
Chapter 2 Weird

Xu Le was silent at first, then became angry and exploded.

"Fuck you! What are you talking about? There's no end to it."

After the national quintessence came out, the flames in front of him immediately began to twist, and the strange flames formed a series of ring-shaped words.

A string of words that made Xu Le look like a clown.

[You are angry. Anger is the bait for all violent species and will attract them. 】


Xu Le immediately shut up, took a deep breath, and quickly adjusted his mental state.

Then he showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Angry? It doesn't exist. I've never been angry, really!"

The more Xu Le spoke, the softer his voice became, and in the end he couldn't hear clearly.

This is not cowardice, this is a kind of rational patience.

Well, reason and patience!

After his breathing gradually calmed down, Xu Le calmed down and continued thinking.

The house was in a dilapidated state and there were 10 minutes remaining.

With what I have in hand, under such tight time and conditions, there is absolutely no way to repair the house.

Outside the house is endless darkness.

Darkness itself means danger, and it is impossible to escape.

Then what we must face next is two level 1 weirdos that will appear at 0 o'clock 10 minutes later.

Then the problem comes, facing weirdness.

How should he respond?

Or... how should he survive?

This question made Xu Le fall into silence again.

Based on his current physical condition, assuming that the weird individual is stronger than a 60-kilogram wolf and is hostile to him, he is almost certain to die.

Although he didn't know how he was transferred from the ICU to this place, he didn't want to admit that he was here so soon.

At least now, he has a fairly normal body, except for the chest injury.

Since he didn't want to sit still and wait for death, he needed to jump up and down selectively.

For this reason, as a code writer who writes outlines, Xu Le made a temporary battle plan.

First, he quickly cleaned up the house and threw out all the useless clutter to give himself enough room to move.

Check out the weapons available to you.

Fire, daggers, guns.

Especially daggers and muskets, these two items are very important.

Weird has no information, so there is no specific reference for strength.

Ideally, if the so-called level 1 weirdo is about the same as a normal human adult male, or a little stronger than an ordinary male.

If the gun is well aimed, it can kill the opponent instantly with a headshot.

If that doesn't work, then the dagger can be used as a last ditch effort.

Of course, this is an ideal situation.

In case the weird strength completely exceeds this level, the physical strength reaches that of a liger in the previous life, or a strange creature with strange abilities.


“Well, it’s not that bad actually.

Don't think too much about some issues, as it will only increase your worries.

And even if the strength reaches the level of a liger, I might give it to a shark with a sliding tackle.

Netizens are so confident, how can I be worse than these keyboard warriors? "

Xu Le nodded, adjusted his breathing and regained his strength.

Then he thought about something else, if the corpse on the ground would be deformed and become weird.

Then if he cuts the body on the ground into pieces and throws it outside, will the weirdness stop appearing?

As soon as this idea appeared, his mind suddenly became a little confused.

Xu Le didn't know if he was a ruthless person, but he still had the determination to do ruthless things for his own safety.

Standing in front of the corpse again, Xu Le tightened the dagger in his hand.

Looking at the corpse, his breathing became slightly heavier.

At this moment, the sound of wind and cicadas outside the house seemed to amplify in my ears, like the roar of some kind of wild beast.

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Xu Le suddenly felt dizzy.

Intense tinnitus filled his ear canals, and the vision in front of him was like a rotating spiral rainbow, making him vomit violently.

At the same time, something seemed to be reconnecting in Xu Le's mind.

There are some more feelings of guilt and some memories, but I can’t remember exactly why I feel guilty.

Fortunately, he has some more weird ideas in his mind.

There is also this man on the ground, his name is Lao Zhou.

"A dagger can't dismember a body at all. It requires a high temperature of 1,500 degrees to deal with distortion. The firewood is not hot enough. What about kerosene? What about kerosene?

grass! What idiot spilled this? "

The kerosene bottle had been broken, and the oil had slipped in along the cracks in the wooden boards. Xu Le poked it a few times with a dagger, but he was too tired and couldn't do it.

"It's too late, don't panic, I can kill you."

He now needs to seize the little time he has to prepare.

Xu Le rechecked the firearms and daggers, and rearranged the surrounding environment.

Looking at the twisting flames in front of him, he knew that the time was almost up.

[There is a corpse within the safe area. It has been dead for more than 4 hours. The corpse will become level 1 weird in 1 minute]

Xu Le looked at Lao Zhou's body and sighed a little tangledly:

"There's only one minute left, I hope what I prepared will be useful."

