
Chapter 105 A story without an ending

"Is there any other movement?"


"Be careful, spread out and surround her."


Under Bai Jing's order, the team members remained vigilant and came to the fourth floor one by one.

They gradually dispersed, half of them spreading to both sides, alert to the outside world.

The other half of the personnel raised their guns and aimed at the kneeling woman in front of them, forming a siege.

After most people went upstairs, Xu Le finally saw what this woman looked like.

She was dressed in white and her hair was disheveled, a bit like Sadako.

Because her head was lowered, she couldn't see clearly what she looked like.

But every time like this, Xu Le would guess whether the other person's appearance was very scary, such as having holes on his face or being crawling with bugs.

Then he suddenly looked up and was startled, creating the strongest contrast.

But nothing happened as he expected.


Zhou Jie rushed up and chopped off her dog's head, well... maybe it was a human head, or maybe it was a weird head.

"Ah this..."

Xu Le looked at the woman's headless body and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Zhou Jie turned to look at Xu Le with a serious look on his face:

"You don't think there are normal women here, do you? It's been hundreds of years. If she were really a woman, how ugly would she be?"

Although Xu Le wanted to refute, he thought carefully and realized what Captain Zhou said made sense!

But Xu Le still wanted to know whether the woman mentioned in the note on the third floor was the woman in front of him.

"Well, as long as the task can be completed, other things are not very important."

Xu Le took a step forward, ready to continue touching the body, but when he touched the woman's body, his mind suddenly went into a trance.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?" Xu Le asked doubtfully.

well? Why did I ask again?

well? Why did I say again?

Xu Le looked at the stairs and the people crowded around with a confused expression.

" a woman in front of the stairs." Wang Shu turned around and said.


"Yeah, a woman kneeling in front of us."

"Is there any movement?"


"Be careful, spread out and surround her."


Xu Le blinked, no... has the situation in front of him been repeated again?

He walked up to the fourth floor again, and a familiar scene reappeared.


The woman's head was chopped off by Zhou Jie. Everyone looked at the body warily, and then waited for Xu Le to touch the body.

"What are you looking at? Aren't you the one who touches it every time?"

Xu Le:?

Xu Le didn't know what to say for a moment, although he wanted to shout, "Why should I touch the body?"

But if you think about it carefully, touching the corpse is still quite good.

"Oh, I'll come right away."

He stood in front of the woman again, stretched out his hand again, and then fell into a trance again.

Looking at the crowd in the corridor again, Xu Le's expression changed.

"Is it an illusion? Or something else?"

He glanced at the warriors around him. These reckless men were not aware of it at all. They were still charging upward in an orderly manner.

But after Xu Le turned around, he discovered a problem.

Both Gan and Gu Jianuo were standing still, with silent expressions, as if they were thinking about certain issues.

Only Gu Beichen ran upwards excitedly.

"This guy doesn't have the brains of a normal warlock."

"Everyone stop." Xu Le suddenly shouted loudly.

Hearing his shout, everyone else also stopped.

Bai Jing looked at Xu Le.

"What's wrong?"

"Trapped in an illusion? Is it an illusion? Or is it a cycle?"

Bai Jing didn't quite understand what Xu Le meant, but at this time Gu Jianuo spoke.

"Warriors can't find it, they can't feel the spirit of the red moon and the energy of Gu Yinduo.

This should be a regular trap under some special conditions. Most of these things are made by rune warlocks.

If you want to get out, you have to find a solution. Try it.

If it doesn't work, then you can only use brute force to crack it. "

Gu Jianuo said it lightly, which made Xu Le realize that she might really have a way to crack it violently, that's why she said that.

"I see."

This time, Xu Le stopped Zhou Jie from continuing to behead.

"Captain Zhou, please wait, let me do it."


He took out his pistol, walked slowly in front of the woman, and raised her head with the gun.

A very quiet woman, not very beautiful, but not very ordinary either.

Probably the kind that will turn heads if you stand in a crowd.

I don't know if it was because of the time, but her eyes were full of wind and frost, as if many things were covered in dust.

The woman smiled faintly at him, and Xu Le's spirit fell into a trance again.

This time, there was no one in front of Xu Le.

Not only was there no one in front of him, there was no one behind him either. Bai Jing, Gan, and Gu Jianuo were all gone.

He seemed to be the only one left in the corridor of the entire building.

Xu Le hesitated for a while.

"What do you do when trouble comes? You run away, right?"

Xu Le walked straight downstairs without saying a word, but as soon as he reached the corner, he fell into a trance again and returned to where he was.

Looking at the stairs, Xu Le sighed.


Slowly walking up to the 4th floor, and after reaching this floor again, the woman finally raised her head on her own initiative.

Her eyes were flat but firm, as if Xu Le was the person she wanted to find.

"Can we talk properly? My time... is running out."

It's like a TV series. If you don't have much time, do you want to teach peerless martial arts? It's like a lunatic.

"Did you trap me here?"

"It's not me, it's you and the thing in your hand."

Xu Le frowned slightly. The things in his hand refer to the items he got before?

Xu Le said nothing. In Gu Yinduo's vision, he slowly analyzed the identity of the woman in front of him.

