Bright Era

Chapter 573: A feast of killing

Lying quietly on the ground, there was a ray of black air remaining between his eyebrows.

His body was completely relaxed, as calm and peaceful as a child sleeping in the warm embrace of his mother.

At this moment, he is not the ascetic monk who is extremely cruel to himself, the mad believer of the **** of punishment that upholds the most primitive doctrine, and he is no longer the lofty descendant of God whose everything can be used as a tool and discarded at will.

When Lin Qi used the soul secret technique to severely damage his soul, all of Li's identity disappeared as his soul fell into darkness. Now he is simple and white like a piece of white paper that has just been baked, without the slightest impurity or dust.

In the future, after someone expends immense power and astronomical precious medicines, Lihui will wake up! Moreover, according to Lin Qi's estimation, with the huge wealth of the church, the law may be able to wake up in just over a year. But when he wakes up, many things will become particularly interesting, right?

After pondering for a moment, Lin Qi took out an ordinary spatial ring, then stuffed some rare and exotic treasures with distinctive oriental characteristics into this spatial ring, and stuffed several boxes of magic metal into it. He looked at this space ring and clicked on Li's eyebrows, forcibly extracting a trace of spiritual fluctuations, and driving this magical fluctuation into the core of the space ring.

Now this ring becomes the space ring of Li!

With a faint smile, Lin Qi put the ring on Li's left ring finger.

With the support that Arthur got in the punishment temple, since he can put his eyes and ears in the follower of Li, then he must also be able to obtain the information he wants in the punishment temple—liu’s body has a huge amount of oriental tones wealth! This will definitely make Arthur's dreams come true!

Lin Qi knew Arthur's temperament, because of this spatial ring, he would definitely do something.

And when Arthur did something, Li was asleep! Li knows Lin Qi's identity, but he can't tell it! Moreover, Lin Qi erased the memory of himself in Arthur's soul. Even if he wakes up, he will only remember the bear, tiger and leopard, and he will completely forget the name Lin Qi!

So, things will definitely become very interesting!

Maybe Arthur will use violence against the sound?

That would be so interesting, that is exactly what Lin Qi is pursuing! Let Arthur go crazy, a crazy Arthur, is there anything more that makes Lin Qi happy? Let him rub against the temple of punishment, violently! What Arthur did will become the fuse, and perhaps the Temple of Punishment will fall into great turmoil because of this incident, which is what Lin Qi desires.

The deep sound of horseshoes came from afar, and a bright golden light appeared on the horizon in the distance.

Dozens of disciplinary priests are riding flying horses with wings on their backs, and a golden ball of light with a diameter of 5 meters hovering over their heads is flying towards here quickly. Behind them is a mighty two thousand heavily armed correction knights. These disciplinary knights are much more sophisticated than those Lin Qi had seen on the island where he was practicing in actual combat. Among them, 30% of them actually possessed superior combat power!

Among the dozens of discipline priests, there are six priests in the holy realm. They don't seem to be too old, that is, they are sixty years away. Being able to step into the holy realm at this age, it can be seen that they are all first-class geniuses-of course, they are not comparable to the freaks like Yun Canglong and Yun Xiaojun, nor can they be compared with the elites of the gods family, but in Among ordinary people, they are already a genius-level existence.

Among those discipline knights, there are eight extremely powerful auras.

Lin Qi frowned. These eight powerful sacred auras come from four people and four monsters. Those were four disciplinary knights riding green armored mad cows. The armors on their bodies were extraordinarily heavy and mighty, and each of them had the power of saints reaching their peaks.

And those four green armored mad cows, they are undoubtedly the strength of the holy realm. The beasts of the holy realm have thick skins and many racial talents and supernatural powers. They are more difficult to deal with than ordinary warriors in the holy realm.

If you are not mistaken, this powerful and unusual army is Li's follower, the elite of the church following him on the mainland. These people must have discovered that the law has been harmed through some special magic arts, so they can find them here in such a timely and accurate manner.

Lin Qi stood motionless with his hands behind his back, the scattered arrays faintly formed a three-dimensional magic array by his side, and the magic array could be opened immediately as long as his mind moved. Lying quietly at Lin Qi's feet, if it weren't for his chest rising and falling, everyone would think he was a dead person.

There was a loud ‘click’, and Xiong Wanjin laughed triumphantly. He threw away a big axe whose blade was full of gaps, and raised Qing Yan's huge head high. Xiong Wanjin yelled loudly: "I killed him, I killed a rock titan at the peak of the saint master! Hahaha, who dares to say that Young Master Xiong Wu is a waste? Who dares to say Young Master Xiong Wu is a dude?"

Xiong Wanjin, covered in blood and with an inch of blood scabs on his clothes, suddenly saw the brigade of men and horses rushing towards this side. He screamed in fright and dragged Qingyan's body. He and his head stuffed into the space ring, and then ran over towards Lin Qi, "Xiongtai, should we hurry up?"

