Bright Era

Chapter 606: Sha Xinyue's conditions

The walls of the secret hall are painted with red and green paints with countless murals. The gods of the desert and the grassland are fighting against other gods. The two gods show their power and beat the other gods to flee in embarrassment. These eulogizing strokes are extremely old, and after years of burning flames, the color has become extremely strange.

Under the light of the twisting fire, the hideous gods on these murals are like living creatures about to pounce off the walls, giving people an extremely hideous and ferocious feeling. Coupled with the crimson idol suspended in the flames, this secret hall is more like a magic cave than a temple.

Sha Xinyue stood there blankly, looking at Lin Qi and his group with an awe-inspiring sacred majesty. Her expression is the kind of expression that a qualified priest should have, looking high above all beings. It seems cold, but with a little kindness, it seems to be close, but it seems to be separated by a distance of tens of thousands of miles.

Lin Qi heavily spit out the sand in his mouth, and was suddenly swept into this weird secret hall by the dust storm. He immediately felt the tarsus maggots in his body suddenly quieted down, no longer the same as the previous few days. The bounce is active. Obviously, this sandstorm moved him out of an extremely long distance, so that the chasing soldiers behind him could no longer sense the existence of the Tarsus Maggot with magic props.

Looking at Sha Xinyue coldly, Lin Qi murmured, "Is it your ghost?"

Sha Xinyue coughed softly: "I am the Great Witch Sacrifice to Sha Xinyue on behalf of the Lord of the Desert Temple. You are here because of the will of the gods."

The donkey slowly flicked its tail and stood up. His two front hooves touched lightly, making a crisp sound. He slowly walked towards Sha Xinyue with an evil smile. Sha Xinyue, who had been calm and composed, immediately became haggard. She took a few steps backwards in a very embarrassing manner, and even shouted like a ghost: "Damn donkey, don't come near me!"

Lin Qi rolled his eyes. Could it be that the name of the donkey is so big that the Great Witch Festival of the Desert Temple knows his name?

The donkey smiled weirdly. He straightened up his shrunken chest and triumphantly showed two rows of white teeth towards Sha Xinyue: "Sha Xinyue, the girl of the Sha family? Hey, the fox on your Sha family. The smell, I can smell it clearly three hundred miles away."

Shaking his head vigorously, the donkey spat heavily on the ground: "What sin has been made in the desert temple, and what virtue is lacking, so that the old foxes of the Sha family can send you this little fox to harm them? Lord, I Hearing that saint Yin Qingyue said that the deputy head of the desert temple was called Sha Xinyue, I felt that something was wrong. Being able to control the power of the desert temple in just seven years, this kind of thing against the sky, only the descendants of those old foxes can Do it!"

Sha Xinyue looked at the donkey with a twisted face and said nothing, but the donkey raised his tail triumphantly, and a pair of big, thief eyes kept sweeping around Sha Xinyue's body.

Lin Qi's face turned black for a while. As one of the two spiritual leaders of the Continental Bridge, the Desert Temple, as a religious power handed down from the ancient times, there are countless wise men and elders in the temple. Sha Xinyue can become the deputy head of the temple in just seven years, and is in charge of the power of the temple, is this more than against the sky?

Anyway, Lin Qi thought for a while, he didn't have the ability to do this kind of thing.

Either the veterans of the Desert Temple were stupid and stupid, or the woman Sha Xinyue and the people behind her calculated too hard, otherwise how could such a thing happen?

Shaking his head gently, Lin Qi took two steps forward. First, he stared at Sha Xinyue's chest fiercely, and then pushed him behind him by the ear of the donkey: "Don't look, this girl His **** are not big enough and definitely not in line with your aesthetics."

Sha Xinyue's face suddenly turned into iron cyan, she stared at Lin Qi firmly and shouted: "What are you talking about? What are you saying mine is not big enough?"

The donkey's ears turned up happily, and he ran out from behind Lin Qi happily, looking at Sha Xinyue with two rows of big white teeth: "In other words, you have a pair of big breasts? Oh, dear Little girl, don’t you think I am a cute donkey? You see, with the wisdom of your Sha family, you should be able to see that I am the best choice for a big breasted girl, right?"

The donkey flexed its two front legs triumphantly, barely bulging two peanut-sized muscle bumps: "Look, how cute I am, how strong I am, how pure I am, how pure I am Kindness, I am simply a perfect existence that has gathered all the virtues of all life forms in one body! Don't you agree with me?"

Sha Xinyue's face drooped, she sighed feebly, and muttered dejectedly: "Then, I admit, a certain part of me is really not very big! Let this donkey stay away from me, otherwise I will not hesitate To detonate the idol of the **** of desert, the donkey must be broken into pieces!"

