Bright Era

Chapter 572: I confess that I am guilty!

Lin Qi looked up and watched the Green Dragon King burn his lifespan, and did everything to save Arthur. He smiled coldly, slowly took out a cigar and held it at the corner of his mouth. Bilibili flirted out of the shadow behind him, and with a flick of his finger, a black flame lit Lin Qi's cigar.

Li's face suddenly stiffened, black flames, pure black magic flames!

The flames inspired by the dark wizards are also black, but the flames of Bilibili are magic flames, not ordinary dark flames. This small guy who looks like a twelve or three-year-old boy is a demon! However, Li tried his best and couldn't see through Bilibili's body. Obviously, there was a powerful existence far more powerful than Li, which constantly blessed Bilibili's magical magic.

Taking a deep breath, Li gave up the matter of studying Bilibili's identity.

An unkillable donkey is obviously a heresy in the heresy, plus Alda's magnificent light on two pairs of demon-specific fleshy wings flying around for a long time, what is the worth of a little demon transformed into a human form? Care?

Li took a deep breath, staring solemnly at the mountain of magic metal in front of him.

"Mr. Xiong Hubao, I think this is your real name for the time being! What do you mean!"

Lin Qi looked at Li in surprise, shook his head and sneered slightly: "How can a smart and wise person like you fail to see through my intentions? I am attacking Arthur, and I am angering Ya. Se, I'm instigating discord, I'm trying to make him your mortal enemy!"

Easily spit out a smoke ring from the corner of his mouth, Lin Qi spread out his hands and shakes his legs and laughed: "Look, I used the Acacia family to lure you over. I just wanted to find a way to capture you alive. Just catch it alive. But who can think of it? With the blessing of the gods, this idiot, Arthur, took the initiative to send it to the door!"

Xiong Wanjin on the side ‘hum, hum,’ worked hard, and dozens of shattered axes and big knives were piled up and down beside him. Under his persistent efforts, Qing Yan's neck has been chopped off by a quarter. A large amount of blood flowed out of Qingyan's body, and Qingyan became dying, not far from death.

Qing Yan with broken eyes stared at Lin Qi's direction. He heard all Lin Qi's words, but he had no chance to pass these words to Arthur. Conspiracy, this is a great conspiracy against Arthur, this is a conspiracy that may completely break Arthur and the Temple of Retribution! But Qingyan has no chance to warn Arthur!

Although Qingyan's body was very strong, strong, and tyrannical, Xiong Wanjin persevered in breaking dozens of good weapons, and finally split Qingyan's neck with a big gap. Xiong Wanjin is still working hard with ‘hum, hum,’, it seems that if he doesn’t cut off Qing Yan's head completely, he won’t let it go!

Xiong Wanjin even hummed a small tune, he was ready to take Qingyan's head back to the east as a trophy! Although he lost all the sea ships that accompanied him, he killed a saint-level rock Titan and ‘captured’ a part of the Earth Shield, which was enough to compensate for all his losses! Whether it is for reputation or profit, he even has a huge balance.

Just as Xiong Wanjin's weird hacking sound, Lin Qi leaned in front of Li with a smile, and slowly spit out a thick plume of smoke onto Li's nose. Li held his breath to prevent the smoke from invading his body, but Lin Qi immediately broke his mouth badly, and put ten cigars together in Li's mouth.

Bilibili excitedly lit a cigar for Li, Alda grinned strangely, his hands grasped Li's shoulders, and evil magic controlled Li's body, forcing him to swallow the cigar with big mouths. Of smoke.

Li's face turned red, and an unprecedented desire to kill came out of his heart. He has never been humiliated like this in his life, never! Lin Qi dared to do this, not only an insult to Li himself, but also a provocation to the entire temple of punishment. Li had already pronounced Lin Qi's death sentence in his heart, and he must make Lin Qi die horribly!

Lin Qi saw through the thoughts in Li's heart, and he sighed faintly: "Just now you made the soul oath. In order to let me save your life, you swear to forgive all my sins and absolutely can't do anything to me. Unfavorable action! So please dispel your murderous intent, it is not good for you, you will vomit blood!"

With a ‘poof’, a large amount of blood spurted out from the gap in the cigar, and Lin Qi really vomited blood with anger.

Only now did Li remember that when he was severely injured by Qingyan just now, he indeed swore to pardon Lin Qi's sin!

Putting his hands on his chest, Lin Qi said slowly: "I am a devout believer in the goddess of wealth, so I will not lie in front of a believer in another god!"

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi raised his head, lovingly looking up at the stars in the sky with the pure and kind gaze that only a'saint' has. He said very reverently: "Swear in the name of the goddess of wealth, I admit that I am guilty, I have a great sin! But because the respected Bishop pardoned my sin, so I...not guilty!"

