Bright Era

Chapter 590: Night, counterattack

Lin Qi cherishes the inheritance of the enlightenment of the gods and is determined to "make the gods". Their research on various strange creatures has reached the peak level of the western continent. Such a characteristic poisonous insect like Purple Widow is naturally the target of their research.

At least Lin Qi knew that Purple Widow was a poisonous insect that had no IQ at all and acted entirely by instinct. It is extremely toxic, but it is impossible for it to dig a tunnel from the ground and slowly sneak into a tent, and then attack the creatures in the tent.

Only if someone controlled the Purple Widow with the Art of Destroying Insects, could it make such a weird assassination behavior.

The only thing that can allow the insects to complete such complex actions in the art of guarding insects is the art of enchanting souls. A faint distraction was attached to the insect, and the purple widow was directly controlled by the person to dig a tunnel from the underground to Lin Qi's tent.

The little ecstasy spotted the purple widow with a frightening cold light, Lin Qi snorted softly, the fragile soul of the purple widow was swallowed by Lin Qi, and a strong soul wave let out an exclamation of wanting to escape. , But an invisible vortex appeared on Lin Qi's fingers, and three small black runes swiftly swirled at his fingertips, forcibly sucking in this soul wave.

"Catch you!"

Lin Qi sneered. He changed his seals with both hands, and recited the secret magic soul searching curse of the Soul God Cult at the fastest speed. A thin yin wind flew out from Lin Qi’s fingertips. Under Lin Qi’s control, the faint fluctuation of the soul turned into a bit of green fireflies flying between his fingers, following Lin Qi’s curse. Moving, the green firefly flew helplessly to the distance.

With a cold smile, Lin Qi rose into the air, a faint breeze wrapped around his body, and he rushed past this green fire a few feet off the ground.

He had just arrived at the Continental Bridge, and hadn't made any enemies with anyone at all. No matter who used the technique of guarding insects to plot against himself, this hatred must be reported. He didn't think it was Yun Jun's three filial sons and grandchildren who made this kind of hand and foot. With their strength, they could launch attacks in an upright frontal manner, and there was no need to use such small methods.

That's why Lin Qi suffocated his anger, and was forced to leave the Western Continent by Jun Yun, and even if he was driven away by Yun Jun's filial sons and grandchildren in embarrassment. Nowadays, all kinds of cats and puppies are bullying. Can he give vent to it?

The donkey also noticed the abnormal movement here, and he got up on his own, and tiptoed out of the tent. After passing by the dead purple widow, the donkey rolled up his tongue and swallowed it, then he clicked his mouth and exclaimed: "The taste is not bad, but the age is not enough, and it hasn't evolved into the big moth king spider king. Otherwise it will taste better."

Wagging his little tail, the donkey quickly caught up to Lin Qi with a cloud of wind under his feet. He was commissioned by Blackbeard to find and protect Lin Qi. The donkey didn't dare to indulge Lin Qi running around alone. If something happened to Lin Qi, the donkey would have an urge to cry loudly when he thought of the terrible old guys in the Black Tiger family.

The green fireflies flew forward quickly, at a speed comparable to a galloping horse. Soon it flew out more than ten miles and came to a depression by the small lake. Lin Qi leaped forward without saying a word, and fell heavily into the depression filled with water and grass.

A light green campfire illuminates the depression, and a girl with a cyan cloak sits right next to the campfire, chanting spells hastily. Listening to her spell, Lin Qi quickly recognized that this was a spell specifically used to recall distraction and help the distraction merge with the soul of his own master.

With a sneer, Lin Qi grabbed the green fireflies and shattered the fireflies with a flick of his finger: "I don't care who you are, use this nasty means to trick me, then we are enemies!"

The distraction shattered, the girl's body shook suddenly, and then a mouthful of blood spurted far away. A little blood was sprinkled on the bonfire, and the light green, feeble bonfire suddenly rose several feet high. The flame did not have the slightest heat, but it felt a bit gloomy. Lin Qi saw that the shallow water near the bonfire was covered with thin water. Thin ice flakes.

This young girl is very weird. Lin Qi doesn't remember that she has offended her, but since she has committed a murder to herself, there is nothing to say.

Taking a step towards the girl, Lin Qi opened his big hand and grabbed her neck.

The girl spit out blood and quickly stood up, staggering backwards and backwards. The harrier eagle's sharp cry sounded high in the sky, and a light blue shadow shot down quickly. The harrier eagle that Lin Qi had seen quickly shot down, and the sharp eagle beak pecked at Lin Qi's temple fiercely.

"Green, retreat!" The girl retreated in a hurry, and suddenly saw the Harrier Eagle attack Lin Qi, she immediately yelled. Her voice is clear and nice, even though she shouts loudly in a hurry, it is still as sweet as a silver bell.

