
Chapter 11 Welcome Home

The steam locomotive was speeding along. Although the dashboard could not be seen, Xu Le estimated from the speed of the wind that the speed of the vehicle was not slow.

Leaning against the window, Xu Le saw some abandoned towns.

There are various buildings on both sides of the road, and there are some dilapidated stone blast furnaces and wooden windmills around the town.

Judging from both, this township once had some simple forging and metallurgy technology.

There is even a stone bridge railway beside the river, which should have been a transportation channel in the past.

However, this kind of railway does not correspond to the steam train railway in the memory of the original owner, and it should not be a product of this era.

Looking at these buildings of different styles, Xu Le couldn't even tell what era they were from.

"Was there an era that was abandoned..."

"Hey, Xu Le, do you want some water?"

Bai Jing handed over a bottle of water, interrupting Xu Le's thoughts. Xu Le hesitated for a while, but still took the bottle.

Before Xu Le could take a few sips of water, Bai Jing's eyes suddenly became mysterious.

"Do you feel relieved when you burn that man's body?"

"Uh, cough, cough, cough!"

Xu Le choked on a large mouthful of water and coughed many times before recovering.

Of course, this also meant delaying time. He needed some time to think about how to deal with Bai Jing's problem.

"I actually..."

"You don't need to explain it to me, Xu Le, life is very long.

We will encounter many, many things and make many choices, some of which are right and some of which are wrong.

No matter what choice we make, we must keep going.

We have to pursue the light, right? "

Xu Le's eyes flashed slightly. He wasn't quite sure what the meaning of Bai Jing's transformation into a life mentor at this time, and what Jili Gulu was saying to him.

Threaten him? The strength gap between the two sides is too big, it seems unnecessary.

Since it's unlikely to be a threat, what does she mean?

Combined with the previous situation, solicitation?

Is it necessary to be so cryptic?

"I don't quite understand what the captain means."


Bai Jing smiled, and like an old onion, her fingers crossed Xu Le's collar, and finally stopped on Xu Le's chest.

This action is not teasing, but real pressure.

Bai Jing's fingers pressed on Xu Le's wound.

Xu Le immediately recoiled in pain and almost sat down on the ground.

"This wound is a musket wound. Weird doesn't know how to use firearms. Do you understand, Mr. Xu Le?

There was also a wound on the back of the deceased's heart, which was obviously a puncture wound from a dagger.

These scars will not change even if they become living corpses.

The murder weapon should be this dagger, right? "

Bai Jing took out Xu Le's dagger, waved it in front of Xu Le, and put it away again:

"This thing needs to be confiscated after you bring it back. Do you want me to continue talking about other things?"

"No need." Xu Le shook his head helplessly.

Explain that Lao Zhou didn't kill himself? How to explain? Can we say that there is another Xu Le?

Moreover, the information, strength, background, and status of both parties are not equal.

Such questions and answers make no sense.

"Don't be nervous, Xu Le, you are an ordinary person and can survive alone in the dark.

Even being able to kill a monster on his own is pretty impressive.

No, in fact, from the moment you can clearly see how polluted the ancient sounds are, you are no longer an ordinary person. "

"What exactly does Captain Bai want to say to me?"

"As someone who has been there, shouldn't I remind young people how to take the next step?"

Do you mean to feed him chicken soup? Who has he ever been afraid of when it comes to writing essays?

He pondered for a moment, and his eyes gradually moved toward the window, his eyes becoming increasingly empty:

"Captain Bai, do you know? A scholar once said this.

We should never put unrealistic expectations or attach marginal value to the things we value.

Because the only certainty in life is uncertain life. "

Sure enough, these words still gave Bai Jing some impact, and she nodded slowly.

"The scholar you are talking about must be an amazing person."

"I think so."

Bai Jing stared at Xu Le for a while, while Xu Le looked out the window.

Just a few words of chicken soup to pretend it was enough, but he didn't dare to look at a powerful night watchman.

"Okay, we are going back to the lighthouse. Let's prepare for the inspection."

Seeing Bai Jing retract her gaze, Xu Le turned to look ahead.

A huge tower appeared in front of the field of vision.

The tower reaches straight to the top of the clouds, and the buildings around the tower are arranged in a circle, advancing outward layer by layer.

The inner urban area is very prosperous, and the main colors are gold and blue classical Central Asian houses.

Among the gold-plated roofs that can be seen everywhere, some buildings even exceed 20 stories, which is very rare in the Quaternary Age.

This prosperity continued to the location of the central moat.

The area within the moat is collectively called the Upper City.

Outside the moat, as the urban circle develops outward, the style and shape of the buildings have become much worse.

The area close to the moat was fine, but further out, it was hard to describe.

Buildings are getting shorter and shorter, except for East Asian, Gothic and classical styles.

There are more and more buildings that are slightly weird and have no sense of style.

Xu Le really couldn't see the beauty in a building that was deliberately designed to look like a toilet or poop.

Various kinds of graffiti cover most of the buildings, some of which are advertisements and slogans.

There are also some simple pranks, curses, debt collection, and the most terrifying gangster blood letter.

At the outermost level of the city, most of the buildings are earthen or wooden huts.

This is the lower town of Dengtaocheng where Xu Le lives.

But this is not the outermost part of the city. A little further out, there is a towering city wall.

This layer of city wall is a long way away from human settlements, and its function is also very simple, that is, it can block most of the low-level monsters wandering around.

The city wall has four gates in the southeast, northwest and north, which are used to check residents entering and leaving the city on weekdays.

It also has the function of releasing the pressure of the Kuroshio at night.

The city wall is far away from the human area, so even if it is dark here on weekdays, more weirdness will not naturally occur.

The lighthouse serves as one of the four safe strongholds of mankind.

It has the most ridiculous resource allocation, the most rigid promotion channels, and the most straightforward regional divisions.

The gap between upper city and lower city is like a natural chasm.

But even so, it is one of the few lights in this dark age.

Looking at this unreal city that was just like in his memory, Xu Le murmured:

“What an incredible city.”

"Yeah, it's our home."

"What do I need to prepare when I go back?"

Bai Jing turned her head and showed a malicious smile.

“Bite your teeth and survive.”


The steam train stopped outside the city wall.

There is another system of lighthouse watchmen here, the lighthouse guard.

Although the two are one system and different departments, there is no strong competitive relationship between them.

Therefore, there are no bloody conflicts on weekdays.

After seeing Bai Jing's team, guards immediately stepped forward to salute.

Bai Jing also stepped forward and gave a lighthouse salute to the guard.

"Bai Jing, detachment 6, all members are back."

"Welcome home, Captain Bai Jing."

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