Bright Era

Chapter 628: Temple Army

Lin Qi and others stayed in this ruin for a whole month.

It took a month for the donkey and others to absorb a single drop of the mother-fetal liquid from a pond. Including Columba, who was overly depleted, the donkey and others became full of energy, although their bodies still had a large size. Small problems, but the powerful life essence and energy of the mother-fetal liquid gave them great benefits.

The mother-fetal liquid does not allow the donkey and others to rise to any level instantly, but the mother-fetal liquid is stored in their bodies and can gradually nourish their bodies and gradually heal their injuries. This is an all-round healing method without any sequelae.

Take the injury of Cologne 18, for example, when he was pierced with a spear by the **** of lava, the mother-fetal liquid could not restore the heart of Cologne 18 in a short time. But the mother-fetal liquid can nourish his heart, gradually heal the heart, and at the same time heals the divine power of the **** of lava that is entangled in the body of Cologne XVIII, as well as all external forces absorb the smile, and become the power of Cologne XVIII.

This is the most powerful effect of mother-fetal liquid, and it is also the most ideal healing method for Taikoo existences like donkeys.

Le Zizi's donkey jumped out of the huge pond with its tail and ears up. As for Lin Qi and Sha Xinyue, they had already had the thousandth quarrel this month. Sha Xinyue babbled endlessly about how miserable it would be for two new-born gods to follow Lin Qi, constantly muttering that two gods can only get happiness by following themselves.

Lin Qi brutally and directly used violence to threaten Sha Xinyue.

Under Lin Qi’s orders, thugs such as Arda, Bilibili, and Wine Barrel completely suppressed Sha Xinyue’s followers. Although those followers were all the cultivation bases of the Holy Realm, they failed to learn from the source of God. Chi gets too much benefit, they are basically in the realm of saints.

Under the suppression of Arda, the soul mage great demon at the pinnacle of the saint, Sha Xinyue's followers could not help her with a finger. But despite Sha Xinyue's changes, facing Lin Qi, who was hard-hearted and black-faced, her verbal attacks were like countless snow flakes falling on the mountain, and there was no way Lin Qi could do anything.

Columba and others happily got into their own sarcophagus, and the donkey opened its mouth and swallowed three sarcophagi. While absorbing the mother-fetal liquid, Columba also attacked the energy core of this relic. The huge power contained in the entire energy core was swallowed by him. Now Columba is eager to consume this huge harvest.

Then the jumpy donkey came to Sha Xinyue and Lin Qi with winking eyebrows. He grinned at the tear-stained Sha Xinyue with a big grin, and then asked slowly: "These two big guys are you. Child?"

Sha Xinyue squinted at the donkey, and said softly: "If you don't want to be remembered by the old foxes in my house, just shut your mouth!"

The donkey burst into laughter suddenly, his whole hair stiffened: "What are you kidding? Uncle, I will be afraid of those grandchildren?"

Provocatively throwing a wink at Sha Xinyue, the donkey stood up, bouncing with his two front legs and yelled to Sha Xinyue: "There is a kind of let your grandsons come and beat me? There is a kind of you asking those grandchildren to pick me up? Hey, grandson, all grandchildren!"

The little tail shook his head triumphantly, and the donkey rolled his eyes at everyone around him except Lin Qi: "Grandsons are there every year, this year is so much! You are all grandsons, these two fools are the uncle and me. The gray grandson!"

Lin Qi pressed the donkey's head and slammed his head against the floor. In the loud noise of'Bang Dang', Lin Qi spread his hands to Sha Xinyue: "Nothing to talk about, their ownership belongs to me, you don't want to take advantage of me. Don't say you marry me, don't Said you gave me all your sisters, you gave your grandma..."

Sha Xinyue looked at Lin Qi with a beaming eyebrow: "You mean my grandma's generation? Speaking of how many grandma's elders are not married, are you really interested? It's easy to say, give the custody of my child I, this matter is not impossible to discuss! I said, as long as my aunts marry you, your seniority can be older, you can be higher than your father's seniority!"

Lin Qi patted his forehead vigorously. He beckoned to the two new-born gods who were squatting beside him in a daze, and said calmly: "Too much time is wasted here, I want to continue on my way! Dongfang, hey, donkey, You said it was my adult experience, what do you mean?"

Hearing Lin Qi's question, the donkey who had just raised his head sneaking around and glanced around immediately rolled his eyes, and he fell to the ground limply with a horrible cry. Then there was the sound of dense bone fragmentation inside the donkey, and his limbs and spine were turned over at an extremely strange angle.

This trick again! Lin Qi shook his head. He grabbed the donkey and threw it to Xiong Wanjin, causing him to collapse on Xiong Wanjin’s shoulders like mud. Then Lin Qi greeted several people around him and looked around carefully, losing energy. The archaic relics whose origins are gradually dimming, strode towards the corridor where they came.

