Bright Era

Chapter 589: Night, poisonous insect

Abu is very real in doing things, or the people on the entire grassland are extremely real when facing a strong man like Lin Qi.

As soon as Lin Qi stepped into the range of the Shatuo tribe, the sand gold and gems that Abu promised had already been sent to Lin Qi. After Lin Qi had collected these valuable properties, Abu had rushed to urge the tribe to slaughter the animals according to Lin Qi's request.

Five thousand heads of cattle and 15,000 heads of sheep must be slaughtered and cleaned. This is a very heavy work. The Shatuo tribe has only 150,000 people, and it takes several people to slaughter a large animal like a cow. Abu calculated it secretly, and the Shatuo tribe would not be able to accomplish this task without three or five days' time.

But Abu dare not owe him! He roughly estimated Lin Qi's strength, he is definitely the kind of existence beyond the heaven in the legend. For a medium-sized tribe like the Shatuo tribe, the entire tribe has fewer than ten heavenly warriors, and Lin Qi can slaughter the entire tribe in a holy realm. In the face of the life and death of the entire tribe, where does Abu dare to take it lightly?

A huge bonfire was lit, and all the cleaned animals were grilled on the iron rack, and barrels of horse wine and pots of milk tea were sent up. Lin Qi and the others were surrounded by a large group of vigorous and beautiful girls, who surrounded Lin Qi and the others like bees around flowers, and their little hands restlessly scratched the sensitive parts of Lin Qi and them.

Especially Lin Qi, he showed the strongest strength and the most girls around him. At least fifty girls wandered around him like a lantern, from the twelve or thirteen-year-old girl to the twenty-seventh-eighth woman, all of them were born with extraordinary appearance and beauty.

But Lin Qi's interest is not here. At this grand welcome banquet, Lin Qi let go of his belly to eat and his belly to drink. The life wheel was slowly spinning, running around like a flood with blood and energy. Lin Qi’s digestive ability was raised to the level of a monster. He killed three roasted cows and 20 roasted whole lambs alone, and drank five of them all. Ten barrels of horses and liquor, poured all the elders and figures of the Shatuo tribe to the ground.

Drinking up, Lin Qi rushed forward when the warriors of the Shatuo tribe were performing their empty-handed fighting skills, punching the five hundred warriors carefully selected by the Shatuo tribe with three punches and two feet, and swollen to the ground. Humph.

Who do the nomads on the grassland admire most? A hero who can eat, drink, and have a hard fist! Lin Qi's actions made him immediately become the **** in the heart of the Shatuo. Those girls became more and more enthusiastic about Lin Qi, and even began to be a little stray. But Lin Qi ignored them with a stern face. The beauties had no choice but to turn their attention to Alda and others.

then. . .

After the grand welcome banquet, Lin Qi rested alone in the most spacious and luxuriously furnished tent. The donkey lay in the corner of the tent and cursed all the women of the Shatuo tribe for being blind.

In the tent next door, Arda was laughing wildly, his tent was the busiest, at least thirty women were laughing in his tent. Xiong Wanjin’s tent is very quiet, perhaps because of the introverted traditions of the Orientals. Although Xiong Wanjin also entered the tent with a large group of girls, his tent is very quiet, except for the occasional sound of heavy objects hitting the flesh. Came.

Bilibili's tent. . . Lin Qi felt a little speechless when he touched his forehead. He never dreamed that Bilibili would be damaged by Arda. But thinking about it, this is not too weird. Bilibili is barely an adult among the demons, but for humans, he is already dozens of years old! What happened to such an older young man and a group of enthusiastic opposite sexes is the most natural thing.

And demons are never picky eaters. In the Western Continent, demons are as notorious as dragons in some respects—they are never picky about the ethnic origin of the opposite **** with whom they have intercourse! So the types of demons are very complicated, and the mixed descendants of demons are simply an astronomical number. So what happened to Bilibili and those passionate prairie women, it couldn't be more normal.

Finally, the tent of the wine barrel!

Lin Qi has nothing to say about this. The hybrid of dwarves and humans is a very common race in the Western Continent. This kind of hybrid is a bit unpopular with dwarves, but humans welcome such hybrids with the identity of dwarves-they inherited the forging talents of dwarves, their craftsmanship, and Without the bad temper of a dwarf, he is the best blacksmith.

Lin Qi was just a little worried. He hoped that when Keg was enjoying the grassland women, he would not be too excited to expose his true dwarf king. That would kill people!

There were ‘pap pap’ physical crashes everywhere, and occasionally a muffled sound of ‘boom bang’ was made in Xiong Wanjin’s tent. Not only the tents near Lin Qi, but the entire Shatuo tribe's tents heard this sound.

