
Chapter 104 Killing the wolf with ease


Gu Jianuo nodded and said:

"Yes, it's very beautiful. The alchemy of the Third Age does have merit."

Bai Jing looked at the werewolf not far away. Such a violent creature couldn't be related to beauty, could it?

Are all alchemists’ aesthetics like this?

On the other side, the werewolf had woken up. After kicking Zhou Jie away, he rushed towards the crowd in a bloodthirsty manner.

He is extremely powerful and his rampage is unstoppable.

Gu Beichen's flames swept across the werewolf, and the blazing fire immediately burned his mane.

However, the werewolf did not retreat at all and rushed towards Gu Beichen despite the flames.

"Wang Shu, protect Gu Beichen."


Wang Shu drew his knife and went up, but his body was not even hit by the werewolf and flew to the top of the stairs in an instant.

Gu Beichen stared at the werewolf charging straight at him. To be honest, he was a little nervous, but more importantly, it was the strange feeling brought about by the surge of adrenaline.

"Come on, whelp."


The fireball exploded between Gu Beichen and the werewolf, blasting a bloody hole in the werewolf's stomach.

The werewolf's claws with flames had also swept over his head. Gu Beichen instantly turned to ice, and his frozen state was shattered by the werewolf's claws.

The werewolf looked at the ice debris on the ground with some confusion and sniffed his nose, as if to confirm whether Gu Beichen was dead.

Then, he turned to look at Xu Le and others.

"Teacher Gan, it's looking at you."

"I know."

"what to do?"

"What do you think we should do? I can't defeat it, so run!"

Gan was already slowly running towards the second floor, while Xu Le turned to look at the werewolf.

Compared to Gu Beichen, his condition is actually more suitable for the battle here.

"Phew! The Disaster Warlock has already pretended. It's time for the Red Moon Warlock to show off his power."

Xu Le took the lead in drinking a bottle of wound medicine for internal use, not seeking a healing effect, but only seeking to relieve pain under certain circumstances.

He raised his pistol and aimed it at the werewolf's head.

Bang bang bang! boom!

The first three bullets are all ordinary dispersal bullets, but the fourth bullet is anima bullets.

Gu Yin Duo Bullet - Anger.


When the angry bullet hit the werewolf, the werewolf staggered violently.

Blood exploded from its chest again, and the red angry heart energy mixed with the blood mist, making the werewolf's eyes even redder.

Ouch! ~

The werewolf roared again and suddenly rushed towards Xu Le.

Xu Le's body instantly turned into electricity, and he managed to avoid the claw.

The machete in his hand was mixed with electric energy and stabbed at the werewolf's back, but the werewolf's strong body ignored Xu Le's blow.

The result of his own slashing made him feel helpless.

When he saw the warriors cutting down the werewolf, he spurted blood. He cut off a few of the opponent's hairs with one strike.

And his slashes are of the kind that carry electric current.

Is the power gap between him and the warrior so big? Is there any technical relationship?

"Xu Le, be careful."

call! ~

The wolf claws flew past Xu Le's head, but Xu Le was not particularly panicked at this time because the opponent couldn't hit him.

The transformed werewolf was already bloodthirsty and violent. After being hit by the angry bullet, Xu Le could almost conclude that the werewolf had no brain at this time.

Without rational thinking, although it becomes more violent and bloodthirsty, it will only act according to instinct.

Many times, although instinct is powerful, without the help of skills, it will appear very clumsy.

"Change to normal bullets and shoot."

Xu Le's voice reached the ears of others, and they reacted immediately.

Dispelling bullets will hurt the elementalized Xu Le at this time, but if replaced with ordinary bullets, there will be no problem.

For a moment, Xu Le and the werewolf were fighting, and the others raised their firearms and suppressed them with another burst of firepower.

The damage of ordinary bullets to level 3 werewolves is already relatively weak, but being weak does not mean that there is no damage.

On the contrary, when enough bullets are fired, the werewolf is also seriously injured.

Xu Le's electric current continued to paralyze the werewolf's body. It twitched from time to time, and its behavior became more and more sluggish and cumbersome.

This situation also gave some people the idea of ​​killing them at close range.

"Don't come over here. The monster is not that easy to deal with. It's not economical to lose people now that it's here. I suggest you hit it on the head until it dies."