Sha Xinyue didn't expect Lin Qi to leave so simply as she said to leave. She yelled a few hurriedly, greeted Tucker and the others, and then followed Lin Qi reluctantly, dragging Lin Qi's sleeve with one hand. : "Hey, let's discuss it again! There is no business in this world that cannot be traded. Let's discuss it again! How about you make a price?"

Lin Qi pursed his lips and smiled. If it was something else, for example, Sha Xinyue wanted to spend a lot of money to buy Alda, Lin Qi would sell the troublesome scourge of Alda to Sha Xinyue very quickly. But how could two newly born gods, such a valuable thing-and a person of great commemorative significance to Lin Qi, be sold to Sha Xinyue?

During the month when the donkey and the others absorbed the mother-fetal liquid, apart from entanglement and quarreling with Sha Xinyue, Lin Qi also did a lot of tests on these two gods. First of all, their bodies are very powerful. Their bodies are empty without any fighting spirit, mana, or other special energy, but they can tie themselves with a sacred warrior like Tucker with amazing defensive power by relying solely on their bodies.

This is still the strength of the two fighting alone. If the two brothers join forces, their combat effectiveness immediately soars by more than ten times. All of Sha Xinyue's followers joined forces, and they were beaten with pure physical strength to bruise their noses and faces!

Just like the elven sisters, after being beaten into pigs for the first time, they resolutely refused to fight these two perverts.

Their physical defenses are also surprisingly high, and even Lin Qi's white tiger fighting spirit with magic weapons can't tear their skins open. The keg and others also tried it with the greatest strength, and the final result was that everyone found that the attack power of the saint was completely tickle to the brothers, and they were immune to all physics and magic below the peak of the saint. Attack, even Arda's soul attack had no effect on them.

After Lin Qi taught the Three Seas and Seven Chakras to the brothers, these two perverted guys opened up Sanhai in just one day. After condensing the seven chakras, the vindictive cultivation base soared to the peak of their status. Then the next day they Their fighting qi reached the lower level of the heavenly position, and on the third day their fighting qi soared to the peak of the heavenly position, until they wanted to break through the holy realm, Lin Qi let them stop.

After that, Arda secretly taught them the soul secrets of the Soul God Cult, and it took only three days for the two of them to raise their soul mana to the peak of heaven.

In order to close the relationship with them, Sha Xinyue taught them the magic arts of the desert temple and grassland temple.

But the brothers had instinctive jealousy and fear of Sha Xinyue. They completely ignored Sha Xinyue's goodwill, but went straight to practice the secret magic of the Church of Flame Temple! In the same way, in just a few days, they possessed the flame divine power equivalent to the peak of heaven!

Wrong, Lin Qi was afraid that the arrival of the Thunder Heavenly Tribulation would bring damage to the ruins, and the brothers could not restrain the impulse to break into the Holy Realm!

Two brothers with such abnormal aptitude, their bodies are perfect, their souls are perfect, and their strengths are perfect! And the speed of their cultivation is so fast. In the future, they are bound to become a powerful support for Lin Qi. How can Lin Qi give them to Sha Xinyue?

No matter the price, Lin Qi would not sell them to Sha Xinyue.

The group of people hurriedly walked outwards along the corridor, Sha Xinyue pulled Lin Qi's sleeves facelessly, and yelled: "Don't be so unfeeling... One day, husband and wife are good for one hundred days... We can. Try to be a husband and wife! As long as they call me mother obediently, I can let you do whatever you want?"

Lin Qi was indifferent to Sha Xinyue's ambiguous words, he just steadfastly dragged Sha Xinyue out like a brown candy step by step.

Sha Xinyue's face was crying and tears fell. With Sha Xinyue’s appearance, perhaps her beauty can be conquered by all the gods, but her pitifulness cannot conquer Lin Qi—because Lin Qi came from the Heiyuan Divine Prison. In that **** place, her appearance and body Kind is the most useless thing, violence and power, powerful power can determine the fate of everyone.

The sky gradually revealed the light ahead, and Lin Qi and his party finally left the ancient ruins after wasting more than a month.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of the tunnel, the powerful killing intent against his face made everyone pull out their weapons at the same time and made a defensive posture. Sha Xinyue threw away Lin Qi's sleeves, and her pretty little face that looked like a pear blossom with rain became extremely indifferent, and she became the majestic and inviolable temple great witch festival.

"Wait, do you want to start a war between the two temples?"

In front of Lin Qi and the others, in the small desert with a radius of more than a dozen miles, three thousand people stood neatly.

All dark green robes and dark green leather armor, they are the army of Saint Guards from the Prairie Temple! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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