Bright Era

Chapter 387: Disciple of Gawul

The snow fell quietly from the sky. The child's palm-sized snow flakes fluttered down, and when he looked up, the sky was white. The crater at the entrance of the Black Abyss God Prison spewed a faintly visible heat wave, and the snow near the crater was melted, but most of the mountain was still covered with a thick layer of white by these quiet but firm snow flakes.

On the platform halfway up the mountain, the teleportation array lit up, and nearly 10,000 fanatics in heavy armor suddenly tightened their weapons.

Thousands of punishment priests stepped on the magic flywheel suspended in mid-air, staring at the gleaming teleportation circle, their hands were closed in their sleeves, and the huge divine power was condensed in their palms. As long as there is a slight change, the attacks issued by thousands of people combined with the increase of the matching magic circle, this force is enough to make a powerful holy realm exist on the spot.

The huge teleportation circle gradually dimmed, and dozens of disciplinary knights in purple and gold armor walked out of the circle. A fanatic in a scarlet cloak greeted him. The two sides got together and murmured a few words. Then the correction knights who walked out of the circle stood by the side of the circle. They also held the weapon tightly. There was a hint of tension involuntarily on the top.

Ambilight gushes out of the magic circle again, and along with the low magic whistling sound, hundreds of figures gradually appear from the magic circle.

The disciplinary priests in the air also lowered the height of the magic flywheel, and the divine power accumulated in their palms suddenly fluctuated sharply. The powerful divine pressure caused the snow on the entire surface of the mountain to collapse at the same time, and countless broken snow powders flew up, spraying out dozens of miles away. At this moment, it was as if the entire mountain had exploded, and white snow powder covered the entire world.

Coming out of the magic circle were nearly three hundred men in black whose necks, wrists, ankles, and waist were tightly fastened by thick chains. There are males and females among them, most of them are not young, all of them are showing evil light, with weird smiles at the priests who are facing the enemy.

The old man with gray hair who was walking in the front rolled his scarlet lips and ‘Jie Jie’ laughed strangely.

"Hey, when you dispatched the group of old **** clubs to arrest us, weren't they arrogant! What are you doing so nervously now? Hey, this is the famous Heiyuan Hell? We have been famous for a long time!"

A large group of mad believers rushed up, and three or five of them served one of them and seized the bodies of these men in black. Some people in black greeted these fanatics with the most vicious and blasphemous words. They struggled hard, but the chains on their bodies gave off a dazzling divine light. They couldn't lift the slightest strength at all, they could only rely on these. The fanatics kept them under control.

If you can't use force, you can only use your tongue. For a time, all kinds of curses flooded like a flood. From the gods enshrined in the church to the families of these mad believers, all kinds of ‘wonderful’ greetings made the mad believers frown.

The highest-ranking fanatic asked in a low voice: "Where did you get these heretics? They shouldn't be sent here, they should be sent directly to the torture frame! Damn, listen to their profanity, even if these words are just listening Listen, that is also a sin!"

Walking out of the circle, the disciplinary knight with a Cancer pattern carved on the breastplate shook his head in distress: "They are the heads of twenty-eight sects who believe in evil gods. These sects have been hunted down by us for hundreds of years, but they have been in vain. This time they didn’t know what was going on. They gathered in a secret stronghold in the Abish Mountains. It seemed that they wanted to resurrect a certain evil spirit. The three popes jointly ordered the elders of the monastery to be sent to capture them alive.”

Lowering his voice, the Cancer Knight murmured: "This is personally ordered by the three popes. These people can only be imprisoned and cannot be killed. They can hide in the Western Continent for hundreds of years, which proves that their power is not small, even There may be some high-ranking empires or kingdoms covering them. As long as one of them speaks..."

A fierce killing intent flashed in the eyes of the leader of the fanatic: "War should be launched to purge all the fallen aristocrats and let the glory of God envelop the world! Those aristocrats shouldn't exist in the first place, because of their desire and sin. So that these heretics have the soil to multiply, we should launch a religious war to cleanse this sinful world!"

The Cancer Knight did not say a word, and started a religious war? Three years ago, the Gaul Empire entangled the countries of the mainland and joined forces to give the church a good look. In the past few years, the church's income has fallen sharply. If the church's foundation is not strong enough, it might start to cut the funding of the major temples now. Waging a religious war? War costs money, what do you fight if you don't have money?

