Bright Era

Chapter 596: Saint Pig's Head

In many cases, it is useless to be reasonable!

Because there are always many self-righteous idiots who will force your IQ level to a level equivalent to hers, and then use her rich experience as an idiot to easily defeat you! Just like the saint of this desert temple, she is such a fool.

Arrogant, arrogant, domineering, arrogant, and arrogant, she feels that she is a goddess standing in the cloud and can easily decide everyone's lives! Therefore, she and her maid are both virtues. They can kill themselves at every turn, kill their relatives at every turn, and threaten to destroy all the creatures of the XX tribe at every turn!

Lin Qi shook his head. He didn't even bother to ask what the saint's name was, and he let out a high-pitched tiger roar, spraying out thin white light, like a sharp knife tearing the air and rushing towards the saint. past.

This stupid woman is less than ten meters away from Lin Qi! She actually stood less than ten meters away from Lin Qi!

Lin Qi almost rushed to her in one step, pinched her neck with a big hand, and hit her lower abdomen with a heavy blow with his right fist. The panicked saint screamed in horror. There was a flame-shaped **** pattern on her eyebrows, thin layers of fire light wrapped around her body, and thin yellow sand was faintly visible in the fire light, Lin Qi One of the punches made a loud bang, the fire was splashed and the yellow sand disintegrated, but all the punches were cancelled out half an inch from her lower abdomen.

"Interesting!" Lin Qi looked at the saint who was constantly screaming in surprise, his left hand throbbed, and fire and yellow sand spurted from the saint's neck. The powerful counter-shock force made him a little unstable to grasp the other's neck. It feels like catching a thick, creamy **** fish in the water. The black fish is constantly beating and struggling, making it difficult to grasp its body.

With a cold snort, Lin Qi ejected five white lights from his left hand and cut it into the yellow sand of the fire. He grabbed the saint's neck with all his strength, and then slammed her fist in the lower abdomen. Then his fist roared down like a meteor shower, Lin Qi's fist was covered with a dazzling white light, and his fist seemed to have become a platinum hammer, with a stern sound of breaking through the air.

The fire was blazing, the yellow sand splashed, and the saint's body trembled slightly. The flame pattern on the center of her eyebrows was burning, and half of her head became translucent crimson, like a big light bulb emitting a strong light. She stared at Lin Qi with her eyes widened, a thin fire burst out from her eyes, and she suddenly screamed, trying to use pupil techniques to attack Lin Qi's eyes.

Lin Qi sneered, his eyes suddenly became pitch black, and both the whites of his eyes and his pupils became as deep black as night. The suffocating darkness slowly swirled in his eyes, like a whirlpool that breathed the soul, exuding a chill that made people shudder. The secret pupil technique ‘soul-stealing ghost’s eye’ of the Spiritual God Cult, as long as the eyes of both sides cross, they can directly attack the other’s soul.

The saint screamed in horror. The faint fire light in her eyes suddenly burst, and her body shuddered like sifting chaff. Just now, she and Lin Qi looked at each other. Her holy fire spirit eyes hadn't been able to exert the slightest effect. The soul was almost sucked in by Lin Qi's eyes. The saint used the magic of the desert temple to suppress the soul in time, and this saved her life. But her soul is threatened, and she has no extra thoughts to guard against attacks on her body.

The flame and yellow sand on the surface of the body suddenly became thinner. Lin Qi's heavy fist smashed the flame and yellow sand that she was protecting her body, and his fist hit her lower abdomen heavily. Lin Qi smiled weirdly. This woman has a very good figure. Her lower abdomen is very flat and strong, without even a trace of fat. The fist on her lower abdomen feels very good, like bombarding a cowhide drum with a huge drumstick, faintly There is also a force of rebound.

Obviously this woman is not a simple priest, not a simple saint who poses. She should still be a warrior with a very strong skill, otherwise her body will not be so strong and strong.

But under Lin Qi's heavy fist bombardment, a female warrior was just a woman after all, and the terrifying fist blasted into the saint’s abdomen, like a red iron pillar inserted straight in, and the saint’s pupils suddenly shrank. When she reached the size of the needle tip, she looked at Lin Qi in horror, and then slowly curled up, like a red prawn.

Lin Qi's left hand pinched her neck tightly, so when the saint's body was curled up, she was held by Lin Qi.

All this is a long story, but in fact it only took a short time. Lin Qi's movements are extremely fast, and the saint’s counterattack defense is also very fast. The two attacked and defended. When the saint was defeated by Lin Qi, the saint’s entourage had not recovered. .

