
Chapter 1 Darkness

In an area outside the city, similar to a log cabin in the suburbs of the old times, some unknown changes are taking place.

If someone looks at the wooden house at this time, they will find that the air here is distorted, probably like pixel blocks appearing in the normal line of sight, which is particularly abrupt.

The things in the darkness also looked at the almost dilapidated cabin, as if they were also curious about what was going on inside.

Until the cabin returns to normal condition.

Xu Le slowly opened his eyes. This simple action seemed a little difficult for him at this time.

The slightly thin eyelids are extremely heavy.

"Am I? Dead?"

Several pieces of ceiling were missing from the roof, and the hot night wind whistled outside the door.

Apart from the fairly bright moonlight and the occasional faint green outside the window, there is almost no other light.

The pain from the sweat-soaked wound made Xu Le grit his teeth.


Twisting his stiff neck, Xu Le reluctantly looked around.

A dilapidated house, the occasional buzz of insects, blood stains on the body, and a person on the ground whose clothes were stained red with blood.

"Well, it seems he's not dead."

This environment is not right. Could this guy on the ground be a dead person?

The pain made Xu Le look away. He looked at the ceiling and took a few deep breaths to relieve the pain in his chest.

Even if most of it is just psychological.

Just when he was about to ruffle his hair, which was already so wet that it obscured his vision, the wall at the edge of his vision suddenly twisted.

On the wall, crooked writing appeared.

[The house is currently in a dark state with a brightness level of 2, and a level 1 weirdness will appear after 9 minutes and 1 seconds. 】


The wall continued to twist and flow, the wooden boards were like moving pixels, and the protruding part of the wall gradually turned into the shape of a little girl.

The mutation of the wall came without warning. Even if Xu Le's mental quality was not bad, he couldn't help but feel a little numb.

In front of him was a girl lying in Black Sheep's arms, but Xu Le couldn't see her face clearly.

This face seems to be covered by several mixed color blocks, full of contradictions, and the kind that obsessive-compulsive disorder will suffocate when seeing it.

She was staring at Xu Le and pointed at the wall.

[The current brightness level of the house is 2, and it is in a dark state. Level 1 weirdness will appear after 8 minutes and 45 seconds. 】


Looking at the information on the text, Xu Le's eyebrows twitched a few times, and he subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch the little girl in front of him.

But before his fingers touched the side of the girl's face, these unreal things in front of him disappeared again.

It's like a square of pixels being scratched off in an instant.

The walls are still those stone bricks that leak, and the ceiling is still those damp wooden boards.

Everything is as before.

Xu Le touched the wall carefully, but the words did not appear again.

"What was that thing just now?"

Hallucination? But could something so real be an illusion?

Although I was confused, I really had no clues to investigate further.

Moreover, he could no longer investigate the surrounding environment. There was a guy whose life or death was unknown lying on the ground.

The first thing now is to make sure where you are and whether you are safe.

As for the man on the ground...


The pain made Xu Le cover his chest again.

The current environment made him feel a little strange. The whole room was leaking air and the body temperature was not high.

He still felt a strong feeling of heat, just like before it rained in the summer, it was so oppressive that people couldn't breathe.

The sultry heat caused more and more sweat, and every time the sweat soaked the wound, there would be intense pain.

The pain was bearable, but it would also distract him, so Xu Le felt that the wound on his chest needed to be treated as soon as possible.

He opened his shirt and carefully peeled away the flesh and blood stuck to his clothes.

A huge, blooming wound came into view.

"Good guy, how did I survive this wound?"

The wound was huge, as big as a child's fist. I didn't know what caused it.

However, the wound had stopped losing blood at this time, which was the only thing Xu Le was thankful for.

Looking at the people on the ground, he pondered for a few seconds and finally shook his head:

"I don't even know what the relationship between this man and me is."

After sitting up, Xu Le first checked his surroundings.

There was a long, sharp-looking dagger next to his butt, with a chip on the blade and a lot of blood.

Next to the dagger, there is a weird-looking rolling iron stand with a triangular stone on it.

The words on the label told Xu Le that this thing was a lighter.

And that stone is probably flint.

"403 Lifeng lighter.

Oh, this is the first time I have seen a lighter as big as half a brick. "

Putting down the lighter, Xu Le looked at other items.