The donkey rolled his eyes, his neck spun 720 degrees automatically, and fell to the ground without a word. Then his skin wriggled strangely, and slowly slipped to the feet of Xiong Wanjin, and slowly climbed up to his body along Xiong Wanjin's body. The donkey was very tired and rode on Xiong Wanjin's neck, the little donkey. His head happened to be on top of Xiong Wanjin's head.

Xiong Wanjin had no feeling for this exhausted behavior of the donkey. His own tonnage was huge, and the weight of the donkey was only thirty or fifty catties. He didn't care about the weight of the donkey at all.

The faint golden light swiftly approached, a large number of disciplinary knights and disciplinary priests rushed to Lin Qi and the others, and no one gave orders. More than 2,000 people went around in a circle, forming a huge circle to trap Lin Qi and others. The core.

A seemingly eldest correction priest rode forward a few steps, took a quick glance at the law that was lying motionless on the ground, and then said in a low voice: "Hand over the can get a fair trial. !"

Lin Qi shook his head lightly, now hand over the law? When they will fight together, if they are killed by the rebellion, it will be a loss. Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi murmured: "Six holy realm wizards, four holy realm warriors, four holy realm warriors. About 600-day warriors, 1,400 rank warriors. I want to kill them all without leaving, I think, are you interested in fresh human flesh?"

Vague grunts continued to come from the air beside Lin Qi, and it seemed that there were several strange monsters ticking saliva beside Lin Qi.

The expressions of the six disciplinary priests changed slightly. They raised their right hands at the same time, and they were about to launch the most powerful magical technique to attack Lin Qi.

But Lin Qi suddenly shot out rounds of dazzling golden light around him, the space array opened rapidly, and a low roar came out abruptly: "Meat, human flesh! Human flesh of a holy warrior! Who dares to **** me? I ate him!"

Accompanied by a terrible roar, a ring of icy blue light patterns spread rapidly from under Lin Qi's feet to the surroundings, and then a complex and exquisite mysterious ice magic pattern appeared. Xuanlan's huge body came out of the teleportation formation. He excitedly waved his fist and shouted to the sky, then slapped his hands heavily on the ground.

Forbidden Curse • Infinite Cold Dragon Spear Hell!

There was a burst of air-breaking sound of'huhu~bang', and the ground trembling violently for three miles around, the thick ice covered this area in an instant, and then countless fist-thick white chills came from the ground. Facing high altitude lasing. The stern and miserable howling sounded endlessly, and at least five or six thousand ice spears of ordinary people's thighs several meters long shot out abruptly, stringing the punishment knights and their mounts into cruel skewers.

Not a drop of blood spurted out, because all the blood was frozen into ice.

Xuanlan bombarded all fighters and their mounts with one blow, and more than half of the heavenly fighters could not evade and were seriously injured. Xuanlan wiped his nose triumphantly, and then slapped Lin Qi affectionately: "It's been a long time since I saw you, do you finally remember to let me eat meat?"

Lin Qi almost didn't get Xuanlan slapped away. He screamed in fright. The space array was almost taken apart by Xuanlan's slap. This is no joke. Lin Qi yelled a few times, and then hurriedly instilled enough magic power into the teleportation array, and the ghost-like figures shot out quickly.

Two thousand dragons and devils and five hundred holy realm powers.

This force capable of destroying a kingdom roared out, like a huge wave, slapped the surroundings fiercely. All the followers of the law who came here were even beheaded on the spot without a horrible howl. . The strongest saint realm warrior just managed to force his mount to escape three miles away, and was grabbed by Xuanlan, who strode up, and threw it into his mouth.

All of Li's accompanying subordinates were cleanly cleaned up. This cruel and rapid killing lasted only twenty breaths.

The evil spirits happily searched for the armor and weapons of the punishment knight, which are all the best products that the abyss world can't see.

At this moment, Lin Qi suddenly felt that someone was staring at him with sharp eyes.

Lin Qi immediately yelled: "Retreat, retreat, take everything with you and retreat! Damn, hurry!"

In Lin Qi's yelling, the dragon demon war ghost and those sacred realm powers quickly escaped into the teleportation formation, only Xuanlan stood stupidly beside Lin Qi, and said with a silly smile: "What happened? Are you in trouble? Hey, Xuanlan will help you get rid of them!"

There was a loud bang, and a dazzling stream of light whizzed down from the sky, just covering the black blue.

Xuanlan let out a miserable cry, his skin and a large piece of flesh instantly vaporized, he screamed in pain, and crashed into the teleportation formation.

The stream of light fell on the ground, and the ground was intact, as if the blow that hit Xuanlan a moment ago was just an illusion. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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