Bright Era

Chapter 386: Intensively

Lin Qi speeded up the raid on various settlements.

The astrologer who was able to awaken the blood of the giant in the dwarf king became Lin Qi's first key target.

Poor sacred astrologer, known as the astrologer who can guide people astray, but he can't get rid of the fog of his fate. His first failure caused him to be thrown into the Black Abyss God Prison by the church; his second failure allowed Lin Qi to take control of his soul.

Although every time he received an early warning in advance, what could he do in the face of a tyrannical force that could not resist?

In the next raid, Lin Qi simply brought along Xuanlan and the Dwarf King. With these two tall and powerful guys helping out, often as long as Lin Qi conquered the sacred realms trapped in the settlement, no one would dare to resist Lin Qi's conquest.

A month and a half later, Lin Qi smoothly controlled all the big and small forces of the Black Abyss God Prison in his hands. The elite combat power in his hand has expanded to a point where he himself feels that his scalp is numb. Now the powerful combat power that he listens to is as follows:

The Frost Giant, Xuanlan, was not an adult, but his terrifying power and huge body made him the number one general under Lin Qi. Of course, because Xuanlan's body was too huge, he couldn't blend in with ordinary battles, and could only exist as a strategic deterrent.

A dwarf king, the dwarf king with the highest level of fighting spirit cultivation base has a physical strength no weaker than Lin Qi, when Xuanlan does not make a move, he is undoubtedly the first person under Lin Qi's close combat.

Arda, this dull **** is deeply obsessed with the woman's carcass. For this greedy and lustful guy, Lin Qi had his own ideas. As long as Arda puts away his corners and wings, he is a handsome little white face, which is more attractive to women than Yu Lian. This kind of little white face is always safe to do with him. In case Lin Qi encounters something that must betray his hue in the future, what a good candidate Alda is!

One Bilibili, this little devil. . . Well, it must be admitted that his loyalty to Lin Qi is reliable, and his magic level is so-so. The broth he boils is delicious, and the roasted meat is delicious. He has been learning from the gray goblin in the past two years. How to cook food, and he also has this talent, so Lin Qi intends to train him to become a full-time chef.

The Abyss Centaur has four heads. For these four guys, Lin Qi doesn't treat them as intelligent creatures. As in the introduction, the Abyssal Centaur is the stupidest and most brutal type of the Centaur race, and they are closer to Warcraft. So Lin Qi treated them as mounts and occasionally used them as meat shields, but he didn't take them seriously anyway.

In addition to these people, Lin Qi now has:

Four thousand five hundred and seventy talented fighters!

Five hundred and forty-nine masters of heavenly strength!

There are more than 17,000 warriors and wizards above the intermediate rank!

There are 197 people in the holy realm that have lost all their power. As long as these people return to the ground world, use medicines and food to restore their bodies, and let them freely absorb elemental energy to replenish their magic power, they will immediately recover their terrible combat power. ——These people were exchanged by Lin Qi for the meat of a hundred monsters and Xuan Lan. With only one hundred monsters, Xuan Lan sold these old men and women who had been protected by him to Lin. Qi.

There are nearly three thousand heresy people full of all kinds of fantastic ideas. These people have low combat power, but they are top blacksmiths, top spell carvers, top magicians, top pharmacists, top scholars or The existence of other professions is placed in the outside world, and each of them is a grandmaster-level figure who is eager for the empire.

But here, in this Heiyuan Divine Prison, Lin Qi only provided food to these old people who were dying of the wind, and they obediently surrendered to Lin Qi—they even took the initiative to surrender their souls, making Lin Qi become Own master.

These heretics are struggling to guard their last trace of dignity under the power of the church, but when Lin Qi put food in front of them, secretly telling them that he might bring them freedom!

So, in the name of freedom, these heretics sold their last trace of dignity without hesitation and obediently obeyed Lin Qi's rule. Many times, many things seem incredible, but they are actually that simple. The church wants to subdue these people, but they would rather die than give in, because they are people with dignity.

But Lin Qi only gave them a piece of food and a promise of ‘freedom’, and they gave their soul to Lin Qi!

for freedom!

Lin Qi likes this slogan, he thinks. . . Well, these masters whose brains are different from those of normal people, give them what they like! As long as their soul is in their own hands, whether they want freedom or something else! Anyway, their life and death are in their own hands, and they feel that they are free, that is free!

Apart from these incalculable existences, Lin Qi also controlled the three hundred and sixty imprisoned holy realm powers in the **** prison!

If these holy realms were in a normal state, they could crush Lin Qi to death with just one finger. But in the jail, in the jail where their power is being suppressed by the divine array every day, facing the soul attack scroll made by the soul master Altut, facing Lin Qi, who is very good at all kinds of magic. Highly immune freaks, three hundred and sixty noble and powerful holy realm powers have sacrificed their souls obediently!

