Bright Era

Chapter 664: Confinement

After walking out of the imperial city with Ying Yang's warrant, Hu Xinzhu suddenly collapsed.

It was a very magical state. A person who was originally full of energy, like a puppet made of wooden blocks, fell apart. The erect neck is crooked, the broad shoulders are slanted, the stiff waist is crooked, and the two legs are squirming on the ground like slugs, dragging Hu Xinzhu slowly into a double-lift varnish Small sedan.

"Here, go to Jingxin'an!"

Lying crookedly in the sedan chair, Hu Xinzhu yawned and grumbled.

"A good emperor, what the **** is doing so many trivial things?"

"Who does my old girl know, it's your shit? Huh? Do you want you to **** me?

"My father didn't bother about this, he didn't care about whether my old girl had children before she got married. What are you busy doing? Then Lin Qi is male or female, good or bad, human Is it a monster, it's your shit?"

"An old tuberculosis ghost, who was dying of illness only two years ago. I don't know what he's gone. The **** luck suddenly came back to life. If his mother doesn't hurry to soak in the pot of soup to recover from the illness, what are you doing all day?"

"Qiong Flower Banquet? Joan, your sister! The Queen Mother, that old lady, I really didn’t know that the old **** next to you was not castrated? A-Bah, also Qiong Hua Banquet! Didn’t I just want my old girl to run and let you choose a wife Are you? You won’t be worthy of my old girl just because of the trash you won?"

As soft as a slug in the sedan chair, after saying some rebellious words to the imperial family of the Blood Qin Empire that would kill the ten clans, Hu Xinzhu poked her nostril painfully with her finger and picked out a large piece of nose. He bounced out randomly.

"But, my mother, the old girl was a monster when she was a child, and how old she grew up, she is a monster! And she has become so strong! Holy master! Does his grandma's want to be so powerful? Just pick up my brother and throw me on the roof!"

"Our Sha family are all gentlemen, all civilized people, gentlemen who speak but don't do anything. The old girl is thinking of evil now, and this skill is also evil! How will she marry in the future, how can she marry out? The reputation of our Sha family in these houses is not good enough, tusk, now which one dares to marry an old girl?"

"Or, pit that Lin Qi? Hey, that's a super super muscle pimple. With such a brother-in-law, I can't beat him in the future, can I close the door and let him go, can't I? And there are so many strangers around Lin Qi that boy Tire, hehe, what if... you want to play with us?"

Reaching out for a while in the belt, slowly took out an oil paper bag from the crotch, took a hot dog meat biscuits from it, and gnawed slowly, Hu Xinyue sighed contentedly: "The emperor is not dead. , His mother calls me all day long to ask questions and answer questions. Is there so much **** to ask? Every time I have to bring my own dry food!"

"You can try to play with the situation of usurping the throne! Of course, the people of the Sha family have never been the first bird. Who is going to do this early bird, for the dead ghost?"

After biting off a large piece of dog meat biscuits, Hu Xinzhu's eyes showed a look of excitement.

"Do you still need to think about it? Dragon City, Dragon City, my General Longcheng, you are really a **** model, a slogan among the dead ghosts! That's it, it's you, no matter if you rebel Is it really a rebellion or a joke? Brother, I have to help you make the noise a little louder!"

Excitedly eating the dog meat biscuits in three or two bites cleanly, Hu Xinzhu squinted her eyes and said with excitement: "It just so happens that the old man didn't regard your rebellion as a thing. Money, weapons, or weapons, do you rebel? Fart! But it's okay, I have my brother, do you want anything?"

Excitedly, he threw the oiled paper out of the sedan chair, Hu Xinzhu wiped her hands on the blood robe indiscriminately, and mumbled to calculate.

"Then Lin Qi left Dragon City with at least one billion taels of gold in military expenditures, as well as a large amount of food and ordnance. The military expenditure is enough, but those food and ordnance are not enough! First of all, you have to provide these things to Dragon City! Um! , Where is the nearest place of the Xidi Duhu Mansion to the Snow Federation? Didn’t the Nine Uncles work as a third-country teacher in the Snow Federation? It’s a good time to strike him!"

"It's done, let the group of orcs in the Snow Field Federation also have fun. By the way, contact the Jiu Uncle and kill the first and second national teachers on his head. Both brains are old and confused. What a waste of resources if you want to occupy a position and not do anything?"

Hu Xinzhu's energy and spirit shook all of a sudden, flashes of bright cold light flashed in his eyes, and his fingers flickered quickly, not knowing what he was calculating. A lot of sweat dripped quickly from his forehead, and his face gradually became red and red. Soon he exhaled heavily and lay back weakly.

"Without exposing any branch of the family, using the power that the family can influence should be able to expand the Dragon City's rebellion to the 79 provinces in the northwest! As long as the Snow Federation forces are dispatched, the war can quickly sweep the entire north. With a 70% certainty, the family’s power in the East can be expanded by more than 30%. This deal is good, Dragon City, you **** made a great contribution!"

