Bright Era

Chapter 534: Thunder Tribulation

"I'll **** your uncle, I'll **** your uncle, if your uncle's mother has big breasts, I will **** her together!"

The whole body of black hair was erected, his ears stood upright, his three-foot-long tongue, and his tail spinning like a windmill, the donkey was full of foul language and cursed, and brought a black wind to Lin Qi and the others. The barren hills flew away quickly. He flew extremely fast, and the distance of hundreds of miles was only a quarter of an hour.

Xiong Wanjin and Bilibili stared in horror at Lin Qi, who was spraying a sharp aura, and Arda, who was surrounded by black smoke, with a large number of twisted faces constantly emerging from the black smoke. Bilibili came from the Devil Family of the Abyss World, and Xiong Wanjin came from the Eastern Empire. The two naturally knew what was going on.

Above their heads, the two groups of thunderclouds that had been entwined slowly followed them, no matter how the donkey accelerated, the two groups of clouds would never leave them. In the thunderclouds, there is a low and low sound of ‘chi ch', which is a level that must be experienced when entering the holy realm—thunder disaster caused by the great disorder of natural elements.

The natural elements of the entire world are extremely stable and extremely peaceful. Only when the warriors or wizards at the peak of the heavens break through the holy realm, they instantly absorb a large number of nearby natural elements that match their own attributes. The sudden elemental impact causes The violent collision and friction between the natural energies caused this violent thunder disaster.

Of course, the above statement is the most recognized statement by ordinary people.

Among the big forces that truly have ancient history and inheritance, this kind of thunder disaster is something that has existed in the past, and it is a kind of existence similar to the law. Human beings set foot in the holy realm from heaven, both in terms of strength and life span, have exceeded the limit that human beings should have.

This kind of breakthrough violates the way of law, so the thunder and calamity comes and destroys the existence of this kind of daring to disobey the way of nature.

It can carry it, and it will have a life span of at least a thousand years from now on. Even if it is a aging and aging body, even if there is only a breath of serious illness left, it can recover youth and old age under the wash of natural elemental energy. If you can't carry it, then there is nothing to mention, the earth will thank you for your contribution to its fertility-when the thunder falls, the flesh becomes ashes, and ashes are naturally the best fertilizer.

"Alda, you bastard!"

The donkey roared furiously.

At the critical moment when Lin Qi broke through the holy realm, Arda actually stupidly broke through the holy realm!

Two people broke through at the same time with a distance of less than 20 meters. Their auras were entangled, and the resulting thunder disaster would become extremely strong, at least ten times that of ordinary heaven breakthroughs. What’s more terrible is that Lin Qi’s power is pure masculine and fierce, while Alda’s demon power is the most sinister and feminine power. The two opposing powers are drawn, and it is likely to be something unknown. Terrible thunder.

This is really terrible!

Especially after this kind of thunder disaster, outsiders can't help. Even with the weird existence of the donkey, if he dared to stand a little closer when Lin Qi and Arda were fighting against thunder, the donkey would be involved in the thunder. Moreover, according to the strength of the donkey, the power of Thunder will be increased by geometric multiples. Even if it is a donkey, he cannot withstand the mutated and enhanced Thunder bombardment.

"It's dead, Arda, you bastard, it doesn't matter if you die, if Lin Qi is dead...Oh my God, his direct ancestor, I owe favors, I can't beat him, I will be him Made into spiced donkey meat! Bastard, you **** bastard, why is there such a thing? That guy is, but..."

Two lines of tears shed on the donkey’s face, and he wept and wailed: “If Lin Qi is really struck to death by lightning today, I swear with my soul that I will kill everything before I am made into spiced donkey meat. The Moon Demon Imperial Clan! I want to kill all their uncles! Ow, all the Moon Demon Imperial Clan women, I will **** them with the most rude means! I will fight!"

That terrible existence!

Thinking that the body was as strong as a mountain, and its strength was beyond description, one person suppressed the terrible existence of a foreign land, and the donkey felt that his lower body was soft and almost couldn't help but pee. "I'm just a poor donkey. It's fine if I have been a mount for so many years by the Lin family. Why do I have to bear such a heavy responsibility?"

"Blackbeard, I'm fighting with you. If you are willing to find more wives and have more children, will Lin Qi's direct old monster value Lin Qi so much? I'm fighting with you, aren't you a fool Oh, who did I provoke? Having been a cow and a horse for so many years, I still want to risk being made into spiced donkey meat! Oh, Alda, you are dead, I tell you, you are dead! "

The thundercloud had formed and had locked Lin Qi and Alda's breath. If it hadn't been for Lin Qi to endure all the power of the thunder when Alda died, the donkey would definitely kill Alda right now. But now Alda needs to share the pressure of the thunder, so the donkey can only grit his teeth and pray that Alda can resist a few more thunders.