Xu Le's words made other night watchmen hesitate.

Mainly when they killed Shadow Demon in the square before, they had already consumed a lot of ammunition.

Killing werewolves at this level consumes a lot of ammunition.

Normally, in order to consider the upcoming battle, you should save some money.

However, Xu Le's statement also made sense, so at this time, the team members all looked at Bai Jing.

Bai Jing frowned slightly. It was a fact that there was not much ammunition. If it was really used up, it would be very embarrassing in case of long-range combat.

"Gu Beichen, how much spiritual power do you have left?"

"Nearly full value." Gu Beichen said in an awesome voice.

Bai Jing's mouth twitched.

"Be honest and be specific."

"Less than 30%."

He was said to be close to full value before reaching the third floor. Bai Jing wanted to punch him twice. She turned to look at Zhou Jie:

"The others should shoot accurately first, while Captain Zhou waits for the opportunity to kill them."

"no problem."

Bai Jing herself has no way to participate in the battle now, but if she insists on using bullets to kill the werewolf, it will consume too much.

Those who have the ability to kill werewolves must be at least level 3 warriors above Niu Yuan's level.

But the current level 3 warrior is injured and dead.

I can only rely on Zhou Jie.

The intensity of the gunfire was much lighter, but with Xu Le's entanglement, it couldn't cause too much damage to the werewolf.

On the way, he even wanted to summon a living corpse, but after thinking about it, he decided against it.

Too many strangers can easily get you into trouble.

Moreover, at this level of weirdness of werewolves, living corpses are no longer effective.

Xu Le tried his best to paralyze the werewolf, but Zhou Jie had already begun to approach. The paralyzed werewolf was unable to move and was stabbed seven or eight times in a row.

But because the current does not distinguish between friend and foe, there is no cooperation between him and Xu Le.

Zhou Jie could never find any good opportunity to behead the werewolf.

After several struggles, the werewolf's body became paralyzed again. This was an opportunity created by Xu Le for Zhou Jie.

Zhou Jie suddenly jumped up:

"Xu Le, get out of the way."


Xu Le withdrew from the elementalization and left the opportunity of beheading to Zhou Jie.

At the level of captain, Zhou Jie's sword is naturally relic-level, and the sharp blade is blessed by the strength of a warrior.

Zhou Jie used all his strength and slashed horizontally, trying to cut off the werewolf's head.


The werewolf's aorta ruptured instantly, and blood spurted out.

But the sword light only flickered halfway and then stopped abruptly.


The severe pain made the werewolf roar, but he saw Zhou Jie's blade stuck in the werewolf's neck.

The werewolf whose neck was cut in half was still alive?

The painful werewolf kicked Zhou Jie away, making him howl in anger.

Under Xu Le's vision of Guyin, the werewolf's mental energy at this time has exceeded the standard.

He had a doubt. As a werewolf, as a monster, would its anger attract other monsters?

But he didn't really want to get the answer at this time, because right now it was just the werewolf's weirdness that was overwhelming everyone.

"Its anima is beyond the limit. We must kill it as soon as possible."

The werewolf looked back at Xu Le.

Even though it was very angry, it knew that there was nothing it could do to Xu Le, who could transform into elements.

It turned around and looked at everyone, looking for its target.

Soon, the injured Bai Jing was locked by it.

As the human being who had just fought with him, Bai Jing was also the greatest threat to it. There was nothing wrong with killing Bai Jing first.

After making a judgment, the werewolf rushed straight towards Bai Jing.

Xu Le chased after it, but even if the elements turned into electricity, they couldn't keep up with the speed of the werewolf.

Elementalization is just a form of energy, it doesn't really give him lightning speed.

Of course, the fruit's abilities may improve after they develop and evolve, but definitely not now.

"Huh? Wait for me, I haven't gotten in the car yet."

On the other side, Gu Beichen, who had been smashed into pieces, gradually solidified into shape. Looking at the werewolf charging in front of him, he felt panicked in his heart.

Looking left and right, none of the surrounding doors were open. It was too late to hide at this time.

"Gan, I have just taken shape."

He spread his hands and elementalized his body again. After turning into an iceman, he was smashed to pieces by the werewolf again.

Fortunately, after Gu Beichen blocked him, the werewolf's speed dropped a lot.

The others were frightened by the werewolf's aura and retreated one after another.