If Lin Qi can safely bring all these people to the ground world, what a terrible power he will have!

When Lin Qi conquered the last holy realm power, he even had the illusion that as long as he took these people out of the black abyss, as long as he returned to the surface world, as long as he wanted, he could hit the holy mountain, The church is completely destroyed!

Of course, the premise is that those **** gods do not wake up from eternal sleep, otherwise, facing the gods, these holy realms will be cannon fodder. At least Lin Qi learned from the young man that during the ancient era of destruction, the so-called holy realm was just the sacrifice of the church's random massacre. The horrible existences that really confronted the church were the ancient giants, dragons and the evil existences of those ancient times.

The so-called holy realm of mankind was really not too strong in that year.

But it should be safe to destroy the church today! Lin Qi is very confident about this! Unless the church hides some power that outsiders don't know, Lin Qi feels that once the three hundred and sixty people who have been imprisoned for so many years recover their full power, they should be sure to destroy the church!

Of course, before destroying the church, Lin Qi will retaliate against some people!

The church is a feast, and for some people, it is a dessert before the feast. Lin Qi wanted to make them desperate, let them struggle and cry in infinite despair, and finally destroy the church in front of them, completely letting them lose their last hope.

Lin Qi shuddered at the thought of those people crying and begging for mercy in front of him. His body seemed to have been chopped by thunder and lightning, and all the hairs and hairs were standing up.

In the following days, Lin Qi also joined in the analysis and cracking of the suppression of the gods.

The old man and Gawu have done a lot of work. They have analyzed the operation mechanism of the divine formation over and over again and calculated the possible changes in the divine formation during the solar eclipse. At the same time, Gawu also told the green old man that during the solar eclipse, the Great Lord Ozuki, who was waiting in the Fifth Abyss, would slaughter one million little monsters, cavemen and other low-level creatures, and use their flesh and soul to carry out the scale of the abyss world in history The biggest blood sacrifice.

Using the evil power gathered by the blood sacrifice, taking advantage of the opportunity that the remaining power of the gods in the world during the solar eclipse is greatly weakened, the magic circle arranged by the green old man and Gawu to destroy and suppress the gods will run at full force to counteract the power of the gods. .

In Gawu’s plan, once the repressive power of the divine formation is weakened, the three hundred and sixty sacred realm existences in the divine prison will take the opportunity to get out and lose their power to replenish. The divine formation that has been greatly weakened is not The collapse will temporarily lose all utility.

That was the best chance for Gawul's father to break the seal and return to the world!

According to the agreement between Jiawu and Lin Qi, Jiawu will draw his father's power to break a teleportation channel between the Black Abyss God Prison and the Fifth Abyss, allowing Lin Qi and his people to leave the Black Abyss!

There are countless connecting passages between the Fifth Abyss and the ground world, and Lin Qi can take his people to find a passage back to the ground. Gawu cannot guarantee where Lin Qi will return to the ground, or whether Lin Qi will encounter the church's interception when he returns to the ground, but that has nothing to do with him, because he has fulfilled all his promises, Lin Qi's life and death by then It has nothing to do with him.

After Lin Qi joined the deciphering and calculation of the **** array, the work efficiency has been accelerated a lot.

Because Lin Qi was not alone in the fight, there were three hundred and sixty sacred realms with strong cultivation bases and profound experiences behind him. Except for those holy realm martial artists who specialize in fighting qi, which of the other holy realm masters is not a sage-level university scholar?

Lin Qi gave them the plan for suppressing the divine formations, and asked them to concentrate all their energy on calculating the various changes in these divine formations. After the wisdom of these sacred realms joined, the young man and Jiawu readily discovered that their work progress has suddenly accelerated dozens of times!

Gawu's mood became extremely good. The more thorough the analysis and calculation of the **** formation, the greater the possibility of success. When breaking the **** formation, the less power his father consumes. Is this not enough to make him happy? ?

The entire deepest layer of the Black Abyss was mobilized by Lin Qi, and under the deterrence of powerful force, everyone was frantically collecting the deepest layer of value in the Black Abyss. The magic core of Warcraft, rare herbs, all kinds of strange ores, all kinds of gems and crystals, the idle space in Lin Qi's world ring is shrinking rapidly, and his collection is becoming more and more abundant.

The last group of dwarves even helped Lin Qi find two precious blue gold veins!

Hundreds of thousands of petty demons and cavemen were thrown into the mine by Lin Qi, working hard for Lin Qi's wealth.

Lin Qi was scraping the land frantically, and any wealth collected here would become a tool for Lin Qi's revenge.

Huge force, huge financial resources! As the days of the solar eclipse were getting closer, Lin Qi's face that made him very upset appeared more and more frequently in front of Lin Qi.

"Wait, I will be back soon!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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