Bright Era

Chapter 556: Sudden kill

The thief-eyed Bilibili didn't know where he got a thin horse.

Lin Qi was surprised by Bilibili's method. As mentioned earlier, the people of the Principality of Montenegro all live in the city, and there are no villages between the city and the city. The part where Jun Xiaojun ambushed them was even less crowded within tens of miles. Bilibili was able to get a thin horse from here, and Lin Qi couldn't make any comment on this. He could only say that Bilibili was getting more and more capable, and it became easier to use.

Putting the badly wounded Jun Xiaojun on horseback, Lin Qi and his party continued to march eastward.

Just now, the donkey was beaten up, Yun Xiaojun, who hadn't suffered much since he was a child, immediately exploded his own secrets. The 38-year-old Yun Xiaojun started practicing at the age of three and entered the Holy Realm for thirty-five years. His qualifications were only slightly worse than Yun Canglong.

Therefore, Jun Yun was particularly fond of Jun Xiao, and he really regarded him as a darling. Therefore, Jun Xiaojun has enjoyed great power in the clan since he was a child, and when he broke through to the realm of heaven, he was put in charge of all the affairs of the assassin training camp in the Principality of Montenegro.

Precisely because he was spoiled by Jun Yun since he was a child, Jun Xiao was arrogant and thought that Laozi was the number one in the world, but he did not get any due experience. Therefore, relying on his lower-level cultivation base in the holy realm, he came to Lin Qi and the others without any precautions, but was captured by Lin Qi and his team and was beaten to death on the spot.

Without mentioning the crime, the essence of the Montenegrin Assassin Training Camp was eaten up by Korumba. Even if Jun Yun spoiled Jun Xiao, he would be in big trouble this time! If he can return to Jun Yun alive, then he will definitely get into trouble.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you!" Lin Qi hurried forward with the thin horse. The black air spit out from the donkey's mouth formed a faint black cloud under the thin horse's four hooves. This thin horse, which may fall dead at any time, stepped on the black cloud, and could easily keep up with the speed of Lin Qi and others.

"Really, I won't kill you! But if your father comes to chase us, then... you know, I will use you as a shield!"

Lin Qi smiled and looked at Jun Xiao: "If Jun Yun has not been able to find us, you can live forever. Do you understand?"

There was a trace of blood on Yun Xiaojun’s pale little face. He smiled bitterly and nodded to Lin Qi: "My father is afraid that he will not be able to find you for a while. Because he is searching for your whereabouts in the blessed land of the western continent, only to the family. All the children have issued a killing order to chase you down."

He sighed heavily, and Jun Xiao drooped his face and shook his head: "Jun Yun Li's subordinates discovered your whereabouts, and he asked me to take all his subordinates to attack you together. But I don't want to give the credit to Jun Li. , So I brought people to start in advance, but I couldn't think of it..."

Lin Qi raised his brows: "Jun Li Yun? Your brother?"

Jun Xiaojun coldly snorted: "The half-brother... His mother was born humble, but the daughter of a small sea merchant in the East! And my mother is the daughter of a county king in the Eastern Empire, and my father traveled to the East. When I got acquainted with her, I was born. I have the royal blood of the two empires of the East and the West. How can Yun Lijun's background compare to me?"

Lin Qi and Donkey glanced at each other. By this time Jun Xiaojun was still proud of his blood, and this guy was hopeless.

The donkey suddenly laughed: "Fuck you grandpa, grandson, when will Yun Lijun make an appointment with you? Why are you all annihilated and have not seen his people come out? Hey, grandson, I feel you are Another grandson has been hacked!"

Yun Xiaojun's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he cursed angrily: "Mr Yunli, you **** bastard, you are the **** of a lowly woman, do you dare to cheat me? Although I started it two hours earlier , But your people should also lie in ambush, you, you, you, you actually watched my people get killed clean!"

Jun Xiaojun's eyes became red, and he shouted hoarsely: "He actually dared to pit me? That **** gave birth to a bitch, he dared to pit me? Bastard, I must have his mother's clansmen Exterminate the clan, I must punish all the clansmen of his mother's bitch!"

Lin Qi smiled coldly, Yun Xiao Jun had this kind of mind is the best. If after entering the Eastern Continent, Jun Yun has not found his party, he will definitely let Jun Xiao go back to the Acacia family alive. Let this arrogant guy fight Yun Li to the end. Your own son will fight in the same room. Yun Jun will definitely enjoy it, right?

Amidst Yun Xiaojun’s curses, night gradually fell.

Lin Qi has been wary of the appearance of the killers led by Jun Li Yun-Jun Xiao Yun has confessed the details of Jun Yun Li, even including the level of Yun Li's cultivation level and what he cultivated. The exercises, what weaknesses in his exercises, Jun Xiao spit out. In Jun Xiaojun's heart, Jun Li, who was sitting on his own unlucky man, was his greatest enemy. As long as Jun Li could be calculated, he would not hesitate to sell his family's interests.

Even the Yunlong clan’s Nine Great Town State Secret Arts, including the Secret Sutra of the Wuxiang God, the true dragon transformation of the colorless and colorless practiced by Yun Jun, and the Multi-heart Sutra of the Dragon Emperor cultivated by Yun Canglong were all spit out.