The donkey's ears and tail drooped down at the same time, he sighed heavily, shook his head and turned away. When Sha Xinyue took the initiative to admit to a certain physical defect of her own, Donkey didn't show any interest in her anymore.

Lin Qi and Sha Xinyue exhaled at the same time, they looked at each other, and smiled bitterly at the same time.

Then Sha Xinyue restored the inviolable sacred and majesty. She seemed to be a top actor, able to change her temperament and manner at any time. She looked at Lin Qi gently, and stretched out her right hand to make a very strange seal: "Sha Xinyue, the prostitute of the Shahu clan, was ordered by her ancestors to experience the desert temple. May I ask the respected Elder Bear, Tiger and Leopard, your real name? Yes?"

A strange light flashed in Lin Qi's eyes. He was very familiar with this seal formula. Since childhood, Blackbeard forced Lin Qi to recite some strange things. This handprint was in Lin Qi's memory. Blackbeard once told him-as long as someone By showing this handprint, Lin Qi can trust him unconditionally, but he has to doubt every word of him!

Unconditional trust is because this person will not do things that will harm Lin Qi. This person will be Lin Qi’s hard-core ally; but every word of him must be doubted because every word of this person may be a Pit, every pit may make Lin Qi feel ashamed and suffer.

Weirdly staring at Sha Xinyue's handprints for a long time, Lin Qi slowly stretched out his right hand. The right paw in the shape of a tiger claw ejected five dense white lights, and the roar of a tiger roared with Lin Qi's right paw, making everyone present dizzy.

Sha Xinyue smiled, and she sighed heavily. The sacred, majestic and inaccessible temple master disappeared, and her expression, behavior, and words became what a young woman should look like. She squeezed her eyes, stuck out her tongue, and smiled triumphantly: "Sure enough, it is a member of the Lin Hu clan, and also a clan family member, can't be called... Lin Qi?"

Sha Xinyue stared at Lin Qi fiercely, while Lin Qi looked at Sha Xinyue in confusion: "I am Lin Qi, how do you know my name?"

Rolling her eyes and shrugging her shoulders, Sha Xinyue sighed: "Sure enough, you are the hapless one? You are the only one of our clansmen who have been imprisoned in the Dark Abyss God Prison for so many years. It spread to all races, and your father's glorious deeds have been used as a negative teaching material to teach the children of all races!"

With a weird smile, Sha Xinyue said with an irritating voice: "More than six years ago, the mixed descendants and adopted sons of various families were cleansed from top to bottom. Anyone who dared to stay outside The mixed-race descendants or the clansmen who adopted the righteous sons have been severely taught by the old undead from each family. You are very famous now, do you know?"

Lin Qi was silent, and he really had nothing to say about the information revealed in Sha Xinyue's words.

With a dry cough, Lin Qi said angrily: "So, I don't know Miss Sha..."

Sha Xinyue's eyes widened, and she looked at Lin Qi in a fuss and yelled: "Why do you see outsiders like this? With the friendship of our races, and the relationship between my father and your father for so many years, you call me a big sister. That's right!"

The donkey on the side looked at Sha Xinyue with an extremely insidious expression, deliberately muttering in a low voice that everyone could hear: "Sister? Where are you older?"

Sha Xinyue's face turned sullen again, she glared at the donkey, and then she suddenly remembered many terrible rumors about the donkey. Forcibly holding back the anger in her heart, Sha Xinyue said with a gloomy face and an urn: "Then, stop talking, let's talk serious! Do me a favor and I will give you enough benefits!"

Lin Qi remembered the idea that Blackbeard had instilled in him since he was a child-he could unconditionally trust the person who showed the mudra, but he had to doubt every word of him, because every word of him might be depressing. Endless big pit!

Lin Qi remembered the tangled expression on Blackbeard's face when he said these words. It was a tangled expression that he had suffered a lot and after countless lessons! Lin Qi squinted and carefully analyzed every word of Sha Xinyue before carefully asking, "What can I do for you? What benefits can I get?"

Sha Xinyue stared at Lin Qi fiercely. Her weird gaze made Lin Qi's heart grow cold, and she subconsciously stepped back, holding the donkey's ears and blocking the donkey against her chest. The donkey hugged her chest and whistled against Sha Xinyue provocatively, and then Sha Xinyue's eyes suddenly became extremely gentle, just as gentle and friendly as a friendly sister saw her brother.

"Come with me to a place and complete the last step of my experience!"

"As for your benefits, have you heard of the source pool of the desert temple? I can let you in and try your best to absorb the power of the source!"

Lin Qi hadn't spoken yet, the donkey had already opened his mouth wide, and his saliva fell from the corners of his mouth "cracking".

"Boy, promise this little fox's condition! The Pool of God's Origin... This time we are developed!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. , Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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