Bright Era

Chapter 822: Stripping

When Lin Qi and Princess Qingli were talking about each other, eight hundred miles outside Shuangyang Chilong City, on a big river, a huge painting boat quietly stopped in the heart of the turbulent river. The boat did not drop the anchor, but no matter how Jiang Tao washed it, the boat remained in place. In the night, the stagnant boat was like a ghost.

Inside the painted boat, I don’t know which level of the cabin is. There are dozens of large chairs in the spacious cabin. In the dim light, a group of people with different looks sit quietly on the chairs, and the atmosphere in the cabin is stagnant. Like a block of lead, but at the same time extremely mysterious.

Among these people, there are three presiding officers of the Temple of Heaven, the Eastern Continent of Miluo who is walking in Jiafanluo, the Princess Aowan of the Universal League, and dozens of people of all kinds. Everyone's manners are graceful and generous, and they are obviously people who have been in high positions for a long time.

Particularly eye-catching are the three orcs with long silver hairs sitting on special chairs, one snow bear, one snow wolf, and one snow leopard. They are more than five meters tall. They all sit on three chairs. The meter is tall, and the silver hair on the body has a ruler, and the long hair has a faint golden light floating outside. This is the external manifestation of the blood of the orc clan!

When the orc royal family is unwilling to show their human image and insists on maintaining the state of orcs, the faint golden light on their hair is the best proof of their identity. Obviously, these three are members of the Royal Family from the Snow Plains Federation. Looking at the colors of their robes and the styles of certain accessories, they at least have the status of the Princes of the Blood Qin Empire within the Snow Plains Federation.

Beside Princess Ao Wan, there were a dozen "old men" with various births and typical marine life characteristics. For example, one of them is a shark mouth, his eyes are cold and merciless, his skin is as rough as sandpaper, his blue-purple skin is wet and covered with a layer of mucus, plus that set of armor made of giant tortoiseshell, this is clearly the East China Sea The royal purple shark of the Kingdom of Gods.

Beside this purple shark, there was a purple-black brawny who was 15 meters tall and taller and mightier than the three orc royal families. This big man has a sturdy and tall body, his thick black skin is covered with small hill-like muscles, and a huge horn on his forehead shines with a faint brilliance. This is the royal narwhal man of the kingdom of whale god-legend, back then The kind of narwhal that Lin Qi hunted has a certain blood relationship with this kind of narwhal man.

In addition to some other characters with remarkable appearance, these people in front of them almost include the high-level representatives of the large and small forces around the Blood Qin Empire. This is a time when all the forces in the Eastern Continent and the Eastern Ocean are eliminated except the Blood Qin Empire. get together.

Unexpectedly, among these people, the one who was talking about it was Pu Yu who had just reached a cooperation agreement with Ying Zheng. Today’s Pu Yu is wearing a black lacquered robe, and a string of white rosary beads made of human skulls hung around his neck. His murderous aura rises all over his body. Even the chairperson of the third courtyard of the temple dare not have his eyes. Contacted.

"Since a few years ago, our teacher-nephew Ying Yu was imprisoned, the general Longcheng under the seat was demoted, and the preachers, incense spreaders, and scriptures who walked outside the lower courtyard of the Tianmiao Temple have been ordered by this seat to explore the mystery."

Ao Wan spoke from the side: "Master Pu Yu seems to have just left the customs recently?"

Pu Yu smiled faintly, did not conceal his appreciation of Ao Wan's tall and agile posture, looked at her for a while, and then said loudly: "What about this? This does not prevent this seat from being in retreat. Deal with relevant affairs of the lower courtyard of Tianmiao."

Pu He, the host of the Lower Temple of the Temple of Heaven, smiled softly: "Junior Brother is brilliant and talented. Naturally, you don't need to worry about such small things."

The huge snow bear man urn said angrily: "Speaking of the point, there is no time to waste time. Our people are still busy in the army under the Northern Frontier and Longcheng. Our special envoy Xiong Li is still at the gate of Dongshun Palace. Your heads have been chopped off, you have a lot of time to gossip, our Snow Federation does not have such a big Yaxing."

Pu Yu gave a chuckle and took out a thick scroll from his sleeve.

"First, it can be confirmed that before Ying Yu was imprisoned, His Majesty Ying Yang failed to attack the 18th death pass of the Jie Xue Emperor Jue. The internal organs burst like meat, the meridians and cavities smashed all over, and even the brain was severely injured. According to the experience of many short-lived emperors in the history of the Blood Qin Empire, he will undoubtedly die."

"Even though Yingyang killed all the imperial doctors who had diagnosed him afterwards, after a doctor returned home, he secretly took Yingyang's condition as a case to discuss with his youngest son. In the process of eliminating the mouth, the youngest son of the imperial physician was spared, so he Is known to me."

Master Miaowen clapped his hands gently, and a group of bald teenagers walked in slowly, and gave everyone a small scroll. When they waited for them to open the scroll, they were shocked to find that the title of the scroll was-"Iron-blood Emperor Huang Jue" these five characters.