The donkey sighed heavily. So Lin Qi got the secret of the Nine Great Towns of the Yunlong clan?

Looking at Lin Qi seriously, the donkey cautiously warned: "When you meet those guys of the Dragon Race in the future, don't let them know that you have obtained these nine secret methods. The Dragon Race is known for its variety of techniques. Thirty-six kinds, but the nine secret methods taken away by the Holy Dragon Court Empire are also top-grade among the 36 town clan secrets."

Lin Qi laughed'chickingly': "You think I'm so stupid? Would you tell them that I learned the secret techniques of their family? Don't worry, no one will know that I learned these things. I have no relationship. No one knows what I have cultivated for the Qihai chakra opened up by the Secret Sutra!"

From Yunxiaojun, I got the secrets of the nine great towns of the Yunlong clan's sacred Longting Empire. Lin Qi has a faint realization-perhaps the intangible secret scriptures are the most fundamental and important secrets of the Yunlong clan! After cultivating the Secret Sutra of the Wuxiang, any exercise can be easily practiced and used at the fingertips. The Secret Sutra of the Wuxiang is the fundamental exercise method of the Yunlong clan. Otherwise, a family with one main practice method is enough, so many methods. doing what?

It's just that the Three Seas and Seven Wheels were too painful during the practice, which caused the Yunlong clan today to have given up this secret technique.

But in the ancient times, or in more ancient times, maybe practicing the Three Seas and Seven Wheels was not so painful? Perhaps at that time the ancestors of the Yunlong clan were all majoring in the Wuxiang Divine Secret Sutra, and then minoring in the other 35 exercises, thus possessing incredible powers?

Who knows? Lin Qi shook his head and completely drove these thoughts out of his mind. It was still the most important thing to escape, Yunlong clan affairs, he was not in the mood to pay more attention to it.

Under the curtain of night, Lin Qi and his party swiftly moved forward along the main road, leaving the territory of the Principality of Montenegro with dozens of miles ahead. The neighboring country of the Montenegrin Empire in the east is the Principality of Lecco, the country of thousands of lakes, which is famous for its rare birds and fishes. It is a peculiar principality where 70% of the land is occupied by lakes. The complicated waterways of the Principality of Ke were enough for Lin Qi to get rid of Yun Li's possible pursuit.

The border of the Principality of Montenegro is getting closer.

The Principality of Montenegro does not have any troops stationed on the border. The Principality of Montenegro is the biggest thorn in the neighborhood. He is lucky if he doesn't harass others. He never worried that someone would take the initiative to attack him. But on the other side of the border, the Principality of Lecco stationed a five-thousand-man army to guard against attacks like the Principality of Montenegro.

When there were more than a dozen miles away from the border, a small motorcade on the road ahead came slowly, surrounded by dozens of guards. There are a total of five lightweight two-wheeled carriages. Look at the waterfowl badge on the door. This should be a fleet of a noble family in the Principality of Lecco.

Guarding this convoy are forty heavily armed cavalry. The most surprising thing is that among these forty cavalry, there are actually three Earth Dragon Knights. Lin Qi glanced at this little cavalry, and couldn't help shook his head. These three earth dragons were far inferior to those of the Gaul empire he had seen in Bereli in terms of size and spirit. The mount of the dragon knight.

It's just that, after all, they are the nobles of the Principality of Lecco, who can be guarded by three Earth Dragon Knights. This is the treatment that the Principality of Lecco has already belonged to the wealthy family.

Lin Qi and his group walked extremely fast, several times faster than running a horse. But when they passed this convoy, Lin Qi and the others intentionally slowed down. The two sides passed by slowly, and Lin Qi subconsciously glanced at the carriages.

At first glance, Lin Qi couldn't help but narrowed his eyes-very interesting. Generally speaking, this two-wheeled carriage does not carry heavy loads. It is a four-wheeled carriage. Generally speaking, two-wheeled carriages only carry people. . However, these two-wheeled carriages left deep marks on the avenue, and it was obvious that there was something extremely heavy in the carriage.

Just when Lin Qi guessed what would be inside the carriage, facing Lin Qi and the others, the carriage suddenly shattered, five heavy-duty crossbows were accompanied by a terrible'crack', and sixty thumbs thick pure steel The magic arrow that wrapped the Mithril sprayed out.

The distance between the two sides was only five meters, and the arrows fired by the heavy continuous crossbow were extremely fast and powerful, even Lin Qi was a little caught off guard. When the arrow hit his face, he just instinctively grabbed Yun Xiaojun, and then fell heavily to the ground. Several arrows flew past Lin Qi's scalp strangely, tearing off hundreds of strands of his hair. His black hair was flying in the night breeze, slowly drifting past the direction of the arrows. .

The donkey stood there blankly, a big hideous mouth appeared in front of him, swallowing all the arrows shot at him.

Arda and Bilibili dropped Xiong Wanjin in their hands, and both of them escaped into the darkness at the same time.

Xiong Wanjin let out a miserable howl, and several arrows pierced his body, bringing up large patches of blood arrows. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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