[White Guilt’s Delusion, Special, Delusion Maid, Level 3 Weirdness, Lightcast Defiler, Awakening-Dreamkeeper, Awakening-Memory Master]

Delusional maid? Is this guy also a level 3 weirdo?

"This kind of separate appointment must have a purpose, right? Let's talk about it and I can help."

Xu Le's words were to the point, but the delusional maid in front of her didn't seem to understand the hidden meaning of Xu Le's words.

She just stared at Xu Le quietly and spoke slowly:

"You are the person they entrusted to you, right? I feel something of theirs from you, but you are a Night Fury, so this is probably a bad result."

Xu Le was a little confused as to why the Night Fury was mentioned again.

And this is the second person to say that he is a Night Fury, the first one is a statue.

"I don't know what the commission you are talking about is, and I haven't promised anything, but if you feel it is, then so be it."

Xu Le's answer was honest.

Without knowing the details of the other party, he does not intend to cheat or deceive rashly.

The current environment is not very safe, and he can't even escape from the other party's control.

If you were fooled into it, it would be over.

The delusional maid nodded:

"In order to protect this place, I no longer have the power, so you don't have to worry too much that I will hurt you.

But before you go to the 5th floor, you'd better listen to my story. There is a complete story about Baixia Town. This may help you make a decision when going to the 5th floor. "

Can we go directly to the 5th floor without fighting? This result was somewhat beyond Xu Le's expectations.

"What's on the fifth floor?"

"What's on the fifth floor? I can't remember exactly."

The expression of the delusional maid was a little painful, and even her figure became trance-like.

"Hey, ok, ok, don't worry about yourself, just say what you have to say."

Hearing what Xu Le said, the paranoid maid stopped thinking and began to tell the story here.

"A long, long time ago, Baixia Town was an ordinary town. It was very beautiful and rich, and it was a famous tourist destination in the empire.

But I don’t know when the people in Baixia Town started to grow white hair.

Initially, everyone thought it was just an exception, but they did not expect that as time went by, this situation became more and more common, and finally reached the point where it was uncontrollable.

People realized that this was a disease only after they learned that the life span of those who got the disease would be greatly reduced.

The Bai Gu family returned to the town at this time.

Because his parents are both doctors, they were determined to solve this difficult white disease after learning that this disease appeared in their hometown.

The research on the pathogen was going very well, just when Bai Gui's parents were preparing to conduct clinical trials.

The mayor of Baixia Town and the capitalists in the town stopped his parents' experiment.

In the end, Bai Gui's parents were arrested by the mayor of Baixia Town on prohibited charges and executed by imperial soldiers. "

When the delusional maid said this, Xu Le suddenly raised his hand and asked:

"Is the mayor you are talking about Wu Ping'an?"

The delusional maid looked at Xu Le slightly strangely:

"No, that mayor is not Wu Ping'an."

"Is Wu An'an the mayor of the town?"

"Wu An'an is the mayor of the town, but Wu An'an... is also ashamed."

Xu Le's pupils suddenly shrank, and the words spoken by the delusional maid once again broke all his previous assumptions.

If Bai Gui was the savior, how could he be Wu Ping'an?

According to Shadow Demon, Wu Ping'an is the culprit of everything, so what is Bai Gui's identity?

I can’t figure it out!

"very messy."

"Can you please let me continue? My energy is not very strong. Talking to you is a very consuming thing. I can't hold on for long."

Xu Le realized that the delusional maid had not lied, at least in this matter.

The Guyinduo energy in her body is already very thin and may dissipate at any time.

Even when talking to him, his body would flicker to a certain extent.

"Sorry, just tell me."

“Bai Gui was still very young when his parents died, and he saw his parents being killed with his own eyes.

But the people in the town didn't know the truth. They thought Bai Gui's parents had conducted evil research and brought disaster, so they were killed.

They hate Bai Gui and want the mayor to execute him.

But the mayor let Bai Gui go and told everyone that Bai Gui was a poor child and the child was innocent.

While the townspeople lamented the mayor's kindness, they also temporarily agreed to let Bai Gui go.

But there will be no shortage of daily bullying.

Although Bai Gui was very young, he knew that he could not continue to be tortured like this, otherwise he would die in the town.

So he pretended to be crazy and entered the Baixia Town Health Center for recuperation..."

Having said this, the delusional maid took a deep breath looking slightly tired.

And when Xu Le heard the delusional maid talking about this, especially when she mentioned the health center, he suddenly felt that his thoughts were clearer.

Bai Gui, health center, doctor.

"Go on."

“Although some people in the health center still abused him, he was very studious, taught himself medical skills, and grew up slowly.

In this way, Bai Gui grew up in the health center.

When Bai Gui was mature enough and strong enough, he killed the doctor during an operation, and the doctor's original name was Wu An'an.

After Wu An'an died, Bai Gui used potions and medical skills to make himself look like Wu An'an.

After that, he relied on his medical skills and understanding of Wu Anping to become the new Wu Anping.

After becoming Wu Ping'an, Bai Gui began to devote himself to the research of Bai Fang again.