Among the suddenly extra memories, there is some knowledge about aberrations.

If a human corpse is not cremated in time and is exposed to an environment without enough light, it will become deformed after 4 hours.

If there is enough light, this time will be extended to 72 hours.

During the distortion process, you cannot get close to the monster, as it will be contaminated by Gu Yinduo's energy. Once contaminated, you will be killed by the guards even if you go back.

More than 80% of the weirdly deformed human corpses are living corpses.

Living zombies should be something similar to zombies, but under the influence of Guyinduo's power, they are stronger and faster than zombies.

There is no reference for how fast or powerful it is, and Xu Le has never seen it.

I only know from memory that it is difficult for ordinary humans to resist living corpses with their bare hands.

But he had fire, a knife, a gun, and twenty-two bullets.

Be prepared, there should be a chance!

He did not push the body out and watched the opponent mutate. A prepared response was at least much better than a surprise attack in the dark.

Xu Le took a deep breath. He had already surrounded the body with a fire. He didn't know if doing so would hinder the other party's actions, but he did it anyway.

But before anything strange appeared, a whisper appeared in Xu Le's ear again.

This time Xu Le heard clearly that the other party's words had a dialect-like accent, which was very strange.

[Hey, are you still looking for me? But you don’t have any tribute, how should I help you? 】

Xu Le was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly realized:

"What is the tribute?"

No one responded, but Xu Le was not discouraged and continued to ask:

"Hey! This gentleman who needs tribute, are you still here?"

Still no one answered, and he didn't dare to look back because he saw the body not far away seemed to move.

Well, it really moved!

In the fucking previous life, wasn't that just a fake corpse?

With his fingers trembling slightly, Xu Le immediately touched the charcoal ash beside the bed.

Although it is dirty, this can keep his fingers dry and prevent the excessive sweat from affecting his ability to pull the gun bolt.

The flames surrounding the body began to pulse.

[All weirdos taste fear, and your fear will attract them. 】

Damn... the strange eyes are about to be brushed on my face. Can you give me something from the underworld?


Lao Zhou's body on the ground had stood up in a strange posture, with his back to Xu Le.

Because the posture was too weird, Xu Le even heard several sounds of bone breaking.

Xu Le's heart almost jumped into his throat.

Lao Zhou's body suddenly twisted. This 180-degree rotation would inevitably break his neck and cervical vertebrae and lead to death. But what if he was already a dead person?

At this time, Lao Zhou's eyeballs turned completely white, and his almost reflective nails reminded Xu Le.

If you get caught, I'm afraid you'll get cold.

Lao Zhou opened his mouth, and in the crisp sound of bones breaking, his sharp teeth stood out.

Xu Le thinks this guy...may be a little better than zombies.

Okay, really just a little stronger?


Lao Zhou, who had turned into a living corpse, roared at Xu Le, and the smell of decay began to permeate the room.

Fortunately, Xu Le's psychological quality was pretty good. After being prepared, although he was scared, he was also extremely excited.

His shoulders were shaking slightly, this time it wasn't fear, but adrenaline was surging.

This is a signal from his body that he is ready to fight.

Just when Xu Le thought that the living corpse would rush towards him across the flames, the living corpse stopped in place and twisted its arms.

Then, with a sound of bones breaking and skin tearing, its arms actually stretched out like tentacles.

Xu Le was stunned:

"Fuck, normal zombies don't know this at all."

Without enough time to be surprised, Xu Le grabbed the dagger at hand and dodged to avoid the corpse claws.

With a "puff" sound, Xu Le's claws were nailed to the wooden bed with a dagger.

The living corpse is very powerful, and this kind of resistance cannot last for more than a few seconds.

And the other party has already rushed over!

Xu Le stepped on the hilt of the dagger and pressed down on the arm of the living corpse. This not only suppressed the opponent's attack, but also fixed the opponent's movement trajectory.

Taking this opportunity, Xu Le raised the musket in his hand.

The safety was on and the bolt was cocked.

What we have to do now is to put the muzzle of the gun into the opponent's face.

Seeing the living corpse rushing towards him, Xu Le let go of his arm, kicked the opponent in the chest, narrowed his eyes, and fired the gun.


The muzzle of the gun was flashing with flames, and the bullet penetrated the opponent's head without any hindrance.

The head of the living corpse was like a watermelon that suddenly exploded, and red and white things splashed all over the floor.

The power of the musket is still very satisfying.

After settling his emotions for a while, Xu Le's expression gradually became serious and he spoke slowly:

"That's it?"

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