Bright Era

Chapter 393: Solar eclipse

A small oil lamp emits a faint light in the cave.

Lin Qi, the green old man and Yun Yun sat at the stone table, quietly looking at the magic hourglass on the table.

This was originally Jiawu's thing, but Lin Qi smoothly blackmailed it. This magic sand drain is precise, with various astronomical images painted on it, which can clearly show the time and various changes in the sky. The solar eclipse, as the most noticed of the heavens, is also endowed with various magical colors. Naturally, this magic hourglass will not be missed.

"It's weird, the solar eclipse, what is blocking the sun's light?" Lin Qi looked curiously at the red sun emblem on the hourglass. He really felt strange, what is blocking the sun?

"The church says it is the big hand of the God of Darkness!" The young man's hair and beard have all fallen off, and his skin is dry like a dried orange peel. When he speaks, his body is trembling violently and coughing violently from time to time. In the battle against Gawu, dark power eroded his body. His current body may collapse at any time, and the flame of life may go out at any time, but there is still a stubborn obsession in his heart that makes him persistently persist.

"But I said, that's fart!" The green old man smiled weirdly, and lashed out at the gods of the church: "The God of Darkness may be powerful, but he cannot be strong enough to block a natural celestial body. I taught You remember your things, whether those stars or the sun, they are all the same huge celestial bodies as the earth under our feet!"

Coughing violently, the young man squinted his eyes and sneered: "There was also a solar eclipse in the ancient times. It was the moon that blocked the sun's rays!"

Lin Qi's eyes flickered, and Yun said softly, "But now, there is no moon! It has disappeared!"

The young man nodded vigorously: "Yes, the moon has disappeared, it... The ancient books handed down by the family did not give a detailed explanation. Anyway, it disappeared before the destruction calendar. But there are new celestial bodies. We It is invisible to the naked eye, but it does exist. It replaces the moon and blocks the sun’s rays after a certain period of time. This is the solar eclipse we see."

Lin Qi suddenly remembered the master tower in the Fifth University, the university master who was captured by the Knights of Punishment. He seemed to be preaching about the problems of the stars and the ground under his feet, and then he was captured as a heresy, and he didn't know where he was now.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi said calmly: "No matter what the sun or the moon is. Anyway, there are still a few hours before the solar eclipse. We can leave this **** place! Mr., must support you. Just leave here, yours. If your body absorbs other natural elements, it can gradually eliminate the invasion of dark elements, and you will definitely survive!"

The young man squinted and smiled. He tightly grasped Yun's hand and said in a low voice, "Of course, how come I want Yun to return to the family. Even if I die, I have to wait for Yun to return. Lin Qi, wait. After we leave here, can you please **** us to Vias Port, the governing city of the Vias Commercial Federation, okay?"

Lin Qi nodded vigorously, and grinned: "Of course it’s okay. I’m still your guard hired by your 1,000 gold coins a day. Of course, I’m going to follow where the employer is going. It’s just that I have to take care of the people around me. Arrange it!"

The young man nodded, and he smiled lowly: "Well, it depends on your own arrangements. Don't bring too many people around you. Well, the family residence is a bit sensitive. If you bring too many people, I'm afraid Cause unnecessary trouble."

Lin Qi pondered for a while, then nodded slowly.

The silver magic sand in the hourglass was slowly dripping, and a handsome bear roar suddenly came from outside the cave: "Hey, Eminem, I am going to follow Lin Qi to get out of here. What are you doing? You want to stay alone. Here? No way! If you stay here alone, who will get you food? You are a hundred times lazier than me, and you will starve to death!"

Lin Qi's face trembled, he helplessly spread his hands, then jumped up and walked out of the cave.

The young man nodded slowly, and he whispered to Yun: "Get ready, pack everything away! Follow Lin Qi's side, always follow him. There will be many things happening today, many, many things. Things. Gawu, and those evil spirits, haha, it's so lively!"

Yun nodded, and patted his palm lightly: "Everything is packed, and the things that Mr. prepared are also ready!"

Squinting his eyes and snorting, the green old man slowly said, "Be ready at any time. If someone wants to use their brains that shouldn't be used, I don't mind turning the entire Black Abyss God Prison into death. As long as you and Lin Qi can leave. Here, it doesn't matter how many people are killed."

Yun smiled softly, he took out a pale golden pill and fed it into the mouth of the old man.

The old man swallowed the pill, closed his eyes and worked silently for a while, his face was flushed, and his waist suddenly straightened a lot. The dry and old skin gradually became moist and shiny. At this moment, the young man seemed to be rejuvenated.

