Bright Era

Chapter 605: Sandstorm

The most sacred and most important place in the desert temple is the secret temple of the temple. The so-called secret hall is the place where the great witch festival communicates with the gods. In history, the desert temple once inflicted disaster on an arrogant and disrespectful khanate, turning the ten thousand li grasslands owned by that khanate into a Gobi desert, and letting the khanate collapse in just a few months.

Every time the secret hall is opened is an extremely sacred thing, and extremely complicated rituals must be performed.

But here in Sha Xinyue, all procedures are simplified. She just brought hundreds of witch sacrifices to pray to the gods, pushed open the door of the secret hall, and walked in alone.

The huge metal gate with a height of one hundred meters slowly closed behind her, wearing a gorgeous gown and wearing a high crown, Sha Xinyue casually tore off the crown representing the sacred identity of the great witch sacrifice, as if throwing garbage. Thrown on the ground.

"Such an ugly hat, the style has not changed at all for so many years, these old antiques of the temple, they should have died long ago!"

With a light snorted, Sha Xinyue flicked her sleeves grinningly, strode to the depths of the secret hall. In the secret hall there are perennial fire candles, and the bright red fire light illuminates the deep secret hall. The beautifully furnished secret hall seems to be twisted and tossed in the beating light, just like the stomach of a giant creature.

I walked for hundreds of meters in the secret hall, and in front was a huge hall with a length of 100 meters.

In the center of the square hall is a circular fire pool, with billowing flames rising from the fire pool, and a statue of a **** made of red spar suspended in the flames. The appearance of the temple is hideous and fierce, and a pair of shiny red eyes is staring at Sha Xinyue who walked into the temple.

The nonchalant Sha Xinyue smiled at the idol and waved to him enthusiastically.

"In fact, I like your gods who are almost completely dying out. I stay alive, but the chance of regaining my soul is extremely slim. I can only passively absorb the power of faith and accumulate power here! Alas, if I If you are a truly devout believer, then you may still have a chance, but unfortunately I am not!"

"So, you can be my giant magic wand with peace of mind! Use a sleeping **** as a magic wand, Sha Xinyue is indeed a genius among geniuses!"

After a few blatant laughs, Sha Xinyue raised her hands and recited the mysterious ancient spell in a deep voice. With the sound of Sha Xinyue's curse, a large flares of fire spewed out from the fire pool, and a huge map was quickly outlined in front of her. On this map, dozens of light spots were flashing rapidly, and a little red light appeared from the center of Sha Xinyue's eyebrows. One of the light spots located in the westernmost region expanded rapidly, and a moving picture appeared on the map.

In the center of the picture is Husu who is holding a snake-shaped long sword and is about to go off the court himself, while at the edge of the picture are more than 2,000 cavalry wearing sophisticated leather armor. In front of Husu, Lin Qizheng fist after fist attacking the panting Weihan.

The power of the fire shield sprayed out of Weihan's body became weaker and weaker, the light dimmed, and Lin Qi's fist became heavier. The white fist blasted on the fire shield, splashing large flares of fire continuously. Several fire shields didn't even have time to return to Weihan's body, but they were shattered by Lin Qi's heavy fist. Obviously, the divine power in Weihan's body was almost exhausted, and these divine powers were delivered to him by Husu with the blessing of divine power, not the power that Weihan owns.

With a ‘bang’, just as Husu was walking forward on the backs of those pulling carts, Lin Qi punched through a fire shield and finally hit Weihan’s body for the first time. This fist hit Weihan's left shoulder. With a loud bang, Weihan's shoulders and large ribs were shattered by Lin Qi's punch. Lin Qi's fist penetrated like a knife through tofu. Weihan's shoulders got out from behind him.

Sha Xinyue's eyes widened happily, and she laughed with joy: "It really is the offspring of those unreasonable barbarians! This white tiger is really domineering and barbaric, but this kid's cultivation base is too low. After a little bit, there is no way to exert the true power of the white tiger's grudge!"

The flamboyant Sha Xinyue clenched her fists and muttered in a low voice: "Kill that ugly fellow like a wild boar, hit him in the head!"

Amid Sha Xinyue’s cheering, Lin Qi backhanded Weihan’s hissing and howling wrist, twisted Weihan’s wrist with his fingers, and gently and skillfully snatched Weihan’s giant scimitar. Coming down, and then slashed Weihan's neck with a knife.

Sha Xinyue yelled with excitement, "Yes, hack this guy to death! Husu is really ignorant. Even if he is looking for a collaborator, he must look for someone who is handsome and seductive, so dark as coal. , Ugly as crude as a wild boar, doesn't it affect your appetite if you keep it around?"

While speaking, Sha Xinyue suddenly slapped her face heavily, and her face became extremely ugly.

"Sha Xinyue, you idiot, this kid killed Weihan, what about the plan of the Huangsha Khanate? How could it be so fast to train another puppet?"