Bai Jing stood up slowly, holding her shoulders.

He held the sword tightly in his right hand, preparing for a final desperate fight.

At this time, Gu Jianuo on the side raised his head slightly, twisted his wrist, and was about to step forward.

But he didn't expect that Wang Shu, who had been knocked out by the werewolf before, would actually appear in front of Bai Jing.

Wang Shu's spirit and will were highly unified at this time. Holding a sword in his hand, his eyes gradually became sharper.

This momentum made Bai Jing behind him slightly surprised:

"Wang Shu broke through? Master level?"

The levels of warriors are very different from those of warlocks. Dark Blue warriors only have 5 levels in total.

Level 0-4.

Level 0 is an entry-level warrior, and it is also a level between ordinary people and extraordinary beings. They cannot be called extraordinary, so they are called level 0.

Level 1 is a junior level, like a guard captain.

Level 2 is an advanced level, and you can join the Night Watch at this level.

Level 3 is the master level. For example, Niu Yuan and others are such high-end warriors.

Then there is the final level 4, the Grandmaster Warrior, that is, someone like Bai Jing, the Night Watch Captain level.

Warriors have no way to utilize the energy of the red moon. This level is already the peak state that human physical talent can reach.

If you want to go further, you must eat the Guyinduo Fruit and use your body to assist the fruit's ability, so that you can continue to grow.

At this time, Wang Shu, who became a master at the age of 23, can already be said to be extremely talented.

"Captain, leave it to me."

"Okay." Bai Jing nodded.

Wang Shu did not lose his cool because of the breakthrough.

He held the gun with one hand in his left hand and used two shotgun bullets to hinder the werewolf's movement.

When the werewolf used his claws and glasses, Wang Shu's body was like a swift shadow, rushing straight towards the werewolf.

The werewolf's claws swept across Wang Shu's head, but only caught a few of Wang Shu's hairs.

Wang Shu stepped forward and instantly inserted the sword in his hand into the werewolf's feet.


The pained werewolf roared angrily, but the sharp blade on its feet prevented him from taking action.

He bent down and was about to pull out Wang Shu's knife, but at this moment Wang Shu jumped up and took out his pistol.

Bang bang bang!

All six shots hit the werewolf's eyes.

The werewolf's only remaining eyeball also exploded, but even so, it could still rely on its sense of smell to locate Wang Shu.

Wang Shu didn't panic, and after dodging another claw attack, he jumped up and grabbed the blade on the werewolf's neck.

Want to decapitate the werewolf.

But when he pushed hard, he didn't push?

The strength of the level 4 warrior just now was not enough to cut off the werewolf's neck with one sword, let alone Wang Shu, a warrior who had just broken through the level 3 level.

Seeing that Wang Shu was about to be caught by the werewolf...

Electric energy surges!

An electric current passed through the werewolf's back, paralyzing the werewolf again.

Xu Le covered Wang Shu's blade with his fingers and shouted:

"It's up to you, Brother Shu!"


With the blessing of sharpening current, Wang Shu pushed hard and the blade ring broke.


The werewolf's head flew up in response.

Its huge body also fell heavily to the ground.

This powerful enemy was finally dealt with.

When your teammate kills a powerful monster, the naive thing to do is to raise your head and curl your lips to show disdain like Gu Beichen did.

But the director's approach was like Xu Le's.

"Awesome, Brother Shu, you are so awesome. You killed such a fierce monster. I would like to call you the strongest in Team 6."

"Heh, okay."

Wang Shu scratched his head in embarrassment, but at this time other night watchmen also came over.


"Yes, congratulations on being promoted to level 3."

While everyone else was congratulating Wang Shu, Xu Le quietly picked up the hunter's gun barrel.

【Messenger of Peace-Light Casting】

"I picked up another one, it's pretty good." This was not said by Xu Le, but by Gan.

Hearing what Gan said, Xu Le could only laugh twice.

"Haha, haha, what did Teacher Gan say? I just pick up trash."

"Hush, this is the team's trophy. Keep it well for now. We'll settle the score later."

Xu Le's scalp felt numb when he heard the word "settling accounts". Of course, he had no objection because he did take too many things.

But no one else is very interested in this kind of thing, except for Gu Jianuo.

But this time, she was obviously more interested in the werewolf's blood, hair, and bones.

