Bright Era

Chapter 533: Holy Land? That's it

This is Baihu's grudge!

Lin Qi sprayed out a thin, sharp white cold light all over his body, and suddenly there was a sonorous roar of gold and iron impact in his sea of ​​anger. The crisp roar sounded like a heavy hammer hitting an iron ingot. Lin Qi's sea of ​​qi suddenly shrank and bounced, and the texture of the sea of ​​qi became tougher and denser.

The white vindictive energy, as sharp as arrows, criss-crossed Lin Qi's meridians and shuttled back and forth, following a path that was at least three times more complex than Xuanhujin's meridian and acupuncture points. Unlike Xuanhu Jin's dense and coherent fighting spirit, the white tiger fighting spirit is one after another, as if they have no connection with each other, but they form an organic whole following Lin Qi's mind.

Following a certain frequency, occasionally two white tiger fighting qi crashed into each other in a certain aperture.

There was a loud noise in'Dang Cang', and the loud sound of hammer hitting the iron ingot came from Lin Qi's acupuncture point. The acupuncture point suddenly shrank and flicked, making it a little denser and more flexible. Some. And the two white tiger fighting qi that collided with each other became slightly smaller during the collision, and they also became more condensed and sharper.

What was even more shocking for Lin Qi was that the speed of the white tiger's fighting qi was so fast through the meridians, and the white tiger's fighting qi itself was so sharp. Although Lin Qi’s meridians and acupoints have been tempered and strengthened countless times, they have become inhumanly powerful, but his meridians and acupoints are uneven, like a road paved with chaos. The vindictiveness is always a little suffocating when it passes by.

Although Lin Qi's meridians and acupoints are extremely broad, his fighting qi is also so powerful. When the meridians and acupoints are filled with fighting qi, the fighting flow through these meridians and acupoints always stumbles a little.

But the white tiger's fighting qi is like countless flying knives. They rush through Lin Qi's meridians and acupuncture points with unparalleled aggression, polishing the uneven spots on the meridian to look like a mirror, and the acupuncture points are also carved. It must be as round as a bead, and there will be no obstruction when the bucket flows through it.

This is the power of Xuanhushen's change of sutra. It uses the human body as the raw material, and uses various attributes of vindictiveness as the processing tool to suppress the potential of the body, making the body a pure combat tool and a continuous killing weapon. Evolution.

The meridians in Lin Qi's body made a'buzzing' roar, and there was a loud and loud noise coming from Ao**, his body was squirming, and with the help of the violent heat that the donkey continuously input into his body, he was steady and steady. The realm of his own white tiger fighting spirit.

The huge loud voice continued to reverberate in the spirit sea, and the black and purple handwriting continued to turn into a scorching breath flowing throughout the body. Lin Qi's body and soul are undergoing earth-shaking changes under the scouring of this breath. The white tiger's fighting spirit is extremely violent. Lin Qi's orifices are constantly spraying white cold light all over his body. The communication between his body and the natural world is so rigid. It was torn apart by Baihu's grudge.

In the past, although Lin Qi was able to absorb the natural elemental energy of fire and dark attributes, that energy could only be converted into magic power and stored in the spirit sea. There seemed to be an invisible barrier between his body and the natural world, which firmly blocked the communication between his body and the outside world.

But this time, the white tiger rushed through Lin Qi's closed orifice like a rotten spirit. Lin Qi was relieved. He suddenly felt like a seed buried in the ground for an unknown number of years. He had received sufficient rain and nourishment. , He sent out buds, and gradually stretched out to the ground, exposed to the sun, rain, and fresh air.

The billowing air rushed in from the acupoints around the body, making a loud ‘huhu’ rushing across Lin Qi’s body.

A large amount of blood mist sprayed out of Lin Qi's pores, and the large amounts of toxins and impurities stored in his body were washed away by this fresh invisible wind. His whole person was ethereal, with a sense of smoothness like a mirror and a reflection of the blue sky. Taking a lot of medicines of the Enlightenment of the Gods all the year round, strengthening and tempering the body with the blood of monsters all year round, taking a lot of meat all year round, overdose all kinds of meat, although it brought Lin Qi an extremely powerful body, but it also accumulated in his body. A large amount of pharmacological residual poison, turbidity of monsters and various waste residues.

Although Lin Qi is constantly tempering and strengthening his body, some impurities and toxins have been integrated with his bones and bone marrow. No matter how hard he tempers, these toxins and impurities cannot be expelled. But this invisible wind from the void from the outside blew over his body, and Lin Qi's body was so easily washed clean, as pure as a newborn baby.

The donkey rolled his lips and laughed ‘Okay’. Then, with the grunt of ‘fuck you uncle’, the donkey opened his mouth and spit out the hill-like gold ingots, silver ingots and various magic metals piled beside Lin Qi.

