Bright Era

Chapter 574: Void Hunter

Church headquarters, side of the holy mountain.

A ‘skinny’ mountain rose from the ground, and stood firmly among the mountains under the influence of violent wind and dark clouds. The thickest part of this mountain is only three to five hundred meters, but it can be as high as ten thousand meters. On the top of the mountain, on that small platform, a black palace with a radius of no more than 100 meters was shaped like a strange bird, crawling quietly on the uneven ground.

There is a shield-shaped badge made of black iron on the main entrance of the hall, on which only a large eye is shining.

This is the Void Temple where the church enshrines the Void God, and the headquarters of the church's most important intelligence agency is here. The Void God is invisible, and there is no actual idol handed down. His hallmark in the church is such a huge eye, a Void Eye that constantly monitors the entire Western Continent and surrounding waters.

In the small hall, dozens of Void Bishops wearing black cloaks stood around a huge black crystal, silently watching the glittering picture in the crystal. The faint rays of light from the crystal formed dozens of tiny light curtains, and people of all colors were waiting in the **** battle.

Only when fighting, will they release all kinds of aura to their heart's content, and only when fighting, will the convergent aura of these people be perceived by the eyes of the void, so that their every move is fully displayed here.

"The two royal elders of the Caesar Empire personally acted to kill all the clansmen of the two dukes who conspired to rebel. The elders of the Caesar royal family violated the mainland covenant, and the Pope's Chamber issued a document asking them to pay 200 million gold coins as punishment."

"The three royal elders of the Gaul Empire secretly invaded the Odin Icefield and killed the candidate saints of the Odin Temple. No matter what they did for such a thing, the three elders of the Holy Land violated the rules and fined 300 million gold coins... In addition, they shot in Odin Icefield, which is likely to provoke a new round of land-island warfare, with an additional fine of 300 million gold coins and a total fine of 600 million gold coins!"

"Well, the deputy commander of the Harran Imperial Guard actually broke through to the Holy Land? Notify the Harran Empire that he cannot continue to serve in the army, or enter the Royal Enshrinement of the Harran Empire, or let him join the Holy Light Crusade military."

"And this, is the holy realm really worthless these years? A pirate leader actually broke through the holy realm? Send someone to recruit him, if he is willing to submit to the church, help him to subdue all the pirates in the nearby waters. If he Unwilling to surrender, he was captured alive and thrown into the Black Abyss Divine Prison-it just so happens that the Black Abyss Divine Prison needs a lot of holy realm supplementary losses!

Indifferent and ruthless voices echoed in the temple, and any movement related to the holy realm on the West Road could not be hidden from the void bishops present.

Suddenly, a Void Bishop who was holding a black crystal ball in his hand sneered: "The Goddess Law that the Temple of Retribution focuses on is in big trouble. His breath has become extremely weak! We need to see what happens. What is it?"

According to the unspoken rules established within the church, the Void Eye is strictly prohibited from being used to monitor the actions of the church's own holy realm masters. Therefore, the struggle between Li and Lin Qi and others was unknown at first. But as Lin Qi slammed Li's soul, his breath became extremely weak, and the bishops of the Void Temple immediately discovered what had happened to Li.

"Let's take a look!" A very high-ranking void temple said calmly: "After all, it is a goddess. If we let him die outside, we would not be easy to explain!"

Several Void Bishops stretched out their hands and clicked on the black crystal at the same time. All the light curtains dissipated, and only a huge light curtain appeared. Lin Qizheng threw Li on the ground in the light curtain, holding his hands condescendingly at Li, who was unconscious.


The Void Bishops exclaimed at the same time, who is Li? The goddess of the punishment temple, the red archbishop of the church punishment center, hold the real power to patrol the western continent to strangle heretics, and there are terrible figures who cut first and then even do not play the power first. His own strength has reached the level of the holy realm. He has a large number of magic weapons and magical scrolls on his body, plus the following of a whole army of punishment knights, who can make the law look like this?

"Who is that young man from the East? Write down his face!"

A strong light flashed in the black crystal, and Lin Qi's face clearly emerged from the inside of the crystal, and even every hair on his face was clearly visible. The Void Bishops looked at Lin Qi's face curiously, they had no impression of this face in their memory.

"That donkey is weird!" Void Sanctuary snorted coldly: "The donkey that stands up and walks and talks about people. This is an evil existence in the ancient times. The Doomsday Elders are all told to go to the Tibetan Scriptures Hall to search for one. Donkey’s intelligence. There won’t be too many donkeys in this world, right?"

While they were talking, the disciplinary knights and disciplinary priests of the brigade roared over and surrounded Lin Qi and others.