He quickly flew to the depths of that vast barren mountain, and the donkey's rude hoof kicked Alda out.

Then the donkey hugged Lin Qi and flew hundreds of meters away, put Lin Qi carefully on the ground, and flew to the top of a mountain with Bilibili and Xiong Wanjin without looking back. The series of thunderclouds has taken shape, Lin Qi and Arda cannot leave too far, otherwise the thundercloud will produce some unpredictable changes, even those old monsters who have survived from the ancient times cannot understand this change, donkey Don't dare to take risks.

Standing at a distance on the top of the mountain, the donkey shouted at Lin Qi hoarsely: "Lin Qi, you give me alive for the uncle! Otherwise I will be miserable. I will be made into a spiced donkey to feed the dog! Ooo, I don't want to become dog food! But that old pervert he will definitely do it!"

The poor donkey knelt on the ground, and his two front hooves clung to his chest piously, praying for the protection of all the gods he knew. From the gods of the church, to the gods of the Temple of Odin, to the many gods of the Black Spirit Continent, then the gods of the East, the gods of the elves, the gods of the goblins, and even the evil gods believed by the undead, as long as It was the donkey who knew it, and he had promised countless benefits to each other in a long-winded manner.

Anyway, as long as Lin Qi doesn't die, what are these empty promises? The donkey did not keep the vow concept at all!

If Lin Qi is dead, and the gods are willing to trouble the donkey, please ask them to find the donkey themselves. Anyway, the donkey was not much better than death at that time. The donkey was barefoot and was not afraid of wearing boots. He was not afraid of death. Is he still afraid that the gods will ask him to settle accounts?

"Blackbeard, you bastards, things that are not as good as livestock! You **** of the Black Tiger family, your mission is to reproduce offspring. You actually went to participate in the Hundred Years Land Island War! The gods are here, you deserve to be killed! You are disturbed! To give birth to a child in a stable manner, you must go to the war, and only Lin Qi is the only seedling left, that old pervert, that old pervert!"

Thinking about the huge power that he felt from that colorful jade carving when he just helped Lin Qi practice, the donkey wanted to cry.

There is so much soul power and spirit in that colorful jade carving. There is no doubt that the old pervert attaches great importance to the little fellow Lin Qi. After all, Lin Qi is the only descendant of his descendants, although the Lin family members are in this world. There are still a lot of scattered in other places, but the old perverted direct descendant is only Lin Qi.

With Blackbeard unwilling to continue having children, it is reasonable for the old pervert to turn his attention to Lin Qi.

It is conceivable that Lin Qi's position in the old perverted mind is to condense such a piece of jade sculpture without hesitating to spend such a huge source of essence.

But for the donkey, this is the greatest tragedy of his life! The old pervert alone suppressed a foreign land, and there has been no movement for thousands of years. Why did he suddenly jump out at this moment? Not only has he jumped out, but his strength has actually broken through another big realm compared to a thousand years ago!

Does this keep the donkey alive? Back then, the donkey was saved by the old pervert, owed him a great favor, and then beaten up by the old pervert so many times that he was aggrieved as a guest of the Black Tiger family. For the donkey, that old pervert is his nightmare, the shadow of his life, and the greatest tragedy in his life!

If Lin Qi died. . . What would that old pervert do? The donkey felt that his life was completely dark.

In the sound of the donkey's prayer, the thundercloud spread quickly and quickly covered a radius of three to five miles.

Afterwards, the two arm-thin electric lights crashed down with dull thunder, and slammed on Lin Qi and Arda.

Lin Qi's white tiger's fighting spirit flowed rapidly, and the thunder fell, he slammed a punch into the sky, a white fist whizzed out, and the thunder was torn to pieces. Countless earthworms shot down, and quickly landed on Lin Qi's body, completely absorbed by his body.

The whole body was hot like fire, and Lei Jin kept rolling in Lin Qi's body, causing his body to gradually undergo some strange changes. Some wonderful energies in his body have been greatly enhanced. For example, his ability to control flames derived from the two gods has been improved, and he is immune to various magical powers from the essence of dragon power. The strength has also soared by a large margin.

But Arda was more unlucky. His evil power was restrained by the thunder, and a thunder light fell, and the tumbling black energy on his body was smashed to pieces. The thunder light smashed his body firmly, smashing his skin and flesh. , The roots of a long hair stood up, and a lot of blood spilled out like a fountain.

Amid the loud noise of ‘Kachacha’, thunder lights continued to fall, the thunder lights became denser, and the power of the thunder lights grew stronger. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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