Bright Era

Chapter 597: Saint, Yin Qingyue

There was a sharp eagle cry, and two cyan storm eagles flapped their huge wings towards Lin Qi.

But suddenly a long, slippery tongue was shot out in the dark, and a big mouth suddenly appeared in front of the two big eagles. The long tongue tied the two big eagles and forcibly dragged them into the big mouth. The chewing sound of "Kacha Kacha" did not sound a few times, and a large swath of eagle feathers spewed out in the darkness.

The four-footed donkey walked out of the darkness slowly. His belly was swollen. He gently waved his ears and small tail. The long donkey's face was full of food and drink, peculiar to domestic animals. Comfortable and contented smile. He squinted and walked lazily to Lin Qi's side and squatted down at Lin Qi's feet.

Lin Qi looked down at the donkey, and then pulled the saint’s corset in his hand: "Look, it’s not a big breast! It's similar to her maids, basically comparable to Bilibili Up!"

The donkey rolled his eyes, stood up angrily, spit on the ground heavily, then shook his tail and fled into the darkness. The chewing sound of "click" continued, one after another heavy armored warriors or big men holding cymbals disappeared abruptly in the dark. Everything was like a scene in a nightmare. The big living people just disappeared out of thin air. Various pieces of wear on the body, such as belts and leather boots, sprayed out of the air.

"You can die!" Lin Qi looked at the saint in his hand coldly, his right hand sprayed out a faint cyan dragon air like a dragon claw, and he was about to slap her forehead. Azure Dragon Breaks the Vault of Heaven and Transforms Nerves. Among the secret techniques of the Yun family, the most powerful set of martial arts is the'Yunlong Nine Claws.' A big hole.

In Yunxiaojun’s confession, the ancestors of the Yun clan used Yunlong’s nine claws to grab a large river and attacked the enemy as a weapon that stretched for hundreds of miles. Yunlong Nine Claws can capture all tangible and intangible things. As long as one's strength can bear it, even light, even fire, even soul and darkness can be caught in the hand and used as a weapon.

The saint, whose head was as swollen as a pig's head, opened her eyes in horror and let out a hoarse cry: "You can't kill me, you can't kill me! Our lady is the deputy hall of the Desert Temple." Lord, if you dare to kill me, you will definitely be pursued endlessly by the Desert Temple! You, you, you and the people around you, let's commit suicide quickly, so as not to involve your tribe."

At this time, the saint could still say such a speechless thing, Lin Qi almost vomited blood.

What an idiot master would it take to teach such a stupid saint? What did this saint say? Their young lady is the deputy master of the desert temple? Lin Qi couldn't imagine what kind of person their young lady was, let alone how the Desert Temple would make such a woman a core high-level person.

But what does this have to do with Lin Qi? He killed the saint with Yunlong’s nine claws, and then added a few claws to all the corpses. The black pot had to be firmly clasped on the three filial sons and grandchildren of Yunjun. What does it have to do with Lin Qi? ?

With a sneer, Lin Qi was about to press his right paw with a wave, but a soft voice suddenly came from far away. The voice was so soft and clear, it was like a murmur of snow-melted stream in a valley full of white lilies, and even Lin Qi's stern killing intent was suddenly weakened by this voice. .

"Honorable guests, please forgive them for their offense. Even if Huyu is wrong, she is also one of the three saints of my desert temple. Your noble hand must not be stained with the blood of the saint, otherwise everything is Hu Yun's fault, the Desert Temple will definitely become your enemy!"

The saint Huyu, who was held by Lin Qi in her hand, was stunned, and she suddenly howled hoarsely: "Yin Qingyue, you can't let this sinner kill me! Take him down, hold him accountable, and punish his people! He! He wounded me, he wounded my maid, he killed so many guards and followers of me, he should be executed by Ling Chi!"

Lin Qi snorted coldly, struck Hu Yu's forehead with a fist, and knocked her out abruptly. A fist-sized meat bun soon appeared on Hu Yu's forehead, which made her face look like a pig's head with a sarcoma. It can be as ugly as it is.

There was a gentle footstep, and a beautiful woman wearing a blue robe with flames and yellow sand embroidered on the sleeves of the robe emerged from the darkness.

This woman named Yin Qingyue was extremely tall, she was about a punch higher than Lin Qi. When Lin Qi saw her, he instinctively glanced at her feet. This tall woman , It is rare to the extreme.

Although she is so tall, Yin Qingyue's figure is not the size of that burly wolf. It should be described like this. Her figure is very agile and well-proportioned, and every line is just right. In the agility and power of a female leopard, there is a gentle and gentle gentleness, giving people a very special feeling-just like her In the first moment, he can draw out his sword and slaughter the army, and in the next moment, he can make a standard good wife and mother.

The two very different styles are perfectly unified in Yin Qingyue's body, and they are not abrupt at all.

