Bright Era

Chapter 627: Custody issues

In the huge metal hall, donkeys, Cologne XVIII and others were immersed in the mother-fetal liquid. The skin and black hair on the donkey are growing rapidly, he swims in the viscous mother-fetal liquid very comfortably, groaning incomparably lewd.

Arda and Bilibili squatted aside holding their swollen arms and hummed. The two demons saw the donkey swimming in the mother-fetal liquid so happily, they curiously stretched their arms into the mother-fetal liquid to try the magic of this thing. The result surprised everyone. The arms of the two of them were as if they had been splashed with hot molten iron. An inexplicable energy invaded their bodies, causing their arms to swell and hurt.

The donkey expressed unprincipled ridicule and contempt for this-the mother-fetal liquid is indeed a good thing, but this is a thing left over from the immemorial era that contains a lot of life essence and energy. Except for donkeys and ancient evils such as Cologne 18 and Columba, ordinary life forms cannot withstand the energy perfusion of the mother-fetal liquid.

In other words, Alda and Bilibili are too weak and they are not qualified to enjoy such a high-end baby!

The two demons grumbled and hummed aside, while Lin Qi was holding his arms tightly by the two ignorant and pure gods, crying and looking at Sha Xinyue who was constantly spraying saliva before him.

"We are human, we must speak our conscience!" Sha Xinyue's beautiful big eyes were wide and round, and a layer of water mist rolled in her eye sockets, and her tears were about to drip down as soon as she said: "I worked hard in October. After giving birth to you, how can you deny me as a mother? You only remember this **** stinky man. Did you forget that I gave birth to you so hard?"

Lin Qi's blood was held in her throat, and Sha Xinyue's behavior was shameless.

Not only Lin Qi couldn't stand Sha Xinyue's behavior, even her followers blushed and flashed far away, looking curiously at the strange things that were piled up with broken metal and crystals. Especially the Elf sisters and the pair of life mages, they secretly looked at Sha Xinyue with strange eyes.

A young girl who hasn't got married yet ‘sexy’ to two tall and magnificent young men and said that she is their mother, this kind of thing is not easy for everyone to accept. This is too evil, too weird, and too unacceptable.

The body was created based on certain body structures of the gods of the desert and the gods of the steppe, and the souls contained in the nirvana spar of elegance and spirit were injected into the gods, and finally formed this pair of newly released gods, their souls were blank. Like paper. Lin Qi used the secret method taught by Longcheng to merge his own distraction with their souls, and used his own efforts as a primer to merge their souls with their bodies.

Therefore, in the hearts of this pair of gods, Lin Qi is their father. They are connected with each other and their souls.

But Sha Xinyue claimed to be their mother, which shocked, panicked, and horrified the pair of newly born gods who were ignorant of world affairs. They shrank behind Lin Qi shivering. They were a half taller than Lin Qi, but at this moment, they were like frightened little chicks, hiding their heads behind Lin Qi's head, carefully exploring. With half of her face out, she secretly looked at Sha Xinyue.

The two of them hugged Lin Qi's arm tightly, but they shrank behind Lin Qi again, seeing Lin Qi's arm tied behind his back, it was as if they were violently arresting Lin Qi.

The tears in Sha Xinyue's eye sockets finally rolled down, slowly sliding down her white and tender cheeks like a shelled egg. Her eye circles suddenly reddened, and then she covered her face with her hands and screamed with her feet on the ground: "Woo, my child, I don't recognize me as a mother! I am your mother, you should listen I am right!"

Lin Qi coughed a few times, and he glanced at some of Sha Xinyue's followers.

Everyone quickly lowered their heads, then turned around and disappeared behind a large pile of ancient relics.

Lin Qi glanced at Xiong Wanjin and others again. Xiong Wanjin smiled charmingly at Lin Qi, then grabbed the iron ingot that Lin Qi had hit him just now, gave himself a forehead neatly, and rolled his eyes quickly to the ground. The wine barrel snorted, he lifted a big wine barrel to his forehead, and learned Xiong Wanjin fell to the ground.

As for Arda and Bilibili, they raised their red and swollen arms, grinned and called out several times, and quickly rolled their eyes and twitched and fell to Xiong Wanjin's side. After the "coma" fell, Arda seemed to feel that the floor under his head was too hard, and he moved his body quickly again, resting his head on Xiong Wanjin's fleshy arms, and then he really couldn't move.

Lin Qi sighed, Sha Xinyue was already crying with tears and threw herself on Lin Qi's body, scratching Lin Qi's face with a paw. When Lin Qi's expression changed, he opened his big mouth and bit towards Sha Xinyue's paw. Sha Xinyue hurriedly changed her skills, rubbing Lin Qi's teeth with her delicate fingers, Lin Qi's two rows of white teeth slammed together, and a large number of sparks were actually splashed.

