
Chapter 12 Anima Insect

After greeting each other, the guards began to spray some special powder on Bai Jing and his party in an orderly manner.

Xu Le looked at it from a distance and thought it was some kind of disinfectant powder.

But before it was his turn, the heat in his heart reappeared.

These powders could actually twist in front of him, and words would appear.

【Red Moon Mood Neutralizer. 】

"Mood neutralizer?"

Xu Le frowned slightly. Just when he was confused, Bai Jing on the side pointed at him and said loudly to the guards:

“This person was brought back by us from outside, and he was a lone overnight stayer.

The risk is extremely high. Please check it carefully. Just do it for business. No need to give me face. "

Xu Le:? ? ?

Why do you feel like you're being retaliated against because I told her a story about chicken soup?

Is this woman... so stingy?

In fact, the guard was also surprised when he heard Bai Jing's words.

Good guy, will the Trail Blazers bring someone back?

First time!

Since Captain Bai has already asked for business to be done, arrangements must be made!

Xu Le's scalp was numb, and he remembered what Bai Jing had said to him before.

Try to survive the inspection!

What kind of examination needs to be described as alive?

"Hello, Mr. Guard."

"Don't get close to me, come here first to dissipate your energy."

"Uh, okay."

Xu Le was also sprayed with a mood neutralizer, but he felt nothing.

"Xiao Xu Le, let's go first. Let's have a good experience with the inspection of those who stay overnight."

After delivering Xu Le to the guard, Bai Jing and others left.

The corners of Xu Le's mouth twitched, but he didn't speak after all.

The guard at the outer wall had already taken the report form and started to register Xu Le:

"Tell me your name, age, occupation, and home address."

"My name is Xu Le, I am 20 years old and I live in Xiacheng District, but I am not from Xiacheng District.

I am an international student assigned to the Lighthouse from Zion. "

That's right, Xu Le is not a Lighthouse person, he is a genuine Zionite and an international student.

Normally, Xu Le does not need to emphasize his identity.

But the situation now is obviously different.

The lighthouse keeper's attitude towards the lower class people is completely different from that of the upper class people.

So Xu Le had no choice but to move out of his status as an international student, hoping that this would save him some trouble.

"International student?"


Sure enough, after hearing that Xu Le was an international student from Zion, the guard's attitude softened.

Things like international students are not valuable at all.

But it still has some political significance.

Especially now that the four major city-states of mankind are in a relatively solid alliance.

Even if there is competition between them, the ultimate goal is still the same, to get rid of Guyinduo and darkness and seek light.

"Even if you are an international student, you can't skip the lighthouse's detection method. Come with us."


Xu Le breathed a sigh of relief.

After adopting the status of an international student, at least he will not be beaten for no reason or discriminated against.

The lighthouse raises human rights issues every year, but what’s the use?

People from uptown are still people from uptown, and people from downtown are still people from downtown.

As for the people in Xiacheng District? Is that still a human being?

Follow the guard to the monitoring station on the outer wall.

There is no record of this in my memory, so Xu Le is still a little nervous.

"Excuse me, I would like to ask what are the specific tests?"

"Specific? You'll know when you get there."

The guard first took out a small box. The first time he saw the small box, Xu Le had a strange feeling.

Heat emerged naturally again. Did he react to a box?

When the guard opened the small box, Xu Le saw clearly what was inside, a worm, a squirming worm.

【Emotional Worm】

Xu Le felt a flash of excitement inexplicably, and he didn't know why he was excited when he saw bugs.

And what is the function of this insect? Shouldn't you let him swallow it?

Xu Le actually got even more excited when he thought about something as disgusting as eating bugs.

This excitement comes from some strange instinct.

"Mr. Guard, this kind of want me to eat it, right?"

"Eat? What you think is beautiful, the price of Anima Insects is very expensive.

A poor international student like you is not as valuable as this insect. "

Xu Le curled his lips and had no comment on the title of poor international student.

However, Xu Le discovered something that surprised him, that is, after the guard said the words "Anima Insect".

His prompts for seeing bugs in his twisted state have also changed.

【Anima Insect】

The ability can actually correct itself? interesting.

"Mr. Guard, what should I do now?"

"Lie on the wall."

"All right."

This gesture was a bit embarrassing, but Xu Le still followed it honestly.

The guard took off his clothes, which frightened Xu Le.

Fortunately, the guard didn't take off his pants.

This made Xu Le feel a little more relieved, at least things didn't develop to the worst case scenario.

Lying on the wall, Xu Le suddenly felt a chill on his back.

This feeling... it should be the bug lying on his back.

hiss! ~

Xu Le felt an inexplicable feeling of comfort, but the anima worm on his back shriveled up visibly.

"This? It's over, it's over!"

The guard was confused at first, then quickly picked up the insect, played with it, and then breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the insect was not dead.

He looked at Xu Le with a look of surprise and uncertainty, and thought to himself:

"What's going on? Is it the bugs or this kid's problem?"

After hesitating for a moment, he placed the anima worm on Xu Le's back again.

But as soon as it landed on Xu Le's back, the insect shriveled up again, this time even more seriously, and it was about to run out of breath.

"Damn, what did you do?"

Xu Le:? ? ? I'm just lying here, so I won't curse anyone, right?

The guard looked suspicious, and his nervous fingers were trembling a little.

The vitality of the Anima Insect is very strong, even if it is hit with a musket, it will not necessarily die.

But the anima worm in his hand was about to die.

If the bug died, he was to blame.

"Something's wrong, there's something wrong with you!"

The guard kept mumbling, and he even pulled the alarm bell on the wall.

This move made Xu Le even more confused. What's going on?

I just came here to check, why did I have to send an alarm?

"I'm warning you not to move!"

The guard pointed his finger.

"Okay, okay, I won't move, but I would like to ask, is there anything wrong with me?"

"have no idea."

The guard spoke concisely and concisely, and he was not sure whether it was Xu Le's problem or the bug's problem.

Xu Le was confused. According to the previous tips, this bug was about emotions.

They are called anima bugs.

Is there something wrong with my emotions?

Xu Le recalled that when he faced all that last night, he experienced fear, despair, anger, and all kinds of emotions.

Did the guard need to sound the alarm because he had too many emotions?

While he was thinking doubtfully, a man in gray robes and several guards came to the door of this small station.

When the man who called the police saw the man in gray robe, he immediately pointed at Xu Le and said loudly:

"Lord Warlock, that's him."

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