"Emperor Life Protection Pill!" The young man squinted coldly and said, "After taking it, I can live for a month. As long as I can return to the family within a month, I can live. In this month, I hope those Eyeless guy, hum!"

After taking a few deep breaths, the luster on the green old man's face suddenly disappeared, and he changed into the look that might die at any time. He gently raised his right hand and slowly pressed it against the stone table in front of him. The stone table, two meters long and three feet thick, turned into a ground of fine powder silently. The young man nodded in satisfaction and grinned at Yun happily: "Yun, within this month, my strength has been completely restored. Don't worry, I will definitely let you leave here."

Yun nodded, shook the old man's hand gently, and then walked out of the cave slowly, looking at Lin Qi, who was squatting in front of the handsome bear's mother, dancing and dancing.

"Hey, auntie, you have to go with us! What if you don't leave here, the handsome bear? Are you going to let him leave his mother and run away? It's not okay, auntie, you can't stay here alone! You! Look, you see, I have been here for several years and I haven't seen you leave this cave much. If you stay here alone, you will really starve to death!"

The handsome bear’s mother lay in the grass nest and rolled her eyes to look at Lin Qi. She didn’t say a word anyway—she understood Lin Qi’s words, but the Abyss Demon Bear couldn’t speak humans, so she He didn't even hum, he just looked at Lin Qi so wearily.

Lin Qi spent a long time slobbering. He couldn't tell Shuai Xiong's mother whether he was alive or dead. He sighed helplessly and turned his head to look at Shuai Xiong.

"What to do, Shuai Xiong?" Lin Qi was also a little mad. Shuai Xiong is a hybrid descendant of the Royal Bear Man and Abyss Demon Bear. He has excellent natural talents. Lin Qi will teach the Shuai Xiong Royal Bear when he is ready to return to the ground. People's grudge, he is Lin Qi's future general candidate. It would be a pity if he couldn't return to the ground because of his mother's affairs.

Shuai Xiong squatted blankly, spreading his hands helplessly.

Shuai Xiong's mother opened her eyes wide, and gently extended her paw to push Shuai Xiong. She hummed a few times, and Lin Qi and Shuai Xiong shouted at the same time: "You won't go, but let me (Handsome Xiong) leave?"

Shuai Xiong's mother nodded and patted Shuai Xiong's head gently.

Shuai Xiong grinned and opened his mouth wide and yelled: "This is not good. If you don't leave, how can I leave with confidence? You are so lazy, you lazy bear, you will starve to death if you stay here. I can't let it go. You stay here!"

Lin Qi sighed long and continued to waste his tongue and talk about the handsome bear's mother. But this big bear didn't pay attention to Lin Qi at all. No matter what he said, he would not agree. Reluctantly, Lin Qi clenched his fist furtively, and was about to stun the big bear and forcibly lead her away from the black abyss.

Yun walked up slowly, he smiled softly and asked softly: "Auntie, why are you reluctant to leave?"

Shuai Xiong's mother was stunned. She looked at Yun and mumbled a few times.

Before Lin Qi could figure out what she meant, Bilibili had already crawled in and screamed: "Master, terrifying master, that bald Hasen has brought people down again. Xuanlan let me Hurry up and let you know, what Hasen said about the eclipse was that the elder of the church who suppressed the prison sent him to inspect."

Lin Qi frowned, why did everything get together? Damn Hasen, what is he doing now?

He slapped Yun's head hard, Lin Qi said solemnly, "No matter what you use, get rid of handsome Xiong's mother."

Standing up, Lin Qi put on the set of rune armor that Hasen gave him, took the rune sword that Hasen gave him, and strode out of the cave.

"Bilibili, release the people from Pengren Yifeng and let them go to Xuanlan as a team. Be prepared. If you find that something is not right, you must let Yifeng and the others guard the entrance and exit, and let them delay the church. By the way, let our people be prepared. All the soldiers who surrendered to me, plus those from the hunting team, and their family members, will all take them to the grassland."

"Buried all the powerful magic scrolls collected these days into the hunting team's station, **** it, give them a good look!"

"Send people to send letters to the holy realm in the **** prison, so that they are ready to escape and save themselves. Once they are out of the **** prison, come to the hunting team station as quickly as possible! They still retain a part of their strength, they will Very useful!"

Wrapped in a big cloak, Lin Qi turned around and smiled at the young man who was standing at the entrance of the cave, looking at him, and asked, "Sir, how much time is there?"

The green old man glanced at the magic hourglass in his hand, and said solemnly: "There is a little more than an hour! Delay them, and we can't let them break our affairs!"

Lin Qi nodded heavily, and strode towards the entrance and exit of Heiyuan where Xuanlan was. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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