Sha Xinyue was shocked. It was the first time she saw someone with such strong teeth and such strong masseter muscles! Lin Qi is still a person here, is he clearly a humanoid monster? Only those monsters can do such amazing things!

The paw quickly grabbed Lin Qi’s chest, and Sha Xinyue cried out, “Dear children, you must believe what your mother said. Lin Qi, the unconscionable man, was on the night when I had you with him. I left a mark on his chest, and he can't afford it!"

The five fingers of Sha Xinyue's right hand were entangled by a faint yellow sand, a faint cry of a fox came from her fingertips, and her nails suddenly popped out to be half an inch long, like a five-handed sharp knife. I grabbed my chest. What made the scalp numb was that Sha Xinyue's nails were beating very delicately, cutting out a phantom rose in the air.

Obviously, if this paw caught Lin Qi's chest, Sha Xinyue could smoothly leave a rose-shaped wound on Lin Qi's chest! This black pot was firmly buckled on Lin Qi's head, and she had even more excuses for being unrelated to the two newborn gods.

Lin Qi's face suddenly chilled. His character was completely formed in Heiyuan Divine Prison, and Heiyuan Divine Prison has his unique rules-the contract that everyone has agreed to is not to be violated; it violates the contract and oath. People, the only end is the ashes to extinguish the bones.

Sha Xinyue had promised after entering the ruins that she would not take any money except for the poison crystal of Purple Widow. But now she has peeped at the two new-born gods again. In the Black Abyss God Prison, this is enough to make all the forces gather and attack!

Looking at the paws that Sha Xinyue quickly grabbed to her chest, Lin Qi kicked out with the right leg like a ghost.

One kick hit Sha Xinyue's chest, and when Sha Xinyue's claws were about a foot away from Lin Qi's chest, Lin Qi kicked him out. Although Sha Xinyue has many tricks and unpredictable methods, her personal strength is more focused on the mage class. She and Lin Qi play close combat, just like a beautiful peacock and a wild boar. .

With a muffled sound of ‘bang’, Sha Xinyue drew a beautiful arc and fell 30 meters away.

The donkey, who was immersed in the mother-fetal liquid, opened his eyes wide in surprise: "Wow, **** him.... As expected of the descendants of those savage bastards, they beat women so cleanly... But I have to say it again. , That nest of foxes owes a beating! A nest of grandchildren!"

Lin Qi didn't use much effort with this kick. After Sha Xinyue was kicked, she quickly got up from the ground.

She stared at Lin Qi with her beautiful big eyes, and snarled: "Lin Qi, there is no way to get through this day! You even my grandmother, my beautiful, kind, virtuous, and housekeeping wife Killer, there is no way to get through this day!"

Stomping her feet hard, a treacherous light flashed in Sha Xinyue's eyes: "Well, starting from today, I and you will be cut off! Two little dears, you will live with your mother obediently! I will feel sorry for you. I will spoil you!"

She shook her body and tore through the void and teleported to Lin Qi's side. Sha Xinyue stared at the two newborn gods eagerly and softly persuaded him: "Hey...Look, Lin Qi and the guy treat your own lives. Mothers are so cruel, will you have a good life with him? He will find you a lot of stepmothers, hey, there are no children with their own mothers, and that life is called a bitter!"

Lin Qi's face twitched uncontrollably, and he grinned and roared: "Enough? Sister Sha, don't make too much noise! ​​Pay attention, I'm not married yet, and you are not married. What you said today Go out, you don’t want to be a human being, I have to be shameless!"

Sha Xinyue glanced at Lin Qi secretly: "It doesn't matter, for two real gods, with real gods and spirits, and gods with the same attributes, my elders will support me in marrying you! Anyway, I want to marry you sooner or later. Marry, I don’t care who you marry!"

Sha Xinyue got close to Lin Qi's ears, and passed a ray of voice into Lin Qi's ears: "These two silly boys, just be a betrothal gift, my old **** will be very happy!"

Lin Qi took another breath of blood in his throat, and he finally understood what Blackbeard said to him back then.

With a heavy sigh, Sha Xinyue suddenly grabbed the hands of the two newborn gods.

"Poor little, poor little, just born, no mother...fucked by my father, beaten by stepmother, beaten half to death, thrown to feed the dog!"

Sha Xinyue sang this unfamiliar ballad with weird lyrics in a voice like a female ghost groaning in the middle of the night. Lin Qi Ji Lingling shivered, and the two new-born gods trembled with fear and backed away embarrassedly. A few steps.

"Follow me, only I will hurt you!"

Sha Xinyue looked at the two newborn gods with a soft smile and tears on her face.

"Your custody right is mine, and no one can take it away!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is me. The greatest motivation.)

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