Bright Era

Chapter 663: Monarch

When Nuanyu Pavilion was in a mess, the imperial city of Shuangyang Chilong City was still so majestic and solemn.

The Blood Qin Empire regards blood as its precious color, and respects black as its honor. Therefore, the imperial city walls of Shuangyang Chilong City are pitch black, as deep as night, and as rigid as tungsten iron. And the buildings in the imperial city were full of blood at first glance, revealing a breath of suffocation and anxiety.

In the middle of the imperial city, a blood-colored stone platform with a height of one thousand meters stands majesticly. The base of the stone platform has a length of li, and the top is only fifty meters long and wide. Such a huge stone platform goes straight up and down, without steps around it. It is even more polished to be as smooth as a mirror. If there is no absolute strength, ordinary people don't even want to climb up.

Under the starlight, the surface of the stone platform was faintly flashed with blood and black runes, and a suffocating mana wave loomed over the entire imperial city. This stone platform, which is as red as blood, is the core of the entire imperial city's defense formation. It is a giant ancient magic weapon that stood here when the Blood Qin Empire was founded.

The naked eye can see a little bit of starlight falling from the sky, and is gradually absorbed by this giant stone platform. Every moment, this stone platform is absorbing the natural elemental energy around it. For countless years, this stone platform has stored a huge power that ordinary people can't imagine. Only the mana fluctuations it emits can exert tremendous strength suppression on all the powers entering the imperial city.

For example, once the power of Saint Master Pinnacle enters the Blood Qin Emperor City, his strength will be forcibly suppressed to the realm of Saints.

Except for the Emperor Xueqin who controls the core of this stone platform, no one is immune to this terrible suppression, so in the city of Emperor Xueqin, Emperor Xueqin is almost invincible.

Now, on this stone platform, a giant dragon-wrapped emperor's house is steadily stopped in the middle of the stone platform, a long hair is flying, and a blood line is looming in the center of each hair, and the whole body is covered by a layer of faint blood. The old man in black robes was sitting on the emperor's robe, looking at the brightly lit Shuangyang Chilong City outside the imperial city.

The stone platform is extremely high, and the old man's cultivation is extremely strong, so he can see far away, including the Nuanyu Pavilion, which is extremely lively tonight.

A handsome young man wearing a blood-colored robe, a blood-colored veil and a high crown, and holding a **** jade fluorene stood respectfully ten feet away in front of the emperor, drooping his eyelids respectfully without making a sound.

The high-altitude wind blows, and the old man’s hair is flying with the wind, and from time to time he makes a crisp sound of breaking into the air. Each of his hair is like a strong and powerful spirit snake, and the force it brings when passing through the air even penetrates the air. There were circles of small white air waves.

After a long time, the old man coughed slightly and said faintly: "Xin Zhu, it is said that your sister who traveled from home seven years ago came back?"

The blood-robed youth bowed respectfully to the old man and bowed: "Your Majesty Shengming, the young minister Xinyue has indeed just returned home. In the past seven years, she has traveled around the world, and even went to the Western Continent and the Black Spirit Continent. It has increased a lot of knowledge and brought back a group of not weak followers."

The old man in the black robe is exactly the emperor of the Xueqin Empire. He is also the emperor who is most keen to expand abroad in the history of the Xueqin Empire. He reigned for 170 years and destroyed the country for 72 years. The small country heard the name "Bloody Emperor Qin wins Yang", and it definitely has the effect of stopping children's night cry.

Even Longcheng had a good performance in the several wars of annihilation launched by Yang, and he even slaughtered several cities in the empire. Only then did he gain the reputation of "slaughtering blood spirits" and became a beloved general. In the heyday, Longcheng was in charge of the most elite imperial army of the Blood Qin Empire and was responsible for the daily garrison of the Blood Qin Empire.

Hearing the answer from the blood-robed youth, Ying Yang nodded slowly.

"It's also a good thing for young people to go out more and gain a little experience. It's just that Husband and Huye really bear the heart, so that such a small girl will let her leave home and walk around, so she is not afraid of getting a bad person by mistake? What did the little baby named Lin Qi who came back from Yue do?"

Sha Xinzhu, a young man in a blood-robed robe, a doctor of the five ranks of the Blood Qin Dynasty. He concurrently served as the leader of the order of the police, and at the same time also served as the head of the clan order under the rule of the king. Entering the palace to answer, he is the most popular favorite in the court today. Of course, like Sha Xinyue, he had another name in the Blood Qin Dynasty-Hu Xinzhu.

Hearing Ying Yang’s question, Hu Xinzhu hurriedly replied: "Na Lin Qi is a direct descendant of a secret merchant family in the Western Mainland. Your Majesty Shengming, the secret merchants in the Western Mainland are a group of daring merchants who only seek profit. They It is not an exaggeration to call the wealthy and wealthy a country that is rich and enemy. Their wealth comes from transactions with other races in the Abyssal World. Although the risk is extremely high, but once a transaction is successful, it is a hundred times or a thousand times profit."

Ying Yang nodded, twisted his body, and coughed a few times, then frowned and said: "How can Xinyue get to know this kind of... this kind of spoiled people?"

