Bright Era

Chapter 604: Sha Yin Ling Fox

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The Continental Bridge is a transportation hub connecting the east and west continents.

Although the commerce between the east and the west is now more realized by shipping, in the dark calendar or even more ancient times, when the technology for ocean navigation has not been developed, the continental bridge is the only channel for communication between the east and the west.

The land bridge, which is thousands of miles wide from north to south and tens of thousands of miles from east to west, has a complex terrain, mostly grasslands and Gobi, with few mountains and hills. In the middle of the Continental Bridge, there is the "Double God Mountain", the most majestic mountain of the Continental Bridge.

The so-called twin gods, as the name suggests, came from the two twin gods, the **** of desert and the **** of grassland. This mountain range starts from the Great North Sea Frontier of the Continental Bridge and ends on the South Seashore of the Continental Bridge. It stretches more than 4,000 miles from north to south and extends more than 500 miles from east to west. There are many monsters and all kinds of weird existences in the mountains. The dangerous and desperate situation.

According to legend, before the dark calendar, this place was once one of the main battlefields of all ethnic groups in Taigu. It is precisely because of this that some fierce things that make people confused are often jumped here, often causing great damage, which has led to very few nomadic tribes daring to approach here today.

Only in the eastern and western foothills of Shuangshen Mountain, the headquarters of the Desert Temple and the Grassland Temple are located here. The two temples face each other far away with the Shuangshen Mountain, only a few hundred miles apart. The relationship between the two temples used to be very harmonious. There were frequent messenger exchanges between the two temples, and there were also many witch sacrifices looking for relatives and friends. However, the relationship between the two temples has become extremely tense in recent years, and in the last six months, there have been faint signs of severing contact.

And the cause of all this is that Huyou and Husu, among the three saints of the Desert Temple, acted indiscriminately. They arbitrarily punished those tribes who dared to offend them on the Continental Bridge. In just a few years, they were wiped out or collectively demoted. There are already dozens of tribes slaves. The problem is that some of these tribes believe in the gods of the desert, and some tribes are devout followers of the gods of the steppe.

The unbridled arrogance of Hu Ying and Hu Su directly affected the relationship between the two temples, and the Desert Temple's attitude towards this matter was extremely tough. The Prairie Temple sent out reasonable messengers several times to be violently expelled. This is directly Leading to the opposition and even hostility of the two temples.

The desert temple on the west side of Shuangshen Mountain is made of yellow sandstone. The huge yellow buildings undulate along the mountain, and at least there are hundreds of halls from bottom to top, which is basically a medium-sized city.

All forces that believe in the gods of the desert will send some elite fighters to station in the desert temple to wait for dispatch, so hundreds of thousands of elite fighters are stationed in the desert temple all the year round. Moreover, because the desert temple does not produce production, a large amount of food, grass and livestock are needed here, and there is an endless stream of convoys transporting supplies to the desert temple every month, and there are millions of logistics personnel who only maintain the normal operation of the desert temple.

There is no doubt that this is a huge religious force, and even a huge armed group.

Just as Lin Qi and Weihan fought, on the top of a high tower made of sandstone hundreds of meters high at the core of the Desert Temple, a young woman in a red robe was quickly examining the heavy Official documents.

This is a beautiful woman who obviously has pure oriental descent. Her appearance is extremely beautiful, just like a green hills and beautiful waters that have never been visited by humans, and her body exudes a calming natural aura. Her every move is like a painting, like a dance, but more erratic and vague than a painting, more vague and mysterious than a dance, it is as elusive as a dream.

Even standing in front of her, it is difficult to grasp her charm, difficult to see her movements.

Her face is really there, so beautiful, so beautiful, but if you look at her more carefully, you will be surprised to find that you can't see exactly what her face is. What it looks like.

It is like a demon fox hidden in the vast yellow sand, leaving a winding trail at a glance, and then disappearing without a trace in the yellow sand.

The deputy master of the Desert Temple, Sha Xinyue, who actually mastered the actual power of the Desert Temple, is such a person who is unpredictable and elusive. When she was fourteen years old, she joined the Desert Temple, and was greatly appreciated by the Lord of the Temple and the chief witch priest of the Desert God and accepted her as a disciple. A few years later, she became the Deputy Temple Lord with super strength and means. , Became the second most important figure among the twelve most important great witch festivals of the God of Desert, and mastered most of the power of the Desert Temple in one fell swoop.

And more than a year ago, when the Lord of the Desert Temple and the chief great witch priest of the Desert God discussed with Sha Xinyue about his perception of the realm of divine art, he was influenced by Sha Xinyue's few words and closed his deadlock to strive to break through the holy realm. Before the retreat, the chief witch priest handed his scepter to Sha Xinyue, letting her take the power of the temple on her behalf. Since then, Sha Xinyue has become the first person in the desert temple in the actual sense.

