Bright Era

Chapter 394: Kill Hasen

Lin Qi, with a bright armor, brought dozens of cavemen with crooked melons to the entrance.

Hasen, the commander of the Fanatic Legion Division, who had traded with Lin Qi several times these days, was standing by the pool frowning, speaking to Xuanlan without a word. Xuan Lan was very honest and asked if Hasson could feed him a few bulls, but how could Hasson have the mind to deal with Xuan Lan? He was waiting for the huge hanging basket to be put down again and again, sending him hundreds of subordinates each time.

Seeing Lin Qi walking over and looking at the cavemen behind him, Hasen couldn't help but **** his mouth.

"This kid is so promising! This set of equipment that is almost invincible in the Black Abyss God Prison, can he not subdue some more powerful subordinates? Caveman? What is this? A creature that is not as good as a fly!" With Lin Qi's ineffectiveness, if Lin Qi can conquer dozens of powerful orcs, he can conquer more cavemen, wouldn't he be able to find more gems and the like?

However, Hasson had a good impression of Lin Qi.

Putting aside Lin Qi's "descendant" of heresy, the sin that Hason could not forgive, Hasson had a really good impression of Lin Qi.

Unlike the ordinary soldiers in the Fanatic Legion, Hasen came from the top of the church. His family has considerable influence in the church. Although it is not a godly family, his elders also enjoy high positions in the church. As expected, although Hasen hung a fanatic's skin, in his heart, he was actually not a ten percent fanatic!

So Hasen has a good impression of Lin Qi, because Lin Qi is the first heresy to dare to bribe him! If it were ordinary gold and silver coins, Hasson would execute Lin Qi without hesitation. But what Lin Qi bribed to him was precious magic material, which made Hasen and the family behind Hasen very satisfied!

How can a large church family rely solely on the church's funding to support themselves? For a family to grow and develop, it needs to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and search for resources from everywhere. After Hasen became the division commander of the Fanatic Legion, he was transferred to the guard of the Black Abyss God Prison by rotation. His rotation time was three years!

Heiyuan Divine Prison, this is ten percent of the chores, don't expect to get any benefits from these prisoners. But just a few days after Hasen came here, he ran into Lin Qi, a freak who dared to pay bribes to the division commander of the mad believer!

Every three months, Lin Qi would hand over some magical materials and medicinal materials that are precious and unusual in the ground world to Hasen. After these magical materials and medicinal materials were returned to the family by Hasen, it really gave his family a great help. For example, his family has added more than a dozen sets of powerful magic equipment, and more than a dozen juniors have successfully broken through the bottleneck with those drugs and reached the cultivation base of heaven.

Therefore, Hasson had a very good impression of Lin Qi. Hasen's family even suggested that Hasen let him apply for more than a few decades in the Black Abyss God Prison. Lin Qi, Lin Qi's son, Lin Qi's grandson, Hasen can get a steady stream of rare materials from Lin Qi's hands!

Even the family promised Hasen that if he could avoid the church and open up such a stable source of rare materials in the Heiyuan Hell and develop it, the family would fully support Hasen's ascension in the future.

Ignoring Xuanlan who was spitting over his head begging for the bull, Hasen turned his back and looked at Lin Qi.

The family's proposal can be considered. Hasen felt that he should cultivate Lin Qi well. If Lin Qi can become a character like the King of the Black Abyss, how much precious material can he provide Hasen?

This is a heresy who is willing to cooperate with the clergy of the church, and this is what Hasen admired Lin Qi the most. Other heretics, they wouldn't cooperate with him obediently like Lin Qi. Even if they have any rare materials, they can't trade them privately. Therefore, for such a precious freak who is willing to cooperate with Hasen, Hasen must be in his hands.

Lin Qi walked quickly to Hasson, and bowed respectfully to Hasson.

"Dear Hasen, hello, it's been a long time since I saw you! Hey, hey, I recently got a few good things! You know!" Lin Qi looked up at Hasen secretly and incomparably flattering, his smiling face is OK Used as the teaching material of the "Nengchen villain", it is the extreme flattery, the bones are soft to a few points, and the smiling faces of cunning people without any self-esteem and no backbone.

Hasen really enjoyed Lin Qi’s flattering smile. He snorted awe-inspiringly, and said indifferently: “This time I’m down, it’s also the task explained above, which has nothing to do with you. Have you ever heard of the solar eclipse? Okay, When you have never heard of your heresy that grows in the Black Abyss, you have never seen the sun, so how can you understand what a solar eclipse is?"

Shaking his head contemptuously, Hasen looked at Lin Qi arrogantly: "But the solar eclipse is a very important thing, and some undesirable things will happen. So the elders ordered me to take people here for inspection. Things have nothing to do with you. , So don’t be nervous, don’t be afraid, my people will go to guard the suppression of the gods in the other twelve settlements, and you, just take me to the grassland where you hunt!"