Finally, the dozens of men in long robes who came to the depression surrounded by the saint screamed sharply, and they rushed towards Lin Qi with a face of panic and entanglement, like a frustrated concubine. But the roar of a tiger that Lin Qi just roared happened to blast in front of them. The tiger's roar of the white tiger's fighting spirit was like countless slap-sized blades, which brought the sharp cracks into the air and smashed into the past, making these robes. The man hugged his head in embarrassment, and some even dodged in embarrassment by rolling on the ground.

Lin Qi was stunned to discover that this miraculous saint, the man in the robe she brought to the depression to question Master Lin Qixing, was actually a pure mage! There is no warrior, no thief, no strong melee personnel, all mages!

Therefore, facing Lin Qi's sudden attack, these mages who obviously lacked combat experience had no choice but to dodge rolling all over the floor, and no one could make the correct response.

Perhaps the mages in the desert temple, that is, their witch sacrifice status is relatively high, so this saint is surrounded by extremely high status witch sacrifices. But didn't anyone tell her that if she only carries a large group of mages and does not carry melee professionals, if she encounters a powerful enemy raid, will she die miserably?

What a wonderful temple can train such a wonderful saint, and cultivate such a group of witch sacrifices!

Lin Qi shook his head and whistled softly.

A looming cold light suddenly flashed past those wizards who fled in a hurry. The sharp dagger slashed through their necks and tore open their arteries. The hot blood spurted out far away. Dozens of powerful heavenly mages were harvested without even seeing who attacked them. Life.

The saint turned her head and watched the ‘elite witch sacrificial group’ next to her was wiped out, her body trembling violently. She turned her head abruptly, staring at Lin Qi screaming: "You have the last chance to kill yourself, sinner, you..."

Lin Qi slapped his head and covered his face. He was ready to plant Yun Jun's filial sons and grandchildren, so why would he be polite to this inexplicable brain-pumping saint? A faint cyan dragon air entangled Lin Qi’s fingers, and the slap on the face, half of the saint’s face turned cyan, and then her face quickly became heavier, her cheeks swollen like a steamed bun, translucent You can see the blood accumulated under the skin.

"You dare to hit me!" The saint screamed again, and she screamed hoarsely: "Warrior of my god, kill this **** sinner! Whoever cuts off his head, I will reward him with cattle, sheep and cattle. Ten thousand heads, one hundred beautiful women, and one thousand catties of Shajin!"

With a bang, the thousands of heavily armored warriors stepped forward at the same time and rushed towards Lin Qi with neat steps. The armors on these fighters are too heavy, they can't charge quickly, they can only form such a slow, heavy phalanx and slowly oppress them.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, then slapped the saint's face with another slap. After two consecutive slaps, the saint's face was swollen like a pig's head. A beautiful woman who was originally good should now be ugly and ugly.

"If you dare to speak again, I'll knock you out with big teeth!" Lin Qi looked at the panicked saint indifferently: "Although you are a woman, when you threaten my life, I will not hesitate. Kill you! Wine barrel, kill them!"

In the last sentence, Lin Qi gave instructions to the wine barrel rushing over with the warhammer.

The barrel laughed triumphantly, and his naked figure suddenly swelled up to ten meters high in the blink of an eye. The nearby sandstone quickly wrapped around his body, turned into a lava armor and hung on him. The wine barrel leaped into the sky with cheers, and after jumping up to a height of 100 meters, it slammed down again and smashed into the square formed by the heavy armored soldiers accurately.

With a loud noise, the lava armor on the barrel shot open, and countless fist-sized lava shot with terrible heat. On the spot, hundreds of heavy-armored warriors were densely covered with holes. The barrel wielded a huge warhammer, like a sturdy man wielding a wooden hammer and hitting a mole. Every time the hammer fell, flesh and blood splattered, and more than a thousand heavy armored soldiers were beaten by him. .

The naked men with cymbals in their hands roared at the same time. They slammed the cymbals frantically and rushed towards the barrels with terrible noises. But Arda waved two pairs of huge fleshy wings and appeared from above them like ghosts.

"Dear grandchildren, you should kill each other!" Arda learned some bad catchphrases from the donkey. He kindly called these big guys, and successively released a series of charm magic.

The big guys dropped the cymbals in their hands, drew out the scimitars from their waists, and pounced on their companions as if they had seen their fathers and enemies killed.

"You, dare to attack the guard of honor of the saint of the temple, you dare to beat the saint of the temple, you are dead!"

The saint looked at Lin Qi bitterly, howling hoarse.

Lin Qi cracked and slapped dozens of slaps again, turning her from an ordinary pig's head into an extra-large pig's head. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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