Bright Era

Chapter 603: Multi-party attention

"Little King Weihan, the ninth son of the Whamsa Khanate, the head of the Baiju tribe, the master of 300,000 elite warriors, the master of the Alahar Mountains, the owner of Hu'erla Lake, seven pastures Asylum seekers, challenge you group of sinners who dare to offend the Saintess of Husu!"

The young man who was as strong as a lion and ugly as a wild boar walked over slowly on the backs of those pulling carts on the ground. He soared into the air and passed the heavy-armored warrior in front of him, waved the giant silver scimitar in his hand, and assumed a majestic posture.

Lin Qi didn't look at Weihan, his long list of titles didn't make any sense to Lin Qi. He just stared at the giant scimitar in Weihan's hand. It was an absolute magic weapon. Lin Qi even drooled a little—this is a handle that uses the falling silver sand as the main tool. Materials and holy artifacts forged with various precious magic metals!

It is absolutely not wrong, it is not an ordinary magic weapon. Judging from the breath of this giant scimitar with a length of more than one meter and five meters, it is definitely a sacred weapon! Tianyu Liu Yinsha is very light, but very strong, extremely tough, and has a very strong effect of dredging and storing fighting energy. In particular, the metallic energy can get the most hearty performance in the silver sand of the sky, and it is an excellent material for making holy weapons.

Lin Qi now lacks the same suitable weapon. Although he prefers the heavy axe, this giant scimitar also looks good. Before getting a big axe that suits him, Lin Qi, who has formally stepped into the Holy Realm, really needs a sacred tool with him.

Shaking his fist in excitement, Lin Qi stopped the wine barrel that was going to go up to teach Weihan a good meal, and strode towards Weihan. The head of the Baiju tribe, the great king of the Huangsha Khanate, only had the cultivation base of the lower ranks of the heavens. Lin Qi was not prepared to be polite with him, but was prepared to rob his machete. As for whether to kill after making money, it depends on Lin Qi's mood at that time.

"Xiong Hubao, the chief elder of the Bear Clan in the Eastern Continent, please advise!" Lin Qi burst out his pseudonym cleanly, and then punched Weihan in the face. Bai Hu's fighting spirit glowed with a dazzling cold light on Lin Qi's fist. His punch was like a steel knife tearing through the air, and he made a sharp blast through the air.

Weihan laughed, and he raised his left arm nonchalantly to meet Lin Qi's fist.

"I am a person of gods, I am the king of kings chosen by gods! You can't beat me!"

A dazzling red flame spurted from Weihan's wrist, forming a fire shield two feet in diameter and three inches thick in his hand. The fiery shield solidified one after another, and the flames almost all condensed into magma-like substance. Lin Qi used a full force of fist strength to be burned clean by the fire shield, and the fiery firepower also penetrated Lin Qi's fist, arbitrarily trying to invade Lin Qi's body.

Lin Qi glanced at Weihan in surprise, then he added 10% of his strength and continued to attack Weihan. But no matter where Lin Qi's fist fell, Weihan's body could always burst out a ball of flame in time to form a fire shield to protect him. Despite Lin Qi’s fist falling like raindrops, Weihan’s whole body flickered, and the fire shields quickly appeared and disappeared. His whole body seemed to be wrapped in a ball of flames, and his dark skin was plated. A thick flame.

Husu, whose half of his chest was exposed, laughed'chichi': "Weihan, you are so mighty! If you can kill these sinners, I might be able to satisfy your wish tonight! Hey, he is not the strongest man, it is impossible to get me!"

Weihan's eyes became red, and he roared ‘huha’, swiping a machete and slashed at Lin Qi.

Amid the strange whistling sound of'Woo', the scimitar in Weihan's hand spewed out countless white light spots as small as yellow sand. This is extremely condensed metallic elemental energy, triggered by the magic circle on the scimitar, These metallic elements condensed into countless small metal particles, which rolled up a silver-white sandstorm and swept towards Lin Qi.

The silver sandstorm was extremely sharp, exuding a deep chill, and rushed towards his face, Lin Qi couldn't help being surprised. The white tiger's fighting spirit was fully launched, and Lin Qi let out a high-pitched tiger roar, and a layer of white light quickly enveloped him. Amid the loud noise of'Dang Cang', the silver sandstorm sprayed by the giant scimitar covered a radius of tens of meters, and Lin Qi's entire body was wrapped in it.

In the cutting sound of ‘chi chi’, Lin Qi’s body was intact, but his clothes were cut to pieces by countless small sharp sand dust, turned into countless tiny butterfly pieces, sprayed out with the sand storm.

With just one blow, Lin Qi was stripped clean, revealing his majestic, statue-like muscles.