Lin Qi's heart suddenly twitched. He smiled and looked at Hasen and asked, "Is it the grassland where we went hunting? The grassland with the huge lava lake next to it?"

Hasen nodded: "That's it!"

Lin Qi straightened his waist. He looked at the more than four hundred zealots standing by the pool, squinted and smiled: "That is the grassland where the core of the suppression of the gods formation? Well, that is, there is the whole The Black Abyss God Prison suppresses the grassland of the **** formation hub?"

Hasen was stunned. The Suppression Divine Formation in the grassland was the hub and core of the entire Black Abyss' Divine Suppression Formation. How did Lin Qi know this? But before Hasen came back to his senses, a sharp, straight knife had penetrated his body silently, severing his heart arteries accurately, and leaking out from behind his body.

The straight knife, the highly poisonous Viper's straight knife, used Lin Qi's weird power to pierce him at a place less than three feet close. It was like a flash of lightning, and Hasen could not react at all. Lin Qi had already killed him instantly. All alive.

The arteries of the heart were severed and blood spurted randomly in the chest cavity. Hasen looked at Lin Qi in horror, his eyes suddenly turning red.

"Three months of filial piety, I think it's worth buying your life!" Lin Qi squinted at Hasen: "In the Gaul Empire, someone once robbed me of a copper, so I interrupted him. Hand! Look, I am a miser who can't bear to bear it, why should I give you such a big benefit every three months? It's just for today, you see, you didn't watch me at all!"

The berserker's body is very powerful, able to withstand the attacks of ordinary weapons. But the Viper's straight knife was too sharp. Lin Qi's power was too great. With a full blow at close range, Hasen's armor and flesh couldn't withstand Lin Qi's full blow, and he went straight through his vitals.

"You, go to hell!" He opened his mouth and snorted, and Hasen spouted a lot of blood. But he clenched his fist and slammed Lin Qi's head with a dazzling golden light. At this moment, Hasen thought of many things, thought of his family, thought of his family, thought of his future, thought of his lover, thought of many, many things.

Lin Qi, you **** heresy, I treat you so well, I even deliberately support you to be the king of the black abyss, let you become the family's rare material supplier, so that you can live comfortably in the black abyss **** prison. How can you treat me this way? How can you fail my trust?

Hasen's eyes were filled with blankness, anger, and humiliation after being deceived.

But his fist could not be thrown out because Xuanlan stretched out a big hand, grabbed his two arms, and then gently tugged to both sides. With a loud bang, Hasen's body was forcibly torn into two pieces. Xuan Lan grabbed Hasen's body and threw it into his mouth.

Lin Qi was shocked, he shouted sharply: "Xuanlan, you can't eat it, it's very poisonous!"

Xuanlan was dumbfounded, and threw Hasson's body away, then raised both hands and slapped it with a fierce slap.

The hundreds of mad believers who were gathering by the pool watched in horror at their division leader being pierced by Lin Qi, and watched in horror as Xuanlan split his division leader into corpses. This is impossible, this is completely impossible. His division commander Hasen is a fanatic who is protected by the gods. He has infinite power. How could he be killed so easily?

"This is the charm of money!" Lin Qi laughed loudly: "It's so cute, even mad believers can't resist your temptation!"

Xuanlan's big hands whizzed down with a killing chill, and slapped heavily in the queue of mad believers.

With a loud bang, dozens of fanatics were blasted into meat sauce with a single blow from Xuanlan. The remaining hundreds of fanatics roared in unison, their bodies flashed with golden light, accompanied by deafening prayers praising the **** of punishment. The believers rushed to Xuanlan and Lin Qi frantically.

But what greeted them was the blue frost breath. A white cloud of cold air blasted out of Xuanlan's mouth, and nearly two hundred fanatics howled and were frozen into ice men. Then Xuanlan shot them with a palm, and these people were all crushed to pieces.

Looking at the mad believer who charged towards him, Lin Qi gave a sneer. He opened his mouth, and his throat suddenly rose like a wine jar.

Along with the deafening dragon roar, Lin Qi spouted a black and red dragon breath!

The terrifying heat swept out. Nearly a hundred fanatics were hit by Lin Qi’s dragon breath. Their bodies were twisted and struggling in the heat. All of them were wrapped in terrible black-red dark flames. Their bodies were burned. There was a noise, and some weaker ones were burned to ashes on the spot.

The breath of the frost giant, the breath of the dragon, this almost represents the extremes of frost and searing on the continent.

Hundreds of Berserkers were beheaded by Xuanlan and Lin Qi, and the scene was in a mess.

Lin Qi pointed to the passage above the pool and shouted: "Xuanlan, block this passage!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. , Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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