Different from the light brown and barley-yellow skin of women from ordinary nomads, Yin Qingyue’s exposed skin is extremely white, tender and white, with a faint cyan in the whiteness, which is like an extremely moisturizing, clear cyan crystal.的cyan. This faint cyan color also brought out her whiteness, which is a pure and flawless white that does not belong to human beings.

As for her appearance, Lin Qi looked down at Huyou, who was beaten like a pig, shook her head, and threw her to the ground. Even if Hu Yu is undamaged in appearance, it will take a dozen or twenty of her beauty to compare with Yin Qingyue.

It was a face that was as gentle as a water wave and as tough as an iron orchid, beautiful without the slightest blemish. The strong bridge of the nose, the slightly sunken eye sockets, the deep light blue eyes, which are like a lake, can make people's souls drown in it, and can also soothe all restless moods. Especially with her fresh-water-colored lips, Lin Qi couldn't understand why women's lips were so beautiful, as if they were carefully carved with water-colored gems by a master master.

Coupled with the gorgeous cyan robe on her body and the complicated and mysterious flame and yellow sand pattern on the robe, Yin Qingyue's first impact on Lin Qi is extremely powerful.

The night wind blows Yin Qingyue's loose long hair, her thick long hair reaches her ankles, and her long black hair dances freely in the night wind. Yin Qingyue appears from the darkness like a legendary goddess. , Came to Lin Qi silently.

With a soft and non-threatening smile, Yin Qingyue slowly walked to a place less than three meters away from Lin Qi. She is taller than Lin Qi and punched, so Lin Qi can only look up at Yin Qingyue's eyes.

It is conceivable that Lin Qi's burly figure has to raise her head slightly to face Yin Qingyue. When she stands in front of other people, her height alone will bring much psychological pressure. Especially when her face is so beautiful and her temperament is so mortal, unless Lin Qi has undergone the tempering of the nightmare of the Dark Abyss God Prison, and the mood is extremely strong, no one can be in her Straighten up in front of you.

The last scream came, and the barrel grabbed the three heavy armored fighters, tearing their bodies into two pieces like noodles. Blood and internal organs were spilled all over the floor, and the wine barrel "haha" with a weird smile, slowly returning his body to normal.

Yin Qingyue glanced at the dead bodies and blood all over the floor, sighed leisurely, and then smiled at Lin Qi: "Huyou has been punished, and all her followers have been killed by your subordinates. Huh. Ying Yun is one of the three saints of my desert temple, and please forgive her for her offense."

Lin Qi stepped on Hu Yu's head, Yin Qingyue's slender eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and she sighed helplessly: "If your resentment against Hu Yu is hard to dissipate, I can compensate you on behalf of the Desert Temple. , And I will guarantee your safety on the Continental Bridge."

Lin Qi's eyes flickered, and that's all about the compensation. The Desert Temple is just the landlord of the Continental Bridge. Lin Qi does not believe how much benefit the Desert Temple can give him. But if Yin Qingyue can really guarantee her safety on the Continental Bridge, this matter should be discussed.

Tens of thousands of miles eastward, at the end of the Continental Bridge is the Eastern Continent-the only continent that is not monitored by the artifact. Lin Qi only needs to recreate a few magic arrays on the road and re-complete the magic teleportation array. Even if Jun Yun personally chased him down in the Eastern Continent, Lin Qi would have the confidence to wipe him out, let alone a few of Yun Jun. Dutiful son and grandson.

With a light cough, Lin Qi moved her feet subconsciously, and Hu Yu, who was in a coma, let out a painful groan, Lin Qi almost trampled on her swollen cheek. Yin Qingyue's brows grew closer, she looked at Lin Qi helplessly: "What do you think of my conditions?"

Lin Qi pretended to ponder for a while, and the keg, Alda and others had already come here, and the lecherous Alda was drooling and staring at Yin Qingyue. It's wrong that Lin Qi is talking with Yin Qingyue, and I am afraid that Alda has already made the hook up.

"Why can you guarantee my safety on the Continental Bridge?" Lin Qi asked directly, "What is your status in the Desert Temple?"

Yin Qingyue smiled, and she nodded gently: "I am the saint of the Desert Temple. To be precise, I am the only saint of the Desert Temple. Hu Yu and her sister Husu are just alternative saints. I represent the will of the God of Desert, and I can ensure that you are not harmed by any forces on the Continental Bridge!"

Taking a look at Yin Qingyue in astonishment, Lin Qi looked down and looked at Huyou with a domineering arrogance even in a coma.

Shaking his head, Lin Qi said frankly: "Then, the deal will be based on your terms... But Huyu, the candidate saint, is a far cry from you!"

Yin Qingyue sighed without saying a word.

Lin Qi was about to say something more, when a high-pitched shout suddenly came from a distance.

"Xiongtai, Xiongtai, help! Rebel son kills the father and seeks power to usurp the throne! Help, many cavalry are hunting down!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( Voting for recommended votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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