But Lin Qi let out a long roar, and the magic circle around him released powerful spatial ripples. Xuanlan came out first, and then a large number of evil spirits and holy realms poured out, and they generally killed the punishment knights and priests present. It has to be clean.

There was a harsh scream in the Void Temple, and thousands of thin red light spots emerged from the black crystal, among which hundreds of red light spots were extremely huge. The Void Sanctuary and Void Bishops were all in a mess for a while. How many years hasn't this happened? These alien races that clearly came from the abyss world, these evil spirits, and the holy realm in those evil spirits, they actually appeared in the ground world grandiosely?

The main target of the Void Eye is the aliens of these abyssal worlds. As long as they appear on the ground world with a certain level of strength, their whereabouts will be immediately controlled by the Void Eye, and then be covered and killed by the thunderbolt of the church. The bones of countless abyss creatures have accumulated the reputation of the Void Eye. How many years hasn't a powerful abyss creature dared to appear in the ground world?

But just today, when the temple of the Void Temple and the bishops were in a relaxed mood calculating the fines they earned today, just as they mentioned the encounter with the law as a joke, thousands of tyrannical and abnormal abyss creatures suddenly Came out!

Five hundred sacred realms, thousands of dragons and devils, each of them is the cultivation base of the pinnacle of heaven! This is a terrible force capable of destroying a kingdom in an instant. Such a force should not appear in the ground world! A large amount of cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the highest-ranking Void Temples. If these abyssal creatures did anything good or bad, they would bear joint responsibility!

"Void God prepares for punishment! Please ask my God to use his supernatural power!"

"Quick, Void God prepares for punishment! Quick!"

Thirty-six Void Bishops strode to the black crystal. They pressed their hands on the huge black crystal and recited a mantra praising the Void God in a low voice. Waves of strange divine power fluctuations spread from the black crystal, and a strong will came.

This will is strong and clear, and his voice sounded directly in the hearts of these Void Bishops. But his voice was intermittent, obviously he had been severely injured, causing his will to become fragmented.

Several void temples also joined in the prayers. Their huge spiritual power locked Lin Qi and others' locations through the black crystals. The ancient artifact that hung in the air began to emit a dazzling flame. Attention was focused on Lin Qi and others, and it quickly began to lock the space where Lin Qi and others were.

But the Void Temple hadn't used the Void God Punishment for too many years, and the divine power accumulated by the Void God Punishment was not sufficient, and they couldn't accurately lock Lin Qi's position. Therefore, the Void God Punishment, who was not full of energy, immediately aimed at Xuan Lan, which was the largest and most threatening in size, and a golden divine light blasted towards Xuan Lan.

The Void God Punishment is issued by the ancient divine tool Void Eye, imitating the Void God Spear, the most proud attack method of the Void God. Like all divine power attributes, Void Divine Punishment is extremely pure and pure, without any impurities, the power of Divine Punishment is full of high temperature and heat, but the most important thing is-Divine Punishment contains a trace of the divine nature of the Void God Breath, the Void God Punishment can directly break through the void and attack the target as long as the target is locked.

Other magical attacks all have a flying process, only the void magic directly affects the target, and there is no attack process.

The huge Xuanlan howled and disappeared into the teleportation formation, Lin Qi could still faintly hear his hysterical roar in Abyss World: "It’s a loss, it’s a loss. This time I ate a few people, but I lost more meat than They add up even more, and I am at a loss this time! The human flesh you bring back will be eaten by me, or I will really lose money!"

Lin Qi raised his head and glanced at the direction from the Void God's Punishment. He yelled a "barrel". He was about the same size as an ordinary person. The dwarf king barrel, which was just like an iron ingot, rushed out of the teleportation formation. come out. Lin Qi put away the magic circle at the fastest speed, then grabbed Xiong Wanjin and threw it on the back of the wine barrel, and the group rushed eastward at the fastest speed.

There was a muffled sound of ‘om’, and a golden torrent almost swept past the bodies of Lin Qi and others.

The temples that control the Void Divine Punishment in the Void Temple shook their heads. There are too many new bishops who have not used the Void Divine Punishment. There was a problem in their cooperation, which caused them not to hit the target well. Instead of wasting the divine power of the Void God, it is better to send the Void Temple specifically to strangle these alien Void God Hunters.

Anyway, under the guidance of the Void Eye, it is impossible for Lin Qi and others to escape their surveillance.

Of course, Lin Qi and the others are not much away from the eastern border of the Western Continent, and they must be completely cleaned up before they leave the surveillance range of the Void Eye.

The low wolf howl came from afar, and the voice of the Void Temple resounded throughout the temple.

"Send three teams of Void Gods to hunt down the target, and they must not be allowed to leave the Western Continent!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support Is my biggest motivation.)

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