Bright Era

Chapter 821: Husband and Wife

Autumn night, the sky is high and fresh, and the sky is full of stars.

In the Flower Hall of the Houyuan, an oil lamp is like a bean, and the cold green light illuminates the area three feet around. Lin Qi and Princess Qingli are sitting opposite each other. There is a small square table between them, and two pots of wine are placed on them. A few plates of side dishes.

There are eight dishes in total. Among them, Princess Qingli has four vegetarian dishes, pine nuts and peach kernels in cold dressing, yellow buds in cold dressing, golden needles in cold dressing, and mushrooms in cold dressing. The rich sesame oil is sprinkled on these four along with thinly sliced ​​sesame leaves. On the cold dish, the aroma is tangy and the color is extremely attractive.

And the four plates in front of Lin Qi have nothing to say, nothing more than big fish and meat, especially on the red-crowned crane red porcelain plate closest to him, there is a huge honey clasped bear paw, it's a big loss to him most of the night How can I have such a good appetite.

This is the wedding night in the bridal chamber of the two, but Lin Qi is tyrannical, and the blood of a few of the miracle guardians spilled the blood of the bridal chamber all over the floor. Neither of them was in the mood to do that kind of thing. Talk and relax in the back garden. Just in an abbey separated by a wall between the two of them, Lin Yu was clutching a wine barrel and gutting him with fine wine, and the two of them had a fuss.

Princess Qingli looked at Lin Qi blankly with eyes like water, and after a long time she exhaled heavily.

"It hasn't been so easy for many years!" Princess Qingli twisted a piece of mushroom with her fingers, and slowly stuffed it into her mouth: "Every day I live very tired, live very scared, and live as if buried underground. Like zombies, if it weren’t for meeting her husband this time, Yingyun would really be going crazy."

Lin Qi ate and drank silently, while quietly listening to Princess Qingli's self-talk.

The intelligent princess Qingli was valued by the founding shrine of the Myra Sect when she was two years old. Taking advantage of the opportunity of a certain imperial physician to visit Princess Qingli for wind and cold symptoms, she quietly planted the gods in her. . Although she did not go through reincarnation, that kind of **** also unlocked Princess Qingli's spiritual wisdom, making her a hundred times smarter than ordinary people, and she was shocked by her name ever since.

Then one after another court ladies and eunuchs who were loyal to the founding temple came to her, turning into an invisible, suffocating net, covering her and everyone around her. The really loyal palace ladies and eunuchs around her disappeared one by one, completely disappearing completely. Even the palace ladies and eunuchs around her mother, and those old people who have served her mother for more than ten years, have silently evaporated. Lost.

At that time, Princess Qingli didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. She just devoted herself to the gods who created the whole world in the legends enshrined in the founding shrine, and devoted herself to practicing the various magical secrets of the founding shrine. To **** some of the layout of the Mirra Church.

Because her talent is really an excellent relationship-even before she merges into the gods, Princess Qingli's talent can be said to be the best among all royal members in the history of the Blood Qin Empire. Coupled with the integration of the gods, and the help of various precious auxiliary medicines brought by her master Galina from the founding shrine, Princess Qingli’s cultivation base is swift and fast, so that the miracle of the gods The core executives were dumbfounded.

Under such circumstances, when Princess Qingli was twelve years old, she finally had to teach the core and most secret secret technique of the founding shrine, "The Art of Casting Spirits." This is the supreme divine art that can be used by mortals after a simplified model based on the creation of the gods in the legend.

The accident happened three years ago. For the first time in her life, Princess Qingli used colorful spirit jade, fine gold and mithril and other precious materials to cast a cloned puppet that looked exactly the same as her own. A trace of distraction blended into the control of the puppet's words and deeds.

At that moment, with her enchanting talent, Princess Qingli found some unsatisfactory flaws in the art of casting spirits. She perfected and corrected these flaws, and then she differentiated the traces. The spirit is actually the original spirit power of the god-seed that has merged with her soul!

From that moment on, Princess Qingli suddenly became a little awake.

After that, she continued to cast various casting puppets, constantly dividing and distracting. Gradually, she dispelled most of the power of the soul in her soul, and gradually recovered to the point where she could retain her complete and sober sanity at any time.

"Six months ago, WinCloud finally fully reverted to WinCloud!"

Princess Qingli's beautiful eyes looked at Lin Qi tenderly: "Then Yingyun has always been very scared, because Yingyun is afraid of the things he has done before, and the evil and secret Mirra religion he will face. People. So I have been walking outside as a puppet for half a year, only this time, a real person appeared in front of my husband!"

Lin Qi stared at Princess Qingli blankly. The Princess Qingli that she saw outside the gate of the imperial city last time was not her, but a puppet she made? After staring at Princess Qingli for a long time, Lin Qi scratched his head in distress, "Could no one be able to see through your puppet body?"