Compared with Weihan, Lin Qi's pale yellow skin looks particularly healthy, and his muscles are well-defined, full of the unique charm of male creatures. And to be honest, the grown-up Lin Qi has a handsome face, and his years of training in the Heiyuan Divine Prison give him a dark and mysterious atmosphere. All these mixed together make Lin Qi full of a temptation that is almost like a devil. .

No matter what the others, Husu, who was sitting in the car looking at the fighting here, suddenly laughed'chickingly': "Lord Weihan, you have to kill him quickly! Otherwise, he is so strong and handsome, I will be a little moved. That's it! Hehe!"

Weihan roared angrily. He stared at Lin Qi as if he had killed his father and his enemies. He swung his scimitar up and down, and there was a wave of lethal metal storms, and he smashed Lin Qi frantically. .

However, Baihu's fighting qi itself is a metallic fighting qigong method. Lin Qi's strength is stronger than Weihan. No matter how Weihan roars, Lin Qi just wanders freely in the silver storm, punching one after another. The punch hit him steadily. Although Weihan's body continuously spurted crimson flames, and there were constant fire shields to protect his body, but under Lin Qi's bombardment, these fire shields faintly collapsed.

Even if it is a blessed person, the fire shield that spontaneously protects him in Weihan's body cannot be endless. As long as the fire shield power is consumed by Lin Qi, Weihan will definitely lose, and the defeat will be horrible.

Husu's expression gradually became tense, she slowly stood up, quietly arranged her dress, and took out a scarlet snake-shaped sword from her sleeve. Husu chanted the mantra in a low voice, and slowly drilled out from under the pan-tilt cushion of her car, a few big scorpions that were densely covered with purple-yellow stripes like tiger stripes, looking very hideous and strange.

These scorpions are only the size of a thumb, but they crawl extremely fast, and they keep emitting fireworks from their mouths. They are obviously very poisonous insects.

"Lord Weihan... Did you run out of strength last night? I would have known that my maid would not be with you!" Husu sighed in a low voice, "You are one of the kings chosen by the temple. The king's candidate, why can't you even defeat such a humble sinner?"

The voice of Weihan’s roar increased even more. He tried his best and sweated and slashed Lin Qi, but Lin Qi moved freely in the silver storm like a ghost. No matter how Weihan attacked, he could not hurt him. Root hairs.

Just when the two were fighting hard, on a small dirt bag about thirty miles away from here, Yun Haitian was squinting and looking over here. He couldn't see anything, but he could feel what was happening here from the aura of grudge.

"This guy is really a troublesome bastard! Knowing that we are chasing him, he dares to make trouble at the Continental Bridge. Does he think he died fast enough? Huh, huh, a king of the Huangsha Khanate, although It's nothing, but if he offends such a snake with his current strength, he will be unable to move a single step."

With a heavy sigh, Yun Haitian said calmly: "Where are the two? Watch their whereabouts at any time. As long as Lin Qi leaves the border of the Western mainland for more than three thousand miles, and leaves the surveillance range of the Void Eye, we Immediately kill him!"

In the other two directions, which happened to be in a regular triangle with the place where Yun Haitian was located, the two brothers Yun Haifeng and Yun Haitao led people to look at the movement here, and they also issued indistinguishable orders to their subordinates. .

But what the three brothers did not expect is that dozens of miles behind Yun Haitian, a group of warriors with black soft metal armor and the eye of the void in front of their chests are like a cloud of warriors, cautiously. Sneaking here.

"What the **** does the Archbishop of Dragon want to do? Huh, indulge the heresy who attacked the Cardinal Law to leave, what does he want to do?"

"That young man must have great interests in him. Does he think that a hidden archbishop can swallow everything?"

"Keep a close eye and don't let them out of our sight. Once the people of the Dragon Archbishop act, after they decide the victory or defeat, we go to get the final spoils. By the order of the Great Temple, everyone must die."

More than five hundred Void Hunters were walking quietly on the grassland carrying the dark magic wolf. They left no footprints or traces in the places they walked, as if a group of ghosts swept across the grassland.

These Void God Hunting stealth methods were extremely powerful, but they could not detect it either. Right on their flanks, Yin Qingyue was quietly looking at this side with a group of followers. Yin Qingyue’s beautiful face was filled with indescribable deepness and a faint killing intent. After a long time, Yin Qingyue said gently: "I have received the divine decree, and powerful heretics have invaded the divine territory. ."

"Go and gather all the guards of the temple who are loyal to me. Since these pagans are here, then stay here as a sacrifice to the gods!"

Several warriors wearing black robes bowed and saluted Yin Qingyue, then quickly jumped on their horses and rode away in all directions. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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