qi nodded and took the potion, waved to the cloud, then mounted the centaur and quickly rushed to the lake where Xuanlan was stationed.

Sure enough, the huge hanging basket had already descended, and the four saints in red and a large group of mad believers came to the Black Abyss God Prison with ugly faces, and followed a cave in the direction of the abyss sea of ​​ink.

The thin and shriveled old people and old ladies also stood aside watching the excitement, with strange smiles on their faces.

A certain saint uttered a low voice, and then several fanatics rushed up, grabbed the eldest old man who looked like a skeleton among the onlookers and left. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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