Princess Qingli smiled slightly, and said softly: "Where is the supreme divine art of the founding shrine so easy to see? Especially, which courtier would be so bold and look at the body of a princess in a country with mental power? They have the most. Just look at it with the naked eye!"

With a light sigh, Princess Qingli smiled bitterly: "Although the words and deeds of those puppets of Winyun can be perceived by Winyun, the trace of spirit is divided into spirit and soul, and the soul of Winyun has not been integrated into it. Be surly and domineering. If there is something that offends your husband, please forgive him one or two."

Lin Qi stretched out his hand and pointed at Princess Qingli gently.

It’s no wonder that the sons and grandsons of the Blood Qin Empire praised Princess Qingli’s talents and reputation, but Princess Qingli who appeared on the streets of the Imperial City was such a weird, mysterious, and dangerous woman that Lin Qi felt. Feelings are the spirit of the gods.

I really don't know what evil method was used by the founding shrine to condense such a weird spirit.

Thinking that he almost became the guardian of the gods of the patron saint, Lin Qi's impression of the Miluo Sect became extremely different for a while.

Under the starlight, the husband and wife were chatting together. Lin Qi knew that since the gods became autonomous, Princess Qingli had been hiding in the mysterious ice coffin in the underground palace of the mansion for the past six months. Before this half a year, she had always been completely sane. When she is autonomous, she will do her best to cast all kinds of puppets, so she can reject most of the spirits in the soul in just a few years.

Lin Qi looked at Princess Qingli and couldn't tell what it was like.

Ying Zheng forced the princess to him. If she was a princess with a savage personality and surly temperament, she would occasionally use violence lessons. However, this princess is such a clever and savvy person, and even with a somewhat miserable and pitiful person, Lin Qi feels that his head is rising from time to time, and such a princess, he will not start to teach him!

Secretly cursing Yingzheng has caused a great trouble to herself, but she heard Princess Qingli happily speaking her own heart there—probably, this is the first time in her life that she can be unrestrained and fearless Talk to people or something. Whether it was in the imperial city or the people of the Myra Sect, has she ever had such an opportunity to talk easily without thinking?

"The father gave Yingyun the marriage to his husband, and Yingyun also received instructions from the master. He must be able to win over the husband."

"Yingyun was afraid of harming her husband from the beginning, and she didn't know the husband's co-actor, and didn't know what the husband's life looked like, so she felt nervous for a while."

"But when the husband gave the betrothal gift, and unexpectedly took out such a magical tool, Yingyun would no longer have any fear."

Lin Qi looked at Princess Qingli in surprise: "Why did you say this?"

Princess Qingli narrowed her eyes slyly, and gently held Lin Qi's big hand that was pouring herself.

"A family power that can take away an artifact on the battlefield of religious wars between the Western Mainland Church and the Odin Temple, and preserved it unharmed for so many years, even if it is not as powerful as the Mirage Sect and the Temple of Heaven, but protects the district. A WinCloud is more than enough."

Holding Lin Qi's hand forcefully, Princess Qingli sighed and said, "A family, if there are three demigod ancestors sitting in town, it will basically survive for ten thousand years. Even if it is a temple, it will not provoke this for no reason. A powerful enemy. And the husband's family, I'm afraid it is not just three demigod ancestors, right?

"The ancestor Lin Po, the ancestor Lin Yu, they are just the closest ancestors who came to sit on the wedding ceremony of their husband. They are two demigods close to the pinnacles, and they are all demi-artifacts in their hands. The pendant is even more a treasure that Winyun has never heard of. Seeing that the master did not dare to resist, and letting his life catch him, Winyun knows that Winyun can finally live with peace of mind."

Lin Qi's hands couldn't help but tighten. Did this poor princess dare not even have the hope of living before she met her?

Lin Qi seems to have seen the little guy in the Heiyuan God Prison holding a lot of fiber-woven clothing and selling them. Although Princess Qingli in front of him is a little taller than the little guy at that time, they look at each other. It's kind of pitiful, but it's so similar.

Lin Qi stood up impulsively, and put Princess Qingli in his arms.

He hugged Princess Qingli's delicate body hard, and Lin Qi coldly snorted, "Who dares to move you, ask Lao Tzu's axe first. Tsk, is it true? We will slowly calculate this account later. We are talking with them. Before I settle the accounts, your husband, I have to do one thing! Those who cheated me, framed me, betrayed me, fell into trouble, all of them, I will not let go!"

Princess Qingli snuggled in Lin Qi's arms, smiling very relaxedly. Lin Qi's chest is wide enough, thick enough, and feel safe enough.

Elysium shrank on a big tree outside the yard, looking angrily at the two people hugging each other, the corners of the clothes in his little hands had become a mess. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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