After a few triumphant smiles, Hu Xinzhu took out another oil-paper bag in his crotch, triumphantly took out four thousand-layer sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and tasted comfortably. After a short while, he took out a small teapot from his crotch, and it was filled with hot top-quality tea.

The sedan chair traveled a dozen miles to the west around the imperial city, and then walked into a small urn city inside the palace wall.

There is a small teleportation circle here. Hu Xinzhu took out the decree to win the handwritten script. The four warlocks stationed here immediately opened the teleportation circle and sent Hu Xinzhu along with several family guards. Get out.

In the blink of an eye, Hu Xinzhu came to a deep mountain.

The night was vast, and at a glance, there were several thousand-year old pine surrounded by several people. Long vines hung from the branches. The night breeze blew, the thousand mountain pine waves roared, and Hu Xinzhu suddenly hit his face. After shivering, he took a deep breath and slowly straightened his waist.

He became a young minister of the Blood Qin Empire again, Hu Xinzhu, who was not high-ranked but whose real power was awe-inspiring.

Several eunuchs wearing black python robes quietly turned out from behind a few ancient pine trees. They stared at Hu Xinzhu firmly, and a cloud of cold white mist enveloped them all. Hu Xinzhu took a majestic look at them, and handed them the warrant of Ying Yang: "According to your majesty's order, come to visit the second prince. Open the door quickly and don't delay."

An **** took out a fist-sized Ye Mingzhu, carefully examined the warrant for a while with the white pearly light, then nodded slightly and waved to Hu Xinzhu. Hu Xinzhu left the guards beside the teleportation array, and followed the **** alone along a bluestone path between the ancient pine trees that was not more than two feet wide.

Li Xu walked forward along the winding bluestone trail, and the more cold and bitter he got ahead, all kinds of strange noises were heard all around, as if there were countless evil existences hiding in the darkness. The **** who led the way turned his head to greet Hu Xinzhu to be careful of his feet. There are so many magical circles with amazing lethality everywhere. If you step on the wrong step, it will be the end of the soul.

After walking a few miles forward, a large open area suddenly appeared in the pine forest ahead.

On the right side of the hundreds of acres of land is a cliff. A thousand-foot waterfall slowly falls from the top of the cliff into a deep pool under the cliff, but Hu Xinzhu cannot hear the sound of water.

Below that cliff, a simple pavilion stands quietly there. Directly facing the trail, three big scarlet characters on a wooden archway are clearly visible-Jingxin Temple.

The **** who led the way murmured a few words, and several owls crowed in the distance. Then the void at the end of the trail trembled, and a biting cold air rushed in. The roar of the waterfall poured into the deep pool suddenly sounded, and Hu Xinzhu followed the **** and walked in three or two steps.

Behind Hu Xinzhu, the air fluctuated violently. Hu Xinzhu glanced back. There were pine forests and trails on the road when he came. It was clearly a black cliff with a height of a thousand meters.

Taking a deep breath, Hu Xinzhu smiled and nodded to the eunuch: "The magic circle here is really mysterious."

The **** smiled and nodded to Hu Xinzhu: "If an adult is confined here someday, he will naturally have the opportunity to experience the mystery here."

Hu Xinzhu's face drooped suddenly, he glanced at the eunuch, and remembered his old face deeply.

"The gentleman's revenge is not too late for ten years, and the villain's revenge is too late for three days! Brother, I am a total villain, a dead eunuch, and when my brother I go out, I will seek revenge from your relatives! They are officials, brother They have to destroy their official positions; they are in business, and my brother has to make them bankrupt; if they dare to become soldiers, hey, brother, I will let them go to Xidi to quell the rebellion!"

"Death eunuch, do you dare to curse my brother and I am imprisoned here? Your whole family is dead!"

Similarly, smiling and nodding to the eunuch, Hu Xinzhu slowly walked towards Jingxinan.

There was a loud bang, and amidst the roar of the waterfall, a high-pitched sound like a golden stone cracking string suddenly sounded. Hu Xinzhu's body shook, only to feel the Venus flashing in front of him, he almost didn't vomit blood due to the vibration of the string.

Then I heard a series of dense strings, like a bucket of pearls being poured on a jade plate. The sound of dense strings continued to sound. The surrounding wind was surging, and the murderous intent swept across the square, and I heard 18 consecutive high-pitched strings. Thousand-foot waterfall was interrupted, and the upper half of the waterfall was unexpectedly rolled up by an invisible force, like a jade dragon flying into the sky in anger.

Hu Xinzhu looked at the inverted waterfall blankly, and the **** on the side had already screamed leisurely.

"The second prince is very interested, but let's pause. Your Majesty has sent someone to visit you!"

There was a deep and powerful hum from Jingxin An.

"Man or woman? It's a woman, stripped off and crawled in. It's a man, who slapped eighteen and walked in!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation. , Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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