Master Miao Wen said in a deep voice: "Through the efforts of Tianmiao, I finally got all of its formulas. You are all experts in martial arts, so naturally you can see that this method should not be used in a dangerous way. , Weird, and of course powerful, but it is definitely not a body that can withstand flesh and blood. According to the joint judgement of the many presiding officers of our Tianmiao, three courtyards and nine temples, even this iron and blood first level, unless it can achieve bones such as steel and five internal organs It’s like a jade, otherwise it’s impossible to get through."

The narwhal man quickly glanced at the iron-blooded emperor's art, then took a cold breath and cursed: "Is this a method for people to practice? This, even our tribe, the meridian cavities are inherently stronger than humans. Times, the iron-blooded energy from this cultivation is also a thousand times stronger, and it will still explode and die!"

There was a humming sound in the cabin. As the master Miao Wen said, this technique is too domineering and evil, and it is not for humans to cultivate, but what kind of creatures can cultivate this kind of thing, it really knows. . The royal family members of the Blood Qin Empire have practiced this suicidal technique for thousands of years. No wonder they rarely have royal family members who can live over 500 years old-occasionally, either they are lucky or they are dudes. !

Pu Yu coughed, attracting everyone's attention to himself.

"You can be sure. If your Majesty wins and fails to break through the eighteenth level of iron and blood, then you will definitely die."

Everyone nodded at the same time and agreed to Puyu's judgment.

"So, here comes the second point-Yingyang suddenly recovered health, which is quite strange. After more than one hundred points of Tianmiao's joint investigation, it finally found out that before Yingyang recovered, there were famous people in the royal family. The Seventh Prince of Waste gave Yingyang a lucky potted plant with a dead tree sprouting, in hopes that Yingyang can heal."

Another group of bald teenagers came in and gave everyone a scroll.

"This is all the records of the Tianmiao investigating this auspicious potted plant. This potted plant was bought by the Seventh Prince from a flower and tree merchant, and this flower and tree merchant was obtained from a deep mountain medicine picker whom he signed all the year round. This medicinal picker makes a living by picking medicinal herbs. If he sees any strange flowers and seedlings, he will mine them and send them to the flower merchants in exchange for high returns."

"When Tianmiao investigates here, the flower and tree merchant's family has been wiped out; and the mountain medicinal picker has also been killed. Fortunately, he was killed in less than a quarter of an hour, and Tianmiao used the spirit of soul magic to torture him and has not yet dispersed. The soul of he learned the detailed location where he got the auspicious potted plant."

"After the incident, my Tianmiao dispatched eight Venerable Dharma protectors to go deep into the mountains to investigate, and found that the Blood Qin Empire Royal Family Elders had sent hundreds of old eunuchs to inspect the mountain and forest inch by inch, but they didn't get much. "

Pulling out an exquisite crystal bottle from his sleeve, Pu Yu pointed to the mung bean-sized little green light floating in the crystal bottle and said solemnly: "But the eight Dharma protectors in my temple brought the same applicable artifact. Such a drop of green light liquid was forcibly drawn out of the ground where the potted plant was originally located. This light liquid has incredible vitality, and its vitality is comparable to..."

Ao Wan said softly, "Could it be possible that it can be stronger than the juice of the tree of life in the Western Continent's Life Temple?"

The representatives of the League of Nations in the East China Sea laughed happily. The East and the West each have their own advantages. The tree of life in the West Continent’s Temple of Life is a treasure that all forces in the East covet. The sap of the tree of life, but a fetish that can really raise the flesh and bones of the dead, and fight against the clergy of the Temple of Life is the most troublesome thing in the world. No one likes a group of enemies who can't be killed?

Pu Yu gave Ao Wan a bath again with his fiery eyes, and he laughed softly: "The princess is really smart and lovely. This drop of juice is the size of a fingertip. After many trials in Tianmiao, only this little is left. As the princess said, the potency of this sap is 30% stronger than the sap of the tree of life plundered by the Temple of Heaven in the religious war three thousand years ago."

There was a series of gas pumping noises in the cabin, and everyone looked at the green light liquid very enthusiastically.

"So, the first and second problems can be solved. The potted plant with new buds from dead wood is a **** not weaker than the tree of life. It can breed juice with strong vitality. It is these juices that will win Your Majesty Yang has survived his death."

Pu Yu said with a sullen face: "Originally, Ying Yu could have ascended to the throne, but because of the existence of this god, he was imprisoned for the crime of'seeking the throne'. My Mingtuofeng has worked so hard. The many ministers cultivated over a century have been completely swept away."

An odd-shaped old man with dark skin and various poisonous insect patterns embroidered on his skin solemnly said: "So, what is the reason for the Tianmiao book to let us come here this time? It's better to win him? Well, anyway, the Blood Qin Empire is the most powerful empire in the Eastern Continent. What matters to us?"

Another enchanting beautiful woman, who just made a short skirt with grass blades on her body, smiled: "We only need to pay tribute obediently, but if your Majesty is willing, I will not hesitate to exchange this body for his joy. Is there any other saying about not becoming a temple?"

Pu Yu took a deep breath, and he sternly shouted: "A group of short-sighted people, do you think that the current Yingzheng is still the victory of the year?"

After a word, the audience was shocked. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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