"Okay, teacher."

The promotion of a warrior does not require as many conditions as a warlock. It can be achieved by breaking through the bottleneck, and the bottleneck is the barrier between the body and personal will.

Being able to break through the master level also means that Wang Shu already has the heart of a master.


Wang Shu nodded and thanked these people one by one.

His breakthrough also diluted the sadness caused by the casualties during this mission.

It was still morning, and they had already reached the third floor of the town administration building. There were only two floors left, and the progress was quite fast.

But now everyone is injured, and they need to take a rest.

"Everyone, rest where you are for 2 hours. Go and see how Niu Yuan and the others are doing."


Xu Le also breathed a sigh of relief, and he casually took out an Ancient Yinduo card.

[Black Card-Sun]

The sun rises suddenly, dispelling all the existence of darkness, but it cannot be looked directly at.

Front: dispersion, light, nothing to hide from.

Opposite: Where there is light, there must be shadow.

Here, he didn't dare to use psychic divination rashly, so he could only randomly draw cards and take a look.

However, the cards drawn have not changed since he arrived in this building.

It is always [the sun].

"Forget it, let's look for that toothbrush."

Some warriors with relatively well-preserved physical abilities are concentrating on cleaning up the wolf dog corpses on the ground.

The spiritual energy consumption of Gu Beichen and the other disaster warlock was very huge, and they could not be allowed to burn their corpses.

It would take a lot of effort to burn so many corpses with kerosene, but fortunately, they now have enough time to deal with these things.

Xu Le helped clean up the wolf dog's body while looking for the bathroom written on the note.

In the third room on the left side of the corridor, Xu Le saw several broken mirrors.

Then, there was a row of messy toothbrushes, tooth cups, and solidified toothpaste.

"Well, there are quite a few toothbrushes here."

Xu Le began to check the toothbrushes one by one, but to no avail.

"I think the toothbrush mentioned on the note will be a little different."

At this time, Gu Beichen also came over and rummaged through the bathroom with Xu Le.

Xu Le broke off another green toothbrush, but there was still nothing inside. Gu Beichen broke off a purple toothbrush, which was also the only purple toothbrush here. actually something inside.

"Look, let me tell you, the place where you hide things will naturally be a little different."

Xu Le raised his eyebrows slightly, this was too ridiculous.

Breaking off the toothbrush, Gu Beichen poured out something like a capsule.


Xu Le was about to remind Gu Beichen to be careful, but then he remembered that Gu Beichen already had the label of Lightcast.

Maybe Gu Beichen had already been contaminated by Lightcast.

"There is also a note, but there are too few words."

[The hat is in her hand, and she holds all the truth you want. 】

"She? Who is she?"

"How do I know which one she is."

Xu Le took the capsule from Gu Beichen's hand and looked at it, his pupils suddenly shrank.

【Guyin has many descendants-Guangzhu】

This capsule... is actually the heir of Gu Yinduo?

Xu Le shook it slightly and could clearly feel that there were still granular objects inside.

No, it should be that the particles inside are the descendants of Gu Yinduo.

"There's something to this thing!"

Xu Le, who had gained a lot, was resting here and there again.

The rest time passed quickly, and Gu Jianuo did not skimp on the medicine for his injuries.

In addition, she also temporarily enchanted the weapons of Bai Jing and Zhou Jie.

Facing the remaining 4-5 floors, Gujiano seemed to be a little more serious.

At the end of 2 hours, a layer of blood film had grown on Bai Jing's wound.

"Captain Bai, as long as the blood film is not broken, you are not at risk of infection, but if the blood film is broken, you must stop, do you understand?"

Although Gu Jianuo's trip may have an unusual purpose.

But at least until now, she is fulfilling her duties as an alchemist.

Faced with her emphasis, Bai Jing also nodded:

"I know, thank you Xiao Nuo."

"Captain Bai, don't say that. You are really an outstanding leader."

"Haha, Muzan."

Bai Jing smiled and then said to the others:

"Everyone is here, ready to enter the fourth floor."


Xu Le followed the team to the fourth floor. As a warlock, he stood in the middle of the team. But after arriving on the fourth floor, he clearly felt that the team paused.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?" Xu Le asked doubtfully.

" a woman in front of the stairs." Wang Shu turned around and said.


"Yeah, a woman kneeling in front of us."

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