Li shook his head vigorously and sprayed ten cigars from his mouth far away. He hissed and roared: "Who are you? I must know you, I know, you are my enemy, you are my acquaintance, I must know you! But who are you?"

Lin Qi smiled strangely. He put away the mountain of magic metal ingots on the ground, and then knelt down in front of Li on one knee: "Who am I? Oh, I am the chief elder of the Eastern Blood Qin Empire, Xiong Hubao, I traveled all the way to the Western Continent because I wanted to propose to your sister, Ms. Yin! I don’t care at all costs, even if I offend His Royal Highness Prince Arthur of the North Sea, I must be your...Brother-in-law?"

Li's eyes widened desperately, the corners of his eyes split open, and two lines of blood gurgled down. He wanted to see Lin Qi's face, but it was a completely unfamiliar face, and he couldn't find any familiar traces on Lin Qi's face at all!

Unprecedented fear fills Li's heart, and the enemy that is enough to destroy him and even his family is right in front of him, but he doesn't know this enemy, he doesn't even know why this enemy has become his enemy! Li struggled to find any clues about Lin Qi, but he couldn't remember it!

Lin Qi was a bloated young man with round faces when he was sent to the Black Abyss God Prison. When he walked out of the Black Abyss God Prison, he was a burly youth with a strong face. Body, appearance, temperament, wording, everything has changed, only Lin Qi's infinite hatred of Li in his heart is unchanged!

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi said lazily: "Okay, okay, you are so anxious. Obviously, you look down on my future brother-in-law. Then, just find one! We have so many people here. Can you find someone to be your brother-in-law?"

In the sound of'KaKa', his body was riddled with holes, and it was almost turned into a pile of rotten meat donkeys. They jumped up from the ground in great spirit and jumped to Lin Qi happily: "This sound is a girl with big breasts. Huh? Hey boy, does your sister have a big breast? Of course, these little guys are all bastards, they are all villains, they are all demons, they are the embodiment of sin!"

The man stood up, the donkey bent its two front legs, and worked hard to squeeze two pigeon-egg-sized muscle bumps from the tiny reed stick-like front legs. The donkey widened excitedly and stared at Li with green eyes: "Look at me, look at me, smart, smart, capable, strong! And I'm simple and honest, steady and reliable, and such a handsome martial artist. The best candidate to be a son-in-law!"

"Hey, boy, I'm **** your uncle, take me to see your father and mother? Let's finalize this matter quickly, hehe! If your girl is a big breasted girl, then, who else can compare me More worthy of your sister? I don't mind that she has given birth to a child, and I don't mind that her child is a demigod, and I don't mind that her child is Gerdas, the king of the army!"

The donkey was trembling with excitement: "If I marry her, will the **** Gerdas call my father adult? Oh la la la, excited, excited, back then I attacked and killed Ge When Das, I..."

The donkey closed his mouth suddenly.

Lin Qi's eyes widened in surprise. Of course he knew the origin of Gerdas, but what the donkey said was really shocking!

Li's eyes widened in horror, and he snarled frantically: "It was Caesar the Saint King Caesar who killed Gerdas, the king of the broken army! You..."

The donkey raised his lips and smiled, showing his big white teeth. He looked at Li shyly: "Oh, it's exposed! Hey, of course, Gerdas was the first to kill sixty ancient beings. Then I had a duel with Caesar. But that, I just passed by, and I saw that the back of Gerdas's head was too round and full, so I couldn't help giving him a hoof!"

The donkey smiled shyly: "At that time, Caesar was already in a coma. I fed him the life-saving potion and left. After Caesar woke up, he saw Gerdas who was unconscious, so he cut off Gerdas’s. Head! Hey, hey, so I'm looking forward to the day when Gerdas calls my father!"

"Here!" Li spurted blood with anger!

The heaven is above, and the gods testify that the law must chop the donkey into meat and make dumplings!

He actually murdered Gerdas, the king of the broken army! It was he who killed the first generation of gods of the **** of punishment in the world!

Lin Qi took a deep breath. Compared with a donkey, what was his own crime?

So Lin Qi looked at Li very seriously and said, "In this case, I have nothing to hide! I confess, I admit that I am guilty, I have a deep sin! It was me... who took Heiyuan away. The most dangerous prisoner in God's Prison!"

An angry flame spurted from Li's eyes, and he opened his mouth to call out Lin Qi's name, but Lin Qi slammed his brow with a finger.

The soul shock hit Li's soul hard and plunged him into the darkest sleep.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, when you wake up, things are out of control! At that time, Arthur had become an enemy of the temple of punishment! At that time, you will pay the price together because of the things of the year!" Continue. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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