At this time, the people of Baixia Town already knew the dangers of Bai Gui, so they naturally supported Bai Gui at this time.

Bai Gui lived up to expectations and developed Type I, a cure for vitiligo, which suppressed the condition of many people.

Relying on the support of the people, Bai Gui overthrew the rule of the mayor and those capitals and became the new mayor, Mayor Wu An'an. "

The delusional maid's tone was very calm, but when she said this, Xu Le was amazed.

The twists and turns and bizarreness are truly mind-boggling.

"After becoming the mayor, Bai Gui continued to study potions, but after the Type II potion, he made no progress.

Because vitiligo is not a simple disease at all, but pollution.

So, he began to investigate the cause of the white disease, and then discovered that there was always the intervention of imperial warlocks behind the matter.

Everything in Baixia Town is a testing ground for alchemists and rune magicians.

Bai Gui knew that he was no match for the warlock, but he had no intention of compromising.

He announced the sins of the sorcerers in the town square.

While making everything public, I also encourage those who are still healthy here to leave as soon as possible.

And he also hopes that the remaining patients with leukoplakia will share the hardships with him and find ways to solve the pollution caused by leukoplakia.

But in the end, the warlocks came here.

And the history of this town ended here. "

Xu Le, who was savoring the story, suddenly opened his eyes. He looked at the delusional maid and asked:


"Well, that's it." The delusional maid nodded.

" gone?" Xu Le couldn't accept it.

"Yeah, no more."

"But what happened in the end? What happened to Bai Gui, what happened to the townspeople? Where were the warlocks? You didn't say anything about this?

Eunuchs are not advisable. At least the story must have an ending, right?

For example, Bai Gui finally defeated the warlock, saved the townspeople, married more than twenty wives, and lived a happy life without shame or impatience. "

The delusional maid was stunned, and roughly understood what Xu Le meant. The story she told had no ending.

Yes, the story here has no end.

She had preserved memories for hundreds of years, but there were only so many of those memories.

"I don't have the ending you want. I only know that everyone is dead, and you need to judge the rest by yourself."

Xu Le frowned slightly. The ending of this matter seemed to have been wiped away. Was it guilt?

The rest of the things refer to the 5th floor? Is there danger inside? Or choice?

"Okay, so what's this thing called a hat?"

The delusional maid slowly raised her head and smiled again while looking at Xu Le.

“I haven’t laughed in hundreds of years, thank you for listening to this story and thank you for setting me free.

Everything needs to be judged by yourself, whether it is salvation or destruction. "

Save or destroy? Don't put such a big label on me.

The delusional maid said something that Xu Le couldn't understand at all, but before he could continue to ask, Xu Le found that the woman in front of him... seemed to have become a little hazy.

"Xu Le, Xu Le? Why are you in a daze? The captain asked you how to deal with it."

Gu Beichen took advantage of Xu Le's daze and punched Xu Le in the chest, forcefully waking Xu Le up from the pain.


Xu Le ignored his attempt to take advantage and looked at Gu Jianuo.

Gujiano shrugged and said:

"Looks like you've figured it out yourself, isn't that great?"

With Gu Jianuo's signal, Xu Le looked at the woman kneeling on the ground again.

But this woman actually became hazy at this time.

"She seems to be disappearing?" Gu Beichen said from the side.

Xu Le also narrowed his eyes. Yes, the delusional maid in front of him gradually disappeared.

And where she disappeared, a top hat was left behind.

What can I say about this kind of hat? Xu Le always feels that it looks like a circus member. Under normal circumstances, few people would wear it.

[Top Hat-Light Casting]

Xu Le picked up the hat from the ground. There was no note as expected, nor any new reminder.

Just a bone-like thing, like a rib?

[Bone of Punishment-Lightcast]

Xu Le thought of the words left by the maid of Delusion for him.

Save or destroy...what does it mean?

After putting everything away and making sure there was no other information, Xu Le stood up and looked at Bai Jing:

"Captain, there seems to be nothing else, and there seems to be no need to fight here."

Bai Jing nodded. The result of not having to fight on the fourth floor was a bit unexpected, but overall it was a good thing.

Now only the 5th floor is left.

This difficult mission seems to have come to an end, but no one knows what is on the fifth floor.

"Okay, everyone, check the surrounding environment and eliminate as much danger as possible. It's almost over. Please cheer up."


Although there is still the last level left, everyone does not dare to relax their vigilance.

No one knows what will be on the fifth floor, and it would be foolish to open the champagne in advance before actually completing the task.

When everyone began to explore the fourth floor, Xu Le quietly came to Bai Jing:

"Captain, the mission is here, we have almost explored, right?"

Bai Jing looked at Xu Le with some confusion:

"What do you want to say? If you have anything to say, just say it."

"I just had some contact with that woman. Judging from the information I got from her and the clues in this building, Bai Gui may still be here.

So I think there is danger on the 5th floor, or there is something dangerously weird. "

"Let's be more straightforward."

"I suggest not to go to the 5th floor. Ask Gu Jianuo to order a bomb, surround the building, pull the line, and with a bang, the building will be gone.

It can be regarded as a successful completion of the task. Is this method feasible? "

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