For the nomads, there is no entertainment in the dark night, this kind of primitive reproduction movement is the best fun they can find. Especially this kind of fun can enhance the strength of the family and the tribe, which is simply a great thing for both public and private! So at night, almost all the nomadic tribes are all people going to battle this wonderful sport.

In the entire Shatuo tribe, only the sentry on duty at night were either wandering around or hiding in the dark and narrow sentry and swallowing saliva. This is a quiet but lively night, this is a lively night, this is the most normal night for a thriving nomadic tribe!

Lin Qi was completely drowsy by the endless ‘pops’ all around. After barely running the white tiger's grudge and the three seas and seven rounds, Lin Qi sneaked up, raised the curtain of the tent, and sat cross-legged at the door of the tent and looked up at the sky.

The night sky of the grassland is clearer than the night sky on the Gobi Desert. The sky is densely packed with stars. Outside this layer of colorful stars, a mysterious and magnificent galaxy traverses the entire void!

Lin Qi heard the old man Qing say that above the earth, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, or even tens of thousands of miles from the ground, there are several densely dense meteorites. These large and small meteorites are the source of power for the mage on the ground to launch the meteorite forbidden curse. These meteorites are the colorful stars that people on the ground usually see.

But beyond the stars surrounding the earth, there is an endless river of galaxies! That is the real star, the abode of the gods proclaimed by the church. Of course, the church’s propaganda is always unreliable. God knows where the abodes of the gods are. Anyway, no one has seen it.

Lin Qi thought it was amazing. The old man had taught him so much knowledge, but he couldn't explain why those meteorites suspended hundreds of miles from the ground would not fall down!

Of course, some meteorites occasionally fall on the ground, which is the most troublesome meteorite disaster in the western continent. However, there are only dozens or hundreds of meteorites falling on the Western Continent every year, and there are more than a million colorful stars in this line of sight.

If so many meteorites fall at the same time, the whole land will be destroyed, right? Maybe only those creatures in the abyss world can survive? Lin Qi looked at these meteorites in awe, silently chanting the first half of the false forbidden mantra, meteorite descending mantra, a ray of mental power shot out quickly, and with the help of the spell, he hooked up with a small meteorite. together.

The size of this meteorite was too small. Lin Qi changed the spell, and his mental power hooked up with a new meteorite.

It's a little bigger, but it's still not enough!

Lin Qi silently changed the spell again and again, and his mental power swept over the stars above his head again and again. In the end he found a meteorite with a diameter of more than ten miles! Lin Qi smiled with satisfaction, and then used the spell to leave a magic guide mark belonging to him on the meteorite.

In the next seven days, as long as Lin Qi launches the false forbidden spell meteorite drop, he will be able to drag this meteorite to the ground!

How much destructive power can a meteorite with a diameter of ten miles exert? Can the powerful existence of Saint Master Pinnacle withstand its bombardment?

With a weird smile, Lin Qi laughed ‘chi-chi'. This is also the whimsical thought that he suddenly appeared when looking up at the starry sky tonight. But the diameter of this meteorite is really too big, and Lin Qi also doubts whether he has enough strength to drag him down.

But after all, this was the first attempt. Lin Qi had set a magic guide on a huge meteorite for the first time. It's like a teenager who steals the forbidden fruit, with a bad and evil pleasure secretly rushing to his heart.

Just when Lin Qi stopped the spell and began to concentrate on recovering most of the mental power that had been consumed, a small light blue harrier flew over Lin Qi's head silently. Lin Qi's mental power was flowing back to the Linghai like a low tide, and he happened to spot the Harrier Eagle that he had seen during the day.

Lin Qi was stunned, squinting his eyes and looking at the Harrier Eagle.

The wild harrier eagle will not repeat itself over the nomadic tribe so boldly, there are too many existences that can threaten its life. But if this Harrier did this, it means there must be a ghost inside.

While staring at the silent harrier eagle while flying, the grass next to Lin Qi suddenly moved, a small piece of soil was turned up, and a purple spider the size of a fluffy fist was slow. Climbed out from the ground. It swayed its body, shaking off the mud from the fur, and then slowly crawling towards Lin Qi step by step.

Lin Qi squinted at the purple spider. It was purple all over with dense black hairs. There was a small moth-like pattern on its back. This is the'Great Moth King Spider', and some people call it'Purple Widow'. Even if a rock lizard is bitten by it, it will turn into a bunch of delicious blood in a quarter of an hour. This is an extremely malicious poisonous insect, but it is specially produced in the abyssal world, and the environment of the ground world is deadly to it.

Unless someone raises it, it cannot appear in the ground world.

Lin Qi's face became gloomy, he slowly stretched out his hand, and mysterious and evil spells burst out from his mouth word by word, and he attached the soul secret technique "little ecstasy" taught by Altut to his fingertips. Go up, lightly point a finger on Purple Widow's body. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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