The white tiger's fighting spirit circulated wildly in Lin Qi's body. Lin Qi's acupoints around his body made a whistling sound. Invisible vortices formed rapidly in his acupuncture points. The gold ingots, silver ingots and magic metal spit out from the donkey were sprayed at the same time. The white cold light faintly visible to the naked eye came out, and continuously rushed into Lin Qi's body with the crackling sound of'swish'.

The Western White Tiger, the main slaughter, belongs to Gengjin. The Black Tiger family came up with this method to enhance the progress of the white tiger fighting qi cultivation, borrowing various precious metals that contain the powerful gold qi, and extracting pure gold qi into the white tiger fighting qi, which can enhance at least ten times more Practice speed.

Lin Qi opened his mouth and took a deep breath. What he inhaled was not air, but an unusually cold and sharp breath. The billowing Gengjin aura continued to merge into his body, and Lin Qi was enveloped in a white halo that seemed to be substantial. Although this halo was extremely thin, it looked sharp and indestructible.

The surrounding gold ingots, silver ingots and magic metal quickly lost their luster, and soon turned into a pile of rotten rust stains scattered on the ground. The donkey's eyes widened and looked at Lin Qi in horror. "What's the matter? Even if Blackbeard's first practice after stepping into the Holy Realm, he only used such a little thing. Could it be the origin of your body? Better than your father?"

Unsure of what is going on with Lin Qi's body, the donkey grinned and spit out a lot of precious metals. He cursed and greeted Lin Qi's father and grandfather and a series of direct male relatives. Lin Qi's eighteenth-generation uncle was all **** by a donkey. Because the precious metals that the donkey vomited this time were all his personal property, it was not the auxiliary material that Blackbeard asked him to bring to Lin Qi's practice.

The white Gengjin breath kept pouring into Lin Qi's body, and soon this pile of precious metals all decayed. The donkey's eyes flicked violently in his eye sockets. He spit out a two-foot-long tongue and angrily cursed the black-bearded pro-uncle, then he gritted his teeth and spit out a lot of precious metals again-this Once there was a light vapor in the donkey's eye sockets, and he almost cried.

"It's a loss, a loss, my wife! My big breasted girl!" The donkey wailed and wailed, while the two front hooves continued to emit strong heat, continuously pouring into Lin Qi's body. Pushing his white tiger fighting spirit to circulate rapidly in his body.

The white vigor in Lin Qi's meridians is like a spur of flying arrows, and a faint white layer is also faintly attached to his mental power.

There are very few people in the Black Tiger family who have both magic and martial arts. They are pure physical violence from the beginning. They can contend with giant dragons simply by relying on their abnormal bodies. Therefore, they are extremely tempered with magic, spiritual power, and soul. not serious. Anyway, as their physical metamorphosis is strengthened, his soul and mental power will also increase accordingly. Generally speaking, the people of the Black Tiger family do not need to practice magic specifically, they will eventually have not weak magic power—— Because their bodies are too strong, their souls and mental powers are also surprisingly strong.

Lin Qi is a rare alien of the Black Tiger family. His soul is extremely powerful. With the nourishment of the powerful soul power in the jade carving, as the white tiger's fighting spirit continues to transform his body, his soul is also undergoing earth-shaking changes. .

The Gengjin Qi from the outside world kept pouring into his body, and his mental power was also beginning to absorb the Gengjin Qi that was rolling in. Just like the elemental power of dark attribute and fire attribute he had absorbed, Lin Qi also began to absorb the elemental power of metal!

The magic of metallicity is formed drop by drop in Lin Qi Linghai.

Metallic magicians, this is the strangest category of alien magicians in the Western mainland. On average, there is not a single metallic magician among a thousand magicians. Lin Qi naturally possessed the metallic magic power, and as he continued to absorb the golden aura he used around him, his metallic magic power was constantly increasing.

Suddenly, Lin Qi's mental power rushed away from his head like an octopus, turning into a cloud of black, red, and white, spinning around his head. With the heavenly spirit on top of his head, Lin Qi's body and acupuncture points have all been naturally connected to the outside world. His acupuncture points continue to send a'clanging' roar, just like countless thunder roars in his body.

Lin Qi suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes had turned pale, emitting a compelling cold light.

"Is this the holy realm? The body draws the power it needs directly from the natural world. Whether it is fighting energy and magic power, it has almost reached the point where it can be born endlessly. Is this holy realm?"

Before the words fell, an evil breath rose into the sky in the other corner of the house.

Alda’s strange cry came over: "The handsome, perfect, powerful, and wise Alda uncle is really amazing, what is the bottleneck of the holy realm? Uncle Arda is just sitting here in a daze, and soon he will relax. Have you stepped into the Holy Land?"

The donkey's body suddenly stiffened, and then a tongue suddenly came out over a meter long, sweeping in the air like a cramp.

"Alda, you **** by-product of rape, bastard, do you want to kill everyone?"

A black whirlwind rushed out of the donkey, quickly engulfing Lin Qi and the others in the house, and flew past a barren mountain hundreds of miles away to the east against the water. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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