Hu Xinzhu's face was just right. A hint of horror appeared on Hu Xinzhu's face. He bent down and hurriedly explained: "Your Majesty Mingjian, Xinyue encountered a strong man when traveling in the Western Continent, and was almost unfortunate. But this Lin Qi sees that Xinyue is from the East, and he himself has Eastern blood. , So I went to rescue, and then I met Xinyue."

After pondering for a moment, Hu Xinzhu smiled again: "Later Xinyue went to the Black Spirit Continent, and returned to the Western Continent two years later, but met Lin Qi again at an auction. Xinyue mentioned the treasures of the Eastern Continent Tianhua and the romantic characters. Lin Qi was very moved, and then he followed Xinyue to the East. One wanted to find the traces of his Lin's ancestors, and the other wanted to make another windfall."

Ying Yang nodded slowly, and he said quietly: "You can take out 500 million taels of gold at a time and buy the land of Wenxiang Pavilion that year. This Lin Qi really made a move... Hey, it is really extraordinary. King Yaoshan Cooperate with him again. If you make something rich and honorable, you will come out. Watch carefully, watch carefully, don't let him provoke other things."

With a wave of his hand, Ying Yang snorted coldly: "Although it is of my Eastern blood, but I was born in a barbarian land, this savage breath can't be washed away. He does business quietly, then keep him, if he has Any wrongdoing should be cleaned up very early, so that he will not disturb King Yaoshan."

Frowning, Ying Yang coldly snorted: "By the way, check it out and see how Xiong Wanjin from the Xiong Family in Haicheng met Lin Qi? How did they get together? More than a year ago , Didn’t Xiong Wanjin go out to sea with a few sea boats? How about his boats?"

Hu Xinzhu hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully: "Xinyue mentioned this matter to the minister. That Xiong Wanjin did take a few large ships to sea, but..."

Quickly raised his head and glanced at Ying Yang, Hu Xinzhu whispered: "Someone went to the Western Continent to collude with sea bandits and local tycoons, and he just destroyed those ships, and all the goods Xiong Wanjin took were lost. The fault was Lin Qi. , Xiong Wanjin has long been a ghost in a foreign country."

Ying Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Hu Xinzhu intently, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Hu Xinzhu chuckled: "The young minister also checked at will and found that the sea bandits and heroes who went to the Western Continent to collude were a competent **** next to the concubine Hua of Dinghai. And the Hua was also someone with Xiong Wanjin. The elder brother cooperated to make this behavior, and what they discussed was..."

Ying Yang waved his hand in disgust: "Needless to say, make an internal decree, kill the Hua family's bastard. I am the imperial imperial family, don't be such a cruel jealous woman. By the way, Dinghai King reprimanded the Xiong family as a royal family. Relatives, it is better to be in harmony. If the brothers fight back and kill them and pass them out, wouldn't they lose my royal dignity?"

As he spoke, Ying Yang’s eyes had already revealed a fierce killing intent: “If the old man of the Xiong family can’t control his son and has to make trouble, then let the royal family take care of him. It doesn’t matter how many dead children and grandchildren don’t know the beasts of loyal and filial piety."

Hu Xinzhu hurriedly bowed to salute, and several old eunuchs standing by the side responded respectfully. Someone had already taken out the imperial decree made of the blank **** silk, quickly drafted the decree, and then gave it to Ying Yang to cover himself. The private seal.

The corner of Hu Xinzhu's mouth moved slightly, and an imperceptible smile flashed away.

Ying Yang casually threw the secret imperial decree to the old **** beside him, and then said casually: "In a few days, the beautiful Qionghua in the Qionglin in the palace will bloom, and the queen mother has prepared a Qiong The flower feast, members of the royal family who are still in Kyoto, as well as those honorable sons, will attend. You, Xinyue, let her come too."

After a pause, Ying Yang narrowed his eyes and looked at Hu Xinzhu with a smile: "Let Lin Qi come too. This secret merchant is really interesting. An abyssal dragon skin that has banned the dragon soul. This is A rare treasure. Tell him that if there is anything rare in his hands, the royal family will naturally not be stingy with that little money."

Hu Xinzhu raised her head and looked at Ying Yang thoughtfully.

Ying Yang nodded slightly, and said intentionally or unintentionally: "Although the Western Continent is small in size, there are many rare and rare products that we urgently need in the East. My **** Qin Empire has millions of people. There are countless sharp men, this place where the sun is shining all over, should be the land of my blood."

Hu Xinzhu bowed to the ground and bowed deeply to Yingyang: "Your Majesty Shengming, I have a **** Qin Empire, and when you dominate all directions, all people in the world will become my **** Qin people!"

Ying Yang smiled softly, and then, he looked up at the shining stars in the sky, and suddenly said quietly, "Xinzhu, before you go home, go and see that evil animal... see what he is doing, and When he said something, he just asked him, his most loyal iron confidant has risen in rebellion, did he really want to..."

Ying Yang's voice became extremely slight, and Hu Xinzhu's body trembled violently, and then squatted her head to accept Ying Yang's order. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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