Bright Era

Chapter 555: This is the family

Twenty miles away, in a mountain depression, a middle-aged man in a cloud-colored soft armor was sitting on a rock.

With a face similar to Yun Xiaojun eight or nine minutes, this middle-aged man is just the elder brother of Yun Xiaojun, Yunli Jun, who is ranked 972nd among the 1,080 sons of Yun Xiaojun. Yun Lijun, who is over two hundred years old, is also stationed in the Principality of Montenegro all the year round, and is responsible for the operation of a large-scale training camp of the Killer Club here.

Unlike the pure Assassin's Union, the Assassin is a profession and a skill, and the Assassin's Union is a pure, single-professional industry. As for the Assassin Society, anyone can become a killer, and any profession can become a assassin. Therefore, the Assassin's Guild is larger in scale than the Assassin's Union, with more complicated personnel, and stronger strength.

Jun Yun Li was sitting on a rock, and dozens of men and women in various costumes stood beside him. Among them were warriors, mages, assassins, thieves, archers, and even a few knights in heavy armor. Behind these knights, a few huge earth dragons were creeping quietly.

In addition to these strongest killers, there are hundreds of people of all kinds in Shanwa. They seemed to be either butchers, or physicians, or rich ladies, and even a few clergymen in black robes. These assassins looked like they were outing in the spring, gathering in groups of three or five without any pressure, murmured and laughed.

Those clergymen were even mixed up with two girls in drunken costumes with exposed clothing. They pulled and joked with each other. If they were seen by the ruling pastors or punishment pastors in charge of discipline in the church, these This guy should be sent to the gallows.

A faint silver light hovered in front of Jun Li, and the silver light showed the scene where Jun Xiao was captured by Lin Qi and his party, and then threatened Jun Xiaojun's men to abandon their weapons and equipment. When Yun Li Jun saw that the blood mist in the sarcophagus had swallowed all of Yun Xiao's subordinates, Yun Li couldn't help but smile with joy.

"Little brother is still too young!" Yun Lijun sighed softly: "I once told my father that the little brother is too young and too arrogant, and can only temporarily assist a certain brother in learning experience, and temporarily cannot let him take power. But father The adults spoiled him too much and insisted on giving him such an important position as the assassin training camp."

Shaking his head vigorously, Jun Yun Li squinted his eyes and said: "It's good right now, the person brought out by my little brother today is all the elite power of the assassin training camp in the Principality of Montenegro. Hey, I gave up all the weapons and equipment and captured them. The dark wizards of the realm were swallowed without resistance. Who is responsible for such a big guilt?"

A beautiful woman wearing a gorgeous palace dress and holding a small sandalwood folding fan patted Yun Lijun's shoulder with the fan tenderly: "Oh, elder, what does this have to do with you? Hehe , You have made an appointment with the little elder to get rid of these little guys."

Coquettishly put red lips on Tie Yun Lijun’s earlobe, and the beautiful woman said softly: "But the little elder is greedy for power, so he privately led someone to do it in advance, and rashly underestimated the enemy, and took the initiative to deliver himself to the enemy. You can't be blamed for this!"

Jun Yun Li showed a sneer: "Unfortunately, those guys didn't kill him on the spot!"

The beautiful woman pursed her red lips, and gently breathed a scent into Jun Lijun's ear: "On the battlefield, manslaughter is always inevitable!"

Jun Yun Li narrowed his eyes and said softly, "Then, manslaughter..."

Gently moved his hands, Yun Lijun said solemnly, "Why haven't the person whom the appointment has come yet? The younger brother fell into the hands of the enemy, and we always have to find a way to rescue him. Alas, but an appointment helper If I didn’t come, with my strength, I might not be able to eat these guys!"

Before Yun Lijun's words fell, a dazzling divine light suddenly waved away in front of him. Li, wearing a golden cloak, walked out of the divine light expressionlessly: "My lord presides over all justice and precepts in the world, and may my lord will wash away all evil in time and allow the entire world to be thoroughly purified. Eternal justice and precepts are The incarnation of our lord, before the brilliance of our lord, all evil will disappear."

Jun Yun Li stood up and bowed gently to Li, "Your Excellency!"

Lu squinted, the holy pattern cross badge in her golden eyes burned into a raging fire: "You don't need to be polite. I'm taking a tour of the eastern plains of the mainland, and I will come personally when I receive your letter of request for help. I have something to do. Is it helpful?"

Jun Yun Li narrowed his eyes. He pointed to Lin Qi and the others in the silver light, and said lightly: "Kill all of them, I want everything on them. And you can get that donkey as a reward. !"