The frustrated Sha Xinyue chanted the spell quickly, and her hands waved quickly in the air. With the sound of her spell, the idol suspended in the air ejected a dazzling fire, and the tumbling flames quickly filled the entire hall. An ancient and powerful will came to this small secret hall, but this ancient will seems to be a little delirious, muddy and turbid, just like the mentally retarded child who was slapped on the head by a brick when he was a child, there was no autonomy at all. .

Sha Xinyue's eyes burst out with dazzling fire, and she muttered in a low voice: "Take Husu as the coordinate, offset by 30 meters, sandstorm!"

In the shaking picture, Husu had already rushed to Lin Qi. The snake-shaped long sword in her hand turned into a flame and rose into the air, turning into a real big snake wrapped in flames and strangling against Lin Qi. The machete that Lin Qi swung was less than three inches from Weihan's neck, but the big snake gave Lin Qi a strong sense of threat. He instinctively waved the machete and slashed at the big snake.

Husu grabbed the seriously injured Weihan in the loud noise of ‘Dang Cang’, and dragged him away embarrassingly. Lin Qi also stumbled for a while when the big snake charged a blow. This big snake seemed inconspicuous, but the power it contained was extremely strong. With Lin Qi's brute force, it took several steps to retreat forcibly before he could barely stand firm.

Judging from the breath of this big snake, this is at best a low-level holy artifact. But it can have such a powerful power. It is estimated that the powerful people in the desert temple have used some secret techniques on it, and it is even possible that a part of the power of the power has been poured into the main body of the snake.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, stepping forward to chase Weihan and Husu.

He was full of disgust with these two people, and he would not tolerate them living in the world.

Not only because of Lin Qi's disgust towards them, but also because Lin Qi wanted to use the power of the Huangsha Khanate to deal with the chasing soldiers of the Yun family. Since Weihan had feuded with him, he must kill others to get enough help in the Yellow Sand Khanate. Otherwise, it would be a good thing that the Huangsha Khanate can't afford to hunt him down. Where can he actually send troops to help him?

But Lin Qi had just taken a step forward, and a whirlwind whizzed up in the flat ground. I don't know where tens of millions of tons of yellow sand rushed to engulf a radius of hundreds of meters. The terrible whirlwind was filled with a majestic, ancient, and indisputable tyrannical will. As soon as Lin Qi's mental power was released, he was forced back into the body by this terrifying will.

Countless yellow sands densely wrapped Lin Qi's body, and the whirlwind made a sharp cracking sound, dragging Lin Qi to high altitude. Lin Qi was shocked. He hissed and roared: "Xiong Wanjin, how many magical **** you still have, smash them all out!"

From this inexplicable whirlwind and the terrifying will hidden in the sand, Lin Qi knew that a high-level desert temple had taken action. It must be the great figure in the desert temple that made this blow with the help of the **** of the desert. Although he didn't know what they wanted to do, Lin Qi absolutely couldn't let them succeed.

This is the sandstorm that suddenly broke out when Lin Qi wanted to chase Husu and Weihan. It is conceivable that the people who shot should be the backers of Husu and Weihan, and they shot to rescue them. Lin Qi was not sure what this man wanted to do, but he had to destroy this terrible sandstorm.

Xiong Wanjin hissed: "Xiongtai, my eldest sister secretly gave me one hundred and eight magic balls, and now there are one hundred and five! But I can't take them out, I can't move... , Don't feed sand into my mouth!"

Following Xiong Wanjin's miserable howling, Xiong Wanjin, Arda, and Bilibili were all swept up by the sandstorm and flew high into the sky with Lin Qi. Only the donkey was calm and the waves were calm, not even a single piece of sand. The donkey looked at the dust storm raging around in surprise, and said to himself, "Why is there no one to deal with me? I am such a harmless donkey!"

In the secret hall of the Desert Temple, Sha Xinyue was also looking up and down the donkey through the map formed by divine power.

"It seems to be the legendary donkey, but it seems that the skin color is a bit wrong. The skin of this donkey seems to have just grown?"

"It's just that, no matter what, the donkey can't let him get close. This donkey is simply a scum scum. I would rather deal with the devil than have anything to do with him! This **** bastard, back then He spied on the women of the barbarians in the bath, and actually dared to plant my father, so that my father was broken ten ribs by those **** barbarians!"

"Whether it is the donkey or not, in short, the donkey does not have a good thing, and he must not be allowed to come here!"

"Fend for yourself on the grassland, poor..."

Before Sha Xinyue finished her words, her eyes widened in horror.

In the scene of supernatural power, the donkey suddenly disappeared out of thin air. In the next moment, on Lin Qi's shoulders rolled up by the yellow sand, he rode upright on a donkey about the size of a dog. The donkey showed evil light, grinning gloomily towards the sky, and just glanced across the divinely condensed picture and Sha Xinyue.

Sha Xinyue was so frightened that she screamed, "Oh my god, it's really that **** donkey, no, stop it!"

But before Sha Xinyue chanted the spell, a flame burst out in the flat ground, and Lin Qi and others had already appeared in the secret hall with their bodies covered in sand.

Sha Xinyue immediately stiffened in place, like a stone carving beauty. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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