A canvas backpack with some battered bread and biscuits inside.

Like the dagger, there were still a lot of clear blood stains on the backpack, but the blood stains had dried.

He picked up the dagger, pressed the notch on the blade with his nails, and looked at the man lying on the ground.

"If this dagger belongs to me, then the person below was killed by me..."

Xu Le asked himself for a moment, although he didn't know where he was.

But being burdened with killing people is not easy to deal with anywhere, even if it is self-defense, it will be very troublesome.

What's more, it's hard to explain in this wilderness.

He sighed! Let’s take care of the wound first.

Take off your clothes and tie them in a loop over the wound, which will more or less block the sweat.

While he was carefully staring at the injury on his chest, the dried blood on his hand suddenly started to squirm.

The squirming blood gradually gathered into a row of beating small characters:

[Zion Pioneer-R35 pellet musket wound, 4.7 cm in diameter, with many ancient sounds and distortion. 】

The information is confusing.

Musket? In what era would such a thing as a musket be used?

Is Zion the name of the manufacturer?

As for the ancient sounds that follow, there are many distortions, and it is completely impossible to understand the meaning.

Xu Legang wanted to touch the bloodstains with his fingers, but before he could touch the words, the bloodstains returned to their original shape.

"Another hallucination? Something's wrong."

Xu Le suddenly raised his head, faced the man lying on the ground, and raised his voice slightly:

"Let me tell you, I have been very courageous since I was a child. I don't like pretending to be dead. Do you understand?"

The fingers that were holding the dagger were a little white, but after a while, they relaxed.

Because the people on the ground did not respond to him, the room remained quiet.

It doesn't look like it's pretending, but it's not pretending... Wouldn't that be even scarier?

A dead man!

Xu Le looked at the pool of blood again. He knew the importance of the information.

This time, he had the idea of ​​trying the ability just now.

"Subtitles, come out." No response?

Let's try another one. Looking at the dagger, Xu Le started to stare.

"Eyes, brain." Still no response.

After pondering for a while, Xu Lecai slowly opened his mouth with a hint of hope:


Well, it seems that I didn't get that powerful thing.

After trying several times without success, Xu Le thought about the feeling he had when he looked at his chest just now.

Serious, focused, careful, and that hot, unusual hotness!

Although he was not sure whether these conditions were necessary, Xu Le chose to try again.

Enduring the pain of the wound, Xu Le gradually became more focused and his body became hot again.

His eyes were fixed on the dagger, but there was no reaction after a long time.

But the renewed sense of heat made Xu Le feel that he was on the right track.

He glanced around, looking for anything in the room that could be used to observe and test his abilities.

But with just such a casual glance, the whole house became distorted in Xu Le's sight, as if an unknown fungus had eaten too much.

This time, Xu Le, who was mentally prepared, looked extremely focused and calm.

Although no words appeared in the twisted room, there was a whisper in Xu Le's ears.

[Gua, are you looking for me? It's a pity that you have no tribute. 】

Tribute? While Xu Le was slightly surprised, the words appeared again.

However, this time the text appeared directly in front of his eyes. Compared with the softness before, it seemed much stiffer. It felt like a middle-aged man paying the official salary to deal with errands:

[The house is in a dilapidated state, the light level is 2, and it is in a dark state. A level 1 weirdness appears after 6 minutes and 31 seconds. 】

After listening to the whisper, the scenery in front of me returned to normal again.

Xu Le was silent for about 5 seconds.

These 5 seconds are used to calm down.

Then there is:


Next he needs to organize information that is useful to him.

The house is dilapidated, that much is clear, light intensity 2 means darkness, and then level 1 weirdness!

Xu Le tightened the dagger in his hand.

I roughly imagined what might happen when the so-called Level 1 weirdness appears.

"What is the level 1 weirdness? How strong is it? Is it dangerous?"

There was no intelligence information, and he didn't even know if this was the previous world, which made Xu Le feel a little bit difficult.

However, Xu Le can still determine a few things from the information he has learned so far.

First, he needs light, or the room needs a bright environment.

Two, he has about 6 minutes to make a fire.

Three, he has a lighter!

Xu Le rummaged through this very empty room. The only sustainable burning material was probably a pile of broken and wet wood.