The golden divine flame in Li's eyes became more and more hot. He looked at Jun Yun sullenly, and said ruthlessly, "Are you playing me?"

Jun Yun Li looked at the law without showing any weakness: "Respected bishop, we have cooperated many times. When have I played with you?"

Li smiled coldly, he pointed to Lin Qi and the others in the silver light, and said lightly: "If I am not mistaken, the young man who was captured alive is your brother. You are going to kill him together. Death? You can’t violate the family blood oath, so I must kill him. Do you want me to bear the anger and hatred of your father?"

"As for this donkey!" Lu pursed her mouth with a sneer: "With the strength of your hand, you have to ask me for help to kill these people, then they are definitely not easy to deal with. I paid such a high price. Help you kill them, do I get just a donkey?"

Yun Lijun sighed softly, and he said calmly: "This donkey is a talking donkey. If I'm not mistaken, he should be the incarnation of some ancient evil existence. Du Wen's Great Sanctuary is He was seriously injured, the respected Bishop of Law, and Du Wen’s Great Sanctuary was seriously injured by him! Maybe you have not received the information from the church. This is not a glorious thing. Maybe the church has covered up this matter?"

Li's eyes were brighter. He took a strong breath of excitement. A fiery and fanatical aura spread from his body. All the assassins in the surroundings took a step back subconsciously, with a few heads crawling. The earth dragon on the ground jumped up anxiously, widened his indifferent amber eyes, and stared at Li fiercely.

"An ancient evil? A talking donkey?"

Obviously, Yun Lijun's words raised Li's interest. He watched Yinguang Zhongzheng standing and walking with great interest, and from time to time he kicked the donkey with a hoof on Yun Xiaojun's ass, and laughed very satisfied: "Then, to purify such an ancient evil existence, I will definitely be appreciated by my lord, and my merits should also be able to make me..."

With a soft smile, Li said indifferently: "But if you must kill everyone... What should the archbishop of the dark hall say? Although the archbishop of the dark hall does not have any substantial power over the clergy of the church , But even I can’t ignore the power held by the Archbishop of the dark hall and the influence he has at the top of the church.”

Jun Yun Li stared at Li fiercely: "Manslaughter, your honorable bishop, it was just a manslaughter."

Li also stared at Jun Yun Li, "But your father, Archbishop Longzhi, one of the 36 archbishops of the church, will he accept my explanation for accidentally killing his favorite young son? Wouldn't he? Will you attack me because of the death of the youngest son? Just a corpse of ancient evils can't satisfy me! It's not worth my risk!"

Jun Li was silent for a long time before he slowly nodded: "Then, I can call you one-tenth of all the items on their bodies. This is my bottom line."

Li smiled stiffly: "Then, half, Jun Li, half! Let me kill your brother, you must pay half the price! Otherwise, I will pass the matter here to Archbishop Long! Half, Jun Li, this is also my bottom line! If you want me to be involved in the disputes of your family, you must pay a sufficient price! I represent the temple of punishment, and I hope you can clearly understand this!"

He curled his lips ruthlessly, and said in a cold voice: "The Temple of Punishment will not make a move for petty profits."

Yun Lijun lowered his head and pondered for a long time before he slowly nodded: "Then, half, you can get half of their wealth. But you and I must swear that everything here must be kept secret, here Nothing about it is known. As long as you take action, you must help me kill them all, otherwise your soul will perish forever!"

Li raised an eyebrow: "If you are sure your father won't..."

Jun Yun Li interrupted Li's words: "Except for my younger brother, I haven't notified my father of the deeds of those who were ordered by my father to kill them. So, we have enough time to deal with them. Don’t worry about my father’s sudden appearance! As long as you and I swear your vows and keep your mouth tight, everything will be foolproof!"

Li spread his hands: "Then, how much is half of his wealth? I have to estimate. Is this wealth really worthy of my pledge?"

Jun Li was silent for a while, and then he slowly said, "It may be a thousand years of savings in an abyssal world, Your Excellency!"

Divine light flickered in Li's eyes. He glanced at Yun Lijun, and then smiled contentedly: "Then, let's swear together, we will jointly kill all of them and give me the benefits I deserve. The cooperation between our two sides is full of confidence!"

Jun Li took a deep breath, and then took an oath: "Then, the oath is true, but you must remember that everything must be kept secret."

Lu looked at Yun Lijun mockingly: "Confidentiality, of course, confidentiality!"

Li sneered in his heart, this is a mortal, this is a mortal family! Even the blood relatives of the direct line are inevitably betrayed.

Only the blood of the gods is truly noble and truly pure. Only the blood of the gods are qualified to live in this world! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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