Of course, this kind of remark cannot be said to these mad believers, Cancer Knight does not want to be accused of not being pious enough for his belief in God. These mad believers can rely on the same beliefs as paranoia to charge for the battle, but the punishment knights have to dress and eat and feed their families!

Nearly three hundred men in black were pushed into the volcano. This is considered to be the completion of the handover. Dozens of disciplinary knights in purple and gold armor returned through the teleportation circle, and those fanatics returned to the **** prison. Inside, continue his guard duty.

The popes and elders of twenty-eight minor sects that believe in evil gods were registered in the register, and their belongings were carefully checked. After they did not find anything too outrageous, they were just like Lin Qi back then. , Was thrown directly into the bottom layer of the Black Abyss.

Believing in evil gods and trying to resurrect ancient evil spirits, these guilts are unforgivable serious sins in the eyes of the church. In addition, the strength of the popes and elders of these small sects is not weak, and they are basically high-ranking or celestial cultivation bases. Throwing into the deepest part of the black abyss is the best punishment for them.

If someone can't hold back the despair at the bottom of Heiyuan, if someone surrenders to the church, that's naturally a good thing. As long as they are willing to explain the distribution of their sect’s strongholds on the mainland, devote their savings over the years to the church, and by the way bite out a few great aristocrats who are not pleasing to the church and clean them out thoroughly, their sins can still be obtained. Forgive me!

At the mouth of the cave where hot and cold mixed winds were constantly blowing out, these big and small popes and elders were unchained and thrown down. The violent wind engulfed their bodies, causing them to slowly descend like feathers, and not long after they fell into the boiling pool water.

Poor Xuanlan was hooked up by Lin Qi, and now he was eating a lot of oil in the hunting camp. These popes and elders were sobbed by the boiling water, they cast spells and soared into the air. But they still don't know how powerful the restrictions here are. Some people just flew up to a hundred meters high and fell head-on, head-down into the hot pool.

The miserable howls continued to sound, and these hapless guys had tossed for a long time, and finally they helped each other to escape from this terrible pond.

At any rate, they all have a powerful cultivation base. Although they can't fly here, they can still protect their bodies with magical power. If so, there are still a small half of people who were caught off guard and burnt their foreheads, and a few of the worst luck guys simply got burnt their eyes.

These popes and elders, who were also majestic outside, crawled to the shore in embarrassment, and while healed their wounds, they angrily cursed the ruthless fanatics. Even if they are heretics, even if they are prisoners, since you didn't send them to the torture frame, then you have to treat them well. Where can you leave people alone?

A group of people were tossing here, and the sound of soft footsteps came from all directions.

Bilibili, riding on a centaur, swung a sharp knife triumphantly, and walked out of the darkness with a smile.

"Oh, fat sheep! The terrifying master is working hard to scrape the land these days, and someone has brought it to the door?"

With a light swipe of the sharp knife, Bilibili gave a faint order: "Take them naked, don't let go of a copper! Attention, the owner has ordered, focus on checking their toes, lower body and hair. Hidden the space ring, hey, these guys don't have any high-end goods, so there is no need to break their bones to check!"

Hundreds of demons walked out of the darkness, and one by one kept approaching the black-clothed men who were still breathing white with bad eyes.

The eldest old man in black looked at these demons furiously. He raised his staff and was ready to do it, but several other people around him quickly stopped his impulse—all of these demons have the power of heaven. The combination of a hundred demons is enough to completely suppress them.

And there are figures flickering in the dark, and there are dashes of cold light passing by. If you are not mistaken, the arrow of the crossbow arrow is glowing.

What's more terrible is that this is the Heiyuan Divine Prison, their mana and mental power have been suppressed, and their magical power has been weakened by more than half, but these warriors who fight with muscle lumps have not been weakened in any way.

Taken together, the consequences of resisting Bilibili are obvious. Popes and elders will be chewed to pieces by these demons.

Wisely seeing the situation at hand, the people in black allowed the demons to get close to them, sweeping away their space rings and other wealth. Some people in black had their underwear made of precious magic spider silk, and these demons took off their underwear.

Bilibili glanced at the men in black and waved his hand: "Take them to the master and let them eat that terrible potion. Tsk tsk, they all seem to be good slaves, with their strength , Will be good slaves!"

An hour later, the angry Jiawu rushed to Lin Qi and roared.

"Lin Qi, the new prisoners who have just arrived, they are all my disciples, who came to us today to send us materials according to my orders!"

"How can you make them take that **** potion?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest power.)

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