But it is too difficult to ignite these woods directly and require certain burning conditions to dry them.

"Find something flammable."

After Xu Le murmured for a while, he continued to look around.

The top is already used for bandaging. In this case, he can't take off his pants.

Except for the backpack on the ground and the man's clothes, there seemed to be nothing flammable here.

Thinking of this, Xu Le could only squat down and want to check the other party.

Make sure the other party is really dead.

As a former street novel author, he has researched a lot of information about corpses.

Walking next to the man, Xu Le was basically sure that the man was dead.

"This injury!"

Examining the wound on the man's back, Xu Le was stunned for a moment, then looked at the dagger in his hand.

"Did I kill him?"

Taking advantage of the last five minutes, Xu Le opened the backpack on the ground.

There are still some supplies in the backpack.

Food packaged in paper like compressed biscuits, half a bottle of water, a shovel, a rope, and a bag of fluorescent colored clay powder in a plastic bag.

Xu Le picked up the biscuits, of course, not to eat them, but to look at the paper packaging of the food.

The words "Lighthouse No. 7 Cookies" are written on the packaging.

However, the workmanship of the packaging is a bit rough, like a very low-quality knockoff.

For example, "Leibi", "Keri Cola", "Yue Li Yue" and so on.

"Lighthouse No. 7, the name of this cookie..."

After checking the text, Xu Le did not continue to check the items in the backpack.

Instead, dump everything out directly so that you can find useful things as quickly as possible.

Xu Le counted the time silently in his mind. More than a minute had passed since the 6-minute reminder just now.

He now has to light something on fire to gain light.

And it is best to allow these flammable materials to ignite the wood in a short period of time.

I touched the ground, it was very soft soil.

Xu Le picked up the shovel on the ground and quickly dug a depression in the ground for ventilation.

Then put the damp wood into a circle, then split a thick and soft piece of wood into three thin parts and pile them in the center.

Finally, the corpse's clothes and backpack were set on fire with a lighter and stuffed into a small ventilated pit.


Xu Le blew suddenly, and the flame gradually grew stronger.


Along with the low roar of the wood, a large amount of white smoke floated from the wood block.

This white smoke is the product of water vapor mixed with dust, exuding a moldy and rotten smell.

It's easy to set clothes on fire, but it's harder to set fire to wood.

Fortunately, there is still time for error.

When the flames gradually solidified, Xu Le's face rose slightly.

After staying focused again and feeling the heat, the flames in front of me twisted into a pile of words.

[The house is in a dilapidated state, the brightness level is 4, it is in a bright state, and it is temporarily stable. 】

Looking at the abnormal flame in front of him, Xu Le's expression finally became normal.

The light brought by the flame at least prevented him from having to face the so-called Level 1 weirdness.

"Phew! The flame is indeed the hope of human civilization. It's getting better!"

Xu Le's worried heart gradually relaxed, and there was even a smile on his face.

Now he just had to keep the flame alive.

Looking at the flames, Xu Le felt safe and even started his usual daily routine of writing!

He scratched the board with his dagger:

I was probably sick and felt uncomfortable at all times. I must have thought about the stories in the book too much and had these hallucinations.

My mind is also groggy and I have no energy to do anything, so I might as well take some medicine.

Forget it, it’s seven days if you take medicine, and it’s seven days if you don’t take medicine. I’ve always known that.

Xu Le sniffed secretly. Good guy, one side is blocked, but the other side is still blocked.

Thinking of this, Xu Le couldn't help but spit at himself.

You're obviously already so into the street, why are you always so young?

"Life is as thin as paper. It's just a matter of throwing yourself into the street."

What Lu Shuren did, is that what I can do?

I took my thoughts back and was about to add some firewood.

The flames in front of him suddenly began to turn into a strange green color.

Xu Le's heart skipped a beat, but he still read on until the green flames showed formed words.

[There is a corpse within the safe area. It has been dead for more than 4 hours. The corpse will become level 1 weird in 10 minutes. 】

[The house is currently in a dilapidated and unsealed state, and a Level 1 weirdness will occur in 14 minutes and 56 seconds at 0:00 midnight. 】

[Currently on May 28, the countdown to the Red Moon Tribulation: 2 days, 0 hours, 14 minutes and 56 seconds]

Xu Le:......


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