In today's desert temple, only saint Yin Qingyue can barely fight against Sha Xinyue. But under the strong blow of Sha Xinyue, Yin Qingyue resisted very hard, very hard and painful. Especially with the inexplicable destruction of several powerful tribes that supported Yin Qingyue's status as a saint, Yin Qingyue's power in the temple plummeted, and she has completely fallen into the predicament of passive beating.

In addition, the two arrogant saints and Yin Qingyue cultivated by Sha Xinyue are making trouble, destroying the traditional old sign of the'temple saint' in all aspects. If it develops like this, Yin Qingyue is afraid that there will not be many good days. pass.

Holding an eagle brush quickly reviewing the official document, Sha Xinyue, with long black hair draped behind her head, suddenly showed a faint smile: "I just thought of going to the Huangsha Khanate to stabilize the situation? It's too late! Huangsha Khanate His profuse sweat is dying, and unless you have the power to resurrect him, you will not be able to save him at all. Once profusely sweating dies, the princes fight for power, and the Huangsha Khanate will be in chaos immediately!"

"I know you dare not let Weihan become the sweat of the Huangsha Khanate, so you can only support another prince to compete with him for power. Then you just lose! This civil turmoil is enough to delay you for half a year, Within half a year, my experience can be successfully completed!"

After easily reviewing the last official document, Sha Xinyue dropped the eagle brush in her hand and stretched lazily.

"Oh, unreasonable father, I was only fourteen years old, so I threw me out for experience, it's really inhuman! Look at the other families, which family’s children are as miserable as ours? I’m only fourteen. When I was 10 years old, I was thrown into the desert temple. I really lost all humanity at all!"

"It's just that the people here are really stupid, and it's not very hard to complete the experience!"

Sha Xinyue squinted her eyes and sniffed her nose gently.

"When I leave the desert temple, do you want to expose the identities of Hu Yun and Husu to Yin Qingyue? Wouldn't it be too cruel? But I can't blame me, this is a good thing her own tribe has done, I just hide it Huyou and Husu are the things of her sisters of the same race!"

"Huyu and Husu have become like this, and her elders have to bear all the responsibilities. Alas, I am kind enough to know that they are her sisters, and I deliberately named them the saints of the temple! The three saints of a family, this is Unprecedented glory, Yin Qingyue, your people must be grateful to me!"

With a heavy sigh, Sha Xinyue shook her head, curled her legs lightly, and snorted softly while shaking her feet.

"Forget it, when I leave, let me tell her the causes and consequences of this matter! Otherwise, no one knows what I did good things, and this is too wrong to me. Dad is right, I must do good things. Let people know, otherwise who knows I am a good person?"

While talking to himself, a soft knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Sha Xinyue flew obliquely into the temple like two long swords with willow leaves and raised her long eyebrows, and said faintly: "Come in!"

A girl in a red robe cautiously pushed aside the Shimen, and respectfully walked to the ground a few meters away in front of Sha Xinyue.

"Great Witch Festival, there is the latest situation coming from Saint Yin Qingyue!"

As soon as Sha Xinyue raised her hand, a secret letter from the girl's hand flew into her hand. Casually tore open the secret letter and took a look at the letter inside, Sha Xinyue suddenly smiled slyly. She smiled so brilliantly that her eyes were bent into crescent moons, and she looked so charming.

"The Eastern man who killed the thousands of sand thieves brought by Hu Yu would instinctively make a tiger's howl when fighting?"

"Chichi, his skin is rough, and ordinary weapons can't hurt his flesh?"

"Interesting, his grudge is white, and his fist is as sharp as a sword?"

Tilting his head and pondering for a while, Sha Xinyue slowly nodded and said, "It's the best. I have completed the last step of my experience. I just missed a life-long human shield! This little tiger is just going for me. Look for the trap! But, is there a donkey by his side?"

Sha Xinyue's face suddenly became extremely weird, her face was a little bit blue, and she stayed in a daze for a while, and stammered to herself: "It can't be the legendary donkey, right? I, Sha Xinyue, who is such a good person, wouldn’t have encountered such unlucky things, right? After Dun’erker was destroyed, the donkey should have been evacuated from the Western Continent with the group of tigers. It’s impossible for him to appear here. Yes."

Sha Xinyue patted her chest hard, and Sha Xinyue showed a bright smile: "I said my luck would not be so bad! Moreover, my luck would be very good! With this little tiger holding it in front, this is done. One step is even greater! It’s just that his power is a little too weak? Anyway, it’s the resources of the Desert Temple that let him enjoy it! Anyway, if you can’t take it away, it’s all ruined!"

Thinking of what she was proud of, Sha Xinyue's eyes revealed a faint light, just like a fox in the middle of a ghost.

"Then, Husu, Husu... She carries the magic beacon I made by myself, so it's the best!"

"Passing to open the secret room of the temple, I have important things to do about the future of the temple!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is My biggest motivation.)

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