Lin Qi didn't even glance at the Harrier, he just stretched out his big hand and continued to grab the girl's neck. When the eagle's beak was about three inches away from Lin Qi's temple, a long, greasy long tongue full of saliva spit out fiercely, and the eagle was rolled up and pulled back.

The donkey opened his big mouth and swallowed the harrier eagle in one mouthful, then he burped contentedly, and opened his mouth to spout a light blue eagle feather. Grinning open his mouth and revealing two rows of white teeth, the donkey smiled brilliantly at the stunned girl. The donkey was very happy to eat this bite. This harrier was actually a cub of a super beast "Blue Sky Storm Eagle". Although it is not an adult, the talent of the super beast is extremely powerful. The donkey ate such a small Harrier Eagle is even more nourishing than eating two or three ordinary holy realms.

Especially the flesh and blood of the Azure Sky Storm Eagle is extremely delicious, this is a super monster! If you can eat such a wonderful snack in the middle of the night, the donkey has nothing to fault.

The girl ignored Lin Qi's big hand, and she let out a hoarse scream. She ignored Lin Qi, stretched out her hands and threw at the donkey. Her fingers are very long and thin, and the nails on the slender and beautiful fingers are purposely polished to be as sharp as fox paws, and the thin nails still have a pale blue light. Obviously, it won’t be when caught by her paws. What a wonderful feeling.

Lin Qi sneered. Is this woman sick? For a bird, Lin Qi, who might put her to death at any time, was going to attack the donkey? This woman must have a broken brain, otherwise how could she do such a thing?

With a cold snort, Lin Qi continued to grab his big hand, just about to grab the girl's neck. Lin Qi was about to capture her alive, and then detained her soul to torture her to see which way he had offended him.

But when Lin Qi's fingers were about to touch the girl's skin, some cold light suddenly flew out of the tents hiding in the dark behind the girl. Several men in cloaks rushed out of the tent silently, and slashed at Lin Qi with a scimitar.

Lin Qi laughed loudly. He let these scimitars hit him, grabbed the girl’s neck with his big hands, and then took the girl’s slender body and shook fiercely. The girl gave a weird cry, as if She quacked like a drake caught her neck, and she never dared to move.

Several scimitars slashed heavily on Lin Qi's body and arms. But Lin Qi's muscles tightened, and the white tiger's fighting spirit circulated endlessly in his body. Several fine machete forged by Kucha Steel were shaken into several segments with a sound. Lin Qi flew out and kicked out, the closest to him. A man was kicked in the lower abdomen by his foot, and flew out with a spitting out of blood and internal organ fragments.

Killed with one blow, Lin Qi smashed all his internal organs!

This is a mid-level talent, and the strongest among these men. Lin Qi kicked him to death like an ant. The other men were shocked. At the same time, they dropped their bare knife hilts and retreated hurriedly. But they had just withdrawn a few steps, and the donkey appeared behind them very insidiously. The donkey flew for a while and stomped on the backs of these men's heads, and fainted them cleanly.

The girl twisted her body in a panic. She grabbed Lin Qi's big hand with both hands, and her sharp nails scratched Lin Qi's hand.

But Lin Qi's body was as tough as the earth dragon skin, no matter how hard the girl tried, her nails were rolled and cracked, and Lin Qi's skin literally had no white marks.

Looking at the desperately struggling girl with cold eyes, Lin Qi slowly moved her face to the girl's face, staring at her with big eyes to small eyes.

The girl struggled for a while, and finally let out a scream: "You dare to move one of my hair, you know I am..."

Lin Qi slapped his head and covered his face with an extremely heavy slap. There was a crisp sound. The hood of the girl's cloak was shattered in half, and her veil was also shattered, a purple slap. The seal was clearly printed on her little face.

The head was skewed, and the girl's neck was almost cut off by Lin Qi. The saliva from the corner of the mouth spouted out with blood, and a pretty young girl turned into an embarrassed tabby cat on the spot.

Obviously, she was stunned by Lin Qi's slap. The girl looked at Lin Qi in the dark without making a sound for a while.

Glancing at the girl coldly, Lin Qi tore off her cloak, and sneered extremely tiredly: "Why don't you tell me frankly that there are a few **** monsters under my hand. You don't obediently confess your origin. I stripped you naked and threw you into their tent. Think about it, being tossed by a fat man weighing more than 500 catties, a dwarf who is more than two meters tall, and two other evil spirits in turn, you too Don't you want to?"

The girl's face turned horribly green, she looked at Lin Qi tremblingly for a while, and suddenly closed her eyes tightly.

"You dare to move me, you are done! You were already a dead person, but you could have died quietly!"

"But you dare to move me, you dare to threaten me with words, it's hard for you to die now!"

"Pray to the gods you believe in, you will understand what despair is and what is..."

Lin Qi slapped again. Since Arthur threatened him, Lin Qi especially hated others saying the word ‘despair’ to him.

So he slapped him a bit more strength, slapped half of the girl's face like Xiong Wanjin's ass. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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